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Still Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Five.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
I dont think theres a number of cards limited per address
Just number of patients a caregiver can care/grow/provide for is all
1 is the loneliest number.....

Great morning for coffee and tester rips (im testing the buds i harvested sun/mon)


High country cat herder
Damn,.... I thought the laws in Co were gray and somewhat restrictive.

Glad to see your able to keep GH off your ass and get their blood pressure up while doing it! :D


Active member
Aloha everyone. All is quiet here on Big I at the moment. Plants are growing huge, so huge I was wondering if they are gonna be a liability. They are 10 ft tall and 8 ft wide monsters. I only have 2 that are visible to GH, but I also have a greenhouse on the property. I'm wondering if GH spotting those 2 monsters is gonna be grounds for looking in the greenhouse? So far so good :)
As to growing 24 plants out in the open, I don't know about that one, just because I have not done it personally.
I got flown by DEA and state and local with 12 plants in the back yard. they flew, they looked, they left. No follow up visits, nothing.
I was told by friends that the magic number is 7. If they see 7 or less, they keep flying , anything over 7 can result in being talked to. I dont know if this is true as above I got flown with 12 visible multiple times and no LEO action whatsoever.
I'm rolling the dice and I got my 2 monsters outside and 22 in the green house, so I will let ya know how this shakes out over here on Big I :)

Oh, and I do not have my medical card at this time. Me and my house are are growing 24 plants on the property with permission from the landowner. So the 2 out in the wide open are just that, in the wide open. If the cops show up, Im gonna tell em they are mine, see what happens. I don't expect any trouble, but we will see.
IF I went to see a doc, I will qualify for my card. I just have not done so. I'm not sure I plan to either. The laws are the same for 1 plant as 24, with medical its 7 plants. Im gonna take my chances and not register with the state on medical.
I'm going guerilla in the open,lol. Its just like a bush grow, but in the backyard bush.


Well-known member
This is my understanding concerning the blue cards. Every person over 18 can have one. They can grow for one other person. If you have 10 adults patients living in a house....they can be caregivers for 10 patients.

So yes...if you want to go that way and live with a bunch of people...and grow for a bunch of unknown patients...and get ripped off and harvest nothing....Go For It.

The BI has very lax rules....everybody has, a lot of people grow, the market is flooded....see where I'm going?

BI has 4000+ sq miles. Maui has a little under 700. They fly BI for a week...maybe two. Maui gets a week. Compared to the BI we get more than twice the attention than the BI.

Here if they see a decent plant....or even a pile of starts...there comming down....They have all the places that have permits on record....so it's best to stay within the rules...in theory...

We're also an island with a very effective grapevine....most of the time you'll get a warning. I'm sure BI is the same.

JOJO...bet you guys are next.

Let's see if I can make this interesting.

Woke up Friday morning... looked out...and saw this.


Pretty huh? See the cane smoke going straight up? Not well. Trades were light. Light trades mean a good chance or rain for us up on the hill.

It poured. Found out another trick...the frames are perfect for holding up a dropcloth. Dieselrella didn't get a drop any of the three days.

Well?....How did it work out Mr Proactive?

Like a charm...nothing...and I do mean nuthin'...hit the mud.

Here's the big one after the rain. Sorry...pics were taken at dusk.


Unfortunatly....the Skunkdog clones took a pounding.


But with some bamboo...and fishing line...it's an easy fix.


Trade should be back today...and for all of the next week. Here comes perfect!

Hawaiian....Skunkdog clones average six. Biggest this year was a shade under a half lb.

Elsweeto...I remember reading here, that anything over fourteen and a half hours and a clone will vege....Gee...that would suck. :biggrin:

Veg...any "style" you use will work well here...It's a fuckin' weed. Anybody can grow here...Hell....Even Grey can do it....Anyone can....Dialing it in....outside with weather....that's always the fun part.

Canni....I doubt I got their bloodpressure up. Maybe the walk up the hill did that.

My neighbor missed the show earlier. Talked to him yesterday....he was quite pleased they didn't land on his land....and had to hoof up the hill.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
whoa skunks took a beating for reals!!!!!!

its beena little more moist than i'd like... Had to fire up the dehuey to get the hanging stuff a little bit drier... instead of it being picked up upcountry its not got to be delivered to the west side. argh......


Active member
I posted this in my thread earlier, thought I would here also.
Got flown by the Green Harvest LEO's today.They went up and down the roads for hours in every direction BUT mine They did death spirals and low and slow back and forth on a couple guys 2 roads up and 2 roads down for 2 hours this afternoon. I got my monsters hid well, its gonna take a slow direct flight over the patch for them to be spotted. I'm gonna sleep well tonight knowing tomorrow is another day
I expect them back tom and the next day. I wont hold my breathe.


Well-known member
OH, too bust trimmin' to post????

Chunky....take out the trimmin part and you hit the nail on the head

The hell puppies finaly suceeded in their mission..... the total distruction of my computer....then had a couple of days migrane....but that wasn't enough. I ended my stupid streak by hitting myself square between the eyes with a chair....don't ask.

JOJO...Much Mahalo for the heads up....Hope you and yours came through with no problems. My sources tell me Kauai is next week, then a week of maintaince... then we're up again August 20th.

I've started stage harvesting the Dieselrella.


Took a Skunkdog clone, and have one more ready to go


I would advise stage harvesting almost anything from seed. You'll get about 15% more and give those shaded buds some time to fatten up.

Now I have a date ....like an experation date...on this trip....it makes the decisions way easier. The budded plants gotta go by then. And so far it looks like most everything except the two Jack girls will be done by then.

My patient's sister is back living on the island....I've dealt with her before...she's honest...so we'll be picking up another card next year....Wifey can be her caregiver.

We're now to the fun part....Everything is comming together. The green worms haven't been too bad this year. The big one smells delicious...Soda can sized buds...and they have more to go.




All of these should be gone by the next Green Harvest. The replacement clones have had an extra couple of weeks under the lights....and they are a bit bigger than what I'm used to....so as these disappear the next batch is screaming for their spots.

Other than that...on time and under budget...Can't ask for more....well you can...but I doubt a Green Harvest chopper will fall out of the sky...without hurting anybody...


Well-known member
That last picture is going to haunt me! Hawaii has always held a strange appeal for me, hopefully will be able to visit there eventually. All the best with the remaining harvest, and hey, who knows, maybe your wish will come true
Nice to see ya back online. We can all heave a big sigh of relief, lol.

Curious...do you play-around with the trim post-harvest? Been perfecting RSO here, was wondering if y'all do any cooking or extractions. (for personal use, of course) No answer required, just thought I'd ask...

Looking good per usual.

Was the chair thing an attempt at puppy-retribution for the computer? (speculation abounds, lol)


Was the chair thing an attempt at puppy-retribution for the computer? (speculation abounds, lol)

Oh hell Rusty good call and could make good since brother:biggrin:

Looking great brother, i just luv that beaut of a monster plant bro with the pop can size buds. Doesnt surprise me for sure man. And those clones are looking great man so i get what your saying about what the clones do for ya bro.

But something is messed up, but not the grow man, just something i saw in the first pic, way wrong. So im going to pm ya the answer, read it and you will be surprised what i saw........

Great grow show my friend, thanks for sharing man:thank you:



OH, would you mind discussing what the weather is like that far up where you live? The microclimates of the islands really interest me, especially living that high up.


Well-known member
Milde...My hope actualy happened a decade ago. GH chopper clipped a powerline .....It crashed, yet everyone aboard made it out. I hope your hope does too. It really is a special place....thanks for the good wishes.

Rusty....I'll answer that question. The trim becomes compost. Every once in a while my patient does whip up some butter....but when I eat weed I'm pretty much worthless the whole day....Grey makes a mean BHO. But he doesn't use trim. One bowlfull in that damn bong of his....you got it....I'm worthless.

Much as I'd like to par broil a puppy or two....In a year or two they'll be wonderful watchdogs. They had nothing to do with my latest accident/incident. We were busting chairs to go to the dump. Mine didn't bust....It bounced...A return to sender kinda thing.

You can say it LSY....Not like I'm hiding it.... Yes my watch is ratty...Evil puppies got ahold of it a couple of times...It's now toast.

Mr Sterling....You ask a very complex question. First the easy part.
I live 3000+ ft up on the leeward side of 10,000 ft volcano. Typicaly a day starts sunny. Clouds form by noon, may or may not rain in the evening.

Then you throw in the variables. Wind speed and direction. Humidity in the atmosphere. How warm or cold is the water surrounding us? And is there an inversion layer? Fast trades will strip the clouds away giving us perfect sunny days. Light trades will push the clouds that form due to ground heating over us, and it rains.
If the wind comes from a few degrees to the left or right, the showers will form a couple of miles down or up the road. Many years ago this area was ranches and farmland....all supported by the summer rains.

The really cool microclimates are around the edges. Ten miles down the road (Ulupalakua) gets @40 inches a year. Eleven miles down that same road (Kanaio) gets @ 8 a year. Also, as you go up, it gets wetter....until around the 7,000 ft elevation....that's about as high the trade winds get. Above that....dries out quick.

Change gears....

Sorry...not quite yet....those summer rains? While they fuck the crop around the house up....They saved the overflow patches. Remember the bootprint? We chanced some that were not found. These plants were watered once...and they did fine on just the rain.


The last three afternoons....rain. Today was dry. Better. All the water has been turned off...the plants in the above post are all on the final run. The next two weeks will be critical. I'm also now finding a lot of catterpillars. On next weeks plate I'm gonna kill catterpillars, clean up the bottoms, and start harvesting.

The Jack double is huge. No flowers yet.


Now we see how right my sources are. If they fly tomorrow...I'm screwed. If they fly the Monday after....We're looking at 50/50. If they fly when I think they will...They'll be hauling my trash away....More on that later. A plot is afoot....

After last year....I really want the last laugh.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Ive got my line in the water OH
If they are flying you will know


First off I'm going to say; the garden blows my mind, its a work of art; I respect and admire it deeply.

But; having sat through the worst June on record and a July that tried it's very very best, all the while racing with feed the rain which was trying to flush my potted ladies (flowering outdoor here is akin to pissing into a gale) I'm going to take the chair as karma..

The web problems I can only sympathise with I had to change a router last week sounds simple...

That Jack is a monster even by your standards I think she's a gonna be sizeable am I wrong? And the widow hasn't lost anything with time.

How has your overall rainfall/humidity/cloud cover been this year? As I said ours was Pitiful and I'm interested if there is a connection.


OH, very nice garden. Those plants are huge. That Jack should yield quite well!

I was in Maui over the 4th of July stayed in Wailea. Beach was Hotter than I remember. No rain but windy as usual. Spent some time in the up country and enjoyed the cooler weather. Took a trip to the top of volcano but picked the wrong morning: rainy and cold. Still my favorite island.
