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Petition to Reschedule 'Marijuana' to Recognize Medical Benefits in Final Stages of R



When prop 8 was up for vote (no same sex marriage) it surprised people when it passed, in part because people who voted for it didn't put big signs in their front yard advertising how they were going to vote. I see the same thing happening in November, many "closet" users are going to vote yes with out ever reading a word written on this site, without responding to a poll and without putting a bumper sticker on their car advertising their beliefs

I hope you are correct sir. Good points!


Active member
True.. It's about the Humanness and quality of life for all.

I learned here lately that some religious sects see things such as pot as the devil. Meaning they see it as the creation of the Devil. No where in the Bible does it credit Satin with creating the Earth and all on it but still they assign that sort of Bi-Creation mythology and place maryJane right there with Democrats in the Devil's domain I assume.
I wasn't aware how many see things in this Bi-Creation mythos light and it's a lot.

To Quote a Movie "Water Boy" "Stay away from ....., it's the Devil!"

That's just freaky weird.. I think the Mormons do this does anyone know?

yes mormons do it they do it alot they go so far as to avoid swimming on sundays as satan controlls the earth that day cuz god is resting. its a big excuse blame game.
good call!

i should add "if he has a 2nd term". Of course, if palin becomes prez it'll get even MORE illegal. so yeah, holding your breath for 3+ years is never a good idea.

i still think O will do it in his final year of his 2nd term--it's the best chance for rescheduling since Nixon devised the system. So, 2016 it is!

Okay, I'm a little hungover, and sick to death of explaining this to people, but Sarah Palin will not be running for public office of anykind in 2012. This idea is similar to people saying that they wanted Micheal Steel to run in the Presidential race just after he was appointed Chairman of the RNC. People a lot of the time take a name they're newly familiar with of who they like and decide that they're going to run for every and any office there is. Sarah Palin was just offered a position as a news personality from Fox. She got that offer between the last part of the Presidential race and just after the race when she was approached by representatives from Fox. If you remember afterward she had taken a step back from the Governorship and had pretty much checked out of her position to do appearances all over the country.


Active member
any new news on this thing?

hehe...I just googled " Petition to Reschedule 'Marijuana'" and the 1st link I got was 'Bump this thread if your gettin high right now. - Page 5 ...' from ICmag. :)

Otherwise all I found was this...

Questions Raised About Obama Medical Marijuana Policy
By Dennis McMillan
Published: May 6, 2010

A medical marijuana raid by the Naval Criminal Intelligence Service has led to the arrest of five defendants on March 27. The defendants have been federally charged for distributing marijuana for the R&C Collective next to the China Lake Naval Base.

It should be noted that the NCIS, not the Drug Enforcement Administration, led the operation. Unlike the NCIS, the DEA operates under the Justice Department and is supposedly subject to US Attorney General Eric Holder’s memo to honor state medical marijuana laws. Other federal agencies that are outside the DOJ do not seem to be bound by the AG’s directive. Patients living near the border have reported harassment from Immigration agents, who are under the Department of Homeland Security, and who claim they have received no instructions to honor state medical marijuana laws.

“The continuing raids point to glaring weaknesses in the Obama administration’s announced policy of DOJ non-enforcement,” Dale Gieringer, director at California NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) tells Bay Times. “The time is overdue for real regulatory reforms to fix bankrupt federal marijuana laws.” One of these is rescheduling marijuana for medical use, the object of an eight-year-old petition that is overdue for a response from the DEA. “The upcoming confirmation hearings of DEA Chief Michele Leonhart present an excellent opportunity for senators to quiz the Administration on its policy,” says Gieringer.

Ellen Komp of California NORML reports that Erik Stacy (27) and at least two others have been federally charged with cultivation of more than 1,000 plants in one case. Stacy says the collective had 450 patients, and each plant was appropriately labeled with a patient’s name. Stacy is scheduled in federal court in Fresno on May 12 in Judge Sandra Brown’s courtroom.

Stacy alleges that the officers used “flashbangs” (concussion grenades), stomped on them, and dragged his five-months pregnant girlfriend across the floor by her hair. Both were in their underwear.

According to Stacy, every penny was noted. Every gram of marijuana was noted. “Every joint, where we got it and where it went was noted,” Stacy claims. “Directors have yet to cash a paycheck. We’re upgrading [the] facility, like a hospital.”

Additionally, an ongoing federal investigation led by the China Lake office of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service resulted in five arrests on March 27 involving the owners of a medical marijuana dispensary located near Buttermilk Acres. “NCIS is investigating allegations of criminal activity involving the owners of a medical marijuana dispensary,” wrote NCIS Public Information Officer Ed Buice in an email. “Search warrants were served at several locations and five individuals were taken into custody.”

According to Buice, NCIS was assisted Tuesday in their search warrant service by officers from the Ridgecrest Police Department, Kern County Sheriff’s Office, the California Highway Patrol, the California City Police Department, and the Inyokern Sheriff’s Department.

All these agencies’ actions resulted in five arrests, confirmed by RPD Chief of Police Ron Strand - three in the county and two in the city.

The next evening, according the Ridgecrest Daily Independent, a handful of residents held a rally on the corner of China Lake and E. Ridgecrest Boulevards to protest the closing of the dispensary, known as B & C. The article reported that nearby resident, Kimmie Becker, commented on the matter during the Wednesday evening town hall meeting, remarking that the dispensary in question “did everything right.”

“Law enforcement and society in general should be much more concerned by the effects of intense prescriptions - like OxyContin - that can cause addiction and have been known to lead to death than marijuana,” Becker stated. “And police are far likely to have to intervene in a fight caused by alcohol, a legal substance, than one caused by the use of marijuana.”

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
NCIS is fucking stupid because the entire DOJ including the federal courts have to listen to eric holder. so they are wasting there fucking time because the federal judges will toss this shit outta court.


any new news on this thing?

I will check!

I am wondering too..


I didn't see much new but the dates of publications are newer than when I looked first.
Here is a link http://www.prnewswire.com/news-rele...n-final-stages-of-review-by-dea-90957944.html

and the Petition


How do we get the DEA to tell us where they are at in their review.. Do you think they will answer an email?


This wasn't easy to find.



Famous Quotes May 9, 2010 4:33 pm (Pacific time)

"Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country." - Thomas Jefferson

"Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere." - George Washington

"When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn't like it, and I didn't inhale, and I never tried again." - Bill Clinton

"When I was a kid I inhaled frequently. That was the point." - Barack Obama quote on Marijuana

"Forty million Americans smoked marijuana; the only ones who didn't like it were Judge Ginsberg, Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton." - Jay Leno

"We shall, by and by, want a world of hemp more for our own consumption." - John Adams

"Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself; and where they are, they should be changed. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against possession of marihuana in private for personal use... Therefore, I support legislation amending Federal law to eliminate all Federal criminal penalties for the possession of up to one ounce of marihuana." - Jimmy Carter, U.S. President quote on Marijuana

"The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world." - Carl Sagan quote on Marijuana

When we remember that we are all mad, mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain

Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.- - Albert Einstein

1937: “Marihuana is the most violent drug in the history of mankind.” -- Congressional Testimony, H.J. Anslinger

1974: “Permanent brain damage is one of the inevitable results of the use of marijuana.” -- Ronald Reagan, in the Los Angeles Times.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"You`ll miss 100% of all the shots you don`t take." -- Wayne Gretsky

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NCIS is fucking stupid because the entire DOJ including the federal courts have to listen to eric holder. so they are wasting there fucking time because the federal judges will toss this shit outta court.

We (usa) already imprisons more citizens per 1000 in the world.

If the rating changes on the Schedule wouldn't that mean the Courts will have to change too?

One thing we are seeing is these "Meetings" and "Gatherings" of law enforcement are more and more being done in closed rooms out of sight of the people.
That has to scare us weather we like cannabis or not.


Out of the slime, finally.
Do you need the "oh so scary government" telling you what you can and cant put it your body? If so it is a slippery slope to making fast food, alcohol, tobacco, and stock car racing illegal. there goes all the fun on your saturday night if you are a true conservative (in the red neck's eyes conservative means "real man"). You should be scared. the damn liberals already took your slavery, and wife beating freedom away. Next its your guns and your baby jesus.

ROFL. . . fucking hilarious


Out of the slime, finally.
He has the power to do it. You'd do better to petition his handlers though. Obama doesn't make any decisions himself.... 'Cept what suit to wear and.... probably not even that.

We've actually been under Martial Law since Lincoln. You can look it all up. *shrug*

Here's hoping it goes through though.

Stay Safe! :tree:

Fuckn Money Masters. . . have always knows about the Rothschilds.
We are all their puppets and/or slaves!