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Rods - WTF!


Active member
Ok i know i'm not completely nutts.

I have seen things zoom past my head for years. Every time i look they are gone. Indoors & out, n i have noticed it for a lonnnng time.

Its like déjà vu every time. I know something is there but i can never see it. Maybe its rods!

I'm going to set up a few ip cameras arnd the house n yard and see if i can capture one on vid.



Google a guy named Jose Escamilla. He has some great video of rods coming out of a cave in Mexico. Yeah, there are bats too, but you can see which are which.


Pleasantly dissociated
interesting, im sure theres lots of living things here on earth we cant see,puff some spice, you will see everything is alive , trees will talk to you, i think talking to plants is the next big find of the century,


Active member
i think talking to plants is the next big find of the century,

It already is bro, check out this Interview Masaru Emoto.

Good stuff huh. Well just think that we are 60% water. Plants are even higher! As much as 95% of the weight of some plants is due to the water they contain. Green tissues contain on average 75% water. Growing tips over 90% !!!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
It is just a camera effect from a small fast moving object


bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing!!!!!!!

buy that gal a cigar!

they've taken high speed film & camera equipment back to that
same spot and were finally able to ascertain they're flying bugs

so flying bugs that move like 200 fuckin miles per hour? can someone explain this a little better? my sound isn't working and so the video is of no help to me.

I'd rather not google this one, i doubt anything except fishing poles and penis' would come up.. lol
interesting, im sure theres lots of living things here on earth we cant see,puff some spice, you will see everything is alive , trees will talk to you, i think talking to plants is the next big find of the century,

Dude Ive been talking to plants, (or rather communicatingwith) and crystals since the late 90's. Seriously, my first expirence was in Sedons Arazona on a meditation retreat... since then the miricles have gotten only more amazing and my communications increasted to communicating with moons, planets, Sun's and hopefull someday God. I pray to God and communicate with other beings of the Good guys who are service to others individuals.


Active member
i actually snagged a pic of some rods

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stone fool
I see flash of light at night now and then.......cause I damaged my retna hitting myself in the head with a 2x6 a few years ago by accident [working too stoned].