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Smoking weed while pregnant?



As a huge advocate for cannabis, I do not see a direct harm from ingestion or vape. Then again, how much research has been done on this topic? Not enough if you ask me, and with all of the benefits of cannabis imo it is not fair to subject the development of a child to it. Eat plenty of hemp seeds and keep your body mind and soul happy.

If that means an occasional vape hit or something I think all in moderation. Afterall they give man make medications for pregnant girls, and cannabis is natural. All in moderation and with the health and safety of the baby at mind.

No blunts, no bongs, no excess hash swats. Keep it simple, and use for medical reasons not recreational bored reasons.

At times using for recreation to help clear the mind is medicinal imo, just don't blaze out allll day and if eating edibles please dose correctly and preferably with something you are already familiar with.

For anyone who has a clear yes or no, black or white on this topic is full of shit. It is not out there, because it is not studied on a professional non biased way.


I smoked while pregs both times.

Now, both my kids are in a special school for gifted children, my son scored 97%,98%,99% for Math, English, Science - Nationally tested at age 10, at age 9 he scored 96% average. My daughter scored 80% last year. Which is still above average.

Pot like all things and the human body affects each person differently, metabolically and chemically.

Ever notice how some stoners you know talk slower than Dude from Big Lebowski, while others can't stop running their mouth and are chock full of Jeopardy like information which never stops piling up.

Everyone is different. i did not smoke all day when pregs like i do normally, but i did smoke 2x-3x's a day to deal with nausea, and because, um, I am a stoner. :D


Active member
Well, my baby girl will be a year and a half in about 2 months and boy is she a gas! :laughing: :jump:

Just last week she started working on her pronunciation, getting her vowels right. She's a real peach, happy all the time, super picky about foods (won't eat much that isn't good for her blood type) and just a super active baby and way advanced compared to the kids around her.

Considering what's going on in Japan.... I cannot recommend enough that mothers keep cannabis in their system.... large amounts of sativas, if possible.

The exposure to this type of fallout will cause SIGNIFICANT issues with your fetus.

This fallout is ALL ACROSS THE U.S. already. Take steps to protect yourself and stay inside as much as possible.

Stay Safe!


Active member
Well, my baby girl will be a year and a half in about 2 months and boy is she a gas! :laughing: :jump:

Just last week she started working on her pronunciation, getting her vowels right. She's a real peach, happy all the time, super picky about foods (won't eat much that isn't good for her blood type) and just a super active baby and way advanced compared to the kids around her.

Considering what's going on in Japan.... I cannot recommend enough that mothers keep cannabis in their system.... large amounts of sativas, if possible.

The exposure to this type of fallout will cause SIGNIFICANT issues with your fetus.

This fallout is ALL ACROSS THE U.S. already. Take steps to protect yourself and stay inside as much as possible.

Stay Safe!

I'm not being an asshole here, but I legitimately can't figure out if you're trolling or being serious. If the former, well done...if the latter, good lord son...


New member
From what I understand, as long as you're smoking high quality cannabis, ingesting cannabis while pregnant is actually beneficial to the developing baby.

I don't have any hardcore statistics to back up this claim, although I have known many women who smoked cannabis during pregnancy and the baby was exceptionally healthy. Also look at the Jamaican and Rastafarian cultures who consume lots of ganja and even give their babies ganja tea when the baby doesn't feel well.

There for if your ganja is relatively clean organic, or you know at least that it isn't full of pesticides, its going to be positive for baby. Anything herbal is going to be better for your child than something pharmaceutical. Cannabis is simply an herb after all, and is not technically a drug.


Active member
I'm not being an asshole here, but I legitimately can't figure out if you're trolling or being serious. If the former, well done...if the latter, good lord son...

I'm deadly serious and so is this situation. The sooner people wake up to it the better off they'll be.

I'm seeing a HUGE number of people that seem to have issues with "Conscience Thinking". It takes approximately 2 weeks of looking up both sides of this issue, combined with just a smidgen of logical thinking, to come to a conclusion that cannabis is GOOD.

Fetus exposure to cannabinoids (predominately sativa) is actually better for them than NO exposure.

Your opinion doesn't matter if you've never actively sought out the truth. The public around you do NOT know the truth.

Do you know how ridiculous it sounds to a brain surgeon to hear a couple of average joes talking about how much they know about brain surgery?

I've only been researching this subject for 3 years now and I would imagine they would feel much the same way I do now.

The health of your baby is at stake. Take the time to do the research yourself or accept the condition of your baby when that time comes.

Movies that every expectant mother should watch:

"The Business of Being Born"
"Flu and Flu Vaccines"

Nothing to do with Cannabis but it will clue you in to some of the atrocities that people ignore daily.

Again... wake up or live with the consequences. Protect your baby now! :thank you:


Game Bred
setting aside the possible detrimental effects on the developing brain.
in our nanny state type of society it is quite possible for the initial bloodwork done on the newborn to include a "tox screen"
if that were to reveal THC in the newborns system mommy could lose baby and become the next faux news/pmsnbc story about the dangers of demon reefer...

big picture stuff ;)


Active member
I know all sorts of instances from stupid ass women who have smoked cigs, weed, or drank with a baby in the room and i dont know of any having any real problems. Now is any of that acceptable? Hell fucking no! I dont get how parents can do that shit? The weird thing is, the 2 girls I knew that drank and smoked weed while they were pregnant had really smart kids! Amazingly smart. Kind of weird. Still doesnt make it right though.


ICMag Donor
Seriously. Fucking idiots.

Its great we all have opinions about the subject, that's whats so cool about this country, but name calling doesn't make it right. We all love our kids, its a personal choice and shouldn't come to name calling.


shut the fuck up Donny
I agree and edited my post. Sorry, it just annoyed me. It is a personal choice, but your making it on behalf of someone else who has no voice.

If you want to have a kid, do it right, don't half ass it.


3rd-Eye Jedi
its very simply

if you need meds with a developing fetus then cannabis is a very healthy choice

everyone is reflecting on their own anecdotal evidence but think outside the box there are plenty of cultures that have embraced cannabis for centuries of not millennium without any negative repercussions

so if the mother needs medicine to maintain her health which in turn effects the baby, take yer meds girl

I will say however, as a person who owes his life to pot, that if i had life to live over my wife and i would both seek to have child when were happy and healthy enough to assure the need for any medicine would be minimized

just because meds are kind doesn't make them appropriate for every walk and stage in you your life

Im not raising my kids to think that any medicine should be taken casually

my kids wake up spitting sunshine, if something degrades in their lives that they need to turn on id like to see them identify the degradation and address it without medicine first

medicine is all good until it becomes nothing more than an easy way to address poor lifestyle choices instead of making necessary life changes instead

had i learned to address many of my poor lifestyle habits (many i was raised with) my medical needs would be different

just because i need meds (natural or otherwise) doesn't mean its the first answer to my kids problems


I love my life
The weird thing is, the 2 girls I knew that drank and smoked weed while they were pregnant had really smart kids! Amazingly smart. Kind of weird. Still doesnt make it right though.

If the children are born smarter because of cannabis exposure it CERTAINLY does MAKE IT RIGHT. Sticking to the party line when it has been proven wrong is hurting the cannabis community as well as mothers and children.

concern for the consequences of your actions' effect on another is always an invaluable perspective,good nutritional habits and being well hydrated have will more of an effect on potential fetus defects
as for harmful effects on the developing baby mind,it is not toxic to body or brain matter so no chance of biological harm.
as for psychological effects due to negative opinions of usage critics,the fetus is mostly shielded from the worst the interest has to present


Here's my two cents folks...

last year my wife was pregnant and had to work a pretty strenuous service job the whole time as well as had a horrible gallbladder condition that made her insanely nauseous the whole time, as well as whole body itching...oh and she threw a disc out about four months in...

let me say that without some moderate marijuana smoking, usually just one or two strong bong hits, we BOTH wouldn't have made it. =)

our son came out just fine and he's a total HORSE...and an awful alert one at that.

i'm not saying that 100% of people who smoke pot during pregnancy will come out of it with no ill effects, or that there are no negatives...but it seems like it can ABSOLUTELY serve as true medicine for a pregnant lady.


Active member
there's a physician who spent good time rresearching this....70s/80s? she was american, worked in jamaica.......numerous studies, well-respected....<blank> cant think of the name, it was an easy search to find her...............went thru this recently, moderation is good but aside from the fact that yer inhaling smoke(unless yer not due to other method) go for it. .....har, people been doing this for ?millenia and we think we can say its bad? hubris.


there's a physician who spent good time rresearching this....70s/80s? she was american, worked in jamaica.......numerous studies, well-respected....<blank> cant think of the name, it was an easy search to find her...............went thru this recently, moderation is good but aside from the fact that yer inhaling smoke(unless yer not due to other method) go for it. .....har, people been doing this for ?millenia and we think we can say its bad? hubris.

Dr. Dreher


Active member
I don't think there's enough known about how cannabis affects the developing fetus to say whether it's harmful or not to use cannabis while pregnant. With that being said, I think it's best to err on the side of caution and not use it if you're pregnant or nursing.


Active member
I don't think there's enough known about how cannabis affects the developing fetus to say whether it's harmful or not to use cannabis while pregnant.

There is actually plenty of research that has been done... over centuries that show cannabis is one of the healthiest substances on the planet for humans. Period.

The difficulty is that everyone around you is ignorant of the facts The facts require time to dig up along with logical thinking to weed out the garbage and understand the truth. These facts are not beamed to you by your television.

As long as you're eating products from chemical companies (over half the food on the supermarket shelves) and eating products from chemical companies (the Rx pills that are killing you).... Your true ability to really process information is fogged.

I mean... why on earth would you believe cannabis to be beneficial when nearly EVERYONE around you says it isn't???

350 Million American TV watchers can't be wrong.... Right??

And to think you actually believe yourselves to be free.

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