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Yeah...It's the High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam every November.

Becoming quite the commercial joke from the way I understand it.... But I'm sure it's fun to attend.

Lots of folks on here, really seem to enjoy the ICMAG 420 growers cup....which happens this coming weekend....this is in Amsterdam as well, and you can buy judging passes for it in advance.
Where you get the tickets at?


I figured out well I'm gonna have 48 bottles all the same size and shape bottle. between four bottles next to each other I can have a 1inch hole for intake.
So I'll have 12 1 inch holes for intake and the exhaust would be 2 85cfm fans at 3000rpm. 252 watts of cfl. I hope this cab works out well i might try to add some co2 in the cab. :)
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Active member
Cool... I hope that it works well for you.

I just hope that your able to keep the temps down....but I honestly don't think that you'll have trouble with your temps. You have a seperately ventilated hood to take the heat off the lights, so I don't see there being any issues there.

Just when the box is slap ass full of plants.... your air flow might get restricted because of the canopy. So.....as your box gets to the point of being full, you might experience a slight increase in temps.

Sweet bro!!! Can't wait to see that bitch in action!!


Cool... I hope that it works well for you.

I just hope that your able to keep the temps down....but I honestly don't think that you'll have trouble with your temps. You have a seperately ventilated hood to take the heat off the lights, so I don't see there being any issues there.

Just when the box is slap ass full of plants.... your air flow might get restricted because of the canopy. So.....as your box gets to the point of being full, you might experience a slight increase in temps.

Sweet bro!!! Can't wait to see that bitch in action!!
Maybe we'll see. I hope it doesn't but it might. I'm not doing any type of scrog or topping or even LSTing I'm just gonna let the grow straight up for one big cola. :)


Active member
Sounds good....

As you grow out the different strains...some will naturally grow in that single cola formation. Others may throw off some side branching that may need a little pruning to encourage the single cola growth.

Have you figured out how your going to build the carbon filter yet?


Yeah. Eithere gonna put 2 single cone filter or one long bar from one fan to the other probley just gonna do 2 filters.


Active member
Right on....

Are you still considering putting some plants outside? I remember you saying that you had some autoflowering strains.


i need a good cloner. i would love to have twelve of the buds on a stick tngreen got every 2 months. i just got to get all the stuff for a motherbox.think im going to replace one of the small squarl cage fans with a stanley.maybe the one on the hood. enough of me blah blah yall be cool peace


Thats what type of growing I'm going to use but I'm gonna stager the plants start 6 week veg for one month then next week start another 6 and veg for one month and keep doing that then flower them.


I think on my new grow I am going to veg the seedlings just long enough to get a clone from each then throw them into flower and see whats what


Georgia Green said:
I think on my new grow I am going to veg the seedlings just long enough to get a clone from each then throw them into flower and see whats what
I might do that myself. :hs:


I'm gonna drill the holes tomorrow. Hopefully try and get the doors also tomorrow. Then Friday go buy the supplies for the filter. Then it shall be finish and can start the seeds on 420 :)


I might not even use a shelf. I might just make the cool able hood to move up an down instead of a shelf but that would take longer. I think I could be able to do it.


Active member
Well.... Whatever you decide to do.... get on it in the next couple days, especially if your planning on popping those seeds on 4/20! That leaves you 3 days to get the rest of it finished.

I'm sure you can lay off the bud long enough to find the motivation! LOL!


Active member
Well.... because of the NBA playoffs, the Houston and New Orleans RUSH concerts have been switched up.

They will play in Houston on Saturday the 19th. And will play in New Orleans on Sunday 4/20!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!

That's awesome news!!!! What a kick ass way to spend my 4/20!!!!



Well.... because of the NBA playoffs, the Houston and New Orleans RUSH concerts have been switched up.

They will play in Houston on Saturday the 19th. And will play in New Orleans on Sunday 4/20!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!

That's awesome news!!!! What a kick ass way to spend my 4/20!!!!

I know I heard it on the radio and I was like FUCK I should of bought tickets. i would of bought them if I knew it was gonna be on 420.