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Southern Star Seeds Grow



Thanks b00m trying to find some GG Allin pix, one of them was about 15 foot tall and a hell indica smoke according to those that sampled. A couple of mates got the staggers up and a full on brow sweat happening then had to sit things out for a while.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Shit, a 15ft hybrid tree with indica buds with a thumping high sounds right up my alley :whee:
Looking forward to seeing more photos if you got them Uni
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GG Allin

GG Allin

This was a young GG Allin plant. The smell during adolescence was very unpleasant, almost like a rotting cabbage smell.
This transformed to a most delightful deep spice smell when flowering.


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The second image front and rear left is GG Allin.
Right hand is rear is a Chopper Read just starting to flower and a Walter White.
Not the best pix being obscured by the enclosure but I guess you can get the picture.


Walter White

Walter White

I really enjoyed growing this hybrid plant this season.
It responds very well to training and can handle plenty of attention.
Great performer and the flower quality is first class, very sticky potent resinous buds.
Another one I am yet to try, shall have a sample puff at around the 6 month stage of the cure.



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Active member
off subject i know.. vostok is now banned??? what the...

Is this easy to become banned, thought it was easy going here?

snype too. snype had quite a following.

violate tou's and find out.

exchange private conversations off ic mag site. beans sharing off ic mag turf is our biz. bean sharing on ic mag turf is their biz.

I don't know why vostok and snype got banned. I liked both and am sorry to about this.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Talking about members who have been banned will get you a time out/ban also.
This is a privately owned website which has a terms of use that you agree to when you sign up here to become a member, please click on the first line in my signature to read the Terms Of Use :gday:


Chopper Read

Chopper Read

I probably should have posted this picture of the juvenile female Chopper Read from the onset.
If you ever grow one out be very careful as they want to get really big.
This trait I like and found the whole experience most enjoyable.
Next season one is going in the ground and will be allowed to grow to the fullest potential possible.

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Chopper Read male.

Chopper Read male.

This is the male I kept, from very early on the plant had a super strong diesel chemical like aroma.
It was a very vigorous grower and fine specimen.
The pollen was used on Chopper Read, Walter White, GG Allin and Nice Chunk.

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Talking about members who have been banned will get you a time out/ban also.
This is a privately owned website which has a terms of use that you agree to when you sign up here to become a member, please click on the first line in my signature to read the Terms Of Use :gday:

No problems thanks b00m, no offense inferred...
sorry boom i didnt realise this.. and wasnt complaining as such just spun out he was banned.. and not to sure if your message was directed at me or someone else talking about him but i now understand and it wont be mentioned by me in any thread discussions from now..

thanks mate..

for those who didnt know.....

9. Banning: People who violate IC Magazine's forum guidelines are subject to banning. Once someone has been banned from the site, we do not allow complaints from other members about it. Once banned, we are done with that individual, and no amount of complaining from other members will help. We do not justify our bans to the general membership. Those who complain about a banishment, are subject to being banned themselves. Please note that some bans are only temporary, depending upon the infraction(s). So making a fuss over a banned member who might return soon, will only get you banned too.


some nice looking plants there Uni
So far i have only tried 2 SSS Anna lee and Dawn davenport
but only got a Dawn Female prob one of best ive grown all time out of few years growing
will try some other other seeds soon have a the all stars pack


Cheers Goldust I had been growing a plant from down south for the last 10 years and thought it would be time for a change.
A grower gave me some of his seeds which were absolutely fantastic so I fidgeted around with them crossed them with clones and bred up a pretty good brew.. sorta felt like a change so I tried the gear from SSS, first time around pretty happy, will breed out some specimens that I like.


Old faithful.

Old faithful.

This plant I grew over the last 10 years, ended up with a very special plant.
Have enough seed to revisit it sometime.



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This was a hell smoke that put many into their seats and into a state of deep reflection.



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