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Split from : The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!


Dr. Doolittle
You don't have to, but rotate it like straight water every other watering, as long as you have the correct dosage of nutes you should not get a buildup within the time frame I listed.

They look a lot more happier now those leaves are all stretched out!! Great job :D


What STRAIN are you growing? Blaze from Vancouver Seed Bank
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) From seed
What is the age of your plants? one mom 3 months, one budding 2 months
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? FLOWER, 6WEEKS Veg- indefinatly(mom)
What Technique are you using? HYDO, Ebb and flow
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.) ROCKWOOL IN HYDROTON IN A TRAY
What is the Nutrient temperature? ~20C
What Nutrient's are you using? Quickgrow 3 part system
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? 1200ppm at .5 convertion.
What is the pH of the "Tank"? 6.4
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? FAIRLY CERTAIN. Wa told by the Hydro shop they Calibrated it
When was your last watering? rez changed 28th of oct
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional) FRIDAY
What size bulb are you using? 150w hps
What is the distance to the canopy? too close less than 2 inches
What is your RH Factor? 40% not over 50%
What is the canopy temperature? 84 near the light
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) min of 74 max 86 in the cab outside temp not applicable
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)175 cfm exhaust out carbon filter
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? Its sucking heat away from the lamp
Is your water HARD or SOFT? R.O
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned of of or pinched? Yes everyday cause its outgrowing the cab area
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? NO
Are plant's infected with pest's? Hoping not

The answer to all these questions are also in my thread see sigature. I posted a little blurb about the problem when i noticed it but now its defiantly progressing into a worse stae so looking for help on the matter.......Here's a couple of snap shots of leaves and a bud i noticed today.....its the only one thats all buggers ATM so please :1help:
The first shot is of a Large fan leaf attached to the main stem

This second one is on an auxillery shoot (has a nice bud cluster on it as well)

And well the third is a bud thats dry and crunchy


Hey weedlife how is things going with your gals now? You got some new pics?

Not really good actually..

I got some pics. The first is the only one doin well, she's green and she keep growing. The second and third are the most hurt. 4th is not really bad lookin, just a little of light yellow, but she's totally stunted, i don't know why. Also i seem to have a serius problem with watering, damn i can't get it once right. Plants haven't been watered for 3 days, and now i just watered the one doing good. I hope that after 3 days that 5 grams of soil are dry.. I think i just have to wait now, anyway if you have suggestion to make them feel better i'm glad to hear them :)

Here are the pics

The healty one

And the rest


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Ok, heres an update. They are currently in the 3rd week of veg. I watered this morning and on some of the plants that showed some leaf tip curling, I flushed with plain tap @7.0ph and runoff was 6.1.

I had some issues with the a/c system I put in for the garden and temps were temporarily (appx 4 hours) at 85deg F. I have the RH fluctuating between 40-60%. Lights are still around 3ft from canopy.

How do you recommend pruning these OG's? I was going to hit up Swerve for his opinion since these are his. They aren't stretching too much yet so I was thinking of just topping off and running a SCROG. I'm going to take some cuttings for some mother plants so that may thin out the lower part of the plants a bit.

Check out the pics and let me know what you think. Theres a little bit of wilting as I took these during watering.

Hope you are feeling well. My back has been a little sore lately and more so after the work in the garden this a.m.



Dr. Doolittle
What STRAIN are you growing? Blaze from Vancouver Seed Bank
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) From seed
What is the age of your plants? one mom 3 months, one budding 2 months
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? FLOWER, 6WEEKS Veg- indefinatly(mom)
What Technique are you using? HYDO, Ebb and flow
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.) ROCKWOOL IN HYDROTON IN A TRAY
What is the Nutrient temperature? ~20C
What Nutrient's are you using? Quickgrow 3 part system
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? 1200ppm at .5 convertion.
What is the pH of the "Tank"? 6.4
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? FAIRLY CERTAIN. Wa told by the Hydro shop they Calibrated it
When was your last watering? rez changed 28th of oct
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional) FRIDAY
What size bulb are you using? 150w hps
What is the distance to the canopy? too close less than 2 inches
What is your RH Factor? 40% not over 50%
What is the canopy temperature? 84 near the light
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) min of 74 max 86 in the cab outside temp not applicable
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)175 cfm exhaust out carbon filter
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? Its sucking heat away from the lamp
Is your water HARD or SOFT? R.O
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned of of or pinched? Yes everyday cause its outgrowing the cab area
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? NO
Are plant's infected with pest's? Hoping not

The answer to all these questions are also in my thread see sigature. I posted a little blurb about the problem when i noticed it but now its defiantly progressing into a worse stae so looking for help on the matter.......Here's a couple of snap shots of leaves and a bud i noticed today.....its the only one thats all buggers ATM so please :1help:
The first shot is of a Large fan leaf attached to the main stem

This second one is on an auxillery shoot (has a nice bud cluster on it as well)

And well the third is a bud thats dry and crunchy

Hi bengie, man that bites about the buds looking that way, is one part of the plant affected with the wilted bud? or just this one, and the affected plant, is this the only area?

Is there any green in or on your rockwool?

Roots healthy looking?

As for the leaves affected, that is a very progressed form of magneisum deficiency, either caused by too much of nutrients,not enough given or pH issue.

I would bring down the pH to about 6.0 if you can.

How much magneisum does your micronutrient 3 part have?
1200 seems kinda high for the size of your plants....... how tall is your plants?

Do you mist your plants at all? The bud almost looks like bud rot, but since it's dry it can't be,

What size bulb are you using? 150w hps
What is the distance to the canopy? too close less than 2 inches

is the bud in the picture close to the canopy by any chance? cause it can cause the problem you are speaking off.....

LEaves and bud get dry and crispy when heat related issues or nutrient burn, high ppm level in the plants medium/water etc.


Dr. Doolittle
Weedlife; are these the same seedlings you had trouble and you repotted them in these cups?

If so, most are a lost cause :( chances are most of them are stunted and won't resume growing....

As for the watering, you don't need to get the entire medium wet for the size of seedlings you have, you only water the one area near the stem and only long enough for the water to get a little below the tap root, otherwise if you water too much; your plants will show yellowing from lack of o2 and saturated roots. Your soil will stay wet too long and the amount of water is too much for the tiny tap root to absorb.

Also if you can, get some new soil just for the seedlings, it's not mandatory to do so, but if you continue to have problems with seedlings in this soil, seed starter mixture is very easily on seedlings and you should not see any problems as long as the soil mixture is not cheap! lol Biobizz all mix can be on the rich side, some seedlings can take it and others can't. after plants get around the 3 week age they can be put into richer soil.


Dr. Doolittle
Hey mydny; topping/fimming the top is a start, when the lower branches get near the top, tie the top most highest branches down to the level of the lower branches when the lower parts just about get as big as the top branches, if you do it correctly, you will have a bonsi looking plant with even colas without the SCROG. Everyone has there own way of the way they tie down, I tried a lot of different techniques and the one I love best was the one my boyfriend did, the way I explained above.

back pain as been iffy, I Hate being dependent on meds, in order to stop pain I got to keep taking them, I am not addicted, but I have a high tolerance to them, so when I stop taking them and just deal with the pain, when I take my dose it won't work, because I missed so many doses in between.

Garden work kills the hell outta my back too, I can't do it no more cause it puts too much pressure on the back and I can feel it in the tail bone and lower back.

I am really worried now though, because the past few weeks I have no feeling in my right side of my foot, the 2 toes the pinky toe and the one next to it, if you touch it I can't feel it but a very tingley sensation the Dr thought I pulled a ligament in my foot, but everything he has given me and the heating pad I use on it isn't even putting a dent in it and I am almost sure that it has something to do with my back. My nero surgeon wanted me to try epidurals and I told them that was a joke, cause when I get shots I pass out. I went through child labor without pain meds cause I would rather deal with the pain than a needle in my back.

So since I don't want to go through that route my chances of surgery are high now, because the other vertebras are deteriorate from all the movement and so forth. It sucks, I also found my dad has it, but he has never did any hard work in his life so his does not bother him. My dad;'s sister, my aunt she had the surgery done and what even freaked me out is she had the same vertebras and the same problems in the same locations, so I know it's genetic, I Just hope to god I did not pass it on too my son :(
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Stitch- Its only the one bud..i now just cut it off the plant for fear of it being rot.....but it does seem to show that heat burns...It could have been super close to the light at one point as it has a negative degree angle on its stem....But i dont remember damn stoner:noway:

As for the leaves i was looking at the nut defs tutorial and thats about all i could figure it ot be as well but with out being experienced with diagnosing sickness of plants i was waiting for a second opinion before starting a trreatment......epsom salts should clear it up right....ill have to go double check that page again

The rockwool doesnt have any/much algea discloration to it so i would mostly say no but it seems to have changed to more whitish green color im thinking from build up of something......I will be doing another rez swap here tommorow just have to get more water for it.....
My three part system

I hope theres enough info there if not ill write you the read out of everything in the nutes

Thanks again for eing the guru it hepls alot


Dr. Doolittle
Ok, thats what I was thinking I should do. Thanks for the input!

np mydnytetoker! :wave:

Stitch- Its only the one bud..i now just cut it off the plant for fear of it being rot.....but it does seem to show that heat burns...It could have been super close to the light at one point as it has a negative degree angle on its stem....But i dont remember damn stoner:noway:

As for the leaves i was looking at the nut defs tutorial and thats about all i could figure it ot be as well but with out being experienced with diagnosing sickness of plants i was waiting for a second opinion before starting a trreatment......epsom salts should clear it up right....ill have to go double check that page again

The rockwool doesnt have any/much algea discloration to it so i would mostly say no but it seems to have changed to more whitish green color im thinking from build up of something......I will be doing another rez swap here tommorow just have to get more water for it.....
My three part system

I hope theres enough info there if not ill write you the read out of everything in the nutes

Thanks again for eing the guru it hepls alot

There should be no green on your rockwool, if there is some your plants are being kept too wet, the rockwool that is, and the air flow is below to a point where algea can thrive.

So I would use some h202 1 tsp per galon of water and use it on the rockwool, one application should kill it.

Epsom salts should be fine, but if your pH Is not in check your plants won't absorb the magneisum.

I don't think it has a pH issue right now, but make sure it stays stable, don't let it go up and down high and low.

Using magneisum from now on should clear the problem up, but first get rid of the algea, cause it can choke up the air flow of the rockwool cube and you end up getting root rot

Then go from there and fix your magneisum problem. WIthout a good healthy immune system your plant will not be able to heal and prevent other types of infections.

Ya, that was not bud rot, had to be something got to close to the light, cause bud rot is soft and smelly :)




Ok so i did a full rez swap......it now at 1200ppm with 75mls part 3, 60mls part 2 and 1.5 Tbls of epsom salts.......I dont have any algea build up on the cube it was mostly whiteish...so i assumed it was Salt(alkaline) buildup of some sort...so i flushed that cube.....the runoff out my system was had to ahve been pretty high cause it rraised my rez ppm from 1200 to 1700.....keeping my fingers crossed hoping that its gonna be ok.....oh yeah i lowerd the ph to about 5.4 now in aticapation of it going up


Dr. Doolittle
Dude, hopefully that ppms is not too high, cause normally your plants have to be pretty big for it to have ppms that high. How tall is your plants?

If your medium had left over salts, your ppms are too high or your not flushing the plants out every now and then......

What do your plants look like now? Got an update of pictures?


How big is big???....Shes 24" tall but i bent the actual top and its prolly another 6-8 inches taller if she was standing straight up....I can always add water to dilute the rez if its too high although I havnt noticed any degration of her leaves yet.....shes only been waterd twice since the rez swap......
Side note- Im following the feeding chart given to me By the hydroshop who created the nute line...


Dr. Doolittle
Be very careful listening to there directions, hydro shop peeps suck, unless they themselves have grown, because the stretngths listed on most nutrients are too high for cannabis. only AN and canna products are made for cannabis and is safe to use at there recommendations, but ya gotta be careful with there additive lines, both get carried away.


So i diluted it i added about 4 liters and that put my ppm to 1000 and thats as much ro water i could add....and the ph didnt go up too much 5.56 so that should be good to get proper nutrients without ph lockout correct....I remember seeing a chart on someones thread it was all bright and colorful.....hoping this will correct these stupid hydro shop guys advice


We are Farmers
Hiya Stitch, I was wondering what you thought of the pic below, I looked through the guide and the only one it seems to match is the boron def.

Looking at the labels on all of the nutes I am using none lists boron specifically.

Is it normally something that needs to be supplemented?

Or do you think it is just nute burn?

Thanks :joint:



Dr. Doolittle
See the leave your holding did that leaves edges curl recently or was it already like that?

When did this pop up?
Need to know those before I can give ya your answer.....
Since you had a problem previously, want to make sure I am not re-diagnosing something lol.

The leaf that is in the right that is white, did they get too close to the light? Still using T5's?

Cause if you have a lot of T5 and have over 75 watts sq feet of space you can light bleach a plant.


We are Farmers
See the leave your holding did that leaves edges curl recently or was it already like that?

When did this pop up?
Need to know those before I can give ya your answer.....
Since you had a problem previously, want to make sure I am not re-diagnosing something lol.

The leaf that is in the right that is white, did they get too close to the light? Still using T5's?

Cause if you have a lot of T5 and have over 75 watts sq feet of space you can light bleach a plant.

The leaf I am holding is near the top and had no issues previously. I am not using the T5 any longer, I am using two 400w CMH now but I am running it pretty close to the tops but I do not think the leaf you are talking about was light burned.

I can take more pics tonight if you wish.

Thanks as always Stitch :joint:

One Love 731

Senior Member
Stitch, thanks for all you do, this info is a great addition to any garden. Is the book any different than your thread? Same pictures, same text? Any ways, I will be ordering a copy as it is not available were I live. Karma, One Love

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