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I am having a tough time with PM


Active member
Hello everyone.

I've been battling PM for the better half of 62 days now. I have an idea where it might've come from.

This run i rooted clones of CF's Big Pink Pole, Shire and Mango Haze.

About 15 days into flower i noticed some PM forming which turned into my biggest nightmare.

Neem oil was first, then a HEPA filter, then i tried another fungicide from HD. It came back.

I went to Zone/Penetrator and did a series of dunks over a period of 2 weeks. it worked for a week.

Then i bought a dehumidifier. I am keeping my room at 40-42% RH.

After the PM was still persisting i decided to try SM-90. When i applied the 90 i thought my troubles were over. I did 3 sprays over 9 days and everything was perfectly fine until last weekend.

I have a few questions. I have 2 flower chambers, a 400w and a 150w vert. I isolated the BPPs in the 150w vert because they are the problem child when it comes to PM. It's like these bitches sing to it at night hoping the PM faery will come by and dust em.

I have found PM forming inside the buds on the inside fan leaves when i pull the nugs back. They are on day 62 flower today out of ~80. I don't want to dunk them anymore, i would rather not spray any more SM-90 on them. I'm tired of trying band aid fixes, so last night i ordered some Eagle 20EW.

Here's my questions everyone!!

1.) Should i cut the BPPs early? Try to salvage any nugs i can or should i just run the 2 plants through my bubble bags?

...and if i choose to bubble bag the plants...

2.) What happens to PM on a plant once it's cut? If i cut, trim and hang the plants will the PM take it over in a day or two? Will it die if the plant dies?

3.) I've had better experience making bubble has when the trim was dry but i've heard some people run plant material through the bag when it's still wet. any experience?

I know how fast this crap can spread so i am very hesitant to let these plants continue on down the line for another 20 days. 20 days is almost 3 weeks and i know what kinda shit can happen in 7 days.

If anyone can help me with my questions i would be very greatful!!!

- SubN


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
mate, it's probably too late for this time (because this product is smelly and would affect end poduct if used too late I think), but if you're in Europe and can get "Bayer" products try their "Exact".. it's the best thing I've used and have found it to be a one dose solution for PM in the past...

best of luck


Hello everyone.

I've been battling PM for the better half of 62 days now. I have an idea where it might've come from.

This run i rooted clones of CF's Big Pink Pole, Shire and Mango Haze.

About 15 days into flower i noticed some PM forming which turned into my biggest nightmare.

Neem oil was first, then a HEPA filter, then i tried another fungicide from HD. It came back.

I went to Zone/Penetrator and did a series of dunks over a period of 2 weeks. it worked for a week.

Then i bought a dehumidifier. I am keeping my room at 40-42% RH.

After the PM was still persisting i decided to try SM-90. When i applied the 90 i thought my troubles were over. I did 3 sprays over 9 days and everything was perfectly fine until last weekend.

I have a few questions. I have 2 flower chambers, a 400w and a 150w vert. I isolated the BPPs in the 150w vert because they are the problem child when it comes to PM. It's like these bitches sing to it at night hoping the PM faery will come by and dust em.

I have found PM forming inside the buds on the inside fan leaves when i pull the nugs back. They are on day 62 flower today out of ~80. I don't want to dunk them anymore, i would rather not spray any more SM-90 on them. I'm tired of trying band aid fixes, so last night i ordered some Eagle 20EW.

Here's my questions everyone!!

1.) Should i cut the BPPs early? Try to salvage any nugs i can or should i just run the 2 plants through my bubble bags?

...and if i choose to bubble bag the plants...

2.) What happens to PM on a plant once it's cut? If i cut, trim and hang the plants will the PM take it over in a day or two? Will it die if the plant dies?

3.) I've had better experience making bubble has when the trim was dry but i've heard some people run plant material through the bag when it's still wet. any experience?

I know how fast this crap can spread so i am very hesitant to let these plants continue on down the line for another 20 days. 20 days is almost 3 weeks and i know what kinda shit can happen in 7 days.

If anyone can help me with my questions i would be very greatful!!!

- SubN

Hey, i'm the furthest from an expert you can get, however the old milk and water spray seems to do the trick, and I would assume it is safe on buds that will be consumed. My friend had a problem with PM that he noticed on monday. I did some research and found a few people on this forum saying to spray them with milk and water.

So we mixed up a solution of 9 parts water and 1 part milk. Sprayed the plants heavily on tuesday and on wed he saw only a very little trace of the PM. He sprayed again on wed and today, there is no trace of PM.

Perhaps the milk simply washed it away, but he is now planning on spraying it on once a week to try to control it.

Anyways, I have no idea how the milk will taste on the smokables, but i know smoking mildewed weed really sucks! Maybe just before you chop them you could give a good spray of plain old water to clean the milk off.

The Eagle20 is about the best product you can get, but I only use it on plants in Veg or maybe the 1st week of 12/12. It's systemic, not for use late in flower. If it were me, I would cut down the plants that have it the worst, I guess you said they were supposed to go 80 days, but that's pretty subjective. 62 days is probably enough. You can also spray 1 tsp baking soda per quart of water, or do the milk thing, but really you should just take the stuff down, and treat whatever you start your next crop with the Eagle20 and you will be good to go. As far as the Bubblehash, yes, fresh material makes a better quality full melt bubblehash.

I also have heavy experience with a Sulfur Burner, but not since I started using the Eagle20.........

Best of Luck!


Active member
Don't cut down the plants! I battle pm so much, I hate it to no end.

Eagle 20 is a great idea. I also bought the stuff and will be testing it on my vegging plants soon. The above poster is right, don't put eagle 20 on flowering plants. It's a 30-45 day systemic. Not worth it!

If you don't mind putting in the work you can save you crop. I just harvested using this exact method. 2 parts milk 8 parts warm water. Get a very good /great pump sprayer. Now spray down your plants Completely. Like in the buds, top of leaves, bottom of leaves, stalks and stems, everything! Crank the pressure up and put the spray really close.

Do this every 4-5 days until harvest. 3 days before harvest use clean water for the final spray washing.

I have had todo this on two grows and it works. I got zero bud rot and my buds trichomes were 100% intact and seemingly unaffected. No reduction in smell issues. Really, no negative effect except taking work.

Last thing, I spray early in the day. So for example I let lights on for an hour so it warms up. Then I turn on a tiny 2ft T5 light that's like 27watts and I turn off my hps. Then I spray. When I finish spraying, I let my fans dry the plants for about an hour or two. Then, when dry, I turn the T5 off and turn the hps back on. I like todo this because I can be sure everything drys out after each foliar application.

Good luck!


Active member
Thanks for all the quick responses everyone!

Sorry i wasn't very informative when i wrote this i sketched it up before work this morning.

The plants range from 1.5-2.5 feet tall and are in 1.5-2.25 gallon buckets.

Once i applied the SM-90, the 3 mango hazes and 3 shires were done witht he PM. The only persistent problem i am having is with the 2 BPPs and 1 shire.

I am going to check a couple small nugs i cut from BPP soon to see if the PM has gotten worse.

I decided to cut the BPPs and use them for hash as i do not want to smoke mildewy weed with myself or other people.

I will try the 2% milk on the one small Shire as that one looks to be trying to fend it off like the rest.

The question i would really like answered is #2.
2.) What happens to PM on a plant once it's cut? If i cut, trim and hang the plants will the PM take it over in a day or two? Will it die if the plant dies?

Say i cut a branch off that has a tiny bit of PM on the inside of a nugget toward the stem and hang it to dry. Will the drying/dying of the plant stop the mildew from getting worse? Will it GET worse? Will i open a jar one day to find a blanket of mildew?


- SubN


Active member
It may or may not get worse. You can spray clean after it's been cut with h2o2. Otherwise, just cut out the infected parts.

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