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Silverback is Dead


I know he deleted his account but is there any way the mods can find any of his posts/threads in archives? He had some very valuable information to share and when he deleted his account a lot of its lost. Now that he is gone (god rest his soul :joint:) I don't see why these posts can't be re-posted.

Non of his threads/posts were deleted, just his account. At the top right of the forum it says 'Search This Forum', just type in 'silverback' and his threads are in with the other search results. All the info he provided still lives on :joint:


Active member
Man I could have lived another hundred lives without hearing this.....What a good guy, mentor and fine human being. I didn't know him personally, but he and I PM'd a lot until I had a security issue and was gone for about a year from here....I wondered what happened to his account when I tried to PM him to let him know I was back and his account was deleted. How sad...Rest in peace my brother.


Well-known member
I figured after reading your post you had a one on one with god. Tell him Hamstring gives his respect and respect to a fallen brother not a cheap shot on a thread meant to wish him and his family the best.


Active member
seriously? you think that was a cheap shot. certainly not my intention!!!

in my culture, making lighthearted jokes about the deceased and what we found pleasing or amusing about them in life, is standard operating procedure.... and I'm just Jewish. Ever been to an Irish wake?


Well-known member
Really, how many other replies on this very long thread read the ways yours did and I'm a mutt who understands many cultures and the reply of someone who is never wrong.

Humility is the sign of maturity and SB had plenty of it.


Active member
he did. he was a great guy. started many great threads and had an awesome way of saying what he believed with great passion while at the same time making sure he allowed space for the opposing viewpoint. I followed his posts religiously. I found his energy inspiring and his belief in miracle grow to be a very humorous quirk. I am celebrating that quirk.

I'm not really concerned with how my post "reads" to you. Its not meant for you. My mom still thanks me for keeping her laughing with sometimes dark humor while my dad slowly deteriorated and then died. Laughter is the best medicine. or so the cliche goes.

To SB's family.. just to be clear. Silverback was a legend in this community. Obviously a great guy on a lot of levels like passion and focus and good intentions. I didn't know him well enough in person to know this for sure, but I would bet my crop on the fact that he enjoyed getting his balls busted as much as he liked busting balls. If I am wrong and I've offended in any way as suggested by this other poster, I'm terribly sorry.


I figured after reading your post you had a one on one with god. Tell him Hamstring gives his respect and respect to a fallen brother not a cheap shot on a thread meant to wish him and his family the best.

I'm with the jewish joker on this.
Death permanently smiles on us all, all we can do is smile back. :D:D:D

I have to tell my gratitude to the deceased again. My greencure just arrived and i hope you can see what you just did,Silverback. Many, many people will get totally wasted thanks to your knowledge and advise! :abduct:


Active member
Funny. My neighbor just came over for a PM solution... while I was typing the last reply... I hooked her up with some Kaligreen (same stuff). That may be his single greatest contribution in his role as the guy on forums we knew as silverback. the fact that he was, in secret, the daddy of the bubblegum is amazing. shows what kinda person he was that he never tried to trade on that distinction.


Active member
I pulled one today that would have been much less had it not been for greencure. He gave alot when he gave that advice. I read his posts religiously. I would log on and go to one of his threads and check his quote history before I did anything. I've missed him since the day he deleted his act. I wasn't through asking him questions nor did I ever get to thank him.

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