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Still Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Five.


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Puna love

Puna love

It will be interesting to see if they fly like you said. I was working above Hilo today and who do you think showed up Mr Puma Hnmmm
So feds still working this island. It was almost like the old days but no Huies I like their sound but then again I wasn't in Nam. Had the coast guard at 1500 ft telling his buddies where to go we had 5 going at one time. But so far they only cut and left no hassel. They flew me but nothing and I'm in the open lol. Take care. DB View attachment 177091

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Hawaiian Inebriatti
Dat little yellow buggah made a couple passes on the Kona side around noon.
Then the clouds dropped lower and they split


Well-known member
Milde...My hope actualy happened a decade ago. GH chopper clipped a powerline .....It crashed, yet everyone aboard made it out. I hope your hope does too. It really is a special place....thanks for the good wishes.
Now thats a story. Jack double is going to get ridiculous by the sound of things, Halfway up a volcano sounds like a nice place to be ;)


ICMag Donor
The guy who (nearly single handedly) stopped GH from flying the Big I, Roger Christy was denied bail for the 6th time yesterday. Fed prosecutor calls him a danger to the community. He's been held in fed lockup in Honolulu now for 2 years, and the gov blames him and his wife for the delays. He finally gets his day in court in January.

Just another fine example of the War on Drugs (ugh...)


Well-known member
Dirtboy....Green Harvest should have headed off into the sunset last night. How would I know this?

Because the buggas' stay here! Though I didn't see them with my own bloodshot eyes, my patient got checked, and my partner saw the yellow chopper over the cane fields below Hali'imaile.

My source of info....whom appears kinda sketchy to me at the moment...swears August 15th is when they'll start hooking and hauling. This run all they're doing is seeing who has what where. The real party s/he says is a week down the road.

Something to look forward to, I guess. If correct....I should get bothered tomorrow....Friday latest. Today they mostly worked the backside of the island....Skipped all of Upcountry today.

So we're forced to go back to the bird in hand rule.

Yesterday....when I thought we were gonna get this week off...my patient came up and grabbed another one of my mistakes. Today...when I got the call early...I took most of three more. Not mistakes....Keepers. The big Bloody Widow plant is just about done, the Dieselrellas last half is gone, and the Japaneese Hash next to her is half gone.

The plot afoot seems to be stepped on....You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men. I don't think I can get Green Harvest to hook and haul my stems and stubs....Maybe...

Grey....your line has been acurate. Thanks.

Elsweeto....TY...a lot of sweat has been left behind on that dirt. Are you across the pond? The weather here has left a lot to be desired. The ocean temps have been lower than normal this year. Though we are in a drought....we've had very few totaly sunny days....just one short streak of great weather....the rest?....ehh. This weekend the trades will fall off again so it doesn't look to improve anytime soon. I wouldn't call it pitiful....more like mediocre. I've found if you want great weather you have to harvest most of your crop....Once you take that last plant...here comes the sun.

Most every summer we have a nice streak of sunny weather...still waiting on that.

John G. Though I dislike Kihei .....Too hot, too crowded, too dry, too dusty....we had a house at Wailea twenty years ago. When we first moved to Maui, Wailea didn't exist. If you wanted to go to the beach there you had a few miles of dirt road to travel...There were like 10 houses on that dirt road....My dad had a chance to buy a three acre lot on that dirt road, just before you get to Wailea, for $20,000. He passed.

A few years back, half of that lot sold for three million. The other half has a condo on it. I don't know what was paid for the land under that project...but I'm sure it was a big number.

The Jack Herer is prone to stem rot. I had a similar Jack plant last year that yielded eight lbs. I also had one that blew up on me and took very little. It's also two plants trained....not one....so there is some cheating involved.

Weez...Dirtboy...thanks again for the heads up. Looks like the're my problem now.

Milde...there's more to that story. The choppers are suppose to stay 500 ft up. Above 500 ft a chopper that has the engine quit has a good chance of autorotating safely. Below that they drop like a rock. So either we have out power lines strung 500 ft up....or the bastards were not following the rules.

It does give you an idea of how low they will fly when they think they can get away with it.

Ganja Queen....TYVM.

Festivus. I know some of the story, and I didn't care for his tactics....that said, what the Feds are doing to that guy is a travasty. The Feds do have quite the hard on for the poor bastard. Obviously, they are going to make an example of him. Nobody should do time for growing weed. But he did ruffel some feathers.

In prison he has no soapbox to speak from. He is no threat to anybody. I think the Feds won't give him bail because they want to shut him up. And that's just flat out wrong. You can murder someone and get albeit a high bail. All he did is grow a shitload of weed....and he's a threat to society? Bullshit.

Change gears....

The last few seasons, after the last big plant is taken, I'll shut down for a couple of months. This year will be different. Gonna keep firing clones into the now empty holes' where the big ones were. With another card we could legaly pull six clones a month.

If I were to plant a seed next month in the ground (no lights) a big plant would reach a foot and a half. Good for breeding...buds happens quick....but junk yield.

This year my breeding program sucked. Period.

Not gonna worry about that this time. Not gonna make any crosses.

Clones should be able to be done...just like summertime. May lose a wave or two to bouts of shitty weather....but we're gonna explore new ground.

Fuck...It's almost 2 AM....OH well....

See what happens tomorrow. Do I get harassed this week or next? Or maybe not at all?

I have to put some sort of hook here...

Stay tuned.
Keeping fingers crossed for ya, OH.

Curious...Is it still as nerve-wracking as your first harvest? Or is it just a part of the same old rodeo with every harvest...?
Pretty sure I'd end-up like Barney Fife in a haunted house, lol...


Elsweeto....TY...a lot of sweat has been left behind on that dirt. Are you across the pond? The weather here has left a lot to be desired. The ocean temps have been lower than normal this year. Though we are in a drought....we've had very few totaly sunny days....just one short streak of great weather....the rest?....ehh. This weekend the trades will fall off again so it doesn't look to improve anytime soon. I wouldn't call it pitiful....more like mediocre. I've found if you want great weather you have to harvest most of your crop....Once you take that last plant...here comes the sun.

It show's in every photo. My friend We've got half the Pacific, all of North America and The entire north Atlantic between us. I'm perched up here around the 53rd Parallel in western Ireland. I've given up on the sun here our daylight hours tail off heavily from September and the temps drop so finishing outdoor is a no go really in terms of quality still though I'm a fellow lover of free stuff so I veg outdoor from May on through till about now.
Maybe Global warming will go in my favour and I'll get to finish them outdoors in the coming decades..
Until then I'm going hang around here and perv on your ladies if it's alright.

Dirtboy808 - You are not a bit shy are you nice beasts you've got there.


John G. Though I dislike Kihei .....Too hot, too crowded, too dry, too dusty....we had a house at Wailea twenty years ago. When we first moved to Maui, Wailea didn't exist. If you wanted to go to the beach there you had a few miles of dirt road to travel...There were like 10 houses on that dirt road....My dad had a chance to buy a three acre lot on that dirt road, just before you get to Wailea, for $20,000. He passed.

A few years back, half of that lot sold for three million. The other half has a condo on it. I don't know what was paid for the land under that project...but I'm sure it was a big number.

OUCH, but who would have guessed twenty years ago that dry dusty part of the island would be worth millions an acre?


My global warming fear in Ireland would be the gulf-stream shutting down and all of NW Europe turning into an ice box. A lot of us here on the East Coast would be chillier too.

The weather here has been erratic, and terrible. Almost two months with no rain, then this week it finally opened up and poured, for about twenty minutes. Hot and dry.


That's my real fear.. I was just joking around regarding a good climate for growing.
She's drifting south (the north Atlantic drift/ gulf stream) as far as I know. And the scary part is we are slightly north of Newfoundland where I am so the Ice is a real fear; your right.


We haven't had much of a winter for two years running. I'm wondering what this one will bring.


last one here wasn't bad but the two before were brutal; by our standards anyway, usually winter here is like summer cloudy with a good chance of rain the only the difference is winter is cold and dark.

But the winters 08/09 09/10 were as bad as I've seen -10 C (14f) for extended periods very unusual for here, we normally hover between 0 and 10 C (32f-50f) as we're getting warm wet air coming off the Atlantic mostly. But the winters I mentioned the dominant airflow was northerly Arctic air; so we froze, hopefully its not going to become a habit..


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Green harvest are flying around maui like angry bees

Go bust the ice & heroin shipments!!!!


High country cat herder
last one here wasn't bad but the two before were brutal; by our standards anyway, usually winter here is like summer cloudy with a good chance of rain the only the difference is winter is cold and dark.

But the winters 08/09 09/10 were as bad as I've seen -10 C (14f) for extended periods very unusual for here, we normally hover between 0 and 10 C (32f-50f) as we're getting warm wet air coming off the Atlantic mostly. But the winters I mentioned the dominant airflow was northerly Arctic air; so we froze, hopefully its not going to become a habit..

Hell,... I'll take 14f over negatives any day!!!!

Here in Colorado USA even if the winter doesn't give us much snow it gets cold as hell!

And early too,... this plant needed at least 2.5-3 more weeks to finish right outside :frown:


Active member
NOAA says that we will have a dry winter may be like this summer thou not much intense sun. So clones could do you good. GH is good for you OH gets your blood rushing lol Hope you had fun but I bet you they never looked at you that hard. Tell next time. DB


Hell,... I'll take 14f over negatives any day!!!!

Here in Colorado USA even if the winter doesn't give us much snow it gets cold as hell!

And early too,... this plant needed at least 2.5-3 more weeks to finish right outside :frown:
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I know but you guys are set up for it. Winter 09/10 We literally ran out of salt the whole damn country and no salt for the roads it was a farce you wouldn't believe this place till you'd witnessed it. Its the rain and cloud cover when its dry stops me finishing outdoor it's just mould city but to tell the truth I have not tried enough strains I've heard of a few bred for my climate but Haven't tried them The indoors too good.