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Still Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Five.


Well-known member
GH is good for you OH gets your blood rushing lol Hope you had fun but I bet you they never looked at you that hard. Tell next time. DB

I'll take that bet....you lost.

What do I win?

When we last checked in....before you babies started whining about weather....

Be like me, suck it up, and take whatever uglyness mother nature throws at you with a smile....If you can't handle it....Flights leave daily....


Where was I?...Oh yea....They flew on Thursday....This time while we were looking at the choppers of the front deck, the ground crew hopped the fence and popped up on the back deck. Four of MPD's finest...were just there....Thank Jeebus the plants I took the day before were in the bedroom....not hanging in plain sight.


Does this area look familiar? You've seen it before. This is what they saw on their visit.

A whole new attitude. They were not happy people. The nice plants they saw from the air a week and a half ago had....disappeared.

I was two over my limit....I asked the cop in charge not to take Rodney....and of course they did. So in a way they did haul my trash away....I gave it the name Rotten Rodney for a reason. It's raining this afternoon....If they left that alone it would be one big moldball in two weeks. And they took Hole 1....that one hurt. She was a nice plant. Unlike last year they chose what they wanted to take. Unlike last year they counted doubles as two.

They left 17...mostly clones. They also left the big Jack plants alone....they were judged immature.

So the score in early August....I got three...the mainland seeds saved my ass....Plants were mature way early.... before they flew...Took those 16 hours before they walked my land....yes, they walked my land...like I'm hiding a few from them.... Patient got two. Green Harvest got two. And there are three big ones left....Also have taken 16 clones so far this year.


The Jack double. Now that I know the chances are decent it will stick around ....it's time to clean it up. This'll take awhile.

One cop confided that this was the biggest plant they have seen this year....so they took a picture with all the cops in the shot.

So now it's over....The cops had some new tricks up their sleves, They hovered, then went away, came back, went away, came back....the here came the ground crew. I bet they were hoping I'd run out and cut a few...that may be enough to search your house.

They were asking if these were clones, then asked if I had any weed in the house. I said no. Then they asked if I had a grow room...I said no. Then one cop accuses me of lieing to him and wants to look in the house.

Fuckers borrowed my shovel...now calling me a liar. I asked him to stop asking questions that I need to lie about and reminded him he was free to get a search warrant.

They took the attitude that the blue card is worthless, and if they want they could take them all....if they wanted to. They probably could....don't want to find out either....so I kept my trap mostly shut. Scared the shit out of wifey.


From the left is HP-13, then a strain called Pink, and closest to is a Chem D clone...these have three weeks to go.


The clone garden is untouched. Since doubles won't fly...we gotta fix that. I'll cut the smaller clone in the hole and bring down my numbers. The two Valley OG clones on the left should be ready by next time they fly. Then clockwise, on the top is a Skunkdog, a Chem D, far right is a Webb, left of the Webb is an Alien Abduction, and finally on the bottom terrace is a Sourdouble.


That was a decent crappy day in Paradise oldhaole. Wow, you are in the movies, for shore. Very inspiring haole, plus, oh what nice outdoor magic!
At least nobody broke-out in handcuffs. Pretty sneaky using distraction techniques, though. Least they could do is call first. Or use their Mr. Microphone thingy to get ya to secure the pups...

Glad you and wifey kept your heads.

Think you'll make Ms. August in the Green Harvest calendar next year?

Nice to hear you're safe, and that your paperwork was up to date.


High country cat herder
That's some serious horse shit!

Flying over is one thing, but they can't step foot on your property without a warrant.

Looks like you rode it out well enough tho, but I'd be worried about them coming back for that big ass double jack closer to harvest time.

Yeah, weather sucks. I could leave, but why? I don't have to worry about mold so much here where it's a whopping 10% RH!!! :eek::

And, did I miss something? Has Rodney fallen from favor? For as much as I was displeased with her performance indoors it seemed to do well outdoors and was decent quality smoke tho lacking in bag appeal.

Alright, I'll STFU and go back to lurking now


passing the gas
Sheeee-it OH! was it obvious that you were over your count the last time they flew and you turned them away at the gate? when they jump your fence are they full SWAT regalia?

I couldn't handle all that contact with the cops myself. my old lady would have surrendered. You are really living the life, OH don't front....

glad you got the fuzz to take out the trash.... glad they left you!


Well-known member
Story Time

Story Time

Pardon me while I make a meaningless observation.....

One thousand years ago kings and popes sent out their minions and underlings...on mighty steeds backed by the power of the state....onto his own lands....to tax....by force if necessary, the farmers who toiled on the land.

The farmers on the other hand could not run. Tied to the land, they would do their best to squirl enough away to make it through the long hard winter...

Sorry...think I'm laying it on a bit thick?...no?...I thought so.

Where was I?...oh yea...winter...

The peasants became very adept, hiding their megar crop from the king's representatives. If they were caught...the price was steep. The king was entitled to his cut... his word was law... someone had to feed his army. The pillagers fell on some harder than others...yet all paid some levy.

Soon enough, the kings lackeys returned to the castle with their spoils.... Tranquility was once again restored to the countryside... it was obvious, with the removal of so much from the land....Famine was a distinct possibility....then an ugly reality....as a gloom fell across the kingdom.

The adept peasant, still flush with crop, hidden from the king, ate well....but when he saw the plight of the starving huddeled masses yearning for a buzz....he stepped forcefully into the breech, rolled a fatty and saved the world....for a small fee.

Take out the last paragraph and the past becomes the present. Not much changes in this department in a thousand years. I got taxed. Plain and simple.

Blue....I wasn't the only one hastled. But if you have three cards and grow plants the size of a mid sized car...you kinda are a shit magnet. You get used to it.

Rusty....Wifey did good. In her previous life she was City Manager for a mid sized AZ city. Once she wraps her brain around something....she doen't let it go. We also play good stoner/bad stoner too.

We were waiting for the airborne guy....wrong.

I expect they will pencil me in next August....hell...maybe next month.

Canni....I doubt they'll come back. They'll fly again next month. Next scheduled wave has eight to cut. That'll leave nine mature plants. That's my limit. For the next couple of waves gotta work on timing.

The object is to take plants. They don't need a warrant for that. It's called a compliance check. Unless you have grossly exceded your numbers they won't be comming back. But your plants are gone.

Rodney has big fat buds. With the evening rain, mold just eats through her. If we had a 10% RH she'd do fine. The smoke is good...not great. But the mold....that's the deal breaker. I was trying to make a more mold resistant plant...and failed miserably.

Chunky...no SWAT team...The first time they came...I was well within my numbers. The plants had no buds. They would have gone back and got the warrant, served it, and left emptyhanded. They knew it, I knew it.

August is another animal. In a week you can go from immature to mature. If they come in warrantless nothing they find can be used in court. If they have the warrant you made them go get...and your over...that can...and chances are will....be used against you.


You thinking that may have been some revenge for not letting them in last time? Would it be worth a complaint that they came onto your land warrantless, I'm thinking probably not. But shit that's a bit much isn't it just walking in like that and taking a hike around? Ok so that was answered while I was typing. I suppose them getting to look around isn't a bad swap for being legal I'd take it in a heartbeat.

Anyway fuckem and carry on regardless as I'm sure you will.. Was that the bloody widow's empty hole I saw? (cough, cough).

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Your famous now OH, and that may be a larger problem than you would like. If they're taking "trophy pics" with your girlz, they'll be back and looking for more in the future.

Most cops will take the easy bust rather than doing some actual police work to bust a real criminal.

They may be dumb, lazy LEO, but I'd be ready for some unwanted attention at all times.
Everything ok? Just checkin'.

But was thinking...<rut-ro>
After a week of trimming...do you:
...pop the blisters, or let 'em fade?
...use ice or heat for the cramps?
...avoid all that and have the wifey do it?


Well-known member
Rusty....Thanks for the thoughts....all is well...normality has returned.

Only two plants from the "early" take that made the grade...the easiest, and smallest....thus trimmed by me....was the Dieselrella....

Wifey volentered for the Bloody Widow...and the rest are my patient's problem.

All of us need to have the "In Case of Emergency....Smoke This" stash.

Dawn...your right...and I am ready for the next time. Just one of the reasons the next six months will be devoted to clones...that and the photoperiod won't let me grow a large plant...

OH well...

I'd expect them to fly the BI next. Maybe next week. When the're there...the're not here. Next batch of clones should be done and gone by the time they get back around to us.

Elsweeto...Didn't see any of the same faces in the umteen cops I've dealt with in the last two years. Doubt if it was a revenge trip.

I have no pull, so a complaint wouldn't do a lick of good...and may even draw more shit.

It's just the way it is.


Well-known member
A beautiful week. No clouds, low humidity...sunny and hot...in short perfection. If we can string a few of these together...the few big ones leftover will be nice. Each year we have at least one long strech of great weather. I was wondering if that was gonna happen this year.



In something totally off topic...We saw the first plover of the upcomming winter last Wensday....for you mainland people that's like the first tree changing color...A reminder that the summer does indeed have an end...

Last week I fed everything in bud, the first of the big bloom. Also did a complete WPM spray...and killed lots of catterpillars. This wave has a lot of the Valley OG going...fuckin' cats love it. This is also around the time where the shade leaves on the budding clones have to be plucked...let the sun shine in.

The wave next to be planted features the Alien Dog.

Also cleaned up the small rubbish around bottom of Big Jack....stuff that will never see the light. So far she is doing pretty damn nice. The smaller Jack plant (not shown) has some stem rot working at the base. Absolutly the worst place to happen. It tends to spread verticaly so I'd expect to lose a few branches in a row....maybe more....maybe the whole plant too....We're racing the rot now.

Bummer....Jack has a predisposition toward this. Never seen it like it in any other strain.

The bottom garden clones are fattening up quickly. If the weather hold up and we don't have a long streak of wet...these'll
finish nice.


Same thing with the clone garden. Obviously clones need far less space...so the outer terraces will be left fallow. Wifey has plans for her vege garden...she can put'em there.

As the sun track moves, it will put the area currently producing into the shade...So I'll be finishing the clone garden by building planters on the other side. Idealy I'd like to have three planters for each plant allowed. Two fallow, one planted.


So everybody will be happy I'm going with smaller plants. Besides, Green Harvest should take a break over the winter.

Major...didn't you get the memo?...this log is all bullshit...never happened....Just make it all up as I go. My connection is so slow it'll take to Christ's second comming to download South Park...so thank you Canni for giving me a clue.

How do I get my large gonads through a door?...Shit...I don't know...a wheelbarrow maybe? Shit!...thanks for that mental immage.

I walk a fine line. Don't excede my numbers. The line between mature and immature is nebulous. And everybody knows it. The cops tie their own hands by doing a warrantless search. Again everybody knows it. The bigger plants will be made into BHO or I'll shake them for kief. Either way only one oz of finished byproduct will be produced....That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. :biggrin:

If standing up for your rights requires big balls...then fine...guilty as charged. I not gonna be their doormat. It has been ruled that the cops can lie to you and any evidence gathered from that lie can be used against you. Your only defence is to ask to see the search warrant....that's what it all boils down to....that statement ends the questions.

Rusty...It also sucks when Green Harvest grabs it... at least your harvest is still gonna happen...

Besides...If you tell anyone I said this I'll deny it...you can always flash dry a young bud and burn that.


OH, good to hear from you as always. Keep on keeping on, may the sun shine long on your plants.


Active member
My sources tell me Kauai is next week, then a week of maintaince... then we're up again August 20th.
They are over here on the Big I again. Saw the man yesterday...Not the puma, or the coast guard ,but the locals, the little yellow one, and the little silver one. Flying low and slow, they looked to be observing, not cutting. Did not see a drop or them do the death spirals.
Good luck to all of the Hawaiian growers this GH season :)

As to the weather, OH your lucky. We STILL have not had a week of sun yet this season in Puna. Most I can recall is 3, maybe 4 days, then monsoon rains again. And 4 days of sun has happened once, maybe twice.. Most days are overcast and grey. Feels like winter in summer honestly .Honestly, I'm sick of the rain. Just yesterday we had 2.5 inches at night, and another 2.5 during the day.Rain so hard it broke plants and trees. Flash floods warnings and whatnot.
The mud puddle in my front yard has not dried out this year, not once, and everything in the house is moldy. the furniture, the folded clothes, any hats I have are molded out.The smell in the air is jungle funk, that wet, rotting funky smell that Puna is famous for. If I leave a bud out, it molds out within a week, even inside the house.
We have to turn on the house lights most days at noon just to have light . We need a sun dance over here. I am losing hope of any kind of dry summer.

Ok enough venting, I'm praying for sun :)
oldhaole, my respect man!

Reminds me of the old days in North Queensland....scary shit!

Now, they don't seem to have the resources they used to, these days they're relying on things like the local council and dpi (dept primary industries) running aerial surveys to detect exotic weed and pest infestations.
And there's the coast watch plane which I'm told, records each flight path in high res video, and is then gone over later, and compared to earlier flights....
Saving grace at the moment is the fact they're fixated on illegal boat arrivals...

The sound of choppers overhead still freaks me out though!

The garden looks great, hope the weather holds for you.
Stay safe



Well-known member
Came across this the day after my last post.

You really have to break the rules, big time, to get arested. This is the first time I've heard of a grower with a card getting busted. The gentleman put his mind to it....He wanted it....bad.


Twenty three plants on a card that lets you grow seven. Way to go!

So it isn't the size of the jewels Major. MMJ isn't a high priority. I'd guess it went a little like this. This guy probably had his plants in a place where the cops could see them but not talk to the grower. They did a count from the air....way too many....couldn't talk to the grower. So they came back with a search warrant.

Bye bye.

Reading between the lines...something was fishy about the gun they found. That would usually be good for a another charge. It looks like they didn't hit him with any felony charges.

Before I forget...and much as I'd like to forget...Here's a pic of the Jack Herer with the stem rot. Right after I took the pic I cut the two branches that were not gonna make it. Never let it be said that my mistakes are hidden.


I've learned the best way to bring the rain back, is to crow about how nice it's been. The squishy weather that smacked JOJO and the Big Island brushed us yesterday too, and dumped an inch of rain. A hard rain... the frames held...small damage done to the budding clones. Today was sunny, so everything dried out and most bounced back.

Mr Sterling...thanks for the sunny wishes.

JOJO...I feel for you my friend. Thanks again for the heads up. As I said earlier...If the're there...they can't be here. I can relax this week...peace of mind is a good thing. Too bad my peace of mind comes at the cost of yours.

I have two people that tell me when the'll fly. One was way off. Sometimes people will tell a pile of BS to try to impress you with what they know...in this case she didn't know shit. Now I know not to pay any attention to anything she says.

Luckily, the other was right on.

The area you live in is a bitch to grow on. Once in a while you'll catch a dry year....but not very often. It's a rough road to travel. You probably get four or five times the rain we get here...and I know all about the mold...it happens here too.

Persephone...The sound of a chopper hovering does the same thing to me. Thanks for the good wishes.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me
hey man
i bought a new little contraption for the bong just for the oil.
and im having a piece blown for mobile oil consumption, too.
we're gonna get really fucking high my friend!
hope all is well