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Pipeline Gardens '08


ICMag Donor



Down at the creek




Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Loving all the great pics and smoke reports Pipeline!! I really like seeing all the veggie pics too. Do you have any favorite varity's of sweet corn, Muskmellons (sp?), or hot peppers? I'm starting to get the itch to get things rolling here soon.


ICMag Donor
Thanks Guyute, I haven't got enough years to have really developed a favorite yet. I usually get a variety of sweet corn types so we have a staggered harvest. I need to get into the habit of testing my vegetables along with my herb.... I had some jalipino peppers this year, a couple rows of them.... Way too many! :eek: :D

I grow anaheim and cali wonder bell peppers most of the time. I can't remember the muskmellon variety I had this season but I grow them every year... I haven't put enough space into production to yield adequately the past couple seasons.... The first year I grew a garden was all muskmellon and strawberry. :yummy:

Thanks for stopping by, we're feelin an itch here too.... :drum:


nice photos pipe! looks cold down there. must have been quite a garden if you only grew muskmelons and strawberries the first year. but who doesn't love some good melons and berries?

Looks like they're starting to get going again! Like I said ealier though, I think the space and time could have been better spent vegging clones or germinating new seedlings... Seems like such little growth for a couple months.. :chin:

Keep growing hard though! Good luck w/ the new cab... :smoke:

the reason why they didn't fare so well when i chopped was because they were under a 26w light. life support as you will. when i deconstructed the main box due to the faulty top i put the 70 in the pc unit to get things goin again. in about 1 weeks time now they should be back to normal and should be able to take clones.

and right now, yes there are some seeds being germinated. come to think of it, i'll put some more in some water tomorrow. the more the merrier in my opinion.

i'm going to have to come to terms with what stock plants to keep. the night hail ultra is definitely going to be a keeper in my garden. hands down fantastic herb. i really hadn't heard anything about the strain, except from you, another guy on here, and some vendor website. all i knew was that it is an early maturing strain outdoors and the other guy said he let his go for 42 days indoor. so i let one go 44 and the other two went 56. the one i kept is one i let go the whole length. good smoke.
i really don't know what to do with the sour bubble. the plant itself was easy to grow with very, very dense and resinous flowers. the high was powerful and intoxicating. not much of a get up and go type. definitely a sleeper smoke, and i'm not sure how i feel about it. but the hash that came out. damn that was fine. only got enough of it for about 2 bowl caps from 20g or so of leaf trim.

with the new cab in process of being built, there's going to be a 2x2 floor space with about a 23'' vertical capacity. i will definitely be on the lookout for new moms.

but right now it's been a long enough post. i still get excited about growing. i'm watching batman begins and smoking a piece. all sorts of crazy shit is going on over here.



ICMag Donor
Hey soxx, thanks for the update! When I first had a garden it wasn't the size it is today. That was when I got out the shovel and started clearing they hayfield.... Tons of work to do by hand... It ended up being only like 8' x 10'. Now we have 35' x 65'.... :D

Makes more sense now that the plants are so small... Good to hear they're getting back on track...

BOG seeds has been sold as medical cannabis seed for a few years now, that doesn't supprise me a whole lot to hear how your plant was. The BOG's I usually deal with have a tell tale flavor and an uplifting, euphoric effect.....

NHU is definately some really good herb... I thought it was kind of uplifting.

Good to hear you've got a start on the new cab. 23 inches of vertical capacity isn't all that much is it? How does that compare with your last setup?

Don't let that Batman kick your ass! Batman kicked my ass!



haha batman didn't whoop mine, but he did some others. haha.

a 35x64 garden? is that all? just playing. that's a good sized garden. i just helped a wheat breeder plant 2 acres by hand this past fall, and it was fun. work, but fun work at least i thought so.

i just inspected the goodies, and they are growing like weeds. no pun intended. or is it?

i think i will keep some sour bubble going in the cab, at least for a while. the high from it was great, knock out herb, but drowsiness followed.

the NHU was definitely uplifting. after smoking it i wanted to go throw the Frisbee or any other activity.

the 23'' of vertical space is plenty in my opinion for keeping a mother/veg chamber. it is about 10'' shorter than the last setup, but the first run in the last box was about 23 inches of vertical space. i think it will work.

the part of the building process that is going to be confusing to me will be wiring the floro tubes. i was checking out the ballasts and lights at menard's today, and found some for 2 lamps and one for 4 lamps. the original plan was to run four (18inch) 15w floro tubes. then i got to thinking. only four lamps, putting out a total of 60w, just doesn't sit well with me. i would like to get a MH lamp, but the heat is what i DON'T want in the veg chamber. maybe 6 lamps would do. but i don't want to have to get three ballasts for 6 lamps. i guess i could get a 4 lamp ballast and a 2 lamp ballast. still need to iron out some details. back to the thinking cap.



ICMag Donor
Thats a lot of hand planting to do to 2 acres, did you use a push type 2 wheel planter? :chin:

Glad to hear things are greening up over there. I didn't realize those measurements were for the mother chamber. 23 inches should be alright. 2x2 isnt very big though, mothers tend to bush out, keep this in mind....

4 flourescents should be fine for vegetative growth. Don't ask me about the wiring.... :eek:


ICMag Donor
Chunky Micks '07 ::: Smoke Report

Chunky Micks '07 ::: Smoke Report

Chunky Micks '07 is a bulk blend of seed from pollination on a number of Deep Chunk hybrids by a stamenant (male) SAGE x Deep Chunk. The female plants were Cheese x Deep Chunk, ECSD x DC, Blowfish x DC, and Bubba Kush (katsu) x DC.

Chunky Micks '08 is a bulk blend of seed from a number of strains pollinated by 3 stamenant Deep Chunk plants. The possible pistilate plants in the blend are Deep Chunk x (Erocket x Danish Passion), Erocket x Danish Passion, Chunky Micks '07, BOG Medely x (SAGE x Deep Chunk), (B3 x N7) x (Erdbeer x Purpurea), Apollo 11 x (Erdbeer x Purpurea), Perun, Night Hail Ultra, Danish Passion, and Early Durban

The plant being tested was the denser of the 2 Chunky Micks 07 in the garden. In fact it was the densest flower I have experienced to date, I rate it damn near a 10 in bud density.... :eek:

Her stems had streaks of purple especially around the nodes growing up, and I knew there was about to be a show go down... The plant was located in the back of the tall plot behind a coulple extremely vigorous (B3 x N7) x (erdbeer x purpurea) plants. Although there was some shading from the plants in front, she didn't do too bad, topping out at around 5 ft tall. The plants in front were early finishers, so when they got their tops cut in mid September, it let the light pour in.

This Chunky Micks 07 individual is a normal finishing time plant, being done in mid to late October. In August when the gardens were open pollinated, this plant had very few flowers on her. she was almost still in preflower stage, likely due to shading. So because of the lack of seed production and the sudden jolt of direct sunlight time in mid-september this superiorly dense genetic showed its potential.... :smoke:

Flower Density: 10/10

Pipes last forever because the flower clusters are so dense.... The density lets the pipe burn cool and produce more flavor.

Flower Moisture: slightly moist

Seed Content: sparse/ seedless

Aroma: Sour, tart and somewhat sweet

Smoke: Strong sour flavor with a hashy undertone. Flavors are strongest during and after exhale.

Effect: Chunky Micks effect is indica dominant and relaxing. My girl won't even smoke this plant anymore unless it is right before bedtime. This is a true knockout indica. Overwhelming heady effect.... Lets ya put the pipe down for a minute to think. The pipe wants to go out because of the density, and you let it because you can already feel it..... type of thing... :chin: :smoke:











Hey pipe! nice report and great pictures!

i got an update for ya from over here.

here's the nhu, lookin better since last time.

here's the sour bubble, she too is looking better.


ICMag Donor
Thanks! They're starting to get some momentum! :woohoo: Going to be some branchy little buggers! Sour bubble is a creeper and NHU has nodes everywhere. :eek:


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hello pipeline :wave:
Very nice thread and even better photos from the plant.
The HTC models are very interesting, maybe I have the honor sow some seeds from HTC, what I'm looking forward. For Esbe Thanks.
I will follow this year and your achievement :respect:



ICMag Donor
Hey radvancan! Thanks for stopping by, glad you enjoyed the thread! Esbe's genetics are available at seedbay.com under "420 fundraiser". :smoke:


yeah they sure are bushy. i just ordered a new fan. should be here early next week. its a 4'' intake fan rated at 180 cfm. that should be plenty of fan to take care of my box.

can't wait to get started... been gathering supplies for the last week or so, and i'm getting antsy.

nice reports!



ICMag Donor
Cool! Sounds like you'll have a nice setup here soon! Now the question of, what to plant.... :chin:


and a very good question to ask. theoretically speaking, the veg cab will have 400 cubic inches. if i use 4 inch square pots, i could get 25 seedling going. the real number would be around 12 or 15. but then it goes back to the question at hand. what to plant?


ICMag Donor
I'd say 5 each of 5 strains/hybrids if you can get 25 going... Or maybe 10, 10 and 5 w/ 3 strains... :chin:

Better get something chunky in there... :smoke: