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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Dear All,

I'm so sorry to have directed so many of you to this establishment. I don't know whats happened to them but I visited today and got totally ripped off..

The 5g bags that I bought only weigh 4.4g and the 2g bag I bought weighs 1.7g..
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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
still excellent.. the Lavender at 7.25 WOULD've been a great deal :(

In fact I would've been making a post telling everyone in town to rush there to gt it... but not if they cant even weigh a bag properly.


That's a shame, Boere and Bij were the best places.

Train ride to other towns is in order methinks, I could suggest some places but they are too far to make it worthwhile.

Sorry to hear you got a short deal mate.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
was a bit miffed to say the least freefields mate... I've been telling people to visit those 2 shops for as long as anyone would listen.. I actually have to travel 3 hours round trip to go there (trains costs me 15 euros on top)... otherwise I woulda just gone back instead of started this whingey thread ;)


Yeah, it's a real shame how the good shops in Holland have become few and far between.

There is good shit to be had but at top prices, which is okay if you're there for a few days on holiday, but for those that live there, it sucks.


Well-known member
Dear All,

I'm so sorry to have directed so many of you to this establishment. I don't know whats happened to them but I visited today and got totally ripped off..

The 5g bags that I bought only weigh 4.4g and the 2g bag I bought weighs 1.7g..

wow, that sucks, did u complain to the staff or did they just blow you off?


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Hi Mr H...

Sadly I live way too far away from town for it to be worthwhile taking it back or I would've, it would cost me another 15 euros to even try and the whole reason I went up there in the first place was to try to save a few pennies and make my life easier...

Also, my scales are at home too so I didnt get to check them until I was home when I was splitting the baggies for me n missus...

It's not really that much of a surprise that coffeeshops are ripping people off, it's been going on for year, what bothers me is all the people I've sent there telling them that "Boere's dont do shit like that"... the scales in the shop were most likely not zero'd :/

Works out though that they're making an extra 10% on everything they sell off those scales...nice mark eh? ..lol


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
it seems my Karma is in better order than theirs anyway... they can keep that 20 euros... I just got an unexpected payment of 300 dumped on my account :D:D:D:D



Glad to hear some good karma came your way mate, you really deserve it, you're one of the best blokes I know by far. Oh, and your missus rocks!


Richly deserved mate.

Have you got anywhere else you are going to go instead of Boere and Bij?

I know places with good stuff but the prices are higher, sadly.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I do, mate... I know a "private guy" (you also "might" know him ;)) who always has top quality and its very reasonably priced... I only didnt go to him yesterday as I was trying to save a few bob by buying inferior herb at a slightly lower price... thats a lesson learned for me ;)


I think I probably do know him. This is a large part of what killed the Dam for me - no matter how hard you search, you are always gonna pay what I think is too much. Same thing in UK, I can get great weed but it's bloody expensive and requires a long drive to go get it.

These days it's sadly the case that ya gotta grow to have good weed at a reasonable price.

Whenever I'm in the Dam last few years I just get nostalgic for how it used to be.


I found some old pics the other day of a visit to the Dam in 1997, after I'd stopped laughing at my hair I started reminiscing and I remembered the first night of that trip, was with three friends and they wouldn't leave Hill St Blues, so I walked over to Grey Area on my own, bought some Yellow Cab and AK47, stopped on the way back at Amnesia for a drink and burned one of the Yellow Cab, was fruity and nice I recall. When I got back to Hill St, my friends insisted on going to the Casa Rosso, I demurred and went back to the hotel to have a shower and get changed. Had my shower then sat on the bed and roleld one of the AK, smoked half of it and every puff dragged me deeper into the bed, I vividly remember falling off the bed and not being able to get up. I was still there when my friends returned, damn that AK was strong, never smoked any AK that came close since. Maybe it was because I was much younger but I still think that is as strong as anything I've ever smoked. Can't remember how much it cost, 10-12 guilders I think.


Un - Retired,
I was talking with someone that used to be a dealer, he was told to "Light bag" the deals (0.9g etc)
he walked out and quit, its a pity that some shops are doing this to try to make more money


I was talking with someone that used to be a dealer, he was told to "Light bag" the deals (0.9g etc)
he walked out and quit, its a pity that some shops are doing this to try to make more money

Maybe this shows that the trade is dropping off, which is not surprising, it's so expensive to spend a few days there these days.

I was talking to the owner of a chain of shops recently and he told me he thinks the Dam has 2 years left before the shops start closing.