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ahhh the pro pot forces are coming together.

Hash, it's far from a slam dunk...

From what I am seeing locally folks are shifting hard right here. For example, a few conversations I have had to test the political waters locally in a Red County suggest these folks are in favor of Arizona initiating Nazi style stops for suspicious looking folks to see if there papers are in order and Anti-Gay anything and obviously Anti-Pot on all levels.

The question is are we "Pot-People" on the stupid side with all our hopes of decriminalization?

I'm guessing we will get a big slap in the face come November. I hope I'm wrong.

To Prove me wrong people get your friends registered to vote! Make a fool of me..


November isn't going to happen. Most of the people I knew who grew for profit aren't voting for it, people around my parents age/circle of friends aren't voting for it (even though they would if I asked them to, they don't believe it should be illegal). My mother in law, who downloads and distributes movies and mp3's online won't vote because it is "illegal" didn't understand the concept that what she was doing (pirating) was just as dangerous as smoking pot. The only people I have talked to that will vote yes are the people here.

I had a nice conversation with a couple of people in the California forums about TC2010 and personal limits in the home, after which when I was shown I was wrong went and started asking around who was voting on it. It amazed me that people I thought were "shoe-ins" for a yes vote are very far from that point as they had originally led me to believe. I had a lot of people who talked a big game about legalization, who now when its on the cusp are afraid and reverting back to their old world views. Really starting to piss me off.

There is still a lot of prejudice out there because they still think the majority of smokers are Cheech and Chong rejects. It never occurs to them that many are like me who have successful jobs, kids, a family and pay our bills on time, pay taxes and you wouldn't ever know was a smoker unless they told you.
wait til O's 2nd term...

This will not happen.

The conservative resurgence in this country will make sure of that.

So, if there is something liberal you would like to see happen, you
better help push it through before November. The conservatives
will be taking back control after that, or whenever they are sworn in.


Active member
It never occurs to them that many are like me who have successful jobs, kids, a family and pay our bills on time, pay taxes and you wouldn't ever know was a smoker unless they told you.

Thats the thing Koroz....and because of that I think more people will vote for it. I don't care what the polls say{1,000 people asked blah blah blah} there are millions of closet smokers out there, millions. I also think most people that smoke pot will vote yes. Those that don't, either make money off it or are just naive to what a huge step this is for the movement. Its not perfect but it is just restrictive enough that maybe more people will vote for it.


Thats the thing Koroz....and because of that I think more people will vote for it. I don't care what the polls say{1,000 people asked blah blah blah} there are millions of closet smokers out there, millions. I also think most people that smoke pot will vote yes. Those that don't, either make money off it or are just naive to what a huge step this is for the movement. Its not perfect but it is just restrictive enough that maybe more people will vote for it.

I hope you are right, I just lost a lot of faith in the last couple of days talking with people I had thought were on the same page.


I'm thinking we have enough yes people but will the go vote?

I'll tell you straight up the Churches here are spreading the word to vote against all the liberal things such as Cannabis freedom.
So now I get why there isn't so much press on the anti-cannabis side they have taken it into the churches.


This will not happen.

The conservative resurgence in this country will make sure of that.

So, if there is something liberal you would like to see happen, you
better help push it through before November. The conservatives
will be taking back control after that, or whenever they are sworn in.

I have a joke for ya.. I heard this one at the Cannabis expo..

What is a Libertarian ? A Republican with a lisp.


So, if there is something liberal you would like to see happen, you
better help push it through before November. The conservatives
will be taking back control after that, or whenever they are sworn in.

I don't see Liberal or Conservative policy, just oppressive, and it aint changing. The propaganda is just too strong. Its taken years to get total BS ingrained in the public mind, it might take centuries to undo.

I think I would pass the F$#% out if the DEA gave permission to re-schedule.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
liberty issue.

liberty issue.

Hash, it's far from a slam dunk...

From what I am seeing locally folks are shifting hard right here. For example, a few conversations I have had to test the political waters locally in a Red County suggest these folks are in favor of Arizona initiating Nazi style stops for suspicious looking folks to see if there papers are in order and Anti-Gay anything and obviously Anti-Pot on all levels.

The question is are we "Pot-People" on the stupid side with all our hopes of decriminalization?

I'm guessing we will get a big slap in the face come November. I hope I'm wrong.

To Prove me wrong people get your friends registered to vote! Make a fool of me..

This is why we need to reframe the argument to make it about liberty and personal freedom. We also need to think like crazy ass conservatives, and appeal to the scared insecure person inside of the average american.

This is how you speak to this crowd.

Do you need the "oh so scary government" telling you what you can and cant put it your body? If so it is a slippery slope to making fast food, alcohol, tobacco, and stock car racing illegal. there goes all the fun on your saturday night if you are a true conservative (in the red neck's eyes conservative means "real man"). You should be scared. the damn liberals already took your slavery, and wife beating freedom away. Next its your guns and your baby jesus.


This is why we need to reframe the argument to make it about liberty and personal freedom. We also need to think like crazy ass conservatives, and appeal to the scared insecure person inside of the average american.

This is how you speak to this crowd.

Do you need the "oh so scary government" telling you what you can and cant put it your body? If so it is a slippery slope to making fast food, alcohol, tobacco, and stock car racing illegal. there goes all the fun on your saturday night if you are a true conservative (in the red neck's eyes conservative means "real man"). You should be scared. the damn liberals already took your slavery, and wife beating freedom away. Next its your guns and your baby jesus.

True.. It's about the Humanness and quality of life for all.

I learned here lately that some religious sects see things such as pot as the devil. Meaning they see it as the creation of the Devil. No where in the Bible does it credit Satin with creating the Earth and all on it but still they assign that sort of Bi-Creation mythology and place maryJane right there with Democrats in the Devil's domain I assume.
I wasn't aware how many see things in this Bi-Creation mythos light and it's a lot.

To Quote a Movie "Water Boy" "Stay away from ....., it's the Devil!"

That's just freaky weird.. I think the Mormons do this does anyone know?


Nah, Mormons think of it like graffiti on your soul. Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine... all drugs are considered to desecrate the temple of the body.


Active member
He has the power to do it. You'd do better to petition his handlers though. Obama doesn't make any decisions himself.... 'Cept what suit to wear and.... probably not even that.

We've actually been under Martial Law since Lincoln. You can look it all up. *shrug*

Here's hoping it goes through though.

Stay Safe! :tree:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
True.. It's about the Humanness and quality of life for all.

I learned here lately that some religious sects see things such as pot as the devil. Meaning they see it as the creation of the Devil. No where in the Bible does it credit Satin with creating the Earth and all on it but still they assign that sort of Bi-Creation mythology and place maryJane right there with Democrats in the Devil's domain I assume.
I wasn't aware how many see things in this Bi-Creation mythos light and it's a lot.

To Quote a Movie "Water Boy" "Stay away from ....., it's the Devil!"

That's just freaky weird.. I think the Mormons do this does anyone know?

yep you have to take the devil out of pot by showing how it was used by our fore fathers (the realest americans lol)


i should add "if he has a 2nd term".
Very unlikely that he'll have a second term.

It was a serious political error, on his part, to laugh at our community. I believe it will cost him his reelection.

Just the "coin" that he wasted.
I hate to sound pessimistic, but it will probably die in committee unless the committees are flooded with responses from the public.


It only has 12 co-sponsors IIRC and only one of those is not a Democrat, so it doesn't have "bipartisan" support.

All the more reason to clean house (and senate) this fall, no more incumbents, but I digress.


It is amazing to me that the more and more I read about slow and steady progress, and yes I consider this original post to be "progress" at least it is up for discussion! The more and more I read about the MMJ community being pessimistic about everything! I don't know, just me I guess, but 10 years ago I NEVER thought that it would even be considered to be rescheduled and/or legalization voted on. As a Cali resident, I think this proposition with get millions and millions of votes. Will it pass, I don't know, would it be a good thing? Honestly, I don't know, but I do know that millions of votes for legalization win or lose will send a message that this is a real issue with a real possibility of changing things. When prop 8 was up for vote (no same sex marriage) it surprised people when it passed, in part because people who voted for it didn't put big signs in their front yard advertising how they were going to vote. I see the same thing happening in November, many "closet" users are going to vote yes with out ever reading a word written on this site, without responding to a poll and without putting a bumper sticker on their car advertising their beliefs.