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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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The revolution will not be televised.....
Ok lets just get this out there right now! I dont hate on Richard or Bluesky! What I hate on are his trolls up in this thread all the time pushing fake cuts and telling you how great they are. I frquent this place and know first hand that the Chem Sister is not the real deal. I am not asking a friend or hearing this from others. That is me growing it out and testing it against my own Chem 91 and Chem D. cuts. How many times have I shown up to long lines, fake or mislabeled cuts, bad service, high prices, and to top it off the little spammers in this thread keep pushing their never up to date catalog. Dont piss on my leg and tell me its raining! Also, I ask again, why this thread hasnt been moved like the others on dispensaries?

PK - You are an idiot with something mental going on so I wont be wasting anymore time arguing with the village idiot.

Milt - It seems you are a willing participant since you posted in the thread. With 10 post in 2 years it seems you have about as much too offer as PK so if you dont frequent this thread anymore, I dont think you will be missed. How is that for trolling? And! And it didnt even take 30 pages!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
this has got to be the most childish thread i have ever read on this forum, you should be ashamed of yourselves. no one gives the slightest shit who has chems sister and who has fakes or if its even real or not!

get over it children! :pointlaug


The revolution will not be televised.....
Look retard dont pm me! I said I was done with you but you cant help yourself! I will say it again! No one is doubting the history of the cut! Did you get me guy!? No one is debating that! What I am telling you is BlueSky does not have the real" cut!! Did you hear me? One more time! The history of the cut is not what we are talking about! We are talking about the cut that you are repping so hard, even tho you already said you never been in the place or grew it!! Again! The guy with no experience with the cut at all is who is in thread yelling the loudest and posting the same history of the Chemdog line that everyone already knows over and over! Am I getting this correctly? Next the same guy wants to have a pissing match with me over said cuts and pictures? Uhm... check my gallery youngster and I will leave that alone. I would check your gallery of fine Chemdog Sister chuts but you have none! No pictures of anything! Now that is funny business for sure. And look when you need help you yell for Karmical to come and rep you? The world is truely upside down or you really are just a kid. Thats why you can get away with all the SFTUs and other internet gangterisms. Now go and play outside before your mommy finds out your on this site.


Active member
perhaps this thread needs to be binned and a new one started; a lot of the info in this thread is no longer applicable as bluesky no longer sells those cuts; perhaps someone can grow out bs chem's sister next to the real chem's sister; until then ya'll should put ur dicks away... how bout we call it chem's ugly stepsister and leave it at that

bs has nothing to gain from mislabeling cuts; if they wanted it to sell they'd of called it chemdog og kush instead of chem's sister end of story... they are all stoners; put a bunch of stoners in a room trying to keep track of something and shit happens; especially if there is any turnover with employees or anything like that... and the mislabeled strawberry cough x deep chunk clone was mislabeled by the breeder when he gave bs the seeds.. regardless dank is dank

Here are a couple shots of the DC x GOO from Blue Sky... very slow veg.. zero stretch in flower... having done my research i knew that from the get go so i vegged em for 2.5 months.


Here is a pic of the black widow from blue sky... had some bunk clones outa this batch; some grew no trichs the entire grow cycle; what was bomb was bomb though... won't run again unless i make my own mom and clones from a trich heavy pheno


And here is an odyssey at 45 days; sadly my friend killed the mom while babysitting my plants for 3 days; idiot i know... you'd think master gardeners would be more competent but i digress; glad they have this cut back though gotta pick up another mom

I've grown out the purple kush as well; slow in veg but not as slow as the deep chunk x goo.. no pics though; good smoke and needs 10 weeks; recently though the dcxgoo i grew was way more purple than some purple kush my friend grew at the same time; i've had some come out pretty purple before in coco though so your mileage may very



Just Call me Urkle!!
I stayed outta this for a while but PK if you knew what Rainmans real job was you'd shut the fuck up quickly the dude is a awesome person and takes care of people how dare call him a dealer? Sounds like that's all you have been and where you get your knowledge of cannabis then again you also remind me of ClownTown but who knows. Just kinda ridiculous bro really how long have you been around this site? You should be banned for even saying it will go down like OG why the fuck say that? Yea Richard is a power hungry DEALER! Look at that smirk when asked how much he pays in taxes and wouldn't say how many pounds he slangs each week from his club that is the Mc Donald's of clones and all growers out here know that by now. Quit hating on good people who call it like it is ...


Active member
AHA!!! i knew there'd be a thread somewhere on these boards where we can throw cyber mud on the truth tellers..........Im willing to bet that BS chems sister came from a pack of rezdogs seeds and all females were cloned....sound believable?


Active member
bs has nothing to gain from mislabeling cuts; if they wanted it to sell they'd of called it chemdog og kush instead of chem's sister end of story... they are all stoners; put a bunch of stoners in a room trying to keep track of something and shit happens; especially if there is any turnover with employees or anything like that... and the mislabeled strawberry cough x deep chunk clone was mislabeled by the breeder when he gave bs the seeds.. regardless dank is dank

lots of truth here...

great plant shots as well.

as to all that talk about what's real what's fake, no one is forcing strains on anyone, use whatever works best for you, and grow the best meds you can.


I know no one on this forum well enough to hate anyone.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Optic - Even though there are some duds in BlueSky, your pics of the DC x Goo are why I continue to go back. She is fire for sure. Just wish we knew for sure what it was.

Karmical - Very rationally said.


Active member
opt1c - great pics man. That all looks like some fire. I have never grown or even known about BS black widow. Is that different than the WW they sell? Either way, it all looks delicious. Thanks for getting the thread back on track.


Bulldog11 said:
PkRipper said:

Great info. I don't always believe everything High Times writes, however this seems legit. Like I said before, I have no idea where Chem came from, but from the looks of this article you were absolutely correct. Thanks for the info.

I like to think we are all pateints helping patients.

In most cases if we didnt comunicate back and forth with each other then all of us would be in the dark about what to buy and where to get it.

We dont need fights, and we do need people who work for the clubs to hang around without tourment.

We are all potheads with almost the same habits, hobbies or intrest ,

there is no need to fight about politics In a medical thread, You dont like them then get out of line and let me in sooner.....

I feel like I brush shoulders with a few of you guys everytime i visit one of these places,

If peeps got a complaint then they should tell Bs about what ailse them so they can toss out bad strains or help the person find one that suits them better.

Its like what is better, apples or bannanas?

Its a personell prefernce, I say it depends an witch one is ripe or sweeter,where it was grown,How much does it cost and maybe even what time of day it is.....what if i got an apple tree in my yard and i hate apples....Does this effect your like for them? Why would a fight break out about somthing that has as many various outcomes,.....like who grew it and where and how it was grown, ripeness and avilability verses cost.

Chem 4 is great grown in dirt, just water and light, no fancy shit and it is a sturdy branch alternative to chem D witch is a floopy hard to manage plant.

I would puff any chem,
and any of rez seeds if that where its from,
so hey Im happy no changing that just because they dont like it has no effect on my medical needs,......

how they like them apples?

I mean peace, In all my cocky-ness,I ask that you dont make or take it personel ,becuase of ANY POLITICAL OPINION has little effect on my medical needs,,

I only want to help and share without politics makin eveything i say out to be a politcal conspercy, Altho legalization by the first prop 215 authors left more loop holes than belt loops on rainmans momma's pants,......


Active member
Ummm did you not read this page in the forum 420? Open your eyes, there is info on Black Widow, Chem dog, DC x Goo and purple kush on this page alone. Duhhhhh? Try reading before talking.


I recently discovered I can harvest my chemdog plants down to a 2" stalk (nothing left no leaves or buds) and if I do harvest all the way to nothing I have a new plant with some serious roots in a week and the chemdog basically sprouts shoots and revegetates from the old roots; vegetative growth is really fast as well
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