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"Started from the bottom" Shishka's Homemade Perpetual Grow Tent


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
I am considering giving up the top secret edibles recipe and doing a tutorial on it.

Who would like to see how I do what it do.


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
How did your Dab experience work out? I just grabbed a new rig the other day. Broke Ole' Faithful reaching for something behind it, and bumped it and knocked it over. First glass piece I've broke since highschool (10+ years ago) .

I would love to see how you make chocolates. Never turn down an opportunity to learn new tricks.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Just finished some 125mg chocolate bars and some 42mg crunch minis.

I sqwished the soul food scissor hash, and the rosin that came out is just amazing. I dont even wanna smoke it. I just keep smelling it.




But I did scrape up the moon dust that was left in the coffee filter and sprinkle that in a blunt.




>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Nice grow diary broda! Love the thread! Beautiful plants! Pulling a chair! Peace!

Wassup, thanks man I try to get as many details in as I can. Glad folks are enjoying the show.

I totally forgot to mention that my first all coco plants came out like 3x bigger. Plants are like 4'-5' tall in a 2 gallon so I dont need as many plants anymore.

2 weeks in the ghost is looking like something special.
Side by side with the uptown funk, they're not identical but eerily similar.

Chopped another glue at 66 and a soul food at 67

The skunkva x wookie male #8 seems to look like the inbetween type plants from that cross. But I let him go one day too long and just a few sacs opened up. I was gonna harvest some pollen but I decided to just cull it. If I get a few randoms in a few months it will be from this one. I still like his brother way more. Actually I think the #5 might just be the best plant out of the pack. What I was looking for anyways.

Here is the #8 just before he died






Just smoked some unknown strain with diesel traits, your pics make me drool


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
No, this one was from a homie.

Out of everything I run, it's the only thing that us equal to or more than the loud ass stank of the glue.

Coffee, diesel, citrus.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
cool :D
I'm working with an original Shiska F1 I just popped from seed :) Gonna do some crosses and muck about..... maybe to ancient OG or long valley royal kush ....... I got some ideas hehehe


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
I had 2 phenos of Shishkaberry selected from cash crop Ken for a few years.

It was my first order ever and it was like the only thing in my price range I was willing to take a risk on. I had just tried Blueberry for the first time and was infatuated with the smell.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Soul food coming down at just over 70 days.

Took a bunch of chem 4's since the ghost did so well and its looking pretty chemmy.


Tryna do mono cropped perpetual cycles and concentrate my efforts.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Just got an ac. Temps were up to 84 now im hovering at 75.

Found a nanner on the soul food. Pretty sure its because Im letting it go past 70 this run.

Kool aid

