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The Angriest Dog in the World (withdrawal)


donut engineer

The dog who is so angry he cannot move. He cannot eat. He cannot sleep. He can just barely growl. Bound so tightly with tension and anger, he approaches the state of rigor mortis.

This past summer I was lucky enough to be living in SoCal where the medical cannabis was ample and potent (I'm now back in the MidWest). Since then, i have been a multiple daily smoker of the kindest kind. Before, I was just smoking locally available beasters a few times a day or whatever I managed to grow. Lately, I've begun to notice that I was basically becoming doped out all of the time and it wasn't helping my personal/professional life (time for a break!).

Usually when I take a break there is no problem outside a night or two of restless sleep. I have been completely clean for 4 days, but things just keep getting worse and worse in terms of withdrawal symptoms. I have no desire as such to get stoned, however I considered it tonight just because of the symptoms...

  • insomnia (I haven't slept well in 3 nights, why I'm here now)
  • irritability (wow, yes, very)
  • anxiety (yes)
  • physical tension (incredible tension)
  • decreases in appetite and mood (yes)
  • stomach pain (nope)
  • restlessness (I can't sleep in the same bed as my girlfriend because I keep moving around and its bugging her)
  • anorexia (not yet...)
  • increased aggression / anger (oh my god yes)
  • strange dreams (if only...)

Is this normal? I'm very concerned here as I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't do work, and I am increasingly becoming a complete fucktard toward people.

Will this transpire soon? I don't want to give in and toke again because I hate being a slave to something, but it's getting out of hand.


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
It takes me about 5 days to sleep and eat normally when I stop smoking (when the fuck was that?? Haha). Other than that I feel better in some ways. Clarity. I don't feel anxious or aggressive at all, I'm sorry you're feeling that way. I notice that I'll drink more when I quit chiefin'. Everyone's different. If you haven't leveled off within a week you may have something underlying that smoking weed has been covering. I don't mean that in a bitch way, I've dealt with depression, anxiety and insomnia at points in my life and negative feelings when you quit tend to really come from those things.
I'm going through the same thing...
Can't sleep, don't eat much, I get angry or depressed.
I'm still calm mostly and the same person, people still think I'm high.

But I can't keep up a daily smoking habbit in Uni. I can, but I rather not.
Its nice being clear headed, been reading alot more.


Dont worry, it might take u a few weeks to feel "normal".

Just have a couple of beers in the evening and you should be able to sleep ok, and once u sleep ok the rest of ur problems are likely to solve themselves.



Yeah, I'm always amazed at the withdrawal symptoms that pop up after using weed daily. It usually takes 3-5 days to feel somewhat normal. And man, talk about mood swings. Can't eat, can't really sleep, don't wanna do anything, feelings akin to depression....

It's crazy, but at least it isn't any worse. And it clears up if you tough it out.
Must be the pussiest withdrawal ever, compared to those nasty drugs out there, though. lol!


all praises are due to the Most High
Valerian root is your friend when you stop toking. As well as many other stuff, like lemon grass, melissa offic, chamomile, ginseng.

but if you find a good valerian root extract pill, some quality ginseng, and either chamomile, lemon grass or melissa offic to make infusions with, drink a few cups a day.

and breathe, eat fruit, yogurts, exercise... avoid refined sugars.

you can always quit by reducing gradually the amount of herb you toke each day, this way one avoids the symptoms you have, which is just the organism adjusting to not having something it had gotten used to, happens with a lot of things, sugar, coffee, tea, even people with whom we no longer are able to be with...

just be patient, the discomfort does not last forever, that is for sure.

Im not a heavy smoker, but if I do smoke for say 3-5 days in a row, and I dont smoke the next week or two, I can really feel the agitation come on.. very weird.. I must say I have a highly addictive personality tho..



Isn't this thread a contradiction to the "smokers mantra" ?

Weed isn't addictive, remember ?


Yea I smoked everyday for like 9 months STRAIGHT and had to quit cold turkey.... only thing i felt was less hungry lol


Active member
I took a break, and i feel much better
sure I get tired, but the high started getting better for sure

it's nice to know that you CAN stop for a while
and you feel really nice soon enough.. me 5th day is good


all praises are due to the Most High
the degree of discomforts we feel when we stop toking after we have been toking for a long time vary a lot from person to person.

even the same person can have different levels/degrees of discomforts from none at all to some crappy ones, at different points in his/her life.

but whatever symptoms one feels starting cannabis abstinence, they are not life-threatening; the worst I've heard people get are panic attacks...

Melatonin (3-5mg) before sleep.

that sounds very interesting, have you tried it yourself? any contraindications in relation to consumption of melatonin? can u get it at a drug-store?

ive been dry for 7 days... i had no problems at first, Now however, My anxiety attacks came back, Insomnia, restlessness, Irritability, Gastro intestianl problems, Migrians, Lack of appitite...

But this has been common before i started smoking to begin with, these symptoms only go away with daily cannabis use.

My whole life is a withdrawl symptom before i started smoking.


Pull my finger
Too much of anything can make you an addict. For me, weed isnt really addictive. I have gone days sometimes without smoking, simply because I forgot! Or was too busy.

I am, however, severely hooked on Mountain Dew. I cannot go a day without it.

I no there are some symptoms one might experience from quitting a daily weed habit, but I wouldnt call it withdrawls as much as re-adjustment.

For me, growing is way more addictive than smoking. My wife is a major pot head, but I would rather tend my garden 9 times out of ten. I wait for the right time to get high. When I can really enjoy it.

I still smoke daily for the most part. Usually in the morning right before I start field work. Weed calms my ADD and actually helps me focus on data collection and calculations. But if I forget my stash, I dont panic.

But, this is me, for you things might effect you differently.

Bite the bullet and from now on you know your body better and know how far to go, when to break etc...

Good luck!

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