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been thinking what if i had a clone 14inchs high. and cut the top like i was cloning then bend it down into another pot.get it to root . one plant two root balls. im going to try when my clones get big enough. double the root mass. just HIGH thinking. peace


the Revenant
wishbone420 said:
worked on my cab lets just say. got some mylar from wallyworld. made a batch of iso by cleaning my 5 grinders. peace

You shudnt shop wal-mart. And bright white paint works just as good if not better than mylar at half the cost.


Yeah Fuck that mylar stuff. I'm gonna buy me some white paint for my cabinet. What type should I get flat or gloss?


doctor's orders lol
page 3


DrBudGreengenes said:
Georgia Green said:
I am all most done with the new hood. What do you guys think White paint or the Mylar looking stuff?

Paint that Bad Boy with many layers of flat white (after a good primer to seal the pores)...to reflect and Waterproof.
that pressboard with cut edges will begin to expand as it absorbs Humidity

Nice lookin hood idea


yes it is but the wall will not hold paint. and it was a great inproment from what it was for just 88cents.with two kids wife then my little thing. there was a boom of work long gone. people here ether have the loot or not. doing the best i can slowly getting what i need. got some soil and bloom thanks Georgia Green. anyways been kinda slow around here. me i cant get enough reading. lol southernstyle all the way. yall be good im out peace


Active member
Mylar actually works very well....
It's just a pain in the ass to hang properly and to keep clean.

But for $.88 those emergency blankets will work just fine....until you can paint it.

I used some mylar for about 1 month....until it ripped....so I just temporarily put a piece of white poster board in there until I could paint it flat white. The other walls of my cabinet were already white.

Hey... there ain't a damn thing wrong with growing ghetto.... ya gotta start somewhere, and just accumulate knowledge and grow supplies as you go along.

Smokin' your own killer homegrown is the shit....period. It doesn't matter how you made the journey to get there..... What's important is that you took the trip! :D

Ya'll keep it green. :rasta:
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Every thing but my flowering cab is white and when I get the ones in it done I am going to paint it before I put in my next run ,,, I think I am gonna go with a SOG of clones just not sure how I am going to do it yet I may do hydro? I may make a big flowering pot for soil or I might just try it the bud green way But I don't have soda bottles or I don't drink soda so I am still looking at flower pots every time I go to town :wave: stay cool everybody :joint:


I think mylar works great for rooms where you can stretch it out and have it work properly the next best thing would be mirrors its just hard to get it right in a cabinet.


Active member
mirrors don't really reflect that well and create hot spots like aluminum. flat white defuses light better way better. you can also find thin mylar cheap online.


i think i got less than 100 dollars in my grow. i find most of the stuff i need
i have 10 mixed cfls in vented hood"from friend" 2 blowers"apts worked on" two floros 24in one warm light one cool light. if u look around hard enough everything could be free. i spotted some hugh mh lights that came out of a huge shop. but was to late to grab them. the trash man had already came. love it the most expensive thing im going to buy is the gear. once im dialed in to a t. im going to pull some weight u will see. anyways just vaped some straight kief so im :rant: :rasta: :wave: :headbange :headbange :wave: :rasta:


I went to town today looking for some ideal flowering pots ( no luck with that yet) and while I was in town I was looking for some SuperThrive with no luck. I picked up 4 cu ft of perlite and some of this stuff

Its made by ferti-lome it says to mix 3.5 tablespoons per gallon of water its a liquid concentrated fertilizer its make up is 4% N 10% phosphate and 3% potash
is this similar to superthrive ,,, if I mix it around 1/2 to 1/4 strength do you think it will burn up seedlings and clones ??
Where is Georgia at?
its a small world ain't it.


Active member
Georgia Green....

Georgia is deep in the dirty south!

Don't know if that fert is similar to superthrive or not.....

If your going to use it on seedlings and clones, start with 1/4 strength and see how they respond then work your way up.