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RV Grower The True Rolling Stone


New member
Like on a boom truck. Onan

Got any pics?

I don't know what a boom truck is man. pictures of the generator? I can take some pictures off the net that look similar I'm currently posting pictures of my first grow in the RV, it was done inside a tent.


New member
Please be patient I'm posting a album or two just takes awhile they should update there photo upload page here @ ICmag. make it like Facebook or Myspace.


Active member
You need to rack up more posts before you can do that stuff....

Why is your post count still at zero? I can't understand that.....

I'll work on this problem....Welcome to the forums!!!!

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
His post count is still zero because this thread is in the Introduce yourself forum and doesnt count for post count. Soon as he start posting out in the other forums the post count will start to climb. This is done so new members dont just sit here and say hello to each new person to pad the post count fast.


stone fool
Welcome, I love the idea, designed a couple of these a few years ago but never got one built and running. I do not want to rain on your parade, but leo ain't always predictable, and they don't always play by the rules, and they don't give a fuck how much it cost to ruin your life. They do stop and search trailers here in the midwest, they got two mil in cash in one last year nearby, no drugs, just cash, leo kept the cash and told the driver to come back and claim it when he could prove it came from a legal source.

I love the gig man, but shit happens, you should plan ahead for it.


Welcome. Tow that thing during heavy rain . Less likely to be searched.


shut the fuck up Donny
I'm medical in other states and I stay well within state regulations. I'm not a commercial grower, I grow for my medical needs and I'm not the type of person to get pulled over with a nice brand new truck like mine and my nice RV with my small little thing in the back is the least of there worries I'm a voter, tax payer and a US patriot. I have never been arrested or have ever had a ticket. Did i forget to mention I have family in the government and police force. I've talked to them truthfully and have showed them what Ive been doing and they told me I have nothing to worry about.

While I fully support everyone's right to grow, this is a great example of someone being naive and thinking they are immune.

Growing in the back of a RV that is on the road constantly is just dumb and begging for something to go down, and it will, just a matter of time.

Having friends/family in the government/police force will do absolutely nothing when you get pulled over unless your brother happens to be the chief of police of the town you get pulled over in.

Whether you are legal or not, if cops find it, you will most likely be arrested and even if you do win in court, it will cost you tens of thousands of dollars. In addition, being a medical patient in multiple states won't hold up in court. That's like saying you have drivers licenses in multiple states. Your only valid license is to the state for which your primary residence is, regardless of whether you travel all the time or not.

So, I do wish you luck, but please be careful, and I hope that you have $20,000 set aside for when you eventually get arrested. If its in California you'll get a $50,000 bail depending on the county, (especially if southern california) if your in another state it will be higher most likely. No cop who pulls you over and finds a full blown grow room in operation in the back of a moving vehicle is going to say "oh, your a patient, ok no problem, have a nice day"


New member
You need to rack up more posts before you can do that stuff....

Why is your post count still at zero? I can't understand that.....

I'll work on this problem....Welcome to the forums!!!!

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:

Thank you, yeah seems like I'm registered but maybe its not letting me do a lot. I still can't pm or nothing.


shut the fuck up Donny
Welcome, I love the idea, designed a couple of these a few years ago but never got one built and running. I do not want to rain on your parade, but leo ain't always predictable, and they don't always play by the rules, and they don't give a fuck how much it cost to ruin your life. They do stop and search trailers here in the midwest, they got two mil in cash in one last year nearby, no drugs, just cash, leo kept the cash and told the driver to come back and claim it when he could prove it came from a legal source.

I love the gig man, but shit happens, you should plan ahead for it.


And man, that cash seizure stuff happens SOOO often. Nevermind the fact that half the time a bit goes missing, but just imagine how great the cops feel when they grab 1 mil in cash and go "ok sure, you can have it back, just prove where it came from, we'll be holding onto it for you"


New member
Thank you, yeah seems like I'm registered but maybe its not letting me do a lot. I still can't pm or nothing.

Welcome, I love the idea, designed a couple of these a few years ago but never got one built and running. I do not want to rain on your parade, but leo ain't always predictable, and they don't always play by the rules, and they don't give a fuck how much it cost to ruin your life. They do stop and search trailers here in the midwest, they got two mil in cash in one last year nearby, no drugs, just cash, leo kept the cash and told the driver to come back and claim it when he could prove it came from a legal source.

I love the gig man, but shit happens, you should plan ahead for it.

Hello, yes you are correct shit does happen and I do plan ahead. I do understand you are right out in the mid-west and east-coast there are a lot of different set backs. I don't travel out that way and I don't plan on it I stay in California, Oregon, Washington and Nevada. I only grow in California and am staying within legal guidelines. I am not breaking state laws, yes if I do this or that I am and I do know all risk involved in that. My experiments are not on what I can get away with its what I can do with. I'm not being rude to anyone but I don't need people telling what I can and can't do when they don't know what I am or am not doing. I'm here trying to share information on what I know how to do. What they do with that knowledge is on them. I'm practicing hundred percent safe guidelines even though I am capable of going out of state I don't. I'm just showing people how easy it is to do what I am doing.


New member

And man, that cash seizure stuff happens SOOO often. Never mind the fact that half the time a bit goes missing, but just imagine how great the cops feel when they grab 1 mil in cash and go "ok sure, you can have it back, just prove where it came from, we'll be holding onto it for you"

I don't have to worry about that either because unfortunately I don't have the luxury of have a million cash laying around for the cops to snag LOL.


New member
While I fully support everyone's right to grow, this is a great example of someone being naive and thinking they are immune.

Growing in the back of a RV that is on the road constantly is just dumb and begging for something to go down, and it will, just a matter of time.

Having friends/family in the government/police force will do absolutely nothing when you get pulled over unless your brother happens to be the chief of police of the town you get pulled over in.

Whether you are legal or not, if cops find it, you will most likely be arrested and even if you do win in court, it will cost you tens of thousands of dollars. In addition, being a medical patient in multiple states won't hold up in court. That's like saying you have drivers licenses in multiple states. Your only valid license is to the state for which your primary residence is, regardless of whether you travel all the time or not.

So, I do wish you luck, but please be careful, and I hope that you have $20,000 set aside for when you eventually get arrested. If its in California you'll get a $50,000 bail depending on the county, (especially if southern california) if your in another state it will be higher most likely. No cop who pulls you over and finds a full blown grow room in operation in the back of a moving vehicle is going to say "oh, your a patient, ok no problem, have a nice day"

Is everyone here on ICmag this negative if so I think I joined the wrong forum. I'm sorry I thought this was a cannabis related site. P.S. you think like the rest of them. First off you can have identification in multiple states just like your allowed to have residences in other states. You have no right trying to be my "dad" everyone on this site is fully aware of the legal issues involved with cannabis, second thanks for your lawyer expertise their bud but what do you think people do everyday when they are vending to collectives there transporting. I'm here trying to help and I get dissed on by a want a be harvard law teacher. This is ridiculous.


Active member
I dont think headiez dissed you ray, he simply just gave you his opinion. And vendors dont drive around all day with buds in the car, and certainly dont live in it. Thats why its risky, your more likely to get pulled over being on the road so often. However, to each his own, i think what your doing is badass. now lets see some pics !


New member
Second thing everyones forgetting to get pulled over traveling down the road you must have already broken the law wether it being a traffic violation or what have you, you have already done something else wrong, then for them to search your RV or vehicle you must have been suspicious or been found breaking the law. I am not that type of person I'm calm relaxed and give the law enforcement the upright respect they deserve. I've never had a problem with police and Am friends with plenty of people in the law enforcement. No I don't think I'm invisible that would be stupidity but I do have some common sense. I do not travel out side of the california region often and if I do I am a legal patient. Besides this there is already talks in other states such as Oregon, Washington and California of doing a joint cannabis medical form.


shut the fuck up Donny
Is everyone here on ICmag this negative if so I think I joined the wrong forum. I'm sorry I thought this was a cannabis related site. P.S. you think like the rest of them. First off you can have identification in multiple states just like your allowed to have residences in other states. You have no right trying to be my "dad" everyone on this site is fully aware of the legal issues involved with cannabis, second thanks for your lawyer expertise their bud but what do you think people do everyday when they are vending to collectives there transporting. I'm here trying to help and I get dissed on by a want a be harvard law teacher. This is ridiculous.

This is a forum, meaning people share their opinions. And no, it isn't just cannabis, it covers politics, safety, security, legal aspects, all realms of the growers world. You should check out some of the other subforums.

You have the right to say that putting a grow room in a moving vehicle and driving all over the state is a good idea, and I have the right to respond and say that I think your a moron for doing that.

If you think you joined the wrong forum, feel free to hit that little x in the upper corner of your screen.

Regarding vending to collectives, bud, do a google news search, people get arrested for it all the time. There was one famous case a few months back where someone with 20 or so pounds was arrested and in the end the judge ordered it to be returned, but this was after he was arrested and paid thousands of dollars on a lawyer. Many other times the bud just gets taken and people go to jail.

And regarding multi state medical licenses. I promise that if you get pulled over in Washington, and go to a judge and say "I have a med license but I have no residence or address in the state of Washington" at the very LEAST it will make your case harder, at worst he will flat out call bullshit and deny the medical defense.

The only part of your genius situation that I'm not sure about is the safety concerns regarding driving while having multiple high intensity, high wattage lights running. I have a feeling there are some safety laws against that, but I'm not sure.

good luck.


New member
I dont think headiez dissed you ray, he simply just gave you his opinion. And vendors dont drive around all day with buds in the car, and certainly dont live in it. Thats why its risky, your more likely to get pulled over being on the road so often. However, to each his own, i think what your doing is badass. now lets see some pics !

I have uploaded some pictures to my album if you want to look I also have done some testing on auto-flowering strains