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Shopping and finding supplies?


I'm not a native Finn and my Finnish is not very good so I'm posting this in English. I hope you understand. :)

This post is a follow up to my previous post regarding shipping and customs. I have my precious seeds safely stored but I need to learn about the Finnish names for products used in growing.

I haven't decided whether I will use hydroponics or home-made aeroponics or plain soil yet... I would like to ask for any advice on where to obtain these products, and what they would be called in Finnish.

My grow would be small scale (1-2 plants in a cabinet/wardrobe.)

  • CFL lights in the right color spectrum. - K-Rauta has some, but not the correct light spectrum for plants.
  • Grow soil, nutrients, etc. - No idea where to get nutrients or what they would be called.
  • Net pots because I am considering aeroponics on a small scale (see Bucket Bubbler.) People have reported really good grows using this.
  • Expanded clay pebbles - used inside the net pots above.
  • Rock wool - used for seedlings when using hydro/aeroponics.
  • Fish air pump/air stone. Obviously some pet store...
  • Aluminum tape - Lighproofing/reflective. Would K-Rauta stock this?
  • Fans - I will use 120mm computer case fans.
  • Microscope slides (related do-it-yourself project. Google "$20 Ozone generator")
Any suggestions are welcome. I plan to only use cash, not buy everything at the same time or at one store, spread out obtaining supplies over a couple of months, etc.

Thanks for taking the time to read! :thank you: Kiitos!
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Horselover Fat

  • CFL lights in the right color spectrum. - K-Rauta has some, but not the correct light spectrum for plants.

  • If you want to use cash your best bet are the hydroshops. Energiansäästölamppu is what it they are called in finnish or esl for short.

    [*]Grow soil, nutrients, etc. - No idea where to get nutrients or what they would be called.

    K-rauta, Plantagen or Prisma (during summer). For nutrients go to hydroshops. Or if you want you could also try the garden stores, but they have different brands and I don't know about them.

    [*]Expanded clay pebbles - used inside the net pots above.

    kevytsora or leca-sora. Hydrostores, supermarkets...

    [*]Rock wool - used for seedlings when using hydro/aeroponics.


    [*]Aluminum tape - Lighproofing/reflective. Would K-Rauta stock this?

    yes. sähköteippi.

    Actually you can get all this stuff from the hydroshops, but it will be a little more expensive. Look around http://www.pavunvarsi.fi/index.php or http://www.puutarhurinverstas.com/catalog/ and you will find most of the items and finnish words for them =)


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³

Sähköteippi is this stuff.

And you want alumiiniteippi? :)

I'd recommend getting your supplies from head-nature.com

The regular crap like hydroton you can get from K-rauta and stores like that tho.


New member

If you're in/near Helsinki/Espoo/Vantaa or in the Tampere area, I'd also check out Biltema and Clas Ohlson for various bits and pieces (cfls,various leccy-related things, aluminium tape) etc.

Leca-sora (clay pebbles w larger pellet size than most "Kevytsora" types) can be found at K-Rauta, too, but in 65 litre bags, which might be a bit too much for your wardrobe needs ;) Tarjoustalo occasionally carry smaller bags of similar stuff ("Ruukkusora", I think they called it).

If you settle on soil and wish to avoid growshops etc - with their (arguably) superior soil, many use "Musta Multa" soil (available everywhere), often mixed with either peat ("Turve") or Taimimulta, an airy soil mix containing a lot of peat. Since Musta Multa is quite heavy in nutrients, it may a tad too strong for seedlings and such, so use the latter for the wee ones..

For nutes, I reckon you'll have to either mail order or pay a visit to a "specialist" store, such as those mentioned above.


Yeah Bauhaus often has better prices and more selection. Especially for lights. I also recall seeing netpots there. Can't remember seeing any rockwool cubes there but they did have some kind of (peat?) starter plugs. Rockwool isn't eco-friendly anyway... ;)

I always buy my soil from the grocery store, mainly because I don't have a car though. Pirkka or Rainbow brand for about 2e/10l. They also sell 4l bags of LECA but those are hella-expensive compared to the 25l bags from hardware/gardening stores. Stock up during summer, they won't have any during winter.

Actually I even get a lot of my ferts from the grocery store. Biolan Merileväuute (liquid seaweed extract) and Substral (chemical fertilizer rich in nitrogen, a "veg" fertilizer if you will) are what I use. Haven't been able to find any good "bloom" fertilizer outside the hydro stores yet though, unfortunately.
Thank you everyone for the replies. :) I do have a Bauhaus somewhat nearby but without a car it could be very painful dragging supplies around and onto a bus. It would be possible with a large backpack or duffel bag though.

I don't need rockwool specifically. Just something to start seedlings in which can then be placed directly into the clay pebbles/soil and have the roots grow out. I think peat starters would be perfectly fine. :)

I am thinking that I will use the bucket bubbler system because that's very easy to build from some net pots and either a couple of buckets or plastic boxes with lids. It seems to give very good results as long as you're careful not to mix the nutrients too strong and maintain the water level.

Yeah, alumiiniteippi is what I'm looking at for sealing any light leaks from my cabinet/wardrobe. I've yet to find one that is exactly the right size yet... Perhaps I might find something by wandering around the bedroom/living room section of Ikea.


New member
Tietääks joku onks niitä Diamond heijastimia jossain saatavilla, mieluiten sellanen pienempi et sais 400w natille?

Niit oli pispalanpalmussa joku viikko sit vielä mut heti ku oli massit räpylässä ni ei näkyny enää..

Same in english:
does someone know if Diamond reclectors are available in somewhere, i prefer the smaller one for 400w?

There were these in pispalanpalmu like a week ago, but the time i got money they were sold out or something..

Here i found the bigger one, but i need the smaller -> http://www.head-nature.com/04430
I managed to find a few items at Bauhaus: Ruukkusora, net pots, seedling starter plugs, and a seedling starter container (humidity dome.)

Ruukkusora was available in a 25L bag but I just brought two of the smaller 4L bags. It's a bit more expensive but easier to carry. The net pots I found were available in 15 cm and 25 cm. I brought two of each but I am hoping the smaller ones will be okay to use?

I couldn't find any rockwool cubes but instead found a packet of 30 disc-shaped seedling starter plugs for about 3 euros. I believe they are peat but I haven't translated the packaging yet. They look very much like this product. Have any of you used peat plugs for starting seedlings? (Not clones.)

I'm wondering whether I should keep looking for rockwool because I have read that the PH of peat is not correct for seedlings. It does seem strange for a seedling starter product to not be ideal for seedlings though...

I need to buy a PH tester for hydro/bubble-ponics anyway so I could always test them.


I couldn't find any rockwool cubes but instead found a packet of 30 disc-shaped seedling starter plugs for about 3 euros. I believe they are peat but I haven't translated the packaging yet. They look very much like this product. Have any of you used peat plugs for starting seedlings? (Not clones.)


I've used exact same plugs for starting seedlings, they work well. I keep them in the dome you found at Bauhaus, just keep the lid a bit open to avoid it getting too moist.

I'm wondering whether I should keep looking for rockwool because I have read that the PH of peat is not correct for seedlings. It does seem strange for a seedling starter product to not be ideal for seedlings though...

I need to buy a PH tester for hydro/bubble-ponics anyway so I could always test them.
Only place I ever found rockwool cubes was in a hydrostore in Turku, pavunvarsi I think it was. I think they're good if you intend to grow hydroponically.

I've used exact same plugs for starting seedlings, they work well. I keep them in the dome you found at Bauhaus, just keep the lid a bit open to avoid it getting too moist.

I had planned to make some holes in the cover for ventilation but this is a good point. It's good to hear these work well for seedlings. :)

Only place I ever found rockwool cubes was in a hydrostore in Turku, pavunvarsi I think it was. I think they're good if you intend to grow hydroponically.

I think rockwool isn't required for hydro/bubble-ponics since the roots grow out of the starter material (peat/rockwool/etc) and into the spaces between the Ruukkusora/clay-pebble material.
I'm still looking for an ideal cabinet. Ikea has the PAX wardrobe which might be okay. The only problem is the description says it must be attached to the wall and requires assembly by two people. Perhaps 100x60x201 (width x depth x height) would be too large for my needs anyway... I really don't know how much space two Northern Lights plants would take up; I read you can use LST and topping to keep the plants small.

If anyone has some suggestions for cabinets or wardrobes that would make a good grow area for two plants I am interested to read about them. :)

I don't know how much odor they would create either. I wonder whether a activated carbon filter on the exhaust fans would be enough. Ozone generators are effective but also more dangerous.
I'm still looking for an ideal cabinet. Ikea has the PAX wardrobe which might be okay. The only problem is the description says it must be attached to the wall and requires assembly by two people. Perhaps 100x60x201 (width x depth x height) would be too large for my needs anyway... I really don't know how much space two Northern Lights plants would take up; I read you can use LST and topping to keep the plants small.

If anyone has some suggestions for cabinets or wardrobes that would make a good grow area for two plants I am interested to read about them. :)

I don't know how much odor they would create either. I wonder whether a activated carbon filter on the exhaust fans would be enough. Ozone generators are effective but also more dangerous.

Hi man, hyvää juhannusta!

If I were you I'd look for a small homebox/darkroom. The DR60 (60cm x 60cm x 140cm) is a good choice, but hard to find in Finland. You should look into ordering from head-nature.com/greenshorticulture.co.uk or buying a used one from hamppuforum(just don't trust people with no pictures/low postcount, there's some scammers there). There's also a great Rhino carbon filter in greenshorticulture that fits perfectly into the darkroom. You can also put a 225m3/h-300m3/h exhaust fan on the roof of the tent allowing you to use a 250W hps. I've grown with this kind of setup and it really works!

Those Ikea cabinets work well too, it's just a bit more of a hassle to get it assembled/lightproof/reflective.

Oh and if you're worried about ordering grow supplies I wouldn't stress too much. I know atleast 15 people who have ordered stuff, sometimes 30kg at a time and none of them have been busted because of this. But I can't be sure, you never know how bored those customs guys get :)


New member
Hey fellow hemp pants! hampuusit :D

i will be joining the group as i'm getting this set from Head-Nature in a week or so (maybe less).

Secret Jardin DR40 (120cm x 40cm x 40cm) (i like to grow small, AF like Lr2, i think i can fit 4 into the tent with 7 liter pots (20cm x 20cm)
180m3/h exhaust kit with le filtre (nice compact, efficient odor control system oorah!)
125W BLOOM CFL with reflector
easy rolls pack
4 pieces of 7L pots with trays.

Hopefully this gets me kicking, i have also GHE tri-pack ferti, so i should be for good run.

EDIT: my grow setup cost me 260€ (including shipping).

Hyvät juhannukset! :)
Teddy KnowHow, thanks for the suggestions. I did have a look at the Home Box but it is quite expensive and not exactly stealthy when compared to an Ikea wardrobe that is properly light proofed.

I found a good Ikea PAX wardrobe grow thread on another forum but I am not sure whether linking to another forum is allowed here?

After seeing his build I think that I will use the same wardrobe... I just need to find some good CFL's (grow and flower) and a reflector. I think those could be found locally.

Hyvää Juhannusta everyone!
Hey ruokopiippu,

I'm looking at a similar light and reflector: CFL Lighting Kit Complete 2 x 125W (this one includes both light spectrum bulbs.)


Let me know how it goes with ordering because that seems like a pretty good deal. Unless someone knows about a good place to order from in Finland. :) Then again that hydroponics shop in Finland was busted some time ago so maybe ordering online is safer.


New member
BuddingGrower, Head-Nature is very reliable place to order, and extremely cooperative.

I had to make changes to my order when my order was on process, but they still wanted to help me change my item list to make my needs fullfilled (homebox XS to DR40, i needed smaller tent so i can put into closet when i get visitors, huge PLUS).

I think my order arrived to denmark on wendsday, i'm i think it is now at finlands terminal waiting to be registered (customs are on holiday, getting wasted).
If i understood this right... the package will get into my door(?) as i searched their shipping method, it said it was door-2-door, like american UPS service.

My package is over 15kg in weight so it would be big plus if it comes to my door :D

btw, i was also thinking about ordering that 2x cfl set but i was on a budget, even tough price would not have been much different.

I will post more info and pics about my set when it arrives and i have build it.

ps. does paskalakit/police follow this forum? or only hampuusi foorumi?
BuddingGrower, Head-Nature is very reliable place to order, and extremely cooperative.

I had to make changes to my order when my order was on process, but they still wanted to help me change my item list to make my needs fullfilled (homebox XS to DR40, i needed smaller tent so i can put into closet when i get visitors, huge PLUS).

That is very good service. It's good to read they have a good reputation. :)

I think my order arrived to denmark on wendsday, i'm i think it is now at finlands terminal waiting to be registered (customs are on holiday, getting wasted).
If i understood this right... the package will get into my door(?) as i searched their shipping method, it said it was door-2-door, like american UPS service.

My package is over 15kg in weight so it would be big plus if it comes to my door :D

Hehehe... I think customs definition of "getting wasted" might be "cleaning out the confiscated items storage room." ;)

I think door-to-door depends on which shipping carrier they use. If it goes through normal Posti and wouldn't fit through your mail slot then usually they don't even bother carrying it around in their cart. Instead they just leave you a card asking you to pickup a package at some post office.

If it's a courier service then they are more likely to call you and arrange a time when you will be home to receive the shipment.

btw, i was also thinking about ordering that 2x cfl set but i was on a budget, even tough price would not have been much different.

Yeah that's understandable. I just figure since I would need the second CFL later anyway...

I will post more info and pics about my set when it arrives and i have build it.

Cool. I'm looking forward to it. :)

ps. does paskalakit/police follow this forum? or only hampuusi foorumi?

No idea. I hope not...


Active member
headnature does deliver to your door, just make sure you're home at the time and actually answer the door! :) otherwise they'll leave a note and you have to go pick your package from your local post office.

btw it's easy to follow your order and when it arrives in your town from the website they post to your e-mail.

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