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Racist cops protect racist zimmerman

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
what made him think this kid was suspicious?

what action?

he profiled him before he saw him commit a crime or he would have had a crime to report

what made that child so different that he could not be "a neighborhood kid"?

his hoodie? or his color? because he did not report to the police a crime in process only suspicion of one, suspicion for which the cause of has yet to be revealed

look at prisons and see how the dynamic of violent minds and racism play off of each other and give this scenario a good consideration and ask yourself how race wouldn't be a factor in the marginalization of this kid?

I'm not saying that race is or isn't a factor what I'm saying is it's irrelevent to the real problem which as I see it is that this guy felt justified to draw and fire a lethal weapon and there is little accountability afterwards judging whether or not it was actually justified. Personally I think that someone who was as easily motivated as this Zimmerman guy seems to have been (by the way the kid was dressed) such a person should not be legally allowed to carry a gun. Police who are considered much more qualified because it's part of their job, have to go thru all sorts of scrutiny whenever they discharge their weapons which is typically in much more threatening scenarios. So why should this guy be allowed to possibly keep carrying and potentially using his gun and all he has to do is say "I felt threatened"? Perhaps if one had to justify themselves more then that they might not be so quick to use lethal force?


weed fiend
Exactly, I know what you know. which is only what you were fed by the media and what LE allowed to be released. So, I can surely not make an informed decision about what happened, it is really nothing to be worked up about until the REAL story is known.

What you know is no indication of what you're willing to acknowledge.

Is the media feeding us false news or is their opinion warped? Any examples or are you going on sound bites? Ever met a hate crime where you agreed with the guilty verdict?

Apparently you're discounting the perp's own words, not to mention the ill motivations he was instructed not to do.

Nobody's advocating lynching a bigot. That said, few are waiting to see if the quack quack is coming from a sasquatch.


Again, you must've missed the part where it was stated that they've been in touch "on their own" and set up a meeting. It is implied that the Sandford PD "got in touch with them" them and set up a meeting. It didn't have to be a call. It could've been an email, fax or other form of communication. But getting in touch with them is getting in touch with them.

You watch too much television. If he had something on them do you really think they wouldn't have either killed him or found away to lock his ass up forever? Instead, they're just gonna give him carte blanche to do whatever the hell he wants and try to cover up his murders??? C'mon son.

It was the FAMILY ATTORNEY WHO SENT A LETTER TO THE U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL NOT THE SANFORD POLICE. You are hearing something and turning into what you want to hear because no where did the women state the Sanford police got into contact with the U.S.D.J. while the video I linked did state the family attorney did which is why they probably stated the Sanford Police WELCOMES federal investigation.

YES, it's called being an informant. I see you watch too much tv if you don't know how this game works. Anyone who is older or knows how police and informants work KNOW they let informants get away with damn near anything. You need to stop watching tv and believing that justice is equal to everyone.


Cautiously Optimistic
Listen man, if there were a string of crimes in your neighborhood committed by young black men over the past year, do you really think you wouldn't be suspicious of young black men that you don't recognize walking through your community at night? Is that racism? I think it's just a descriptor.


weed fiend
Listen man, if there were a string of crimes in your neighborhood committed by young black men over the past year, do you really think you wouldn't be suspicious of young black men that you don't recognize walking through your community at night? Is that racism? I think it's just a descriptor.

Try getting away with the same analogy and "young white men". You're taking it to a group and that's what we sometimes refer to as profiling.

It's not how you feel, it's what you do. If you take it to the "do" point, how you feel may make a difference, especially if you broadcast it to 911.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
i'm here because the objection of racism as a potential cause is born from the bias of racism itself

its that fucking simple

this has nothing to do with anybody but me a bunch of racist pot heads on a canna board trying to fight tooth and nail to justify why they are defending the use of the label of racist in the potential cause of murder when they are not the parties involved

why does racism matter to anyone here when we aren't part of the crime?

Perhaps they, like me, are tired of any crime against a minority automatically being classified as racism. Defining Zimmerman as a member of a hitherto unknown ethnic group ("white hispanic") is indicative of the lengths that have been gone to in order to tap this racist guilt bullshit.

Reducing every crime against a minority to either racism or a hate crime completely negates any value that might come from having those laws on the books. It is also remarkable to me that "hate crimes" can only be perpetrated by whites - hence the need to redefine Zimmerman's ethnicity.

Again, some of us just like to base our judgment on factual information.


Listen man, if there were a string of crimes in your neighborhood committed by young black men over the past year, do you really think you wouldn't be suspicious of young black men that you don't recognize walking through your community at night? Is that racism? I think it's just a descriptor.

I would call the police. If I do confront him and if I'm the neighborhood watchman I would let him know who I am and ask him who is he and explain myself. I wouldn't look at him weird, then follow him, then chase him like a dog when I see he is running from me. I then wouldn't confront him in a way that is looking for a fight because if he is a thug he may kill me or at least beat my ass.

You are not seeing that this Zimmerman was in the wrong, the police department and prosecutors were in the wrong but instead giving reason as to why a child was killed for simply walking in a neighborhood unrecognized by a watchman that is official .


Cautiously Optimistic
It was the FAMILY ATTORNEY WHO SENT A LETTER TO THE U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL NOT THE SANFORD POLICE. You are hearing something and turning into what you want to hear because no where did the women state the Sanford police got into contact with the U.S.D.J. while the video I linked did state the family attorney did which is why they probably stated the Sanford Police WELCOMES federal investigation.

YES, it's called being an informant. I see you watch too much tv if you don't know how this game works. Anyone who is older or knows how police and informants work KNOW they let informants get away with damn near anything. You need to stop watching tv and believing that justice is equal to everyone.

Now you're making things up. I posted the yahoo video for everyone (who cared) to watch. It absolutely DOES NOT say what you said. You're also making up the fact that the guy is an informant. Link please otherwise you're typing just to type. Maybe he's a man in black? Maybe he's bigfoot. Get a grip. If he had info that could screw the department, he'd be dead and it would be made to look like something else. You think cops are scared enough of an informant that they'd be kissing his ass and hiding his unrelated murders?


Active member
wasnt this a gated community in orlando? i been to one and it was more patroled and watched then anywhere i ever been . didnt help my buddie had an 8 ball. i didnt visit anymore after one visit. too many older people with free time


Now you're making things up. I posted the yahoo video for everyone (who cared) to watch. It absolutely DOES NOT say what you said. You're also making up the fact that the guy is an informant. Link please otherwise you're typing just to type. Maybe he's a man in black? Maybe he's bigfoot. Get a grip. If he had info that could screw the department, he'd be dead and it would be made to look like something else. You think cops are scared enough of an informant that they'd be kissing his ass and hiding his unrelated murders?

It did state those thing. I stated he MAY be an informant NOT that he is.

He can get away with killing a black man in America if he has badge or works with them in some way because it's done all the time and in this case it is exactly that. Look at Zimmermans police record and you will ask why didn't he get charged with anything.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Listen man, if there were a string of crimes in your neighborhood committed by young black men over the past year, do you really think you wouldn't be suspicious of young black men that you don't recognize walking through your community at night? Is that racism? I think it's just a descriptor.

yes it is

and this is the root of the problem

in your model this could this kid have been a suspect, simply because of his race and in this scenario he was simply a suspect and because of his suspect nature he is now dead

how this is cool with anyone in America ( some dude shooting a suspect without proof of a crime) is beyond me whether i agree with who runs the country i dont disagree with basic tenants of liberty and equality but i guess thats another point all together

but thank you for being honest

honest isn't always easy and it often means risk


Cautiously Optimistic
I would call the police. If I do confront him and if I'm the neighborhood watchman I would let him know who I am and ask him who is he and explain myself. I wouldn't look at him weird, then follow him, then chase him like a dog when I see he is running from me. I then wouldn't confront him in a way that is looking for a fight because if he is a thug he may kill me or at least beat my ass.

You are not seeing that this Zimmerman was in the wrong, the police department and prosecutors were in the wrong but instead giving reason as to why a child was killed for simply walking in a neighborhood unrecognized by a watchman that is official .

Don't presume to know what I'm thinking. I'm not a fan of all vigilantism nor am I of people that cherry-pick info that suits their view and/or take inadequate bits of information and draw conclusions. You use words like "chase him like a dog" and "confront him in a way that is looking for a fight." You weren't there. You're making things up and trying to play on emotions with sentences like that. You don't know that he was confronted in that way. Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of his head which corroborates his and eyewitness accounts that he was struck as he was walking back to his truck. Do I think his hands are clean? Of course not.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Racism became an issue not only because of Zimmerman's actions, but, as you say, racism became an issue because of the response to the shooting. Yes, you are right on that point.

We disagree on which "reaction" was racist. I say the cops letting this predator walk away uncharged was the racist reaction. If roles were reversed and Zimmerman were dead, do you think his killer would have slept in his own bed that same night?

People are talking about race in 2012 America because it is an issue that won't leave you alone if you are black. Talking about something that exists is not the same as making it happen.

Please, if you can refute the substance of what I'm saying, show me. But don't give me this bullshit about how I see racism because I want to, or that just by mentioning what I see I am causing it to happen. That's bullshit and everyone knows it, and everyone knows it is the public comment tends to go with out and out racism behind closed doors. As a member of the white people club I have heard plenty of things in private that never get said without checking over each shoulder.

I don't see how we can disagree on which action was racist when I haven't really stated any particular reaction was racist or not. My point is racism is clouding a much bigger issue which is this guy carrying and using a gun in a purely voluntary role as a neighborhood watch person. Such community based organizations don't have any real authority. There was no legal obligation for this teen to obey Zimmerman's demands and yet his failure to do so played a significant role in what happened to him.

I'm sure we can find all sorts of racism in this story on Zimmerman's part, on the police's part and on the community's part. I mean to just automatically assume someone is racist because they harmed a black kid and wasn't black is actually a form of racism in itself. Would these same people be playing the race card if Zimmerman was black and wrongly shot and killed a black kid? Of course not, but because he is not black then automatically he's a racist to the point of people actually convincing themselves they heard a racist slur in the 911 call. I've listened to the same clip and I've also heard it after being significantly enhanced and the bottomline is you can't really tell for sure what he said. I do see where people think he might have said "damn coons" but when I listen to it it sounded alot closer to "damn phones" then "damn coons" as if Zimmerman was cursing this kid's ability to call 911 and get the authorities involved. To me that's just as plausible and makes much more sense for the situation then an outdated racist slur that few people under the age of 60 still use.

What has me more concerned about this story isn't that a black kid was killed but rather a guy with no real legal authority to do so used deadly force while performing a voluntary service to the community and the result was the loss of what looks to likely be an innocent life.


Don't presume to know what I'm thinking. I'm not a fan of all vigilantism nor am I of people that cherry-pick info that suits their view and/or take inadequate bits of information and draw conclusions. You use words like "chase him like a dog" and "confront him in a way that is looking for a fight." You weren't there. You're making things up and trying to play on emotions with sentences like that. You don't know that he was confronted in that way. Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of his head which corroborates his and eyewitness accounts that he was struck as he was walking back to his truck. Do I think his hands are clean? Of course not.

I'm going by WITNESS ACCOUNT which was his girlfriend who was on the phone while this happened. Plus I heard the 911 tapes in which Zimmerman was actually being like a hunter by looking at him walking towards him, the following him with running so yeah chasing him like a dog is right.

It was the SANFORD POLICE who stated he was bleeding from the back of his head and we see they are not trustworthy but this can happen if you're defending yourself. If Trayvon confronted him and did this then yes I agree zimmerman needed to defend himself although a gun may be too much but this was NOT THE CASE. Why is it so hard for you to see this?.

Anyway you're going to think what you want. I'm done.


Cautiously Optimistic
yes it is

and this is the root of the problem

in your model this could this kid have been a suspect, simply because of his race and in this scenario he was simply a suspect and because of his suspect nature he is now dead

how this is cool with anyone in America ( some dude shooting a suspect without proof of a crime) is beyond me whether i agree with who runs the country i dont disagree with basic tenants of liberty and equality but i guess thats another point all together

but thank you for being honest

honest isn't always easy and it often means risk

He, obviously, didn't just shoot him. Did Zimmerman break his own nose and cut the back of his own head? There was clearly a struggle which resulted in a tragedy. It's a slippery slope but the fact that he was black and a young man not from that area can be viewed as a descriptor. It's not like the people of that community had no reason to be looking out for the description that Trayvon fit. It is what it is which is sad and difficult to make sense of.


weed fiend
Look at all the evidence as opposed to one aspect. Zimmerman's in a world of shit - arguably as much for his words as his actions.

It's not just a non-black on black killing. Zimmerman drove as far as he could, got out of his car and followed Travon on foot. Then Zimmerman told the cops a lie when he said he was attacked at the street corner. (The body wasn't recovered at the street corner.)

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
If he had info that could screw the department, he'd be dead and it would be made to look like something else. You think cops are scared enough of an informant that they'd be kissing his ass and hiding his unrelated murders?


Where do you get the notion that anyone is claiming that Zimmerman had the goods on the cops and could blackmail them? The guy had gone through a Neighborhood Watch training program with the police. The point is that the police appear to have treated Zimmerman as one of their own, and let things slide that they wouldn't have had it been someone else.

edit; I was wrong. The claim was made that Zimmerman had dirt on the police.
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Cautiously Optimistic

Where do you get the notion that anyone is claiming that Zimmerman had the goods on the cops and could blackmail them? The guy had gone through a Neighborhood Watch training program with the police. The point is that the police appear to have treated Zimmerman as one of their own, and let things slide that they wouldn't have had it been someone else.

It was in response to what someone else posted. But I don't see where you get that the cops treated him as one of their own. They spoke to the prosecutors about getting an arrest for manslaughter but they informed the PD that they didn't have sufficient evidence to get a conviction. Do you have additional info?


3rd-Eye Jedi
He, obviously, didn't just shoot him. Did Zimmerman break his own nose and cut the back of his own head? There was clearly a struggle which resulted in a tragedy. It's a slippery slope but the fact that he was black and a young man not from that area can be viewed as a descriptor. It's not like the people of that community had no reason to be looking out for the description that Trayvon fit. It is what it is which is sad and difficult to make sense of.

the guy is in hiding and no potential crime investigated

where is the proof of the injury?

im sure an autopsy of the boys body will reveal more details
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