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Still Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Five.


Well i guess your right AGAIN, but i wasnt thinking about you playing with the clones this year. And luv them monster re vegs, but can never remember that different season ya have there on the rock.

Sweet pics man and the clones look nice an beefy too, very cool bro,

Whata grow show bro!



Well-known member
Another wonderful day in the salt mines.

A perfect day. I'd say the great weather groove we've been waiting for is here. The trades are cranking, humidity is low, sun all day,...perfection. The longer it holds out, the better this year will be.

Upstream of the islands is dry air with a few scattered showers imbedded....nothing big enough to push itself over to our side. The sunny weather has stopped the rot on Rodney dead in its tracks. I thought this plant was a write off...maybe not if this weather holds.


Next up we have four Skunkdog, a Valley OG, a Headband, and the Rodney plant shown up above for taking before the next Green Harvest. Which should fly the begining of next month...second week to be exact...who am I kidding?...just pulled that out of my ass.

I have no idea when they will fly next...if they hit BI first like they usually do....I'm good. JOJO and Dirtboy are there.

Since I have plants that will be ready soon, it's time to clean them up. Many people will try not to take leaves off the plant...I'm not one of them. When the buds start to get to that point...where they start to smell good and have a little heft... I pull most of the shade leaves off, cut off any bottom branches that don't see the sun (clones anyone?) then try to spread the plant apart to let the sun in and the air circulate. Here's the small dieselrella plant shown in the post above in all it's leafy glory....now denuded.


Getting up close and personal also enables you to look for and kill catterpillars that should be out in full force this time of year (not yet) check for WPM (very little) and rot (just Rodney). Up close and personal covers you in resin....so you smell real good to boot.
Also it gives me a chance to check for fags....gotta stay on that.

Here's three of the Skunkdog clones scheduled for removal. After these are gone the top hole will be closed down for Winter. The sun track is slowly moving putting these holes in the shade.


Once these are gone, in a day, we take seven holes from mature to immature. I have replacements ready to replant. The object is to produce as much as we can...while staying within the seven plants per card.

Now comes the fun part. It looks like this season will be drawn out. Instead of one time crazy, it looks to be very gradual with plants maturing from next month to late October. Unlike last year half will be done by labor Day....I think.


ICMag Donor
Fuck! I got a low level fly over Sunday afternoon about 3:30pm. Felt like the heli was going to land on my fucking roof! Luckily I've got shade cloth over my outdoor area, but talk about getting the heart pounding! The rest of the afternoon I was waiting to get a walk and talk, but it never happened. Phew!! They must have been after somebody else...


I was just looking through your garden and noticed a little red dog who's putting on inches double time:biggrin:.

How's the sheppit coming along? If you get the brains and the brawn your in for a really good partner there.


Well-known member
Fuckin' Green Harvest.

I know, by now, you all are sick and tired of hearing about them...I sure tired of talking about them....

Festivus... that very well could have been them that bothered you.

Monday, Grey calls me....Sends me this pic. The're flying around his house.


Not well. Pull in the clones....They were just here two weeks ago....maybe they have other things to do, places to see...I'm do have a couple pretty close to done.

What to do?... Bird in hand, right?

So I take a couple of Skunkdog clones. Took rotting Rodney....gave her to my patient....I'd guess she'll weigh in about a pound half....Rodney, not my patient....

Anyway....ever had a party and no one came? Monday was like that....maybe I pulled them for nuthin'?

Tuesday....The party started early. Partner calls me up...commin' your way. They pop up....do their thing, Circle my house a couple of times....yes gentlemen...still here.

They were up here quite a while. Didn't bother me again...Must be a fun job...sightsee into peoples' backyards all day....Watched them for a couple of hours...never saw them land....not once....Fuckin' slackers....don't they have a real job to do?

Today is quiet....so far.

So...Two weeks apart....state must not be hurtin' for money.

Then wifey remembers that last year they did the same thing. Check last years log....there it is in black and white....Knew these things were good for something. Same MO. same everything. We have a pattern.

So following that pattern they should do the collection Green Harvest the third or fourth week next month. Call it third to play it safe.

Boring you yet? Should be.

So now it's time to look into the future. I can only have nine "mature" plants next time they fly....a month from now. One has been harvested. Two of them will be ready and gone by then. Three of them will be just started to harvest....count those. Four should just be starting to bulk up....count them too. That leaves me room for two more clones....which are already going....and there's my nine.

But I have more clones that will be young buds by then...well within their definition of mature. Four of them to be exact. I'm gonna pull them, recharge the holes, and put new clones in. They won't be budding by next GH so I can plant seven of the new clones. They take a month to start flowering so when they fly next time....immature.

Did I mention Grey set me up with some new strains"?...and they are just about touching the lights?

Now we look two months out. I'd guess that just the two Jack Herer will be left...add that to the seven clones budding and I'm legal. Of course we'll have 12 more clones planted and growing almost a month by then. If i make it that far...GH calls it a quits for a few months...

Then I can...not bother everybody with them...nuff said.

Then I turn clones over the rest of the year.

Simple huh?

Esweeto...here's the obligitory puppy pic


Sheppit...never heard that before...mind if I steal it? Here she is refereeing the distruction of my drip system.

Their fuckin' animals!


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
They must not have any ice or coke shipments to bust

Or maybe the like the strains. Or dont like the strains. Whatever it is have you haha

I was just thinking about doubling up and whatnot.
Maybe not for a while now. Oh well

Good thing these logs are apprently good for something ;)


Took rotting Rodney....gave her to my patient....I'd guess she'll weigh in about a pound half....Rodney, not my patient....
:rtfo: Now thats some funny shit now, lol

I didn't know you were that close to Gray, hell below the chopper and just above that fence i think i can see one of your plants. :bigeye:

And the thread is by no means boring at all, i dont know a log that has so many precautions, humor and beautiful plants growing. Not to mention all the strains ya have going or have harvested.

The pups are getting big fast, i like the black one up guarding that plant beside him. I dont know where your going to kind good stuff like this in a log, lol none bro,



Sheppit is yours its the least I can do. She's a beaut! They all are but her particularly.

I love watching you boys workout Green Harvest it fucking warms my cynical heart.

How's the bloody widow coming along? I have a soft spot for things that clear six foot early on, that and White Widow; big soft spot for the widow.


Veg N Out

is Green Harvest still a issue even with HI medical? I heard you can have 7 plants per Card there.... Can bring the Cali style to Hawai'i ... 30 x 100 hoop house with CFL for supplemental light , dehumidifiers , circulation fans , and a GRIP of soil !! 10 Pound Hawaiian trees!! come on!
Off topic, but do ya ever think of ways to mess with the GH? (only when currently legal, of course)

Like messages spelled-out in rocks, or blow-up dolls positioned so they 'vibrate' when the prop-wash hit's em...stuff like that...? Nothing to "flip 'em off", but more to amuse...?

Guess you wouldn't want to attract more fly-overs to see what you've "posted" lately, lol.

Sorry...seems boredom and PokerFace hit me at the same time...:biggrin:


Off topic, but do ya ever think of ways to mess with the GH?

Oh hello:noway: No dont tell em that Rusty:yeahthats, because he will do it:thinking::puke:

Not that i havent thought about it myself, but just keep it between us tho:listen2:


Well-known member
Elsweeto...here you go...When you put a girl in bondage....and denude her...how'd you like that mental image?....six foot is the target.


The Sheppit is one of the smarter dogs I've ever had. She's still a puppy too. She was the only pup in the litter (ten teats...no waiting), both mom and dad are good size...She's gonna be a big dog.

Veg...Hawaii is rather unique in MMJ law. Hawaii is composed of four counties. The Big Island has different rules. You BI guys corect me if I'm wrong...you know far more than me....I'm running with what I've heard. On the BI the prople put it on the ballot and made it the lowest legal priority....like on par with jaywalking. There the local cops won't even bother with less than 24 plants. But the DEA flies a couple of choppers too...I don't know who's rules they follow...State? Federal? Probably their own....No clue.

Question to BI guys...do you even need a blue card?

On Maui and the rest of the state...different rules. Way more enforcement of the rules. Seven per card, three mature, four immature, one oz per plant....that's their definition of an adequate supply....yes, I know...a joke. A mature plant is one with visible flowers....another joke.

We ain't Cali with 99 plants.

The hoop house has been done here before. Green Harvest chopper used his rotor wash to open it up and see what was inside. To do it right you need flat land....not flat here. Could make it flat but it would cost big scripts.

Veg....I don't want to be rude... Cali style works in Cali. But I'm a dinosaur and a cheap fuck. Why in the world would I spend thousands of dollars for stuff I don't really need? I plant in aged volcanic ash....besides organics, it is one of the most complete natural mediums out there.

Supplemental lighting...free tubes and balast....I have the light room.
That's needed....Dehumidifier....that would come in handy...but the humidity is so pervasive that I'd need a sealed greenhouse for it to be effective.

Fans...no need...that's the breeze. And for the record I had a 10 lb Jack Herer double last year....and I'll come close to it again this year.


Go look at Part Three....I had a slew of multi-pounders. The giants look great....but clones are the way of the future.

This year the plants are smaller because of my breeding mistakes....and I used some first year mainland seeds. Mainland seeds go off quickly here. Harvest in August.


Then you need to look at our market. Since you can't drive between Islands...gotta fly or sail...and the feds control that....medicine must be grown on the island it's used....in theory of course.

I can't get too far into this...TOU's and all that....Let's see if I can dance around it....does pertain to the question.

Big plants....not too hard to flood the market localy....gotta export.
Smaller, higher quality....can stay home. less work, far less risk. Same reward.

Rusty...Mess with GH? Wifey went out and flashed them once. I'm open to sugestions....no bullets please.

Veg N Out

I'm just curious because I eventually hope to get myself down there Full time and want to bring my Style there..>But know it would need to be adapted.


Elsweeto...here you go...When you put a girl in bondage....and denude her...how'd you like that mental image?....six foot is the target.

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The Sheppit is one of the smarter dogs I've ever had. She's still a puppy too. She was the only pup in the litter (ten teats...no waiting), both mom and dad are good size...She's gonna be a big dog.

O.H your a bad man I'm nursing a semi here that's just filthy...

I know what you mean about the clones though with your daylight hours (my days are over 16 hours at the minute. another thing to add to my ball of friendly resentment:biggrin:) being able to stagger your harvests over the season will probably be as productive as the giants when you get it down.
Not nearly as Jazzy though...

I had a cat once (I say "had" I mean tolerated) that was a single kitten fucker was as fat as a fool, you couldn't ask for a better start for an animal good luck with her.


Rusty...Mess with GH? Wifey went out and flashed them once. I'm open to sugestions....no bullets please

Oh shit thats funny, but have you considered she might be getting them to make regular visits :dancer:. Just a thought.

:chin:Oh no, i just knew it Rusty, lol. If i had known OH as a kid, i would bet he would never turn down a dare and dont think he's stopping soon:pirate:

But its to bad ya couldn't have a bigger plant count or you could spell out ''plant count here'' with the plants, lol.

But my question is the first plant posted, is that the hole 7 plant, bro she looks great. But not that the others dont for sure hell this is one of my favorite logs you've done i think bro its tough between this and part 3, well and maybe 2 also, wow.

Looking great bro all nice an green getting bigger each post and could notice the growth each day, man they grow fast there. I guess one reason more to retire right where your at man.

Thanks for the very cool pic's bro:artist:

There ya go...spell out MMJ in rocks, and number the holes, 1-7 ?

Use communication to your advantage...

'Last walk-n-talk...' and add the date, lol.

As if you don't have enough to do already, lol...
Those skunkdog clones look nice size, what does one yeild? and that jack h is huge!
I for one love the green harvest info, the more we know about them the more we can cheat and with our numbers we gotta cheat a lil. speaking of our mmj laws, how many patients can we be a caregiver for? my docs receptionist said 3 cards per residence but I've heard differnt things.
Those skunkdog clones look nice size, what does one yeild? and that jack h is huge!
I for one love the green harvest info, the more we know about them the more we can cheat and with our numbers we gotta cheat a lil. speaking of our mmj laws, how many patients can we be a caregiver for? my docs receptionist said 3 cards per residence but I've heard differnt things.

Hawaii MMJ limits:

SUMMARY: Governor Ben Cayetano signed Senate Bill 862 into law on June 14, 2000. The law took effect on December 28, 2000. The law removes state-level criminal penalties on the use, possession and cultivation of marijuana by patients who possess a signed statement from their physician affirming that he or she suffers from a debilitating condition and that the "potential benefits of medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the health risks." Patients diagnosed with the following illnesses are afforded legal protection under this act: cachexia; cancer; chronic pain; Crohn’s disease; epilepsy and other disorders characterized by seizures; glaucoma; HIV or AIDS; multiple sclerosis and other disorders characterized by muscle spasticity; and nausea. Other conditions are subject to approval by the Hawaii Department of Health. Patients (or their primary caregivers) may legally possess up to 3 ounces of usable marijuana, and may cultivate no more than seven marijuana plants, of which no more than three may be mature. The law establishes a mandatory, confidential state-run patient registry that issues identification cards to qualifying patients.

The medical use provisions in Hawaii do not include reciprocity provisions protecting visitors from other medical use states.

AMENDMENTS: No, although Hawaii has a separate statute allowing patients arrested on marijuana charges to present a "choice of evils" defense arguing that their use of marijuana is medically necessary.

MEDICAL MARIJUANA STATUTES: Haw. Rev. Stat. §§ 329-121 to 329-128 (2008).

CAREGIVERS: Yes. Primary caregiver is a person who has the responsibility for managing the well-being of the qualifying patient with respect to the medical use of marijuana. Primary caregiver is a person other than the qualifying patient, or the patient’s physician. The caregiver must be 18 years of age or older. Qualifying patients shall have only one primary caregiver an any given time. Primary caregiver shall be responsible for the care of only one qualifying patient at any given time. Haw. Rev. Stat. §§329-121; 329-123 (b),(c) (2008).

Source: NORML

Don't 'cheat' foolishly. Besides losing your card, could lose your freedom.

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