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RV Grower The True Rolling Stone


New member
Hey guys I'm originally from Las Vegas NV. I moved out to California last year. I Own a travel trailer toy hauler, I have converted the back end into a fully functional grow room with a 8' W x 7' L x 10' H flower chamber and a small 4' W x 4' L x 6' H vegetative chamber also in back room is a work bench and a BC Northern Lights Dryer. I'm a organic soil grower. I use a Fox Farm mix of Ocean Forrest and Happy Frog. I have a built in 5,500 watt silent generator with a 75gal. fuel tank. This generator can run my hole RV including my small grow room. The RV can also run off a 50 amp city power outlet.

I'm a traveler I enjoy traveling while still being able to make my medicine. I like to meet new friends, I sometimes go on the road for months at a time. Just hanging out meeting people and having fun. I love my life and am very happy that I am able to do what I do. I enjoy family and friends. I like to build and also like working. When I'm at home on the couch I like to play the PS3 and also go online.

Some of my favorite strains are Snowdog, Chem 99', OG kush, Sour Diesel, Cinderella 99', Soma #9 (kahuna) 4 way cross, Soma # 10 (lavender).

Thanks ICmag !


I got a buddy youd really like 2 meet man .
He is doing what your doing but tied into outdr grows as he's solar n 12v. and wanders the earth nov-apr.
Happy trails bro.


New member
Sounds Way cool, Ray! Welcome to ICMag! I too would love to see pix or sketches or something!

I have photos on myspace and Im also on Facebook. When I get around to it I will post photos here as well. The first grow I did is all on there. I did my first two grows inside a 5x5x7 secret jardin DR-180 I believe is the model number, I might be wrong. I have done two more grows in the RV since them photos but since I have a 8gb SD card I have been lazy and have yet to upload more recent photos. As far as outside to protect me I'm not to confident on taking outside photos but will take more inside shots and I am also going to be editing a video of me setting up my last and final grow room design in the back room. I definitely will take new photos of the back room sometime after halloween.


New member
Im actually in the mix of doing a little bit of solar and also looking on ways of using motion of the travel trailer store energy or create energy.


New member
I'll take photos of my generator and gas pump when I upload the new grow room. The new grow room was built with clear douglas fir, all rooms were fully insulated the floor, roof and walls were all covered in mylar and were completely air and sound proof. I laid curved linoleum on the floor for easy cleaning and also painted all walls on the inside and out of the grow chamber area with heat resistant white paint. Making this what I believe a very stealth RV grow.


hope you get 'plugged in' somewhere soon, unless you own a gas station, too - I'm a fulltime RV'er, (and grower), been there, done that - best of luck to ya, happy growing !


Welcome to IC.
you are posting alot of personal info bud, be careful.


Active member

Don't get pulled over in that thing outside CA or you will never see it again.


In a bubble
Nice way to travel. You don't have to have someone watch your grow while you're on vacation.

I suppose you could even cruise down the highway at 70 mph with your fully operating grow in tow.

Pics please!


I had the same idea at one point, i say if you have the money go for it but when i did the math numbers made me sad lol


New member
A lot of the places I plug into have free utilities. I too have had RV's my whole life this is my first time with a toy hauler or a RV this size at 41' and has three slide outs. It's a $90,000 RV. I did get quite a deal though because the new year models were being pulled on the lot when I was buying my generator alone was worth 6,500 dollars. The year I own is a 07 and Will be paid off this year too. And it is not to expensive to run the generator filled is about $60-$75 depending on price of fuel fluctuation. The tank stays full for about 4 days sometimes longer depending on what time of year how hot it is and how much power I am using that day. So you looking at less then $20 a day to run your RV and that means if your on generator you're not paying rent so you're looking at around 650 a month which is cheap. I service my generator and change the oil once a year and that cost about $350. So its cheaper then renting, in my opinion also better less risks, people think theres more risk but if you know what I know and do what I do. You would see it's the most genius idea there is.

hope you get 'plugged in' somewhere soon, unless you own a gas station, too - I'm a fulltime RV'er, (and grower), been there, done that - best of luck to ya, happy growing !


New member

Don't get pulled over in that thing outside CA or you will never see it again.

I'm medical in other states and I stay well within state regulations. I'm not a commercial grower, I grow for my medical needs and I'm not the type of person to get pulled over with a nice brand new truck like mine and my nice RV with my small little thing in the back is the least of there worries I'm a voter, tax payer and a US patriot. I have never been arrested or have ever had a ticket. Did i forget to mention I have family in the government and police force. I've talked to them truthfully and have showed them what Ive been doing and they told me I have nothing to worry about.


New member
People worry to much, I don't drive through scales you don't need a class A because it's a pickup. No problems with police there not after RV travelers who are toying there 4 wheelers out to the campgrounds to go riding? I'm not doing anything big a small 1 person perpetual grow 6 and 12 with the babies and moms. It's a fine little thing thats very inconspicuous.


New member
Welcome to IC.
you are posting alot of personal info bud, be careful.

I removed my myspace account even though I have nothing really linked back to me.

P.S. If anything did happen to me, I think they would be very disappointed since I'm a legal prop. 215 and fallow S.B. 420 I am not very big on the radar. I think it would cost the people a lot more in pursuing me then what I'm actually worth.


Active member
I service my generator and change the oil once a year and that cost about $350. ...

is that oftin enough considering its running alot? i change the oil in my car every 2 months...(i drive alot) ...

anyways id love to see an inside pic of this. it sounds crazy.


New member
is that oftin enough considering its running alot? i change the oil in my car every 2 months...(i drive alot) ...

anyways id love to see an inside pic of this. it sounds crazy.

It's not the same type of engine thats in your car. and I add oil to it the service is once a year. That is fine for it, It's a silent generator and runs off both gas and clean air lp propane : ) look it up its called Onan Marquise and it's very hard to get the gas/propane generators.

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