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Pose2B clone grow by Onavelzy


Active member
If I understand what youre talking about...a cutting will be the same sex as the donor ie the Kayas will always be females.
Regarding timing of flush, that's a challenge when running multiple strains. My room is on a 10 week cycle. . I start flushing after 8 weeks. It works good enough for me and I just don't have the time to fine tune each strains feed schedule

I know the Kayas and gg4's will all be females. But I need to sex some Malawi and Yeti Fuel seedlings. I trimmed the moms for my GG4's and Kaya's and decided to use the cuttings to clone them to get more practice at that and to see what worked the quickest for showing sex, putting them immediately into 12/12, vs rooting them out and them going 12/12 as soon as roots showed

I haven't had a chance to look over the pictures of the buds for the different strains, so I don't yet know if they'll be helpful. Just got in to the hotel. Had all the seats next to me empty so I laid down and slept for three hours. That nap and being west coast time will mean I probably won't be able to sleep tonight


Active member
photo dump kind of update.

first a tour of the different strains' bud appearances. Note: by no means are these for showing off. They are just showing where things are. I know they aren't that impressive and I'm ok with how I have done, even if they aren't all encrusted.

First is the taller of the two GG4's. this one seems to have the fewest white hairs and is swelling more than the other.


The other GG4 for comparison


One of the Dubtech 7 leads


Kaya, showing a lot of mildly distorted leaves in the leads. Might be a normal thing or not


The larger of the Adub leads


I wonder what this would have looked like if I just grew the Adub. It had the rampant growth I was expecting from GG4. I think I probably stalled out the other plants by waiting too long between feedings in late veg and early flower. I was trying to wait until the medium seemed drier and the pots lighter but that typically took two to three days for all of them but the dubtech 7. I finally did a recheck of the runoff EC's and all of them were around 1.8 to 2.2. not horrible but that could have been it. Too many other variables could have contributed to or caused a stall to know. Something made them not grow much after switching to 12/12. None of that mattered to the Adubs though, they just grew. I had to power train them just to keep them from doubling the other plants sizes

nest post will show the "seedlings".
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Active member
The Yeti Fuel and Malawi seedlings, currently at D 38 from germination. The Yeti's are the six pots on the left, the Malawis are the six on the right.


Same plants, six days ago. They've grown at least 6 inches in the week


I was waiting for some side branch to get big enough to take a cutting for sexing but the main stems on all of these are just growing very quickly. By the time I get back, they will be near the lights. I was thinking of taking the tops and using those for sexing clones but I didn't want to chance that with this trip coming up so I put that off until I get back.

They are showing clear differences in leaf size and shape, but they have almost exactly the same stem thickness (very thick compared to what my current grow when they were that size), nodal spacing and vigor.

They all show lots of root tips in the holes at the bottom of the plant but the coco seems pretty moist still. They were up potted to these 1 g plastic pots about 8-9 days ago. In the pic above, they look a little droopy. I thought that with the rapid growth, they'd be sucking the water out of the medium but I guess not yet.

I pulled out every other 8W 2700K LED bulb and put in some 100W 5000K replacement bulbs at the suggestion of Terpene, the master of that mode of growing,

I plan to up pot them to 2 gallon air pots soon. With the Aspenou black pantyhose mod.

Here's a fogged over cloning tray with the new cuttings. First rule: Don't let the plugs dry out like last time!!


There's 10 Kaya and 10 GG4 cuttings, half of each are in rockwool cubes and half are in the root riot plugs. I'm doing science!!

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Don't have much to show with respect to gardening, so I'll fill in with some pics from my trip to NYC.

View of Washington Square Park from NYU library


New grad with mom in the Square


Hot day in the city? That's why they have fountains


NYU student art seen on display in the library

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Active member
Looking Great Ona. We're starting to flush up here in Maine. Going to post some week 9 pics in my thread so pop in when you get a chance. Much love from Maine


Active member
When do I flush?

When do I flush?

We're back from our East coast graduation trip. Got in around 1230 AM last night. Dogs had us up around 6:00 am, so a short night.

The guy who watched my grow did a great job. No issues came up. He let me know how the temps and humidity were doing so we could make adjustments as the daytime temps began going up later in the week. All while trying to study for his finals and having to drive up to Orange Co., about 100 miles away, for classes and then drive back and take care of our dogs and the plants. I don't think I could do as good a job with all of that as he did.

The plants show some variation in the maturity of the flowers. One of the GG4's has essentially all red hairs and the calyces are getting pretty swollen compared to when I left.


The other GG4, the shorter one, still has a number of white hairs and the leads seem not as dense.


The Adub is starting to look a little a little foxtail-y.


The seedlings are still growing. I'll work on taking clones for sexing today and/or tomorrow.


If any one stops in, I'm looking for opinions on whether to switch to flush for the one GG4 and continue feeding for the rest that are still showing white hairs vs continuing to feed all vs starting the flush for all?

Switching the one plant will mean a different watering system for the one plant. Not hard to do but I would need another reservoir, pump, tubing, connectors, etc. In other words, more $$$.

I've read the CMH's tend to mature plants a lttle faster than HPS bulbs. I'va also read that the 3100K bulbs like I have used can lead to foxtailing, so I may look for a 4200 bulb and switch out.

Getting to the tight sphincter phase here. Don't want to get this far and blow it with mistakes in the flush or drying/curing.
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Active member
photo dump kind of update.

first a tour of the different strains' bud appearances. Note: by no means are these for showing off. They are just showing where things are. I know they aren't that impressive and I'm ok with how I have done, even if they aren't all encrusted.

First is the taller of the two GG4's. this one seems to have the fewest white hairs and is swelling more than the other.

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The other GG4 for comparison

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One of the Dubtech 7 leads

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Kaya, showing a lot of mildly distorted leaves in the leads. Might be a normal thing or not

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The larger of the Adub leads

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I wonder what this would have looked like if I just grew the Adub. It had the rampant growth I was expecting from GG4. I think I probably stalled out the other plants by waiting too long between feedings in late veg and early flower. I was trying to wait until the medium seemed drier and the pots lighter but that typically took two to three days for all of them but the dubtech 7. I finally did a recheck of the runoff EC's and all of them were around 1.8 to 2.2. not horrible but that could have been it. Too many other variables could have contributed to or caused a stall to know. Something made them not grow much after switching to 12/12. None of that mattered to the Adubs though, they just grew. I had to power train them just to keep them from doubling the other plants sizes

nest post will show the "seedlings".

this is a fantastic:biggrin:place...my apologies for not discovering your thread earlier


Active member
What week/day are you at? Got that molasses ready? :)


Today is day 49. Normally, most of these strains are 63-70 day strains. Given that, I would typically begin flushing within the next 7 days. My hesitancy is whether they look like they are ready for me to do that. All I have to go by is what I read. Lots of posts talk about what signs to look for to harvest but not so many say what signs to look for to begin flushing, or equally useful, what signs to look for to keep feeding.

I also don't know what to put in the RO water for flush. I've heard/read molasses (? concentration per gallon) vs chelators like drip clean or clearx vs tap water (mine has an EC that has varied from 0.7 to 0.4).

I gather you're a molasses man. How do you mix it? Do you water with the same frequency and volume or do you look for a greater run off to help leach out the chemicals?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thakns for dropping by again,



Active member
this is a fantastic:biggrin:place...my apologies for not discovering your thread earlier

Hi Star,

Thanks for coming by. I haven't tried to broadcast its existence so much. A newbie blog has been done fifty eleven hundred thousand times, so it's just more of the same. Plus, I'm not that good at brevity. Too many 'TL-DR' entries.

It's mostly for my entertainment and I'm easily entertained by myself, lol.



Bat Macumba

Today is day 49. Normally, most of these strains are 63-70 day strains. Given that, I would typically begin flushing within the next 7 days. My hesitancy is whether they look like they are ready for me to do that. All I have to go by is what I read. Lots of posts talk about what signs to look for to harvest but not so many say what signs to look for to begin flushing, or equally useful, what signs to look for to keep feeding.

I also don't know what to put in the RO water for flush. I've heard/read molasses (? concentration per gallon) vs chelators like drip clean or clearx vs tap water (mine has an EC that has varied from 0.7 to 0.4).

I gather you're a molasses man. How do you mix it? Do you water with the same frequency and volume or do you look for a greater run off to help leach out the chemicals?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thakns for dropping by again,


I roll a bit of both molasses and straight water (ph to whatever/same with ec) But before that i try to keep nutrition going maybe longer than some others would. Upwards of day 54-56 with two really good flushes after. Then harvest 60-70 depending on strains and circumstances. First flush molasses, anywhere from 5-10 ml a gallon. The molasses won't leach anything but sugar is useful here because it breaks down into every other element so easily. If you had anything residing in the medium to get out and make available immediately or if you wanted to shotgun any microbial life into action, that's the time to do it. Also it's key for several metabolites and processes internally. Glycolysis can use residual sugars but aiding it only helps and plays a big part in final potency/flavor/terp production/curing.

You can flush with molasses more than once, you can throw it in anytime with feedings. Shits great.


Bat Macumba
And there's no particular sign for beginning flushes. That's more the art than the science. Just backtrack from when you hope to harvest and figure out how many more feeds and flushes you can get in. This is one of those times ( again, strain dependant) when you tell the plant what you want and not the other way around.

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
That's more the art than the science. Just backtrack from when you hope to harvest and figure out how many more feeds and flushes you can get in. This is one of those times ( again, strain dependant) when you tell the plant what you want and not the other way around.
^^^ yes^^^
Hopefully you don't have a hard date you need to harvest. I've planned all along to harvest this week. Oops...my girls say they're not ready yet. I've gone 10 weeks...I'm not going to lose quality due to an arbitrary date I set.


Active member
^^^ yes^^^
Hopefully you don't have a hard date you need to harvest. I've planned all along to harvest this week. Oops...my girls say they're not ready yet. I've gone 10 weeks...I'm not going to lose quality due to an arbitrary date I set.

Hi GT,

no, I have no presets. I have been wary of going by accepted flower cycle lengths. I was trying to look for developmental indicators but it seems like I have some leeway and some degree of control based on when I choose to start flushing. I dumped out the last of my fert fluids from my reservoir tonight and now am feeding just RO.


Active member
Day 51, Flush!

Day 51, Flush!

It's come down to the "witching hour" hour of the grow cycle: time to flush. I am not sure what the best time to do that is but since I have four strains that typically go to 63-70 days, I decided to pull the trigger today.

I poured out the remaining fertilized water from the reservoir, scrubbed it out with some clorox-y water, then filled it up with some pure RO H20.

I discovered that my pH thingie has become frozen at a reading of 7.0. I must have let it get dry or not refreshed the fluid in the cap enough. Or maybe a battery thing, don't know, but i went ahead and poured in the RO anyway. Not sure if I have to pH that but I can't check it until I get a new pH meter tomorrow. A leap of faith, as they say.

The canopy view hasn't changed mush in quite some time, beyond slight elongation and mild fattening of the colas.

tent canopy, d 51, 5-25-17


a quick run through of the current state of the strains:

the leggy-er of the GG4's:


Kaya bud:


The shorter of the two GG4 clones


Dubtech 7 buds:


the last one is a crappy pic, I apologize. They look better than that but I don't feel like redoing the whole shooting, uploading, labeling etc process, so it'll have to do for now.
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Some Adub leads:


the back row Adub:


a below the net Dubtech 7 bud:


Flushing, a whole lot of time, money and hope condensed into couple of weeks. One can only hope for this kind of outcome:



Active member
Thx for the kind words Strainly. They're sticky but they haven't achieved the degree of frostiness that comes with a fine tuned grow. Lots of learning on this go round