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Silverback is Dead


New member
This is terrible news.

Silverback was a star in the Outdoor forum. I read all his posts and took special note of his advice on outdoor seed varieties and concealing the green.

Best wishes to his wife, family and friends.


Active member
ICmag has lost one of its greatest assets. Silverback was a good man, he was one of the most knowledgeable people on this site. He loved to share his decades of experience with everyone that was willing to listen. I had a tremendous respect for him. I hope that something comes out of the hard work that he put into our collective passion. You will be missed my friend.



Active member
Both of us 62

Both of us 62

Silverback....................My prayers in the last few days were for his family and friends, as they mourn. He and I both age 62 and started our pot growing before the 70's, thats where the comparison shall stop, Silverback was a first class botonist, self taught, perhaps. I am still content to grow at least two, this year 3 varieties, and harvest a couple of lbs., thats where Silverback honed his skills, sought good info and wasn't afraid of hard, yea, HARD work, and I was content...... SALUTE!


Wow...Thats more of a shock to hear than when I found out Michael Jackson died.

Silverback answered so many question, in such in depth detail, I was always honored and flattered he spend that much time typing away his knowledge to me

Its a shame his account was deleted, a lot of information was lost was with that account...sounds like he wiped it out in a pinch.

The man died like the great samurais, in battle with a guerilla grow. To the samurais this was the most honorable death...and he was definitely a warrior!!


A Rebel, A Farmer, A Teacher, A Friend...



lots of farmers can type really well.

Let's try not to stereotype people.

RIP Silverback. RIP.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I have printed out the posts of this thread and given them to his wife.

She broke down crying.
She said she was initially shocked when he told her he wanted to join ICmag, because he had been so secretive for so long, but after reading the posts, she understood..

She told me that more than anything, he loved growing and talking about growing cannabis. As much as the growing, he found great joy and peace in being in the boondocks alone. She said the hollar he grew up in was remote and he still loved remoteness. She believes if he could have picked a place to die, it would have been in the peace of remoteness.

She was moved by the posts and again promised to repay the kindness by distributing the seeds. She was going to have 1 or 2 of his lifelong friends that knew which seeds were which come by and sort them out.


That is good news.

I too, cried when I read the thread.

Thanks for letting our posts help Mrs. Silverback to know her husband was well loved across the world.


Active member
Cool. Thanks, for the update DS. I was wondering if Mrs SB had read this and what she thought about it. I am glad that she found some solace in it.


all praises are due to the Most High
when did this happen? Rest in Peace Silverback, you will be missed by many without a doubt, you are a true cannabis lover and helped this community a lot.

keep on overgrowing wherever you may be :joint:

paz y salud

and special regards to his wife, you know what they say, to the side of a great man there is always a great woman, stay strong :)

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