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Racist cops protect racist zimmerman

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Active member
i hope you all go to war black vrs white. then us hispanics can take over LOL i did listen to the tapes and i never could here that guy calling him a c--n. i guesss if thats what you want to hear you do. playing records backwards gives satanic messages too if you so believe. number 9 number 9 number 9

headband 707

Plant whisperer
And yet we have people who claim they KNOW what the motive for this crime,if there was one committed,in this very thread...lol

Seems the point went completely over your head.
Walk a mile in someones shoes you say?

Good advice for all the crystal ball readers in this thread.

nah bro your the one who posted the dead kid lookin like he had done somthin wrong ,, CRIME?? Crime is taking a person life when your a "fucking asshole street watch" GET A GRIP,, I say again... take a 17 year olds life is far more important here then anything we have to say on this thread and ffs this shit needs to stop,, USA has way too many guns on little kids! headband 707


Active member
mexicans get the west coast ,portuguese the east and the rest is a free for all lol. i cant wait for this story to come to a conclusion and all the facts out. wouldnt want to be him in a florida jail he would be screwed and no backup there. black population would take care of him quick.if he aint cuban,haitian or white he better get solitary and watch his food and ass.


I would probably not be searched in NYC because I wouldn't look like I was committing any crime. Absent any real statistics or facts about a significant amount of these supposed unwarranted searches I'd say this is just a theory you have. If you could prove to me unwarranted searches were largely by white cops vs blacks/hispanics we might be on to something. But I would suggest that if we look at the percentage of white/black/hispanic police it's pretty fairly distributed. Are you suggesting black/hispanic cops don't search blacks and Hispanics? Further, are you suggesting black/hispanic cops don't search white people?

Perhaps you're confusing racism with prison lobbies that seem to force the state's hands to incarcerate people? No doubt those laws need to change but I would be it's not racism, but god damn fucking greed and proof that this country is being bought and sold(for a song) by special interests. Seriously, we are literally being sold down the drain.

Illegal Immigration, or tolerance of it, is racist. If you sneak into this country from Mexico you get a pass, access to our healthcare, and benefits. If you're a black man from Jamaica and do it the honest way we kick you out when your visa expires. What a joke.

I'm from NYC and yes I would eventually get stopped by a cop whether black or white before you because I "fit the description" and because the city needs quotas it would be easier to get me than a white because if it happens in one white neighborhood the fear of it happening in another would get everyone to speak up but since it's only happening in the black/latin communities no one besides a few whites will help stop the stupidity which means it can keep going on because those blacks & latins are just complaining as usual. Unless you been through it or have seen it you won't understand until you're willing to hear what I and others are saying but like I stated most people are on the defense and looking at this as a game of winning and losing instead of right & wrong. Still peace to you if you are about change and doing what's right.


i hope you all go to war black vrs white. then us hispanics can take over LOL i did listen to the tapes and i never could here that guy calling him a c--n. i guesss if thats what you want to hear you do. playing records backwards gives satanic messages too if you so believe. number 9 number 9 number 9

You are exactly why I stated we as a country need to come together because outsiders don't care about us and want us to fail. If we as black & white americans can see through our faults and realize even though we fight and bicker and have done foul things to each other we should look at how we both grew up enjoying the good times together as well since the beginning of this country from the sports, to the music, to the changing of the eras to do better, i.e. hippies, civil rights, interracial dating/marriage, sciences, and a whole bunch of other things that brought us together and CHANGED THE WHOLE WORLD FOR THE BETTER. Let's not allow outsiders come and help us divide ourselves so they can have a piece because if you are here you should respect it and the people who helped build it before you come and talk bad about it just like I shouldn't do that in your country.


Active member
Not here to join the Bitch Fest...just to drop off a few stats to help keep things straight.:tiphat:

Absent any real statistics or facts about a significant amount of these supposed unwarranted searches I'd say this is just a theory you have. If you could prove to me unwarranted searches were largely by white cops vs blacks/hispanics we might be on to something.



mexicans get the west coast ,portuguese the east and the rest is a free for all lol. i cant wait for this story to come to a conclusion and all the facts out. wouldnt want to be him in a florida jail he would be screwed and no backup there. black population would take care of him quick.if he aint cuban,haitian or white he better get solitary and watch his food and ass.

How would the portugese get the east when there is a few of them and a whole bunch of caribean people there both black/mixed latins and west indian latins?. You can't be serious.


Active member
I'm from NYC and yes I would eventually get stopped by a cop whether black or white before you because I "fit the description" and because the city needs quotas it would be easier to get me than a white because if it happens in one white neighborhood the fear of it happening in another would get everyone to speak up but since it's only happening in the black/latin communities no one besides a few whites will help stop the stupidity which means it can keep going on because those blacks & latins are just complaining as usual. Unless you been through it or have seen it you won't understand until you're willing to hear what I and others are saying but like I stated most people are on the defense and looking at this as a game of winning and losing instead of right & wrong. Still peace to you if you are about change and doing what's right.

Well, to be honest, I do doubt cops wouldn't arrest white kids, or that in a same neighborhood cops tend to search blacks and hispanics more frequently that they wouldn't also search whites.

Remember, I've been pulled by white cops for no reason myself. It happens to every race. I'm completely against it and realize it's a violation of our Constitutional protection, and they do it in my town without remorse.

I do not doubt that more blacks and hispanics are arrested but without knowing the circumstances I can't speak to it, nobody can.

As to punishment, lets say a black man and a white man are both arrested by same police officers. When they go to court, is the white guy perceived as a minor marijuana user and has no other outstanding events? Did the black man with same background get sentenced while the white guy didn't? That's what I don't know. But yeah, I would expect, regardless of skin color, that if I go into court with a checkered background, outstanding warrants, owe child support, etc that my marijuana use would be seen differently than the next guy up to the bench that might have some real issues in his past, if not currently. Do I believe a white guy with past and current issues would be let go while a black man who otherwise has a clean record, good job, and tells the judge he just occasionally uses marijuana to relieve his back pain(or whatever)? No, really I don't. As much as I do believe more black and hispanics are incarcerated than whites I don't believe the system is so inherently racist that good black guys go to jail and bad white guys are excused because of their skin color- no way. But I'm almost certain that if we looked we would find the prison system as become big business and is being sold off or influenced just like every other industry that politicians can attract money for legislation with. Yeah, there's a problem, huge problem, but I don't believe it's just racism, nor that stats tell the story adequately.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Not here to join the Bitch Fest...just to drop off a few stats to help keep things straight.:tiphat:

I can't believe that you would have the temerity to introduce some facts into this discussion!

Those stats look remarkably consistent for supposedly random events over a long period of time. Interesting.


Active member
I can't believe that you would have the temerity to introduce some facts into this discussion!

Those stats look remarkably consistent for supposedly random events over a long period of time. Interesting.

Statistics are "facts" but fail to necessarily present the Facts. For those stats to be proof of racism it would have to start with being white cop arrests for those races, not JUST that those races were arrested in those percentages. Further, it would have to show a tendency for those same white cops not to search/incarcerate whites under the same circumstances.

It would be ignorant to believe some of the arrests of blacks and hispanics weren't by police officers that happened to be black or hispanic.

Here's something that might be of interest:

Analysis of Racial Disparities in the New York Police Department's Stop, Question, and Frisk Practices

In 2006, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) stopped a half-million pedestrians for suspected criminal involvement. Raw statistics for these encounters suggest large racial disparities — 89 percent of the stops involved nonwhites. Do these statistics point to racial bias in police officers’ decisions to stop particular pedestrians? Do they indicate that officers are particularly intrusive when stopping nonwhites? The NYPD asked the RAND Center on Quality Policing (CQP) to help it understand this issue and identify recommendations for addressing potential problems. CQP researchers analyzed data on all street encounters between NYPD officers and pedestrians in 2006. They compared the racial distribution of stops to external benchmarks, attempts to construct what the racial distribution of the stopped pedestrians would have been if officers’ stop decisions had been racially unbiased. Then they compared each officer’s stopping patterns with an internal benchmark constructed from stops in similar circumstances made by other officers. Finally, they examined stop outcomes, assessing whether stopped white and nonwhite suspects have different rates of frisk, search, use of force, and arrest. They found small racial differences in these rates and make communication, recordkeeping, and training recommendations to the NYPD for improving police-pedestrian interactions.



Statistics are "facts" but fail to necessarily present the Facts. For those stats to be proof of racism it would have to start with being white cop arrests for those races, not JUST that those races were arrested in those percentages. Further, it would have to show a tendency for those same white cops not to search/incarcerate whites under the same circumstances.

It would be ignorant to believe some of the arrests of blacks and hispanics weren't by police officers that happened to be black or hispanic.

Here's something that might be of interest:

Analysis of Racial Disparities in the New York Police Department's Stop, Question, and Frisk Practices

In 2006, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) stopped a half-million pedestrians for suspected criminal involvement. Raw statistics for these encounters suggest large racial disparities — 89 percent of the stops involved nonwhites. Do these statistics point to racial bias in police officers’ decisions to stop particular pedestrians? Do they indicate that officers are particularly intrusive when stopping nonwhites? The NYPD asked the RAND Center on Quality Policing (CQP) to help it understand this issue and identify recommendations for addressing potential problems. CQP researchers analyzed data on all street encounters between NYPD officers and pedestrians in 2006. They compared the racial distribution of stops to external benchmarks, attempts to construct what the racial distribution of the stopped pedestrians would have been if officers’ stop decisions had been racially unbiased. Then they compared each officer’s stopping patterns with an internal benchmark constructed from stops in similar circumstances made by other officers. Finally, they examined stop outcomes, assessing whether stopped white and nonwhite suspects have different rates of frisk, search, use of force, and arrest. They found small racial differences in these rates and make communication, recordkeeping, and training recommendations to the NYPD for improving police-pedestrian interactions.


You don't get it, they're doing this in minority neighborhoods and there is a low chance that a white person will be there so of course you will get a small differnece you look at it like that but the fact is they're not doing this in the whole city just certain neighborhoods which is to fill quotas to make money but they know they can get away with it then if they did this in white communities because it would be a complaint that will have to be heard whereas with black and latins it's seen as they are just complaining as usual. Like I stated until you live through it or lived in that environment it will seem like a movie or something but it's not.

I get mad when the people who do get caught allow it to happen by not being cautious when they know we are in a battle and they just go along with things like it's a joke and help the system win and hurt families because that arrest can make you lose your job for a few reasons like you not being there or you just look bad to your employer and now you have to make new moves which is hard for a lot of people.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Statistics are "facts" but fail to necessarily present the Facts. For those stats to be proof of racism it would have to start with being white cop arrests for those races, not JUST that those races were arrested in those percentages. Further, it would have to show a tendency for those same white cops not to search/incarcerate whites under the same circumstances.

It would be ignorant to believe some of the arrests of blacks and hispanics weren't by police officers that happened to be black or hispanic.

I didn't say that they indicated racism. I said that that a racial breakdown of the distribution of arrests going virtually unchanged, at least to the point of being statistically insignificant, over a 14 year period is interesting. I wouldn't think that they could come that close, over that period of time, if they were trying.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I'm damn happy that none of you would be on a jury for anything aside from possession/cultivation for me! As I stated before, I prefer to base my judgment on facts, and they are in damn short supply at this point.

No shit !!! All these fucking clowns who are so willing to just stamp him a racist and sentence him guilty with close minds and closed ears to what the facts are and their so consumed with what they think happend they ate already dismissing new details as some sort of conspiracy of police and Zimmerman cohorting to orchestrate some master plan. Why bother calling the cops if your just going to cold murder some kid? Just shoot the fucking person and it goes unsolved... Why make it so complicated and convince yourselfs he had planned out this murder and decided to call police before he did it to try and absolve himselfof a crime? Damn there is some seriously mentally damaged people.... But I guess it's easier to just call everyone a racist who isn't on the charge Zimmerman band wagon huh?


Seriously people...stop conflating racism with bigotry with prejudice.

A racist...is a sense of superiority to another race or races. Hate and intolerance are but a small aspect and typically only present in extreme examples.

A bigot...does not tolerate persons or groups who are unlike them. This can be in both ethnicity, and or philosophy. ie, conservatives and liberals are bigots toward the other.

A prejudiced person...judges ahead of an event or encounter with an individual or group and stubbornly sticks to that judgement. ie, I walk into a room full of LEO, right away, I judge everyone of them to be anti-cannabis dickheads and refuse to believe otherwise, even when they pass me a bong full of fire.

Zimmerman....has a prejudice against young people in hoods. Zimmerman, is a bigot toward people he believes are of a criminal nature. Zimmerman...is not racist as he has too many friends that are black and white who have come forth and vouched for his character in that regard.

At this point...we can't even say the police are racist. For if they are, they sure do a good job of doing their job while they have a black boss. (the city manager, the boss of the police force in Sanford, is black)

What ever caused X to get Z that night...has yet to be fully revealed. What is certain however is...this thread's title is...mistaken.

Not only is there no air of racism to cling to...the police aren't protecting Zimmerman. The stand your ground law is.

I go back to, the worse that can be said for the police is...an alarming amount of indifference and apathy to what to them is...merely another statistic.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
....and what's this shit about Zimmerman being a "white hispanic" ? I guess it's easier to say he's a racist if you say he's a "white Hispanic" rather than a Mexican because all of us white people are just closet racist right?


weed fiend
... This Orlando Sentinel article corroborates Zimmerman's account that he was attacked but doesn't give actual witnesses or quotes from the eyewitnesses the police must claim exist. Wonder if they are being kept quiet for now?

OS didn't corroborate anything. OS reported hearsay as news. There's nothing on the record because there was no investigation.


Active member
You don't get it, they're doing this in minority neighborhoods and there is a low chance that a white person will be there
Ok, so you're telling me there is a systemic plan to discriminate against minorities by a police force integrated with minorities. Damn, that's some serious hate.

so of course you will get a small differnece you look at it like that but the fact is they're not doing this in the whole city just certain neighborhoods
I'm not saying this report is conclusive but clearly was city wide. I know it sounds impossible but is it possible certain minorities are actually committing x amount more crime?

In 2006, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) stopped a half-million pedestrians for suspected criminal involvement. Raw statistics for these encounters suggest large racial disparities — 89 percent of the stops involved nonwhites. Do these statistics point to racial bias in police officers’ decisions to stop particular pedestrians? Do they indicate that officers are particularly intrusive when stopping nonwhites? The NYPD asked the RAND Center on Quality Policing (CQP) to help it understand this issue and identify recommendations for addressing potential problems. CQP researchers analyzed data on all street encounters between NYPD officers and pedestrians in 2006. They compared the racial distribution of stops to external benchmarks, attempts to construct what the racial distribution of the stopped pedestrians would have been if officers’ stop decisions had been racially unbiased. Then they compared each officer’s stopping patterns with an internal benchmark constructed from stops in similar circumstances made by other officers. Finally, they examined stop outcomes, assessing whether stopped white and nonwhite suspects have different rates of frisk, search, use of force, and arrest. They found small racial differences in these rates and make communication, recordkeeping, and training recommendations to the NYPD for improving police-pedestrian interactions.

which is to fill quotas to make money but they know they can get away with it then if they did this in white communities because it would be a complaint that will have to be heard whereas with black and latins it's seen as they are just complaining as usual.
Honestly, BS flag. Not to mention, many of the times the police in a minority area are in fact of the same minority.

I get mad when the people who do get caught allow it to happen by not being cautious when they know we are in a battle and they just go along with things like it's a joke and help the system win and hurt families because that arrest can make you lose your job for a few reasons like you not being there or you just look bad to your employer and now you have to make new moves which is hard for a lot of people.
I agree, it's been tough on me to be arrested by white cops for DUI, but I deserved it. I had a lot of explaining to do at work but I was committing a crime.

I do believe cops do things they shouldn't, and do believe cops will discriminate(all cops black, white, hispanic). I'm just not willing to accept what you're trying to say- white cops try to arrest minorities but also try not to arrest white people. If there's a problem, it's much deeper than that and higher in the system I believe.


Active member
At this point...we can't even say the police are racist. For if they are, they sure do a good job of doing their job while they have a black boss. (the city manager, the boss of the police force in Sanford, is black)

Stop that, Sanford is the world HQ of the KKK, has to be.

I didn't say that they indicated racism. I said that that a racial breakdown of the distribution of arrests going virtually unchanged, at least to the point of being statistically insignificant, over a 14 year period is interesting. I wouldn't think that they could come that close, over that period of time, if they were trying.
Trying to what? Just not following. Maybe they aren't all that inaccurate, at least from a "were you breaking the law or not" standpoint.

OS didn't corroborate anything. OS reported hearsay as news. There's nothing on the record because there was no investigation.
Well, I thought it said they have eyewitness account that corroborates Zimmerman's contention he was attacked. Sounds like they do but unfortunately the supposed witness(es) didn't watch the entire event unfold- which I also find kind of interesting. We'll see what happens from here, or if Sanford can produce any eyewitnesses to the start, and hopefully the point the gun was fired.

....and what's this shit about Zimmerman being a "white hispanic" ? I guess it's easier to say he's a racist if you say he's a "white Hispanic" rather than a Mexican because all of us white people are just closet racist right?
That's right, easier to extract money or keep you quiet if you believe you did something wrong, that you are inherently bad, and that other people are poor because of you.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Racism - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Racism is the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination. In the modern English language, the term "racism" is used predominantly as a pejorative epithet.

It is applied especially to the practice or advocacy of racial discrimination of a pernicious nature (i.e., which harms particular groups of people), and which is often justified by recourse to racial stereotyping or pseudo-science.

Racism is popularly associated with various activities that are illegal or commonly considered harmful, such as extremism, hatred, xenophobia, (malignant or forced) exploitation, separatism, racial supremacy, mass murder (for the purpose of genocide), genocide denial, vigilantism (hate crimes, terrorism), etc.

Modern usage often equates “racism” and “racial discrimination” and defines the latter term only as applying to pernicious practices. Differential treatment of racial groups that is intended to ameliorate past discrimination, rather than to harm, goes by other names (e.g., affirmative action); the characterization of this practice as "racism", "racial discrimination" or "reverse discrimination" is normally only done by its opponents, and typically implies a belief in the harmful nature of the practice with respect to the groups not receiving assistance.

"Racism" and "racial discrimination" are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of their somatic (i.e., "racial") differences. According to the United Nations conventions, there is no distinction between the term racial discrimination and ethnicity discrimination.

i left most of the article out since its big but hers is one more nugget of information

The United Nations use the definition of racial discrimination laid out in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, adopted in 1966:

… any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.(Part 1 of Article 1 of the U.N. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination)[44]

no one here has yet afforded the young man the courtesy of answering the question

why did zimmerman find trayvon suspicious in the first place?

cause he was a coon ?

sadly enough he was probably also a pot head like many of you here and he was probably just going home to enjoy a buzz and some munchies

racists suck

keep on outing yourselves and your own apathy

you reap what you sow :)
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