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How to prevent drier buds from coco?


I yield more in coco but the buds never turn out like they do in soil... more dry and crumbly, dense don't get me wrong, but not that sticky dense I get from soil.

Any way around this? I dry fairly slow takes about 6 days before the stems snap in a cool dark corner, low ventilated.. is it the chemical nutes?


Normally it is the method of drying than the medium used. However, I do notice a slight difference in quality when it comes to organics and coco. Reason behind this is that the synthetic nutes and PH adjustment is never perfect during each feeding. Very experienced growers know how to keep that in check and produce the maximum results sought in coco.

But coco done right is probably a superior method in terms of growth rates. But I'm uncertain about the actual quality of the end result. If anything, your soil grows must be very simplistic and providing everything the plant needs without much ph and nute adjustment.

I don't think it's fair to say that the medium you're using makes your buds much drier. Perhaps you can dial in your coco grows a little more or you can make the environments and variables the same to rule out that using coco is in fact the reason why your end result is like that.


this is interesting, its the second time ive heard someone on the forum talking about soil buds being better then coco. ive noticed faster growth with coco but defineatly a better green look to my soil grown plants, this is an interesting topic, i have no answer as of yet.


I've had the opposite experience. Coco is the best medium I've found for producing large, dense, greasy nuggets.

Are you giving them enough water late in flower? Did you have unusually low humidity during your coco grow?


Normally it is the method of drying than the medium used. However, I do notice a slight difference in quality when it comes to organics and coco. Reason behind this is that the synthetic nutes and PH adjustment is never perfect during each feeding. Very experienced growers know how to keep that in check and produce the maximum results sought in coco.

But coco done right is probably a superior method in terms of growth rates. But I'm uncertain about the actual quality of the end result. If anything, your soil grows must be very simplistic and providing everything the plant needs without much ph and nute adjustment.

I don't think it's fair to say that the medium you're using makes your buds much drier. Perhaps you can dial in your coco grows a little more or you can make the environments and variables the same to rule out that using coco is in fact the reason why your end result is like that.

I feel that I have coco dialed in.. I use r/o and the PH is always consistent. I'm not saying that there isn't somethin I'm doing wrong, I'm hoping I am. I love coco, to me it is a superior medium but all my buddies notice the dryness too. Should I try and moisten it up with a lemon peel or maybe even jar early?

I've had the opposite experience. Coco is the best medium I've found for producing large, dense, greasy nuggets.

Are you giving them enough water late in flower? Did you have unusually low humidity during your coco grow?

Interesting slappy. What do you feed your girls? They were(in between grows) getting plenty of water as they were on drip.. The humidity is a little on the low side but nothing drastic. same rh for the soil ones.

Thanks guys, interested in more feedback :wave:


throw an apple slice in a bag with some of your smoke, reconstitute it u could say, sounds like u dried it to nothing.


Active member
how long do you flush the coco? my coco nugs have blasted away anything else; it's probably how you're drying it... or are you drying coco and soil plants right next to each other.

try letting them hang 2-4 days; until the fan leaves are brittle
then put in brown paper grocery bags; about 2/3 full
roll over the top of the bag and store in a cool dry place for 2 weeks
you can open the bags and move things around a bit every day if you want but its not necessary; let it go the full two weeks in the bags; it'll get dry; then it'll get soft; then it'll get perfect

give that a try and see if it solves your problems

learned it from some old hippies in norcal who live on the coast; this is the only way they dry and they've been doing it for generations; shit cures up perfect; can last for over a year in a jar and still b as dank as the day it went in; smell, feel, everything

but some people just thing soil is the bomb; always no matter what; end of story and they don't want to even hear anything else

on that note i've been playing with a new mix; the canna terra professional plus... it's a peat based soilless soil mix; sorta like coco but more peat less coir... my friend was getting faster results in the terra than coco doing side by side so i'm giving it a chance; one part nutes by canna too so it really gets rid of a lot of variables when growing; k.i.s.s.


how long do you flush the coco? my coco nugs have blasted away anything else; it's probably how you're drying it... or are you drying coco and soil plants right next to each other.

try letting them hang 2-4 days; until the fan leaves are brittle
then put in brown paper grocery bags; about 2/3 full
roll over the top of the bag and store in a cool dry place for 2 weeks
you can open the bags and move things around a bit every day if you want but its not necessary; let it go the full two weeks in the bags; it'll get dry; then it'll get soft; then it'll get perfect

give that a try and see if it solves your problems

learned it from some old hippies in norcal who live on the coast; this is the only way they dry and they've been doing it for generations; shit cures up perfect; can last for over a year in a jar and still b as dank as the day it went in; smell, feel, everything

but some people just thing soil is the bomb; always no matter what; end of story and they don't want to even hear anything else

on that note i've been playing with a new mix; the canna terra professional plus... it's a peat based soilless soil mix; sorta like coco but more peat less coir... my friend was getting faster results in the terra than coco doing side by side so i'm giving it a chance; one part nutes by canna too so it really gets rid of a lot of variables when growing; k.i.s.s.

I'll give that drying method a try. I usually do a rough trim mainly just the large fan leaves then lay the buds out on a flat surface in a dark cool corner. usually takes about 6 days the stem just barely snaps. then I trim the buds up good before they get jarred.. oh and I flush for about 10 days

thanks everyone so far :yeahthats


Active member
thats all the nurients left in your plant from the soil grow.

the cleaner burning coco product is how its supposed to work.

its not supposed to turn into a combination of mud and asphalt in the bowl. its supposed to turn to ash.


:D with no doubt coco gives better results than soil - if not you are doing soemthing wrong :D


pretty sure I'm just drying too long i've always read to dry until the stem snaps but I don't think that is the case for coco. I will also try placing them into a paper bag a few days in.

i will report back :joint:
also depends on how much you water towards the end, your coco probably isnt holding water like your soil was, less time to dry= you over drying your buds, wait till they feel crispy on the outside then paper bag them for a day or 2


Active member
i just let the outside fan leaves get crispy; anymore and i think u can risk over drying them... they dry much slower in the bags... hanging before bagging just speeds up the overall process... when the stems snap after they've been in the bags; usually two weeks... that's why it's called a cure; patience has its rewards... then it is time for the final trim and into jars or turkey bags they go.


Active member
i'd never dry until the stems snap. my stuff would turn to dust as i trim it.

stems should kink, leaves should crunch but not turn to powder in your hand

its going to moisten up again once contained [preferrably in a glass jar with a top that seals]


:D with no doubt coco gives better results than soil - if not you are doing soemthing wrong :D

i agree coco is the way to grow . my buds are 110% better now i use coco than when i used to grow in soil . maybe it down to the way u dry and cure your buds . i dry for 10 to 14 days then into curing jars and burp for the 1st 2 weeks 3 times aday .


Active member
i'd never dry until the stems snap. my stuff would turn to dust as i trim it.

stems should kink, leaves should crunch but not turn to powder in your hand

its going to moisten up again once contained [preferrably in a glass jar with a top that seals]

hehe... after the two weeks in the bags the buds are DONE... ready for the world... cured and not dried... although if you take em out after only one week in the bags they'll be bone dry... second week they moisten up again

i have some stuff in front of me that has been in a bag for like 2 months; maybe longer... it's still soft and squishy not dust like at all... no trics though so not worth smoking but it cured nice :joint:
how long do you flush the coco? my coco nugs have blasted away anything else; it's probably how you're drying it... or are you drying coco and soil plants right next to each other.

try letting them hang 2-4 days; until the fan leaves are brittle
then put in brown paper grocery bags; about 2/3 full
roll over the top of the bag and store in a cool dry place for 2 weeks
you can open the bags and move things around a bit every day if you want but its not necessary; let it go the full two weeks in the bags; it'll get dry; then it'll get soft; then it'll get perfect

give that a try and see if it solves your problems

learned it from some old hippies in norcal who live on the coast; this is the only way they dry and they've been doing it for generations; shit cures up perfect; can last for over a year in a jar and still b as dank as the day it went in; smell, feel, everything

but some people just thing soil is the bomb; always no matter what; end of story and they don't want to even hear anything else

on that note i've been playing with a new mix; the canna terra professional plus... it's a peat based soilless soil mix; sorta like coco but more peat less coir... my friend was getting faster results in the terra than coco doing side by side so i'm giving it a chance; one part nutes by canna too so it really gets rid of a lot of variables when growing; k.i.s.s.

Will have to Try this one!!! I love KISS Techiques!




the hang dry and then burping in mason jars for 10 minutes a day for 2 weeks i like more so you don't lose any trichs in bags.


Active member
whatever floats your boat; again if you have 100 outdoor plants all ready at the same time that's a lot of jars; not to mention the work of burping them everyday; bags you can set and forget; although if the rh% is high where you're drying i'm sure checking on them every now and then would be prudent but for the most part something about the folded over top of a 2/3rds full paper grocery bag allows for ideal gas exchange when curing... also if you're comfortable with the method, which i am, it allows you to cure your buds off site without the need of a babysitter until they're ready to trim, which i do as well.

from my experience i end up with more trichs on the side of a glass jar than i do the bottom of a paper bag every time; last time i checked glass provided more resistance to force than paper.... but i'm probably wrong