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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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Active member
PKRipper you are a joke. Stop hating on Rainman, he has more know how then you ever will. I could see you taping your finger tips all day on that keyboard all day, sure sounds like it by the quality of your posts.

Why would you edit and take out info just because of your sticky fingers??? May I suggest you put down the ribs and grab a wet nap.

Don't waste any more of your time on this guy Rainman, it's just a joke.


What is chems sister then bulldoggy.

any answer and rainman buts in about how it reeks richard .

Any answer insist on a fight on this Thread.

Your a kid wasting my time time after time handle after handle This thread should be shit canned becuse of all the blue sky haters

thats all it boils down to. all you lazy fucks with no jobs growin fat houses full of weed over charghing for your product.

If rich gets his way your lazy ass might have to get a real job , grab a mop


The revolution will not be televised.....
Wow! And I thought that New Mexico soccer chick was batty! PK I am gonna leave you alone now cause I got a feelin watever ails you wont be helped with herb. Quick! While he is typin! Anyone got the number to mental health!?!


Active member
LOL, kid huh. I don't know any kids that are as bald as me. How old are you PK, a ripe 20. Maybe you should stop swinging on Richards balls for a second. Take his pubic hair out of your mouth and shop being a hater. If Richard gets his way none of us will be growing pot anymore, so why even be on this web site?

As for Chem dog sister.... Whatever it is, (and yes I have no idea, didn't pretend to) if BlueSky has gotten their hands on it they have probably stressed it out to the point where it is constantly producing hermies, just like all the other strains you guys slang.

Why would you assume I have no job? Are you really that stupid? You just make shit up to make shit up. Just like your explanation of Chem Dogs Sister? I have a job and I am a small time personal grower. Been doing it for a long time, but always for personal. You need to get your facts strait before you sound like more of a dumb ass.

As far as your comment on "growin fat houses full of weed over charging for your product." That sounds a lot more like Blue Sky than me. Sounds like you are confused when you make that kind of an argument.

The one thing I do agree on is how this thread should be closed down, with all the spamming and advertising you and your cronies are doing.


Active member
Looks like more spamming from PK, why post something that long? Just to be a dumb ass again.

BTW - isn't that illegal to put up that info out of somebody's book? Dumb ass


hey dog, filter my post, look back forever and see if i work for bs...

second i assumed rainmain is the grower/vendor is spooked by free legal pot.....
if you do for yourself then dont trip, rainman wont get anymore of your money...
bluesky is medical , rainmain just fronts his neighborhood drug bizz as medical.....

.yes we can grow under the new law have you even read it ? maybe you should...
it states a 5 x5 foot area or 25sqft......go read it ,,then come back and complain more , and more more and more...

you all make me want to cry you suck cryin all day on this thread...

haters ,, flat out haters, go read that shit you fool.


Active member
".yes we can grow under the new law have you even read it ? maybe you should...
it states a 5 x5 foot area or 25sqft......go read it ,,then come back and complain more , and more more and more..."

Maybe you should read what i said, and I quote, "If Richard gets his way none of us will be growing pot anymore, so why even be on this web site?" I never said that is what the new purposed law states. Yes, I have read the law. I know what it states. I was commenting of Richard Lees lust for power in the industry. He would love to control all things cannabis. Do you disagree with that?

Also, If you don't work for BS then why are you defending them like I talked about your mama?


save your bad mouthin for your wife and kids cause I aint takin yer shit punk,


The revolution will not be televised.....
Why all the anger? I am not a bullshiter and hate to see bullshit thrown around like facts! YOu dont know what you are talking about, you havent had anything offer except mad ramblings and now im the niegborhood dealer? You truely are crazy. The Chem sister is still a fake! Not that you would know since you havent been to the place you are defending. Right?
The world series

The world series

I can understand that people love to root for the underdog, I'm sure the Yankees got a lot of hate and the Phillies became everyone's favorite team last week. It's human nature to hate on the biggest and most powerful and we all accept that.

This hatred for Richard Lee has surpassed what is humanly understandable and has pretty much turned into the ramblings of a psychopathic lunatic. The poisoning of the last 30 pages of this thread with viciously negative comments shows your not here to spread the knowledge but rather interested in promoting your own agenda.

We are not willing participants of your hateful ramblings and these trolling posts by rainman and pk only remind me why I never come around here much. Trolling gets you no where.


Active member
PK, its funny you keep calling me a kid when I have stated that I am not. But you sound like a kid when your only answer to these questions are, " you sound like Southpark." Sorry, I know what Southpark is but I have never watched an episode so that means nothing to me. Then you add in an insult like, ""YES I DISAREE< YOUR A FOOL!!! YOU HAVENT READ SHIT YOUR A FOOL UP RAINMANS BUNGHOLE<>>>>

What is that suppose to mean? Are you even trying to have a conversation here or are you just showing how stupid you really are. I have also asked several times how old you are with no answer. Until further notice you are a 20 year old with no knowledge of the cannabis plant.

Stop spreading hate and get back to what is important... Spreading "true" information about cannabis and cannabis related topics. No more of this ob-seen talk with no info to follow it up.
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