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real pitbull info thread pics welcome!!!

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that dog looks nuts.

but there ugly in my opinion lol

my next dog is gonna be a


The Hopeful Protagonist
no im making a point....jesus fukin christ.

and even tho the point went over mr intendeds head and hit yours ...oh fukin well.

maybe youll learn too.

go walk your poodle and dont worry about it aiight.

Who rattled your cage ?

Maybe segregation from the population is what you need.

Next time you want to "brag" about your breed, pick something positive and start your own thread instead of getting into a pissing match with somebody who calls you out on your shit.


Back on Topic....again/


Active member
I dont know about the banning stuff,but I'll say it again-komondors are excellent sheep dogs.
The Komondor is an ancient guardian dog, whose homeland is Hungary. They are thought to have descended from the Russian Owtcharka and brought to Hungary by invading Magyars. The Komondor is considered to be the chief of the herdsman's dogs and was used to protect the herdsman and his animals. Komondors have been used in the United States to fend off coyotes and bobcats.
The Komondors have been used successfully by both sheep and goat breeders. These hearty dogs stay with the flocks even in range situations were there is little to no shelter. They are big muscular dogs, covered with dense, white cords. However the long corded coats are not used in this type of production operations, they are typically clipped in the spring. The cords are left on for show only. Thou they are large dogs they are not an extremely heavy animal. Males stand approximately 27" to 31" at the shoulder and range in weight between 80 and 100 pounds with females being slightly smaller.
Seems like a nice enuf dog.
I like that neopolitan mastif


The Hopeful Protagonist
ignore me then...i obviously dont shut up.

Actually, now that you've shown your ass, I'd rather keep you around so I now too can call you on your bullshit.

Fair shake until it's undeserved is my policy. :wink:

Or you could just ignore me. :joint:

Originally Posted by NOKUY
the komondor is banned in more countries than a pitbull ever could dream of.
You weren't trying to do some type of bragging with the above statement ? :abduct:

Why would any real PitBull owner, or any responsible owner for that matter, ever "dream" of having their breed banned, as if that is something to proud of ?

What exactly was the oh so important point that you were attempting to make with that crock of whatever ?


The Hopeful Protagonist
I'm still pretty sure your statement came across as a feather in your cap, maybe I am fvcked in the head though.

If that's what you're offering....it's cool. :joint:


Active member
LOL,Oh he was IGro,but he was aiming it at me.It didnt go over my head I just didnt respond.Our friend Yukon has thought the komondor the toughest animal on the planet for a while now.I'll give him one thing,he's got his opinions,as we all do.
It is all entirely how the animal is raised,period!
There is no such thing as bred for fighting,you can breed traits,stature,size,etc,etc........fighting is taught.My point is that altho people origionaly bred pits for the traits they wanted,strong bite,muscley front,fast and lean etc.......that doesnt make them fighters or biters.
I have owned 2 pits,2 chows,and a dozen beagles in my time,at any time in my childrens life as infants they could crawl on the dogs and nothing would happen.Hell my kid as an infant would hang on Sampson and poke him in the eye(a mild irritant)
The dog would do nothing aggresive.I have never had a mean aggresive dog,and raised all of them from puppies.

They breed charectaristics and stature......ya dont breed fight.ANY dog,chained to a tree and beat daily will turn junkyard,any dog.It is entirely how a dog is raised that determines his temperament.
Or any animal,including us!

Human Aggression is not a quality of Fighting Dogs. You must've been lucky, please before you spout misinformation check out www.pitbullforum.com/index and say that there. They would simply laugh at you that you think with pitbulls, fighting is taught...It's not by any means. They want to fight. Which they say you should always carry a break stick with you at all times, just don't flaunt it. It depends on genetics though, some dogs have it, others don't.


ro, is right. as soon as pits come out they bite, they tussle, and are overly aggressive. they must be taught discipline and not to attack everything moving. their are exceptions to the rule i'm sure but, haven't seen them......ever


The Hopeful Protagonist
LOL,Oh he was IGro,but he was aiming it at me.It didnt go over my head I just didnt respond.Our friend Yukon has thought the komondor the toughest animal on the planet for a while now.I'll give him one thing,he's got his opinions,as we all do.

Agreed....we all do have opinions for sure. :laughing:

I know exactly what he meant with his comment, I just figured I would give the benefit of the doubt and let him expound a little further on his statement, which he still hasn't done.

Like I said....If that's what he's offering, it's cool. :joint:

Look at that, I didn't even have to resort to protesting too loudly about my own intelligence, or try to attack someone else's and still get my point across.


The Dream Police :headbange


The Hopeful Protagonist
ro, is right. as soon as pits come out they bite, they tussle, and are overly aggressive. they must be taught discipline and not to attack everything moving. their are exceptions to the rule i'm sure but, haven't seen them......ever

20 years, that's how long I've personally been involved with the breed and not once have a I needed to seperate my dogs for anything other than playing hard.

These dogs need pack leaders in their humans.....plain and simple. We set the tone.

There also may be a tinge of you reap that which you sow involved. :2cents:


Active member
I went to that site,this is what I came up with.
. While pit bulls do carry the potential for dog aggression, the vast majority of pit bulls are very far from “fighting lines,” and many are not dog aggressive at all. It’s not accurate to say that pit bulls are “fighting dogs,” because such a designation fails to describe such a diverse animal population, most of which are very far from “fighting stock” and will never be involved in fighting of any kind.
Go figure huh!!


Active member
Bully breeds are the best. My last two pits were adopted and I never regretted it for a second; they even came with UKC registration.

Bully breeds are not for everybody. They can have very strong personalities which not everyone can deal with. That's how I got mine.


How did such a cool opening post turn to such a shitty thread? Oh, right.

"People who fight dogs, love dogs" happened, and the people who want to talk about fighting the dogs, and how bad ass they are right from the woomb, and what other dogs are tougher, and how dood made a million bux crankin out pups.

People who fight dogs for personal gain are called dogfighters, right?
People who pimp women for personal gain are called pimps, right?

Dogfighters don't truly love dogs any more than pimps truly love women. Period. They love the fact that they (girls or dogs)do the work, and give their 'master' the rewards. The dogs and girls ARE property, not companions. People who want to talk about, debate, and perpetuate dog fighting, and it's association with a breed (when the reality is that humans have prolly fought dogs for sport since they domesticated them, not just pits in texas) are no better than the uninformed TV anchor that says some stupid shit, or the asshole who dragged a dog from a pickup truck for losing. But dogfighters love dogs, and I wouldn't understand the culture... My car takes me to work, so I can get paid. I sure do love it.

"My kid's little league coach really loves the kids on the team! Except when they lose..."

killing machines, hard at work - both 'Dood do you think you could watch my dog...'

I gave the red one this head cold I got...


you dont teach a kom to fight to death...you raise it w/ it's charges...it then decides when to fight , and it will fight till death if needded.

wasnt for you. dude said you teach pits how to fight. when in reality, they come out the wound fighting. They all do what there bred to do just like your dog.


they come out the wound fighting. They all do what there bred to do

I wish one of the Nature Vs. Nurture experts would just finally put an end to THAT old silly argument. What's that? You say that it's been an argument forever? Recently we've figgured for genetic tendencies/likelihood? We've learned that the DNA will not by itself determine individual decisions/actions on a 'predictable basis'? Oh wow, who knew...

If you breed a weedplant multiple generations from the parent strain, selecting for set traits each time, by the 6th generation it is completely different from it's parents. This being a weed growing site, I figgured EVERYONE knew that. Ask a geneticist what animal species has the 'slipperiest' genetics? That is which one can be molded in such an easy way so as to isolate/unlock traits, then breed true for them? Oh hey, it's a dog! Tell me over and over how they were bred to fight, and that's what they know, and they are somehow unable to be normal, social animals w/o humans 'teaching' them. Please, I LOVE that argument.

I have 3 pitts, and an 11y/o 70lb female lab mix with bad hips. The pits are 45, 55, and ~70lb. Guess who runs the show, and has NEVER been tested by the pitts? She decided when to play, where to play, etc. She is the alpha, and FAR and away the weakest. She can't be around other alpha females, and I had to pull a pit off of her (my buddy's alpha female, my dogs' mother and ex-wifey), but these dogs, like any other dogs, just fall in line.

All of the pits I've been around were normal dogs in bodies with a high power to weight ratio. Just normal dogs. Unless the parents are part of a line specifically bred for aggression, the dogs will have no more pre-disposition to fight any more than any other dog. IF a fight happens (unintentionally, assholes), the pit ends doing what any dog does. Some will go till there is no more go, some will fight till they lose/quit, some will puff up and defend themselves, but not attack, some run, some cower...

...same as any other dog. If you teach a dog that he is to be feared, he will put fear in people/dogs. If you teach them to be submissive, they will be submissive. Same as any other dog. They are JUST dogs. :D

EDIT - Oh, I'm sorry, outdoe, I re read your statement, and I understand. You are breeding known aggressive dogs, or you are buying your 'puppies' from people who breed dogs specifically to fight and produce fighting puppies...
It's a border collies natural instincts to chase and hurdle cattle and livestock. It's a Mastiffs instinct to guard and protect what he perseves as his pack. It's a pitbulls instinct to fight, it all depends, no dog is the same even when in the same breed/blood line/litter. Some dogs have it, others don't. DA is highly common in the breed. Which is why they don't belong at dog parks. You can't Guarentee that they won't fight, you may experience this/you may not but all it takes is 1 time for you to find out.
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