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Pose2B clone grow by Onavelzy


Active member
Flowers from the other plants

Flowers from the other plants

Ok, back from gorging myself. I gotta fit into dress clothes for the upcoming graduations. I'm doing pretty good dietary-wise until evening. Then the id takes over and I eat a bunch of crap. My wife had to go buy me new slacks because my old ones shrank while hanging in the closet, ahem. Normally, I don't ever have to wear clothes like that. Only for ceremonial things or legal things, and I avoid both of those as much as possible.

On with the flower updates.

Kaya, d 28. not as frosty as the others yet but it could be the angle


the taller of the GG#4's, less frosty and more leggy, less stacked


Dubtech 7 leads



Well-known member
I hate to break it you but if you keep growing pot those clothes are going to keep shrinking ha ha. At least thats how it works with me ha ha.


Bat Macumba
Hey BSG, I forgot to also say thanks for the heads up on the ADub going all nasty bits. I'll spend a little more time with the magnifying glass. They're not positioned the best for that but by this stage, the only plant i can scope out easily is the one in the very front. Thanks, I appreciate the help.


Mine was a special case- I'm sure yours are fine. I wish I could have finished them or got them back at some point but oh well.

My id + whiskey = terrible things. I gotta cut that crap out.


Well-known member
You're going to get there man..... Unlike most rookies you listen and actually have your hands in the green...... You're doing good Ona......


Active member
If I don't get on the ball you're going to grow by me......lol
That's a big LOL. I'd be happy just to get to the netting, hah,

Hey Aspen, while you're around, since the end is nearing for these plants (well 5 weeks or so), what tool do you like to use to trim? Do you trim wet, dried, both?

I haven't gotten any stuff for harvest yet because I thought it would be bad luck.

Outta reps for you. You know that tune. It's the thought counts?



Well-known member
I did a wet trim and hang..... Nonstick Fisher trimming shears and a plastic card to scrape up the scissor hash..... I just used the lower scrog to hang the plants. ...


Well-known member
Drying and curing I have down to a science, I had a guy giving me fresh buds to trim, dry, and cure so I could learn the process


Active member
I did a wet trim and hang..... Nonstick Fisher trimming shears and a plastic card to scrape up the scissor hash..... I just used the Lowe's scrog to hang the plants. ...
Thanks. I'v never done it so I need to up my knowledge base. I'll ask around on the San Diego's Finest thread to see if any one would take on an unskilled trimmer for a day or two to help them get through a crop. Probably not, since privacy and security are pretty important still but it never hurts to ask.


Active member
not much going on, so that means pictures

not much going on, so that means pictures

just practicing with using the iPhone. I need to do some right before lights on. Maybe tomorrow.

At any rate, this is just more of the same but maybe a couple of new angles, etc. As the song says, "F' it, it was somethin to do".

Kaya leads


A GG4 lead


Cluster of dubtech 7s



Active member
day 33

day 33

Freezing here in SD, was in the 50's today. Had rain too. Nothing torrential, just off and on all day. Looks like most places got around an inch. There was even 6 inches of snow on Mt. Palomar. Don't get that in May too often. Damn global warming!

Update on the state of the tent canopy: same as yesterday, lol.


Actually, there's some improvement. One of the Dubtech leads made it above the net. That's three of the six plants.

I've been looking hard for any signs of PM. The density of the leaves on the stems of the dubtech makes it my prime candidate. I have an oscillating fan right next to it in the back corner of the tent. Hope that does the trick

I have to do some fidgeting with the irrigation system. the two plants at the back of the tent don't always have run off when the others always do. I'm figuring that is because they are slightly higher than others due to the tilt I put on the tray to let the fluid run down towards the door.

I'll try to raise the reservoir with some bricks or something inexpensive. If that doesn't change it, I'll have to try a larger pump. This one is a 396gpm model, so probably go with a 500gpm if needed. I need to fine tune the flow duration as well because the other plants have more than plenty runoff, so I"m wasting nutes.

I changed the shelf I was using to hold my veg plants. The new one is bigger in every dimension. With a little remodeling of the closet, it fits in the space just as well. I can now put all of the plants on one shelf level, where before it took me two shelves and some plants on the floor as well.


I put in another power strip of LED bulbs to allow the plants at the back and the front to get coverage.

These bulbs are 2700K. I was advised by Terpene they will do fine but may lead to some legginess and larger leaves in veg. I have noticed the leaves on the Yeti plants are much bigger than what I have seen in my clones in the tent. I'm going to try to find some 5000K bulbs to try instead.

Ok, that's it for now. Have a great week!



Well-known member
Trimming isn't hard to do Ona.... Time consuming yea....... pain in the ass..... Hell yea..... but you should defoliate..... to get better light to the buds and lessen the trim job..... save anything with trikes on it in a separate pile for some hash.... Im looking fo a thread... for you... about defoliating...to increase the yield...


Active member
day 36

day 36

Biweekly update, I guess.

I've got a new concern: White powdery stuff on the outside bottom of one of my smart pots. It could be build up of nute run off but I don't see it on the other pots.

Here's the pot in question


Here's what the rest look like


There' no sign of any powdery changes anywhere else so I'm hoping it's chemicals and not fungi.

I got back in the tent to try to thin out some of the undergrowth on the Dubtech 7. I got some of that accomplished but this top was inadvertently cut in the process. Collateral damage.


Still pretty minimal trichome development I think.

Here's some Adubb tops


and a top from my lankier GG4


The other GG4, the one that grew slower than this one, is showing the flimsy, floppy branch growth I've read about. Since it didn't make it up to the netting, I'm going to need to put in some stakes. For now, I'm leaning the weaker ones up against some of the Adubb and Dubtech 7 branches.

I have a couple of graduations to go to next week. I'll leave the flower tent and the veg closet in the hands of my daughter's boy friend who'll be watching the house and sitting the dogs for us.

I was going to cut some clones from my Kaya and GG4 moms to practice my cloning and sexing skills. I probably shouldn't do so and leave before they are done. Too many things can go wrong. I don't want to make him have to do too much and I definitely don't want him to feel bad if some stuff dies.

Well, not much else going on, just typical newbie trials and tribulations.

5 weeks in, not really sure how many more to go. I know GG4 should be a 9 week strain. The Kaya, Adubb, and Dubtech I'll have to go look up.

Don't forget to give your moms a call this weekend for Mother's day!



Bat Macumba
The Dubb's should be in that same time frame. Kaya- no clue.

Are you cloning in a mister or pellets/cubes?

Re: Pots: Can't stand the smart pots for just that reason. They make judging weight/moisture content a deceptive chore. Then you get fungus or chemical redox. Then your plant gets really heavy on one side and the whole thing starts to collapse. Or you try to move the pot and your root mass cracks in half. I can't tell for sure what's growing on yours (salt or mildew) but the algae for sure will just continue to spread. Go find some Actinovate and spray it on those pots.


Active member
The Dubb's should be in that same time frame. Kaya- no clue.

Are you cloning in a mister or pellets/cubes?

Re: Pots: Can't stand the smart pots for just that reason. They make judging weight/moisture content a deceptive chore. Then you get fungus or chemical redox. Then your plant gets really heavy on one side and the whole thing starts to collapse. Or you try to move the pot and your root mass cracks in half. I can't tell for sure what's growing on yours (salt or mildew) but the algae for sure will just continue to spread. Go find some Actinovate and spray it on those pots.

Will do that tonight when the lights come on. Should I water with some to get the inside as well? I considered rinsing the pots with Drip Clean or Stop Block to see if it was mineral.

I plan on trying airpots next cycle.

Thanks again for your insights and your advice. Without everyone's help, this would have gone south a long time ago

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Any updates Ona? Personally I wouldn't sweat the residue on your containers


Active member
Any updates Ona? Personally I wouldn't sweat the residue on your containers

Yes, I'll put in a fuller update later. I leave midday to head to the East Coast for a couple of graduations. I've been busy trying to fine tune the environmental and feeding controls and automation to make it easy (hopefully) for the complete novice who will be watching over things for me in the week that I am gone.

I will post a few shots of where the flowers are right now. One question I have is, how do you know when to stop feeding and begin the 2 week flush. I know you can use trichome color to help decide when to harvest. Near as I can tell, there shouldn't be any white hairs . There's also the "standard" times people have evolved for various strains.

If it's the white hair thing, I may end up needing to flush some of the plants while still feeding the rest. One of the GG4's is looking less hairy each day and there is some calyceal swelling. I'll post pics when I get to a settled spot if I have battery power. If not, I'll do so tomorrow.

Your Kaya looks great. I'm at day 42 today and mine doesn't look anything like yours, in terms of trichomes, color, etc. That is to be expected given the experience and skills of the two growers however.

I purchased a silenced 6" hyperfresh fan that I can tune way down to 30% or less (i think). I run that 24/7 now and the humidity hasn't been getting above 75%. It makes less noise that the six inch clip on fans I have in the tent for air circulation. It has kept the tent a little cooler than I would like these last few days but nothing crop breaking, mid 70's.

I trimmed my mom gg4 and kayas and lacking anything better to do, made about 20 clones. I don't know when to put a cutting under 12/12 to do sexing. I keep putting off looking it up.

The seedlings are no longer seedlings. They're about 15" tall. I'll have to deal with them when I get back. Thank goodness for the coolness of these LED bulbs I use in the veg closet. They could grow right up into contact and wouldn't get any thermal damage. Light poisoning maybe. They have about 6 inches to spare right now.

OK, I'll fill in more later. I have to go mix up the last of the feed for the lad to have on hand if he needs it.

Take care

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Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
If I understand what youre talking about...a cutting will be the same sex as the donor ie the Kayas will always be females.
Regarding timing of flush, that's a challenge when running multiple strains. My room is on a 10 week cycle. . I start flushing after 8 weeks. It works good enough for me and I just don't have the time to fine tune each strains feed schedule

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