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Root Rot 101- Myths Debunked


One of the joys of smoking cannabis is that it can make a poorly thought through piece of unremarkable thinking appear like a blinding revelation of a universal truth that needs to be shared with the world.


Wait, does this mean massive rat farms aren't the future of CO2 enrichment?


Does your water ooze from your faucet? Perhaps this is the secret to your success? Thick water?

And it wasn't a matter of grammar genius, it was a matter of semantics. You made a poor word choice, probably based on the ignorance of the meaning of the word, probably because you found it in a thesaurus.

And believe it or not, you should know something about plant physiology (particularly rhizosphere interaction) before making informed observations.

Starting to think this is one big level on all of us. Are you some bored grower just fucking with your grow nerd buddies or what? I can't believe someone would defend doofery so vigorously.


Active member
exude- to emit or discharge slowly. context, not semantics.

something is THICK around here, its definitely NOT the water ; )


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lol, i AM a joke! but, my growing is NOT. i am proving facts, debunking myths. and we are just getting started...

my plants are not just ''surviving'', they are a FLOURISHING. ill demonstrate further in a few. ive started my plants out this way for over 8 years. growdan for seedlings, jiffy cups in a basin till sexed showed then dwc. the only thing im doing different this time is intentionally raising the temp by cutting off the a/c to the room and removed the aeration.

mmmhhh... lets shoot for 2 weeks then we'll go from there as far as no res change. as for flowering, i want to find the best female first, then take clones for further experiments. yes, i concur, growing in more suitable conditions would provide significantly better results; however, im providing EXTREME examples of what will not cause root rot. once ive taken clones, we will see how drastic the comparison is when grown side by side. im very curious myself.

as mentioned, tub is filled to the stalks; any higher it would over-flow.

amazing weed can easily become shitty weed if grown and harvested as such. atthe opposite end of teh spectrum, shitty weed can be fantastic weed if grown and dried right.


Active member

the plants started from seeds. plant roots suspended in solution in a container is dwc. i apologize if this isnt ''DWC'' for you, butwe will tend to that shortly.

my nutes are at FULL strength as soon as i transfer to jiffy cups.

ill prove my growth rate, starting tonight. stay tuned, my friend.

plants are not on life support, they have no health insurance. they are at club med with the rest of the cast from JERSEY SHORE, creepin and avoiding grenades.
jersery shore, bitch ; )

its not a deduction or epiphany i had. its years of relative experience and knowing that root rot is caused mostly by additive alchemy.

please read again, i only use the 2 PART gh LUCAS formula, cal mag, and pk13-14 at the end of flower. not prime example of what will, prime examples of what WONT. of course lower temps, aeration, and darkness will provide much better results. please read previous post.

this isnt the right way. thats the point.


There`s nothing you could say or do to convince me or ANYONE that what you`re attempting is "Deep Water Culture "........

Go do more research on said subject with the paramaters that`re established for said grow system and you`ll plainly see that once in flower the dissolved oxygen in the bottom containers of big plants is paramount on their survival rate........

Growin cuts in cups is laughable at best and I do apologize for me callin bullshit.........but bullshit.........

Been doin this too long to find an anomale in the scheme of things grow related.........especially cuts growin matted up in algae sittin in a turkey roastin pan.....Wow...what an accomplishment.....Your mom must be so proud......

Cmon dewd....What`s your point......I found a pot plant growin out of a roll of carpet down by a creek 35 yrs ago........It sent out roots till it FOUND water.......was 2 ft tall and full of seeds but it did it`s job for the survival of the species......

Get a grip .....it`s in the plants DNA to survive......you`re proving it.....but to say this is a viable grow setup is ludicrous......



Active member

around 15 times, only with aeration. exact same format, open basin, aeration, only difference is once a week i would rinse algae from the res and roots in a SOG.

i even experimented with a 5g dwc wih no aeration, light exposure and temps around 85- to 88f. higher temps do affect growth rate and flower density, but the end results werent much of a revelation. the root system was healthy, despite noair, but i did cut a hole in the lid for minimum gas transefer. im curious to have a sealed container and how the roots will fair. in the following weeks we will have to put that to the test, wont we ; )


Active member
heres a pic from yesterday. when compared from 2 days ago, there is noticeable growth.

8ml micro GH, 16ml flora, 2.5ml of cal-mag. full strength nutes.

size comparison demonstrating recent growth.

pic from today, sizable canopy increase since yesterday.

to accurately portray the rate of speed to coincide with my defoliation experiment, ive removed all fan leaves and cut a few branches. another reason behind the logic; assoon as ive isolated a suitable female, im trying to see how big of an lst bush i can grow in a
14g tub, while providing pleny of cuts to experiment with the ic members ; )
took over an hour to remove all leaf material!

now, these are some ''SHITTY'' plants, lol. now you getto see my life support ''cuttings'' explode.

another view.

filled the res to capacity 2 days ago- 100% nutes.

abundantly trimming off all leaf mater will slow water uptake significantly. which will promote even more algae growth and less water cycling. 2 birds, 1 stoner lol.

hard to see, but algae is already startig to cover the roots again, temps are at 91f. ph 5.9.
let me mention, one thing that i do not contest to the vitality of the plants is nute ph. i do monitor that, 1 a day.


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im off to delve into some true alchemy- namely hamgburger helper. look forward to all post, questions, and criticism.


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never took any pics of previous growths, which is why i know i have to validate my claims in the mean time.

keep an eye out, have an open mind, and be patient.


lol, i AM a joke!

amazing weed can easily become shitty weed if grown and harvested as such. atthe opposite end of teh spectrum, shitty weed can be fantastic weed if grown and dried right.

You are a joke, thus your work is a joke.

And you are wrong... to a degree. Correct - Amazing weed can become shitty (Good example... if you ever got ahold of any good weed and tried growing). And the way you explain that "If grown and harvest" OMG... I just harvested one of my good pot plants... DAMN, i grew AND harvested... its gonna be shitty huh? I think you ment to say "If grown and harvest improperly". Thats exactly what your doing... showing us how to grow improperly. And Shitty weed CAN NOT be fantastic weed if grown and dried right. If you have horrible Genetics, you will have horrible weed. PERIOD. Want proof? Grow some "Arthritis Nightbud". That strain is RANCID no matter what you do.

While I also appreciate your analysis, there's no need to be pissin' in his cheerios.

No one's pissin in his cheerios. We all agree its possible to pull it off... but he's not "Debunking myths". Its fact that warm temps increase mold/bacteria... the non beneficial kind included. But he's acting like its good to do this.

once again, im not promoting this as a revolution in hydroponics. i am, however, giving proof that root rot is not as pertinent to high temps, low d/o, and light exposure as ONCE BELIEVED.(FOR I HAVE SEEN THE PROMISED LAND!)

plants growing in a hydro medium with nutrient solution up to the stalk is dwc. we will expand once ive isolated a female.

middle school.
30 wonderful, awe filled years.
numerous times.

Yes... yes you are. "DEBUNKING MYTHS"... that would be like saying "Growing in premo conditions will not get you the best bud ever".

You're not proving that these conditions arent favorable to root rot. Seriously. All you're doing is showing it can. But the facts are there... root rot exists, and theres plenty of ways to combat that which will lead to massively better growth!

Again... NOT DEEP. Do you consider a class of spilt water on the floor or the ocean deep. Thats SHALLOW.

And cute... you had to take 30 years of middle school... glad you enjoyed it. Gonna get ballsy and try high school?

im being atacked on all fronts and if nothing else, im encouraged to prove my point by soft words and science.

WHERE IS YOUR SCIENCE?!? Its FACT warmer temps encourage bacterial growth (Go hit up shroomery). Its FACT light isnt good for roots. Its also FACT that plants CAN be grown in these conditions... that are PRONE to root rot.

If you think what you have to say is some science and fact and this and that... I challenge you to submit all of your worthless information to High Times and lets see where this goes. If your "Experiment" is a worthwhile one, We'll see it in an up comming issue. I would gladly send in to high times as well to make a feature out of it.

"What some noob who willingly calls himself doofus things about DWC growth" and in the next issue "The hilarious responses we got in and massive hate mail."

Honestly... bring forth something other then your own pathetic works. If this has ANY merit... dont you think you'd be able to find SOME kind of information on this? The largest problem with this isnt that "If you do this you'll get root rot". Its that if you DO get root rot, you quickly and easily lose everything. If your in a recirculating, then you're really screwed!

Grow up. Read. Learn. Stop spreading crap.


Active member
lol, man if I were a mod I'd change the title to "Crazy shit that might work" instead of "root rot 101." in that case I'd vote for a sticky

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