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Rods - WTF!


in the thick of it
has anyone ever seen the "squigly line" which drifts across ones field of view in no apparent schedule or time? My brother and wife both say they have seen it....and I've yet to experience this. BTW-I think they're both crazy.
The only reason I've asked is b/c a few months ago I was watching Family Guy and Stewie made reference to the squigly line.
not trying to jack the thread....just thought it kind of applied.
has anyone ever seen the "squigly line" which drifts across ones field of view in no apparent schedule or time? My brother and wife both say they have seen it....and I've yet to experience this. BTW-I think they're both crazy.
The only reason I've asked is b/c a few months ago I was watching Family Guy and Stewie made reference to the squigly line.
not trying to jack the thread....just thought it kind of applied.


Active member
I guess these could be blured incects.


But then whats this?


And what are they doing 10,000 feet up? Traveling at break neck speeds.


I just want to know what they are. This is in a car!



me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
i have to agree with the optimistic ppl. what bug moves that fast , and what color are they that they even have a glow as they move?

and although some say its a camera trick, then why is it that no one can identify this supposed bug? normaly these types of reports start off with telling you whats going on, get you all gassed up and then let you down by telling you its really just some sort of dragon fly on crack or some shit. . . i have yet to see or hear of the "all revealing" let down story.

so the question still stands: what is it? if its a bug/bird then what species is it? and once again why is it that all the other fast moving bugs in those same vids arent glowing or seem luminescent?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I guess these could be blured incects.


But then whats this?


And what are they doing 10,000 feet up? Traveling at break neck speeds.


I just want to know what they are. This is in a car!

get off of it already dude, they're insects that only appear to be going 200mph due to the limitations of the recording equipment (cameras/video) on hand at the time. they later used VERY high speed cameras and standard cameras to reveal insects frozen & well defined by one camera (the hi-speed one) and the usual rods taken with standard consumer electonic digital cameras, side by side, same bugs, different appearances. If you keep going back to that one 'conspiracy theory' website you're getting your info from you'll continue to sound foolish.......



It already is bro, check out this Interview Masaru Emoto.

Good stuff huh. Well just think that we are 60% water. Plants are even higher! As much as 95% of the weight of some plants is due to the water they contain. Green tissues contain on average 75% water. Growing tips over 90% !!!

what the bleep do we know :)


Active member
If I sneeze to hard I see dots floating around...lol...Kinda kool actually..
You might want to talk to an ophthalmologist about that one, I'm sure I'm wrong but that could be tiny pieces of the inside of your eyeball becoming detached. My grandfather used to say the same thing. Do a search for it first though. :D


it may just be "shadow people". I see black spots/blotches etc out of the corner of my eyes all the damn time and even though it happens daily I still turn and look lol.. Sometimes there white too but mostly black.. I am pretty sure its a physical thing, but its still freaky and annopying at the same time