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Need help with Rhinos in flower



-3 x Nirvana White Rhinos from seed, @ day 43 of flowering (pics @ 42) ~2 feet tall
-LST used throughout
-8 inch (1 gal?) pots
-70% promix, %30 perlite
-FF feed schedule, (BigBloom, GrowBig, TigerBloom) 1/2 - 3/4 strength except as noted, no more than once weekly (alternate feed/water)
-1mL CalMag per 1L @ feeding time
-1tbsp molasses @ watering as noted (always tap water)
-17x30x36 cab
-4 x 2' T5 fixture (added 4 x 23/13w cfl, see below)
-scrubber ala Red Greenery, one fan in lid, one fan in cab, 2 other fans in cab for air movement
-RH ~50, temps ~26C except as noted, night temp =??
-no pests thankfully

Basically these girls took a beating almost a week ago where they dried up pretty bad, and haven't been the same since...Quick time line:

-between day 17 & day 23 I was away & when i came back they were pretty thirsty, they weren't that bad though
-day 27 may be noteworthy? the only time they have been fed full strength (usually 3/4, & only 1/2 up until they're at least a month)
-day 32 watered(first time I used molasses), day 36 fed @ 3/4 strength...
Up until that day everything was looking pretty good...It kinda seemed like things had slowed a bit though...Note on average I would water/feed every 4 days...
I decided to add 4 x 23w cfls that day as well, 2 to each side of the t5 fixture, the more light the better right?
-3 days later day 39 I check and was shocked to find they had completely dried up, they had wilted pretty bad...I also noticed that a lot of pistils had turned brown, up until then they were all white...Adding the extra lights made the temp. rise to over 30C, and in turn made the soil dry up a lot faster...So I watered them right away, plain tap water
-day 41 were kinda limp, more brown pistils were apparent, yellowing on 2 of them, some brown spots in the bud leaves of the other...I decided to do a good flushing, hadn't ever down that before this. Used 2+ times pot volume, water with molasses (only because I read that elsewhere?)
-day 42 still limp, more yellowing etc...so I took some pics
-day 43 today, not looking any better so that's why I'm here

These 2 pics showing overview

The next 2 show some of the yellowing

I tried to get good shot (and failed) of the browning on the one plant, also seen as reflection

Again sorry for the shitty pics....

Now I know this will come up...I tried to get some PH readings, but I only have a crappy liquid test kit & I can't tell what's what with this thing, the colors that appear are nowhere close to the one on the chart :confused:

I'm on a mission tonight to try and find maybe some strips or something, I may be sol though this is a small town, no one carries anything like that I doubt...I'm positive though that no one has any ph up/down either, if need be...So I may be stuck having to get things shipped online, which could take a while, so I wanted to post this asap in case I have to make orders...

All help appreciated thanks


Active member
dont let temps go lower than 21c at night, water every day at lights off, i think your PH is fine. make sure theres good air circulation for all the plants. peace


The yellow stripes are Mg def./lockout, the brown tips are nute burn and the reason that your leaves are droopy is overwatering/not enough o2 in the soil. I noticed in pic 3 that you have a large amount of perlite on top of the soil. Is that because it floated to the top or did you not mix it in?

Nice nugs for fluoros BTW.


knowing the strain m8 id say those gals are cracking early, at 6.5 weeks id come back with a light shot of nutes and they should puka up a bit with right lights off temps as mick says!

those look dam good for flo buds man, nice show, keep the pics a comming



I've got a probe in there so I'll check the temp. when I get up in the morning, pretty much exactly halfway through their sleep...Although inside the house temps have been the same throughout the grow...

The perlite in the pic is mostly small stuff that has floated up over time, I mixed it up good (although I'd say the mix is prob closer to 60/40 instead of 70/30) So there's lots below the surface as well

So basically Mick & Cmoon you guys figure there's not much to worry about then? But Ninja you say nute def., so ph issue...I definitely would like to check the level for piece of mind, although it's official there are no ph testers of any kind available around here, I'll have to order some online, so it'll only happen next week...They're still pretty moist so I think I'll let them dry up a bit & see what happens...if it's overwatering they should perk up a bit correct?


her dankness
I'd concentrate on giving your feed at a pH just a HAIR above what you are aiming for- so if you want 6.5, give 6.8. Promix DOES drop in pH over time but you have a lot of perlite in there so you should be able to treat your grow even more like an inert medium. Obviously it's not; the peat has its own pH which is rather low once the lime is gone, but it's easy to flush with all that lightener.
I'd do your next feeding with your base bloom fert, check to make sure you molasses is unsulfured and leave it out for the moment, adjust the pH of your nute solution to 6.7, and water to the point of significant runoff to try and flush some built-up crud out of there, while slightly raising the pH of the medium. IF you CAN'T test the pH, use plain tap water, which USUALLY has a pH higher than peat moss, haha. But getting some runoff is key to reducing salts in the soil that can mess with your soil chemistry.
They look good though for flouros, damn.


:mad: Good thing I checked the temps this morning...It read over 25 & I'm like wtf? Then I noticed the lights are still on! My 12/12 is supposed to be midnight-noon dark.

I have a controller for everything, when I want to switch to the flowering program I basically just switch on a breaker...I figured maybe I turned it off by accident...No it ends up that the fucking relay failed! :cuss: It wont switch anymore so the lights are stuck on! I have no idea how long it's been like this? Shit these are all supposed to be industrial parts, even that relay it's solid state(more reliable apparently :crazy: )

Now I'm stuck at work...I'll have to swap that out when I get home later I guess...

How much damage am I looking at here? Like I said I have no idea how long it's been like this....But from what I understand even the slightest light during dark can cause some significant issues...For all I know I might have been like this for days...

I guess I can run out & get this fixed RFN, But I'm thinking I may be better off waiting until tonight anyway? Technically the lights are supposed to come in less than 2 hours anyway, I'll screw myself if I change the light schedule I need that to stay the way it is so I can access them during light time. Maybe it's better that way anyway? Is skipping a dark period better than disturbing one? Shit this sucks!


stinky in my panic this morning I didn't see your post until now...
I have some ph strips coming in, but they wont be here 'till at least Monday. I did order some ph up that will be here later tonight, also some dol. lime for next grow maybe for a little boost. Also the molasses is unsulphured blackstrap, organic...

I was able to get a decent relay for free so there's one good thing today...

You know I'm thinking it's possible that the lights have been on for over a week straight...Maybe when I added the extra lights the extra load fried the relay, although it seems odd...Though that would explain how they dried up so quickly at that time too...

Maybe that's partly why they're acting weird as well...Hope they're not too messed up :badday:
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The primary problem with inconsistent lighting schedules is hermaphroditism. I wouldn't be worried if you skip one dark cycle. If you've skipped a week's worth of dark cycles, that could be problems. I would recommend that you start watching for 'nanners(stamens).

pH down might have been a better choice, because lime is already an excellent pH up and I've seen more people have problems with high pH than low.

If you can add some vermiculite to your soil mix next grow, it will help with moisture retention. As stinkyattic said, you have a lot of perlite, which makes for a very airy mix. Don't get me wrong though, if I had to choose between airy and compact, I would choose airy every time.

Good luck!!


It just keeps getting better & better... :1help:

2 days ago I got my supplies, first thing I did was check the ph of my solution...Good thing I checked too it was well below 5...I brought that up to ~6.5 & flush/fed them...I checked the runoff & it too was slightly below 5...So I guess low ph is one of my problems...(I also sprinkled ~tap lime on top of the mix before feeding, figured it would seep in there)

Here's some pics I took tonight, about the same as when I fed them...

Not looking too great, lots of yellowing/dying leaves...

Now to top that off, after catching a thread about nute shelf life I checked my bottle of Tiger Bloom...

I don't think those floating blobs are supposed to be there...It never rattled when I shook it so I never caught this before...I guess I should throw it out then? Apparently this can also hurt/kill your plants, just what I need..

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