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Root Rot 101- Myths Debunked


if you could tell me what range i can successfully grow quality cannabis, then i shall abandon my endeavors and waste no more of your time.

Not my time your wasting... im sitting here cutting down another one of my plants while smoking on a previous one. Im not ignorant enough to listen to your shenanigans.

Its been awhile since getting this worked up - theres more to it then what you see on the surface aswell. This is just so absurd because we go threw this every week at the shroomery! Its the exact same story... "Why are you against my trial and error?" And its not we're against it - Challenge it all you want. But when theres a line of people that will tell you the exact same thing "Yes it works, but stupid"... then obv its been done. Move on. With mushrooms its 100times worse cause most everything in that field is LONG WELL known information.

The limits are endless. You'd have to test every strain. What i can tell you is...

It will grow on the frozen tundra (My high school buddy grew outdoor in alaska), it will grow in the sandy sun beaten 100+ degree ground and baking sun of Iraq. It will grow under heavy winds from wyoming, thin air of colorado. Super humidity of Maine, and not so humid nebraska. It can grow under incandescence, it can grow with the brightest source of light - the sun. It can grow in swamps of Mississippi. Hemp/cannabis is a super strong plant. It is found everywhere growing under literally every condition under the sun. Sometimes it survives, sometimes it doesnt. Depends on the strain you're using. Some strains wont do crap outdoors cause their bred for indoors. Some do good with UVB some dont. But what the point is, is that we know when its "OK" for a plants conditions. Thats just mostly the outdoor parameters. Come inside and what you've done is introduced a whole new slue of pathogens that can be bad... but obv plants can take it well but only when giving it good conditions. When giving it conditions like you, as soon as you get root rot, it will thrive and you may or may not be able to catch it in time. We cant all always be giving them optimal conditions; but isnt what we're trying to do is get the best? Some of us also have lives and cant hope and prey we dont catch root rot cause we wont be there to rid it fast enough.

Maybe i take it personal cause i do look at this as Medicine. I know a few people that would kill themselfs if they didnt have pot. Had fibermyalgia, but the meds made even just moving joints and such so painful it was pointless. Smoked a joint, wanted to run marathons! Was in an accident and cant move his arm to even light a pipe, has to pre-light a blunt/joint and smoke that way if he's alone. If you were pulling this over at GlaxoSmithKline (xanex) you would be fired! "Well, this formula works... kinda sucks, but its ok". No. Thats not how that works.

And even if you were trying to show "the extremes that pot can grow under" you'd again want to be using different strains, under EVERY condition possible. The conditions in your grow apparatus is much better then your are ASSUMING (You have done little to no tests on water content and D/O, ect. How can you say you have very little D/O and that you dont have trace elements of root rot already?

Your improperly testing what science has confirmed for years, and then passing assumptions on as facts. You've proved nothing because i watch people try and grow under worse conditions then your's (Spiter mites, 93 degree temps, RDWC, 5 gal buckets, no measuring nutes, only half had air stones) and still turn out bud... but who's gonna smoke it? Instead of trying to find out whats 'OK' to grow in, lets start questions how to create better bud. The government thinks we have "Psychoactive" weed now and its something to fear... lets work on making that way so they do have something to be scared of; And those who use as medication wont have to keep buying crappy pot at good pot prices because people are more worried about "ok" weed rather then "good".

If you want to make this worth anything - Do actual scientific process. Gather materials, create your constant. Take notes, LOTS of notes. run your constant while running clones at different bad conditions. Only one condition at a time, and then you can move on to several bad conditions. And dont just do like warm water, set an aquarium heater in that tub and run it full blast... see what happens. Take and grow not only alge, but any other water bound bacterias you can get your hands on? Ever thought about what introduction of a plant with root rot into a good RDWC environment would do? Could it clean it up or will it just infect the rest? Something like that would be worth the time. Find out ways to rid root rot, not how to get it... going about it backwards bro. Then when you want to post findings, have more then just a few current pics and whats been going on over the week. Run this project for a year, study your findings, make a write up about it and post all that. You're findings will be "While root rot occurs at random, when given better conditions the weed reacted better and the product was of quality."

Im getting worked up about this now, and its just not worth it. I just want to make sure any new growers that read threw this understand how passionate i about about going against what your saying. You end up spending way more time and way more money cutting corners then if you just did it right then first time. I promise you... after trying to cheap out on my grow 3 times, i bucked up and dumped over $2000 for just a 400w set up - but my one harvest with crap bagseed has cranked out more then all three other grows combined...

I re-iterate with the fact that i grow mushrooms too... trying to cut corners and cheap out leads to great failure! You can search all over the shroomery about people cutting corners once, getting lucky. Then from there out nothing but failure. Anything can happen once.

Seacrest; out.



Active member
my grow shares common principals with dwc
-roots sitting in uncirculating nutrient solution.
-they are self contained within a res
-with simply a lid that i have intentionally left off to promote algae, this entire waste of time even having to point this out fact would itself be... moot.

Actually...all you're doing is letting your plants sit in a tray full of water. Like having a regular pot sitting in a drip tray...you water the plant and let it sit in the overflow water in the tray. Albeit a large, shared tray.

It's not DWC, it's not even a Hempy Bucket...because that allows the roots to dry as it uses the water.

You CAN grow plants like this...but they don't really thrive that way. I hate to say it, but your plants don't look very impressive.

I'm a renegade sometime myself...but this time, I think the mob is right. You really haven't thought of anything new nor revolutionary.

Good luck...


Active member
i just bought shrooms last night for my hike later thru the woods. youre right; shrooms are a much more intricate process which one most adhere to for success. ive thought about it myself, actually. but, this isnt about shrooms.

grown quite a few strains, all successfully with minumal effort.

this isnt about optimal conditions. this is about the casting light into darkness. im demonstrating only what ive stated. i appreciate your enthusiasm and passion but, you are wrong, and i will correct you. i dont ask for your blind faith, only your patience. this isnt some random example- this is far exceeding what was once believed as acceptable. if i can get decent results with this, then anything optimal would be just as you said; optimal.

light, higher temps, algae arre common factors in a lot of grows- not everyone has access to their own a/c room dedicated to growing. no additive alchemey, base nutes, and you can avoid root rot within a much more forgiving range and-bugs aside- you will have a successful grow. im not claiming anything more than in DWC, root rot can easily be avoided.

i know more than 1 grow, and and going to the extreme is what you have to do to sometimes to make a point.

the water is deeper than most realize. right at 4''. roots dont wick air from the bottom of the tray. ill be posting new growthpics tonight- decide for youself on the new growth ; )


Active member
this is far exceeding what was once believed as acceptable.

Who once believed that other than you? Everybody knows you can grow weed in shitty conditions, no break through there. I grew weed last summer, hydro in 40C + temps.

In fact we don't have to wait around for pics, I still have it

Average day time temp 40C, grown hempy style. Difference is I would'nt start telling people in DWC that I just debunked shit when I'm not even in DWC.

If you really want to exceed what people believe is acceptable how about getting a clue and realizing that you aren't doing anything new and using all the wrong terms?

Edit: by the way what you have is really the same thing as a hempy bucket, but hempy you just keep the water on inside so it doesn't get algae on it.
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The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
i just bought shrooms last night for my hike later thru the woods. youre right; shrooms are a much more intricate process which one most adhere to for success. ive thought about it myself, actually. but, this isnt about shrooms.

grown quite a few strains, all successfully with minumal effort.

this isnt about optimal conditions. this is about the casting light into darkness. im demonstrating only what ive stated. i appreciate your enthusiasm and passion but, you are wrong, and i will correct you. i dont ask for your blind faith, only your patience. this isnt some random example- this is far exceeding what was once believed as acceptable. if i can get decent results with this, then anything optimal would be just as you said; optimal.

light, higher temps, algae arre common factors in a lot of grows- not everyone has access to their own a/c room dedicated to growing. no additive alchemey, base nutes, and you can avoid root rot within a much more forgiving range and-bugs aside- you will have a successful grow. im not claiming anything more than in DWC, root rot can easily be avoided.

i know more than 1 grow, and and going to the extreme is what you have to do to sometimes to make a point.

the water is deeper than most realize. right at 4''. roots dont wick air from the bottom of the tray. ill be posting new growthpics tonight- decide for youself on the new growth ; )

Well let's just wait and see what kinda buds these little plants produce, Your already assuming this things a complete success and currently your not even close to harvesting any worthwhile nugs from those. Currently those plants look like 10 day old clones, So your still a long ways out and surely its not a success until you harvest some descent nugs from it...

Let's just watch it out and see what it does, Either way its not dwc and you can choose to believe it is all you want its just not...


Can`t see this goin much further dewd.........Aren`t you embarrassed enough with the size of the plants you`ve got now ?.......

I mean.....How old are they ?.........My 10 day cuts were bigger than that before transplant out from under the t-5`s in the mom/clone/pre-veg cabs................

DWC is not beer cups sittin in water you doofus , although you`ve tried ta make coorelations to your setup and similarities to DWC therein which are ludicrous at best..........



Just read this whole thread....how embarrasing... However I do have a question. I'm running an aero table and the roots are turning a little brown but not slimy, kinda feels like hemp(fibrous). Is this normal? When I first started out they were really white, but the root mass is getting huge and is literally pushing the net pots out of the tray. Would hydrogen peroxide from the pharmacy do any good? Would appreciate any info. Thanks


Just went down to take another look at the roots, they really look like hell now that im taking a closer look. I have a book "Marijuana Garden Saver", it shows my exact case as chemical burn. Is there anything I can do to help alleviate, just dumped the rez, was thinking just plain water, its a 60 day strain and its supposed to be done november 19th, everything on top looks good, frosty buds, not really swollen as much as id like but i was trying the defoliation method first time. Any help would be greatly appreciated, gonna run plain water till i hear otherwise
just read 2 pages of this thread and its stupid as fuck.....people posting information they think is correct when its actually the opposite doesnt help this community....i dont no why im wasting my time commenting on this shit thread other than to say dont trust the OPs advice....
dammmm just read the last 2 pages and saw the puny plants.....probably a couple months old too lol....jus annoyed from someone who clearly knows little...and id admit i know little compared to many on here...but someone knowing so little trying to spout off new "scientific evidence" or something, arguing against some of the most reputable sources on here....blasphemy if u ask me....someone PLEASE CLOSE this thread!!!

and to the poster above me....yes add H2O2 hydrogen peroxide! the only damage it can do at 5ml per gal is potentially kill your microcultures (bacteria/fungi) other than that it wouldnt not help against potential root rot


He`s back after 2 1/2 months to make fools of us all.........Ya`ll watch out cuz he`s bout ta drop the "WMD"........LMFAO.......

BJT.......If you can`t control rootzone temps and keep em below 70 , rootrot will continue to compromise your grow......H202 and SM-90 in your rez is a good start.....Never used it but heard Zone was a good additive to keep pythium/rootrot at bay.......

My GH 3 part blend "always" stained my roots and made em darker than white when they were in perfect shape , but you can smell rootrot and then feel the slime.....

You`ll know with the touchy , smelly thing cuz looks can be deceiving from juice stains.....

Good luck......DHF.....:ying:.....


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
He`s back after 2 1/2 months to make fools of us all.........Ya`ll watch out cuz he`s bout ta drop the "WMD"........LMFAO.......

BJT.......If you can`t control rootzone temps and keep em below 70 , rootrot will continue to compromise your grow......H202 and SM-90 in your rez is a good start.....Never used it but heard Zone was a good additive to keep pythium/rootrot at bay.......

My GH 3 part blend "always" stained my roots and made em darker than white when they were in perfect shape , but you can smell rootrot and then feel the slime.....

You`ll know with the touchy , smelly thing cuz looks can be deceiving from juice stains.....

Good luck......DHF.....:ying:.....

I think he finally figured out the only thing he was debunking was his plants, Turned them straight into de-bunk....
Due to the decelerated thought processes of my normal morning, I actually got sucked into this thread. Geewiz imadoofus, could you make any less sense? Sure you can abuse plants and still harvest.. Root Rot is caused by a pathogen that thrives in anaerobic conditions, no myth, nothing to debunk. The only thing your debunking is the assumption that you have common sense. Growing SWC in keg cups and a turkey pan with store bought RO water is novel at best. Certainly not DWC growing in any event.



life gardener
this thread sucks ...even and me , i know what is
root rot and how i have 2 face it..and im almost noob and greek!!
stop saying bull shit and learn the thinks from the start.

last year i learn english throu the reading...i ve read
many many thread and posts without 100% meaning because
my engish are very poor and im self learner-my word-

and for the people who knows..stop givin reason to live this tread in ic mag..

with all the respect...:tiphat:


Active member
if you read this thread in its entirety, it makes perfect sense. i made a claim and validated it with evidence. i stated root rot doesnt come from high temps, algae or light exposure and provided an example. everyone critical of the turkey pan would understand why i used it if they read the entire thread.

regardless of the growth rates, which i did exhibit were observable, my plants still never contracted root rot. i provided several pictures of the roots covered in alage and exposed to light, still, no rot root and healthy plants.

this was an experiment. i didnt advise anyone to grow this way or promote it as a breakthrough in horticulture, because it wasnt. but, it was a prime example of of how root rot is normally added to a res, it just doesnt sponateously arise.


Active member
exhibit A.)

exhibit A.)

He`s back after 2 1/2 months to make fools of us all.........Ya`ll watch out cuz he`s bout ta drop the "WMD"........LMFAO.......

BJT.......If you can`t control rootzone temps and keep em below 70 , rootrot will continue to compromise your grow......H202 and SM-90 in your rez is a good start.....Never used it but heard Zone was a good additive to keep pythium/rootrot at bay.......

My GH 3 part blend "always" stained my roots and made em darker than white when they were in perfect shape , but you can smell rootrot and then feel the slime.....

You`ll know with the touchy , smelly thing cuz looks can be deceiving from juice stains.....

Good luck......DHF.....:ying:.....

ADDITIVES only add complications.
if you read this thread in its entirety, it makes perfect sense. i made a claim and validated it with evidence. i stated root rot doesnt come from high temps, algae or light exposure and provided an example. everyone critical of the turkey pan would understand why i used it if they read the entire thread.

regardless of the growth rates, which i did exhibit were observable, my plants still never contracted root rot. i provided several pictures of the roots covered in alage and exposed to light, still, no rot root and healthy plants.

this was an experiment. i didnt advise anyone to grow this way or promote it as a breakthrough in horticulture, because it wasnt. but, it was a prime example of of how root rot is normally added to a res, it just doesnt sponateously arise.

I've read the thread and it does't make perfect sense. I still stuck on which myth you think you've debunked. I can't honestly remember every hearing myths about Root Rot being caused by light, heat, or low oxygen levels. I've only heard that the cause of the root rot, Pythium, is more likely to take hold in Anaerobic conditions outside of a certain temp range. Light in the res brings algae which is competing for food. No myths to debunk.

The only real assertions you've made is that its the additives causing the root rot, and root rot is normally added to a res, correct? OK, lets clear this up, root rot is cause by pythium, not additives. Pythium is a waterborne pathogen which is usually spread by inadvertent contamination, think food poisoning. The water or wet component, i.e: buckets, pumps and hoses, etc. is the contaminated source other than plant material from an infected plant.

The real doosy is the turd of an experiment with a asinine conclusion that got you laughed out of the building and you're still trying to defend the work as legit.


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