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Stealth SOG Cab Grow. From Start to Finish. Lots of Pics.


Active member
i must say im impressed, i was looking at the earlier pics thinking how is he gonna hit the lower branches with those cfl. i always lst when i was using cfl so i could get em closer and have an even canopy. GJ nice grow.


Active member
Awesome grow man, has me totally stoked on the little cfl cab project I'm going to start. May I ask what you are using to keep your mothers in/root your clones? Also how did the topped plants from your last harvest yield compared to the untopped ones? Sorry if you've answered this already I'm a bit stoned and didn't see it anywhere? THanks man and again, wicked grow!


In general the untopped ones yield the best. This is assuming they are both given the same amount of veg time. For example if you were to top all your plants and then veg them a few days longer than you would have if you didn't top them, then the topped ones will get a little longer "to catch up" (because it does slow em down for a couple days when you do it), then they will yield more. I usually just top at the beginning, like I did this time around, so that I can get all the clones into flowering at once at roughly the same size.

As for my clones, I keep them and 3 momes in a 1 cubic foot single drawer file cabinet that i modified. With three 5" tall moms, I can usually have 50 cuts+, so I just take them all at once about 2 weeks before I finish flowering each cycle, and then root them drbudgreengenes-style in perlite and tupperware. Once they come out of the perlite, i veg them for 10-12 days under 24/0 or until they are all around 5" tall, then I flip em and watch em grow.


Active member
to all you guys, thanks so much for the kind words, i appreciate it! If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.



Well-known member
I gotta say agen this grow rocks the house. its just 1 of my favorite micro log this far.

my grow space is the same size as urs. how cool is that cuz now I can see how to do that in my grow cab. and have a boat load of very dank buds over and over agen.
cuz I also have a cloning/veg cab as well.

I am so probly gunna do this for my next grow after my last plants reveg good and I can get some clones to have for later.:woohoo:

:yeahthats and a bag of chips for the show.:joint:


Active member
I gotta say agen this grow rocks the house. its just 1 of my favorite micro log this far.

my grow space is the same size as urs. how cool is that cuz now I can see how to do that in my grow cab. and have a boat load of very dank buds over and over agen.
cuz I also have a cloning/veg cab as well.

I am so probly gunna do this for my next grow after my last plants reveg good and I can get some clones to have for later.:woohoo:

:yeahthats and a bag of chips for the show.:joint:

hell yeah dude, it makes me happy to know you're taking something away from my log. I'm excited to see you get yours going!

Right now, my 34 plants are almost done with the strech, I'll get some pics up of them in a couple days. I gotta tell you, it's really a jungle in there...I mean, it's crammed



Active member
hey how did you manage to keep your plants so small

dude pretty much you just gotta try a few different size cuts until you figure out what height they like to be flowered at in order to stretch into little budsicles.

Also, the small containers I use prevents them from getting too unruly.


East Coast Grower
Lookin good man, looks like you got a nice harvest too. Interested in seeing how the 2 per pot method works for ya, good luck!


Active member
Day 17 of Flowering UPDATE

Day 17 of Flowering UPDATE

Well guys, things are finally getting unruly. 2 plants per pot, 34 plants flowering all at once in 3 square feet, I don't know how it's all gonna fit! I vegged a bit longer this time too, I've had too do some crazy LST on a few to keep em contained and keep the canopy nice. The stretch is over now--the buds will be growing soon!



roughnice420 that looks insane. cant wait to see the ladys flower :).



Active member
roughnice420 that looks insane. cant wait to see the ladys flower :).


haha, "insane" is the only way to describe it. Things are soo crowded in there. They just smush into each other whenever I take them out and put them back in--these ladies don't have any "personal space" that's for sure! It will be interesting to see when it's full of buds, I think they're just going to be resting against each other, practically forming a screen under the lights!

awesome grow RN! Im working on filling my cab up but not nearly as full as yours is! cant wait to see how the buds turn out! im spacing my out so i have a more constant supply of smoke, im putting a plant or two in every week, until its full at around 20 total plants! keep up the good work!


I plan on doing something like this but with master low plants.


Well guys, things are finally getting unruly. 2 plants per pot, 34 plants flowering all at once in 3 square feet, I don't know how it's all gonna fit! I vegged a bit longer this time too, I've had too do some crazy LST on a few to keep em contained and keep the canopy nice. The stretch is over now--the buds will be growing soon!



Hey looking good there rough, keep up the good work. Btw I wanted to ask you if this soil is good to use?




Active member
To everyone, thanks for the compliments, I'd like to hope that I inspire at least a couple people to give my technique a try!

IKILL3RI, I clicked on the link man, but the page doesn't work, says something like "product no longer available"??

peace guys, I'll be updating again soon, shit's gettin' hectic in the cab....

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