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RV Grower The True Rolling Stone


New member
This is a forum, meaning people share their opinions. And no, it isn't just cannabis, it covers politics, safety, security, legal aspects, all realms of the growers world. You should check out some of the other subforums.

You have the right to say that putting a grow room in a moving vehicle and driving all over the state is a good idea, and I have the right to respond and say that I think your a moron for doing that.

If you think you joined the wrong forum, feel free to hit that little x in the upper corner of your screen.

Regarding vending to collectives, bud, do a google news search, people get arrested for it all the time. There was one famous case a few months back where someone with 20 or so pounds was arrested and in the end the judge ordered it to be returned, but this was after he was arrested and paid thousands of dollars on a lawyer. Many other times the bud just gets taken and people go to jail.

And regarding multi state medical licenses. I promise that if you get pulled over in Washington, and go to a judge and say "I have a med license but I have no residence or address in the state of Washington" at the very LEAST it will make your case harder, at worst he will flat out call bullshit and deny the medical defense.

The only part of your genius situation that I'm not sure about is the safety concerns regarding driving while having multiple high intensity, high wattage lights running. I have a feeling there are some safety laws against that, but I'm not sure.

good luck.

okay my friend, here is what I have done I have 3 carbon filters and have built the room within a room meaning I have fully insulated walls, floors and roof inside of the room containing the grow, there is only one way into the grow area thats through a dead bolted door and you have to fully open the RV to get into or see that door because the slide outs, The windows in back of RV where the grow room is is covered by a square plywood box mounted over them the windows are open. ; ) yup there open covered with a screen that was built in by RV manufacture and then covered with another black screen unoticable to the eye the a bamboo curtain. there is a four inch hole at the top of the box with a attached four inch inline on both sides all work is done and certified, plus all work was checked by fire department. The walls are insulated and sound proof the inlines are sound proof. Smell virtually no smell, not even in flower room when inside and door is shut. Oh and when you open the dead bolt door and go in the room you need another key to open lock on grow room itself.

The reason earlier I mentioned Vendors was for that reason they make the sacrifice everyday no one calls them a moron? That my point well put. I know they get busted everyday and why do they? there careless they make mistakes and drive like idiots and drive in beat up cars. Beat up cars are always in the eyes of a police officer a drug users vehicle because they dont care about there belongings. I understand that you may think this is stupid but I know quite a lot of growers who think this is one of the most safest ways to cultivate there medicine. You do realize im talking a small grow 6 mature and 12 immature. Im not talking whats going on in the sierra mountains my friend : 0 LOL I get what your saying but your not picturing what I'm showing. My first grow in the tent that was just a test I got video footage and stuff if you want to message me sometime. Chemdog told me to go on this site a while back and so Im on it know just checking it out. I believe what I'm doing is very safe for others it might be a death sentence, but im not going out like that. Im here on ICmag to make friends and share what I got knowledge whys. If your interested in autoflowering im also working on a autoflower romulan, cheese and xj-13.

dont take my last post as a insult but i dont think calling someone a moron is very friendly neither when all there doing is sharing a common interest. I dont want to go into detail but if you have a friend you can easily go to a dmv and get a identification card and have it shipped to your friends address and now you have a residence in that state with that id card? am i not correct, please correct me if i am mistaken. you use your original drivers license you have your birth certificate and social you go in and say your going to be living here for a unkown amount of time? you allowed to own more then one house yes in other states correct? and your allowed to own identification cards for that state, yes?


Don't take any advice about safety as a insult , because what you are doing sounds risky as hell and people don't want you busted. Oregon grow sites need a registered address with OMMP, never heard of a roving one. That being said it sounds like fun. One thing I would throw in is a on-off road street legal dirt bike.


shut the fuck up Donny
no hard feelings man, I'm realistically just bringing up safety concerns, not trying to give you a tough time. Your a grown up, you'll do what you want, I'm just voicing my opinion that's all.

.....I have 3 carbon filters and have built the room within a room meaning I have fully insulated walls.... Smell virtually no smell..

Obviously it is good that your doing all you can to hide it. That being said, god forbid they go in there to take a look, if they find a deadbolt door they are gonna see a giant red flag raised.

Also, if even worse, it happens to be a K9 unit, the dog will freak, 3 carbon scrubbers or not, just by walking around the outside of the RV.

The reason earlier I mentioned Vendors was for that reason they make the sacrifice everyday no one calls them a moron? That my point well put. I know they get busted everyday and why do they? there careless they make mistakes and drive like idiots and drive in beat up cars. Beat up cars are always in the eyes of a police officer a drug users vehicle because they dont care about there belongings.

Yes but vendors have no choice, they are forced to be on the road to get the bud to the clinics. You are not forced to have a rolling grow room. And having a nice vehicle doesn't mean as much as it used to. Cops aren't dumb, they know that people with nice toys might not of bought it with money earned from being a stock broker.

I know quite a lot of growers who think this is one of the most safest ways to cultivate there medicine.
I'm sorry but I'll never agree with that, and most others won't either. There is no way that a rolling grow room is safer then a house.

Anyway, again no hard feelings and I wish you the best of luck, just be careful.


Active member
This is a good place, as chemdog said, and there are lots of good people here....

Sometimes people argue but thats just like every family.....

I'm here to make people feel welcome, period....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


New member
This is a good place, as chemdog said, and there are lots of good people here....

Sometimes people argue but thats just like every family.....

I'm here to make people feel welcome, period....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:

Thank you guineapig, There are a lot of good threads in this forum and have been enjoying the website so far. Currently I'm in vegas and my RV is in California so when I get back home I will post more photos of how it is working and why it works so well. Thanks for all the comments and no hard feelings to anyone I respect peoples comments I just don't consider appropriate calling someone a moron or what not. I'm far from a idiot and knock on wood I've been in the industry for many many years and have never had a run in with the law. That being said I must be doing something right. Ive never even had a speeding ticket, I have never gave the police a reason "knock on wood" LOL.


So its cheaper then renting, in my opinion also better less risks, people think theres more risk but if you know what I know and do what I do. You would see it's the most genius idea there is.

Heh sounds really bomb to me! I agree a genius idea, gotta ask if theres any tips you could share with us would be awesome :dance013:

For the peeps telling u the dangers just dont let it bug you, they MAY come off condescending, but they are really just trying to help you :) if you know for a fact your set thats fine, dont have to prove anything, its the internet, plus I believe you bro.

Your life sounds so fun, just like something I would love to do, how long did it take you to finally have all this stuff come to fruition? Do you work ever or just travel? Thanks for posting up bro and dont let stuff get to you, people here are nice even though they come off different, after all we are all reading text, no tones involved its hard to read and get someones actual mood.

:thank you:


Tropical Outcast

That being said I must be doing something right. Ive never even had a speeding ticket, I have never gave the police a reason "knock on wood" LOL.

Then hopefully you will never get rear ended, neither.

Because even while not being your fault you would still get that "knock" @ your RV door.

And as far as some of your other questions: You need to read the replies made to those questions so you don't have to keep wondering regarding the answers.


Active member
i always wondered if there were grow rooms in any of the RVs on the road......looks like i got my answer if true, i would imagine the yachts have them too......"phuck man, there everywhere":)


Active member
As a "yacht" owner I can say that's tricky for any boat under 50 feet ... the motion of boats make gardening a real problem, especially if it's a sailing vessel, but also stink pots .. unless you're running something huge, in which case, yes, I'm sure they have them!


Active member
As a "yacht" owner I can say that's tricky for any boat under 50 feet ... the motion of boats make gardening a real problem, especially if it's a sailing vessel, but also stink pots .. unless you're running something huge, in which case, yes, I'm sure they have them!
Yeah i can imagine a couple of big waves and the snap of some big colas would not be pretty:(


Active member
Yea what about a yacht?

Or maybe you could link up a few of those huge cargo ships and run an outdoor setup way out at sea.....build in a de-salinization unit for fresh water....

This is the longest introduction post i've seen in awhile.....:abduct:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Active member
Yea what about a yacht?

Or maybe you could link up a few of those huge cargo ships and run an outdoor setup way out at sea.....build in a de-salinization unit for fresh water....

This is the longest introduction post i've seen in awhile.....:abduct:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:
the imagination runs wild.... i can "sea" that;).....pun intendid!
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Active member
i cant help but to post in here again and say..... what a great thread title-"RV Grower The True Rolling Stone".....magazine worthy if you have a good story behind it, mo


Active member
Getting a little ahead of ourselves aren't we? Let's see some photos, I smell bullshit.


Tropical Outcast
Getting a little ahead of ourselves aren't we? Let's see some photos, I smell bullshit.

I have been thinking the same.

And that right after reading OP running the gen set with a 1x/year maintenance schedule.
It just doesn't work like that.


Active member
like i said "if he has a good story behind it" maybe i shouldve put "if he has a real story behind it" ;)
From the pix i cant tell anything...rv, tractor trailor, house :dunno: