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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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My Latest Trip to Blue Sky - waste of time...

My Latest Trip to Blue Sky - waste of time...

I have been going to Blue Sky for two years now. In the beginning, it was the bomb, the best (and only) thing going. Unfortunately, I must report that they have gone down hill, so far down...

I have never posted to this board, but I have been lurking here for a long time. It helps me figure out how early I have to get up and what strains are going to be available on the day that I go. After my last two experiences, I just had to post my report.

Trip A - Arrived at BS at 8 AM. This is really too late. I picked up 24 Querkles (all they had). Was told by employees that I need to show up by 6:30 to get PK or Hindu Kush. Got home and had PM on several of the clones. Bummer.

Trip B - Arrived at BS at 6:15 and was third in line. The guy in the front of the line had been there since 5:30 so he could get Hindu Kush. I wanted Purple Kush. We had both driven to Blue Sky from hours away. When they opened at 7:00, they had no PK, no HK, practically nothing. The first guy left with nothing. I decided to get 24 Querkles again, but they only had 17. Some of the clones were so bad that they died when I got them home. The employees were not happy that they were not given any clones to sell and they were also not happy that they had to deal with all the irate customers in line who would be getting nothing for their long waits in the early morning. Unfortunately, they were not very cool to those of us who felt it was appropriate to complain.

One interesting detail - about 10 minutes before 7 AM, some guy shows up in an Escalade Truck and starts loading up boxes of clones. I don't know if he worked there or just had the inside connection, but it was our guess that he had pre-arranged to grab the good clones (and all of them) that morning...

Bottom Line -

Blue Sky = Bad Clones, Bad Service

When Harborside opens at 11 AM and always has a giant selection of clones, why doesn't Blue Sky get their shit together and compete. I know Harborside doesn't always have quality genetics and that seems to be the one benefit to waiting in the god-awful early morning queue, but other than that, why do people continue to shop here.

I, for one, will not be going to Blue Sky again...


Active member

I hate reading about the bad experinces, but it would appear that in the above post, there were many signs that to me without even knowing the whole story, can be looked at.

ok so you couldn't get a specific strain twice, hks, pk, & as querkle then at 7am no one wanted to hear what you're saying from an irate patient point of view.

plus the not so good looking querkles you got half of them died... is that about it.

those three strains you listed are in very high demand, and sometimes the numbers are not just there in the morning. that is why I always tell people unless you are fully committed to one strain or another, always have a backup plan, or four as sometimes you are not going to always get the ones you plan, and if that is a strain that really works for you, make sure and clip the ones you have and save this strain for yourself. i find that you can take clippings from your flowering plants all the way until flush and regenerated them under a small cfl in just a few weeks time with very limited space, like under a bathroom sink.

I've know people that have had to make more trips through than I care to openly post, in order for pk & hks, even though other places have those strains, they are great strains, but there are others that for medical folks offer great medications as well, if properly tested first within the system into they are being placed.

I've been there when there are people lined up down the block and they show up with like 2 trays, its terrible situation to which there are few replies that will make it any better.

I've always made good with forum folks that have had situations such as yours, done so by me not BluSky, just because I have been a member of this online community and I enjoy being in the position where I can help from time to time.

ok off to get a xmas tree


Active member
my local club (400+ miles from BS) makes weekly runs to pick up 4+ trays of cuttings. Prolly same scenario for the Escalade snatching up the cuts. You expect any good businessman to pass up selling 1000 clones all at once instead of selling 10 or 20 at a time all day long? Come on, man....


Active member
Mr. Bom Diggitty - It's not the fact that they sell 1000 clones at once. It's the point that they leave regular Joe Shmoe's waiting in the cold knowing that they wont have any cuts. Sounds shady to me. At least Mc Donald's has enough cheeseburgers for everybody.

WackyDoo - Talk to Karmical, he has helped me out in the past getting what I wanted after missing out 3 times in a row getting there at 5:30 am. He made it right.


Active member
you make it sound like its starving children waiting in line outside in the frozen winter for bread bowls

maybe they didn't know they were going to sell 1000 clones until 6:59 when the guy pulled up and called the boss and said "yo, i got $7000 for you right now..."

are you telling me that then the workers at BS are supposed to come outside and say "hey, don't wait around anymore, this guy just bought $7000 worth of our shit, our bad"

or are you telling me they are supposed to tell dude with $7000 "sorry man, we can only sell you $3500, we got to make sure everybody else gets one"

and then when all those don't get bought up and they develop powdery mildew they should just throw them out, right?


Active member
At least Mc Donald's has enough cheeseburgers for everybody.

I been to Mc Donald's before and couldn't get a iced latte coffee, an oreo ice cream, any ice cream at all, and chicken mcnuggets all on different occasions. Sometimes they don't have any bar-b-que sauce and they discontinued sweet & sour and supersize. Its still the same shit, different day. I think I even ate some fucked up shit at fast food, but if I'm hungry and that's all that is open, I'm gonna go eat. Only place I can't fuck with is TGIFridays. fuck them


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
you make it sound like its starving children waiting in line outside in the frozen winter for bread bowls........
and then when all those don't get bought up and they develop powdery mildew they should just throw them out, right?
i've been one of those starving children waiting in line @ 6am for the clone fairy to show up. more than a couple times, too.
recently i went and there was some dude buying up all their moms. he seriously bought 30-40 moms; it was insane.
then my turn in line came and as i was perusing the selection of babies the dude who bought all those moms came in to complain. he found a few leaves with pm and looked like his dog just died.
i looked at the guy behind the counter. he looked at me. and we both stifled our laughter as he told the dude to chill out and buy a sulfur burner. another classic blue sky moment.....:xmasnut:


Ive always been somewhat of a fan as well as a loyal customer to BlueSky......

Although over the last few visits, with the last visit being the straw that broke my back I will NEVER go there again.

The story: Show up at BlueSky hoping for some GDP and or Blue Dream cuts. They had no Blue Dream, and 1 last cube of GDP. I asked for the GDP cube. The cube had 5 of the worst looking smallest clones I have ever seen. The clerk tells me ** dollar for the cube, at that point I begin to examine the cube. The clerk quickly says, Ok just give me **. I give him ** and leave glad to have something at least. After letting the cube root for an extra 3 days I ended up with 3 small sickly clones and 2 that didn't even have a millimeter of roots growing of the stems I pulled out of the rockwool. So I paid ** dollars for 3 sickly GDP clones.

After visiting BlueSky I stopped at Ken Estes new club in Richmond, The GDP Collective. I have never seen clones so healthly. Every single clone was 100% green, large, growing, multiple nodes with nodal branching, and white healthy dreadlocked roots pouring out in every direction. These clones were ** bucks a pop with a limit of 12 a day so everyone could get some. Let alone they are the Kens cut, not the Apothecary.

Needless to say I have found a better club in the bay.

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:santa1:I've always been a fan of blue sky also. But one question I have is are there different phenotypes with Hindu skunk? Do they have just one phenotype or do they change their clone from time to time like I read in previous post? The reason I was asking is the last batch I got from them there were different phenotypes one was less frosty by far one I wouldn't want. Thank you for any input. SantaCruz
Also another thought the bammmer talk that I've heard in some previous posts. Bammmer meaning the cloned strain is deteriorating.
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New member
Harborside Clones

Harborside Clones

When Harborside opens at 11 AM and always has a giant selection of clones, why doesn't Blue Sky get their shit together and compete. I know Harborside doesn't always have quality genetics and that seems to be the one benefit to waiting in the god-awful early morning queue, but other than that, why do people continue to shop here.

I, for one, will not be going to Blue Sky again...

I went to Harborside once for clones after stopping at Blue Sky
I got 5 Hindu Skunk and 5 Sour Diesel to grow out as moms.
They were split between me and another person who has done very healthy clones for years. NEITHER of us could get clones
of them ... they would not root ... or if barely rooted looked like crap.... We both after several months of trying... gave up
and I gave them to a friend to bloom out.
And I always have about 98% success rate on cloning....
Also I called them (since I am not local)
and they told me even though I was signed up there that they could not give me info over the phone about strains and flower time....
Still not sure what was up with their clones...
my 2 ¢ worth


Active member
Ive always been somewhat of a fan as well as a loyal customer to BlueSky......

Although over the last few visits, with the last visit being the straw that broke my back I will NEVER go there again.

The story: Show up at BlueSky hoping for some GDP and or Blue Dream cuts. They had no Blue Dream, and 1 last cube of GDP. I asked for the GDP cube. The cube had 5 of the worst looking smallest clones I have ever seen. The clerk tells me ** dollar for the cube, at that point I begin to examine the cube. The clerk quickly says, Ok just give me **. I give him ** and leave glad to have something at least. After letting the cube root for an extra 3 days I ended up with 3 small sickly clones and 2 that didn't even have a millimeter of roots growing of the stems I pulled out of the rockwool. So I paid ** dollars for 3 sickly GDP clones.

After visiting BlueSky I stopped at Ken Estes new club in Richmond, The GDP Collective. I have never seen clones so healthly. Every single clone was 100% green, large, growing, multiple nodes with nodal branching, and white healthy dreadlocked roots pouring out in every direction. These clones were ** bucks a pop with a limit of 12 a day so everyone could get some. Let alone they are the Kens cut, not the Apothecary.

Needless to say I have found a better club in the bay.


wow sounds like its worth checking out. Ive always heard kens gdp is faster stronger and bigger yield, also he has a great bubba kush cut. what other clones were available???


New member
wow sounds like its worth checking out. Ive always heard kens gdp is faster stronger and bigger yield, also he has a great bubba kush cut. what other clones were available???

unfortunately GDP is the only cut available,he's not selling the bubba kush for some reason.


Active member
There seems to be a ton of bad reports with Blue Sky within the last year. Anybody have any good reports to share?


In the past year I have run:

- white widow, great yield, good daytime smoke. Turned out FROSTY, aboslutly covered in trichs.

-hindu skunk, good yield, also good daytime smoke. For me its a very even balanced daytime smoke, right amount of up and mellow. Spicy smell, all my friends loved HS.

-deep chunk/strawberry, low yield, great nighttime med for me, puts me to sleep and I have issues with sleep. Im not happy they discontinued this/ anyone have any recommendations on any bay are places that have clones something like this. Frosty buds but small, hashy taste, leaves looked like they were dipped in sugar.

I am currently running:

PK which is at about 35 days of flower and looking good/ seems to be a mid type yielder, I have smoked PK before and its good.

Casey Jones also at 35 days, big stretch! Looks to yield good! I have not smoked her but hear its a good daytime smoke- time will tell.

In the last year I have been to BS 4 times:

Struck out midweek at about 10 in the morning so I went to the place on Post in SF and got some great GDP. No way in hell I was going to HS after reading all the reviews about the problems eveyone has been having w/ clones there. The GDP from the place on post was legit- every time I touched it my fingers would smell like grape/ I would come out of my grow room sniffing my fingers for 5 minutes!

Went to BS at 9 on a Tuesday and they had a couple trays of girls- got WW and HS.

Went at 10 on a Sat and got DCSC and HS. They had a bunch, passed on a few others.

Went midweek early, right after opening and got some Q and PK.

Picked up PK and CJ from a place in Sac that sells BS gear.

Everything I have ever picked up from BS is what they say it is.

Personally I think they should cater more to patients rather that catering to people that pick up 400 clones and clear the place out. I only pick up 6 at a time and I understand the economics of selling all you got to whoever has the cash but is that what MMJ is all about? As someone who grows my own and very very rarely goes to a disp to buy meds, I feel that a true disp would limit how many clones they sell to an individual person. With that said, if BS is out there are many options in the bay area for clones except HS.


New member
My first grow earlier this year was with Blue sky gear,and my hindu skunk and deep chunk turned out pretty cool.


and the hindu
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