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similarly, the Chinese civilization always contained stories of tall, blue/green-eyed and red or blonde-haired leaders who were the originators of Buddhism and who were the first leaders and organizers of Chinese society. These stories were always regarded as pure legend until the discovery of the graveyards of the Tocharians in the Takla Makan desert in China. The Tocharian mummies were naturally preserved in the dry desert sands are unequivocally clear Nordic racial types. The graveyards lie near the ruins of the great Tocharian cities, built along the famous Silk Route.....


Domesticator of Cannabis
"The League of the Sea Peoples".

"The League of the Sea Peoples".

Before going further with the account of Norsemen exploration in the far northern seas we should pause to take note of events in the Mediterranean world at the onset of the twelfth century BC. These were turbulent times in the southern lands, where violent attacks by a mysterious group of raiders referred to as the Sea Peoples laid in ruins the Aegean civilization and even threatened the very survival of the Egyptian monarchy. Egypt at this time was ruled by one of the most powerful of the Pharaohs, Ramesses III, who reigned from 1188 to 1165 BC.

The Sea Peoples included the following three main tribes:

1) The dark featured, Rh-negative Berbers, originally from Morocco, Algiers and Senegal, who had discovered and populated the Canary and Cape Verde islands, all of the Atlantic islands off Europe, the Basque country and had established reindeer hunting camps in Finnmark in Arctic Norway and leather tanning stations on the southern tip of Sweden and the west coast of Ireland. They controlled all Atlantic traffic and the far western part of the Mediterranean. The Berbers from Morocco likely were the Shekelesh (3) of the Egyptian records, while the people of Britain may have been called the Aqaiwasha. It appears that the people of the Hebrides and Scotland were known to the Egyptians as the Tyrrhenoi(4), the people of Odysseus' tribe, later known to the Romans as the Picts. Their migration was a simple one and covered an area that was within easy reach of the homeland.
2) The blond, blue eyed, Rh-positive Shardana(5), also known as the Sherden or the Sherdein, from
xede - erdeinatzaile
restriction - scornful
"Scornful of restrictions"
were apparently originally from Cyrenaica, which is located between Libya and Egypt near the Mediterranean.
3) The people we call Cretans or Minoans were known to the 18th Dynasty Egyptians as Keftiu.



Foreigners with red hair, eh? Seems to fit the thought that the Atlantean civilization could have had, for lack of a better term, Nordic features. It's also well known that redheads were often used in sacrifice in Egypt, possibly reflecting a feud between these redhaired foreigners and the possibly pre-existing civilizations of Egypt.

This is obviously a reference to drunken Irish cavemen getting lost on holiday to Spain.
These mummys are the fellows who missed the return boat.
Have you given any thought to how remaining Neanderthals may feel being associated with the Irish, even by the slimmest of conjecture?

Please be a little more racially sensitive please.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Have you given any thought to how remaining Neanderthals may feel being associated with the Irish, even by the slimmest of conjecture?

Please be a little more racially sensitive please.

The dwarfs and troglodytes of old European folklore.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
I don't know if it has been mentioned, but neanderthals are genetically not related to humans at all. There have been DNA tests. Google it.


St. Elsewhere
Did a bit of research, and it seems there hasn't been a real conclusion on the matter. There were fossil DNA tests done in '97 that suggested no genetic contribution, but that was only an interpretation/summarization of the data present.

There was a paper written about it recently on GenomeBiology.com that supports the idea of non-contribution, but even the author of that paper admits that:

MC1R is a good a priori candidate for adaptive introgression. It is thought that light skin is favored in Europe as a compromise between the need for vitamin D synthesis and the need to prevent folate photolysis, both caused by UV radiation [41]. Several genes affecting skin color are known to have been positively selected in European populations [21,22], though studies of MC1R evolution have come to different conclusions [22,42,43]. Jolly has pointed out that the easiest way for early modern humans entering Europe to evolve light skin would be to acquire the necessary genes from Neanderthals rather than to evolve them de novo [44]. If the low-activity MC1R variant is positively selected in Europe, then MC1R presents a good opportunity to test for evidence of adaptive introgression from Neanderthals to modern humans.

The conclusions these people are coming to are justified because they fit the presently accepted model of human evolution. They're not wrong. I'm not right, but it's still up in the air.

Interesting little quip while I'm at it...

Apparently, (and I just came across this, so bear with me, I have research to do yet)in one study all but one of the Neanderthal DNA samples tested shared the exact same phenotypic MC1R mutation as is found in humans. This led to another journal suggesting human contamination of the DNA samples.

What it all boils down to is humans and neanderthal share a phenotypic mutation, that some studies suggest might be near identical in it's effect. However, this phenotype is of a different genotype. Which suggests that this mutation similarity is the result of convergent evolution, which definitely makes sense. But at the same time, we just don't know. There's still work to be done in this area. Could be a small amount of introgression through brief hybridization and back-crossing to parent populations. Could be coincidence.

Very interesting stuff, though. Thanks for motivating me to look more into it, 3d.


Domesticator of Cannabis
You think they came back with big giant grapes on a stikk? If Moses sent me out and I bought back evidence of giant neffalim, it shure wouldnt be giant bunches of grapes. Id bring back giant evidence of neffalim.

Exactly, if I was God & wanted people to worship me or even know of me I'd have moved a mountain so every man smart or dumb would know I am the only God with any supernatural powers.


Active member
Exactly, if I was God & wanted people to worship me or even know of me I'd have moved a mountain so every man smart or dumb would know I am the only God with any supernatural powers.

And this is JUST what God did when He allowed the smaller Jews to take the giant naffalims testicles as souveneres to show their leader Moses. :abduct: This is also what He did when He allowed The Great and Mighty Lion David to slay the filthy giant half devil mutant filth goLIEath.


Domesticator of Cannabis
And this is JUST what God did when He allowed the smaller Jews to take the giant naffalims testicles as souveneres to show their leader Moses. :abduct: This is also what He did when He allowed The Great and Mighty Lion David to slay the filthy giant half devil mutant filth goLIEath.

Neither of those myths are what I had in mind. If one was to believe something or somebody is a God you would think they, the God(s) could leave us some indisputable evidence. How stupid do they think we are, being twice wise?


Active member
When He comes whit His Ships of Light the evidence will be undisputable. :abduct: Like I said earlier. The evidence will be -When Ships of Light come from Heavin. Not from earth. When God comes from Heavin with His Angels in His Ships of Light. That will be the evidence. :abduct: If its like you say, and that all the ufo's are from earth, itl be plane to see when Some Others come Who are actually from Heavin. The differance will be astounding. Youl know the differance.:abduct: What will your logic tell you then? Will your logic say to you"Well NOW we really ARE getting visited by et's? Would you then say"Well theyr et,s but theyr not God?" :abduct: Well then Il tell you how to be shure. If you want to confirm the Holey Identity of The One Who is to Come you can confirm Him by what it says in the Bible. Hes commin and Hes gonna rapture His chosen and saved. When He dose youl see His Ships of Light commin and rapturin folks. They might get beamed up somehow or they might actually rize up in the sky unlike gettin beamed up. Hel be takin bout a tenth of the pop. A remnant. :abduct: the govt and the powers that be here on earth will prolly try to cover up this prophesized bout miricle by sayin that some kinda space ailiens attacked us and killed the raptured people instedda rapturin them. they might even kill some extra folks on toppa the raptured so that it seems like lots more than a tenth are gone. Theyl prolly make it look like we wer attaked. :abduct: Youl know the differance between the ships tho. the govt/devils are them sloppy ass triangle shitts and some other lame ass shitt that they managed to put together since bein cast down here after the rebelion. Gods Ships will be obviously differant. Gods Ships of Light dont respect time. time respects God. That will be a main differance that you could see. the devils ships cant manipulate time. Gods can. Gods Ships of Light will zipp acrost the sky without any concern for time. the devils cant.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Homo Sapien ~ Sapiens

Homo Sapien ~ Sapiens

Skhul V

Species: Homo sapiens
Age:~ 90,000 years
Date of Discovery: May 2, 1932
Location: Mount Carmel, Israel

The remains of this male individual, known as Skhul V, were recovered from the Skhul Cave near Mount Carmel, Israel, along with the skeletons of nine other adults and children. The anatomical features of this skull are reminiscent of earlier, "archaic" humans. One notable example is the bony torus over the orbits, or brow ridge In the photograph, though, note the high forehead, which rises nearly vertically from the face, and the expanded frontal portion of the braincase. These are features typical of modern human skulls. Also, at the back of the skull, note the lack of a projecting"bun", which occurs in many Neanderthal skulls. Compare these details seen in Skhul V to those of a Homo neanderthalensis individual

Wadjak 1

Species: Homo sapiens
Age: ***
Date of Discovery: 1888
Location: Wadjak, Java, Indonesia

While poor fossil preservation of the Wadjak 1 skull obscures some of the finer anatomical features, it shows many of the traits that serve to define modern Homo sapiens. The cranium shows an expanded forehead that rises near vertically from above the orbits. This is associated with either a repackaging of brain tissue in the cranial braincase or an actual expansion of the frontal lobe of the brain. The shape of the face itself shows no signs of prognathism seen in Homo erectus, and the overall structure of the bones is more gracile than seen in earlier species of Homo. The brow ridges, which are known in earlier species such as H. erectus and H. heidelbergensis, are absent in Wadjak 1.

Cro-Magnon 1

Species: Homo sapiens
Age: ~30,000 years
Date of Discovery: March 1868
Location: Les Eyzies, Dordongne, France

While the Cro-Magnon remains are representative of the earliest anatomically modern human beings to appear in western Europe, this population was not the earliest anatomically modern humans to evolve. The skull of Cro-Magnon 1 does, however, show the traits that are unique to modern humans, including the high rounded cranial vault with a near vertical forehead. The orbits are no longer topped by a large browridge. There is no prominent prognathism of the face.



Matter that Appreciates Matter
Google around...

The Neanderthal genome, when fully analyzed, is expected to shed light on many critical aspects of human evolution. It will help document two important sets of genetic changes: those that occurred between 5.7 million years ago, when the human line split from the line leading to chimpanzees, and 300,000 years ago, when Neanderthals and the ancestors of modern humans parted ways; and second, the changes in the human line after it diverged from Neanderthals.

An early inference that can be drawn from the new findings, which were announced Thursday in Leipzig, Germany, is that there is no significant trace of Neanderthal genes in modern humans. This confounds the speculation that modern humans could have interbred with Neanderthals, thus benefiting from the genes that adapted the Neanderthals to the cold climate that prevailed in Europe in last ice age, which ended 10,000 years ago. Researchers have not ascertained if human genes entered the Neanderthal population.

Possessing the Neanderthal genome raises the possibility of bringing Neanderthals back to life. Dr. George Church, a leading genome researcher at the Harvard Medical School, said Thursday that a Neanderthal could be brought to life with present technology for about $30 million.

Svante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig led a team that had to overcome daunting technical obstacles to produce the draft of the Neanderthal genome. He was assisted by the company 454 Life Sciences, which invented a new DNA decoding machine that works by analyzing millions of very small fragments of DNA in parallel. DNA from Neanderthal bones is fragmented in just this way.

Dr. Pääbo began his project more than 10 years ago, when he succeeded in extracting the first verifiable piece of Neanderthal DNA. Most Neanderthal bones have no recoverable DNA and those that do are heavily contaminated with modern human DNA from the many scientists and curators who handled them. Distinguishing human and Neanderthal DNA is hard because they are so similar.

He said at a news conference in Leipzig on Thursday that he now had retrieved usable DNA from six Neanderthals and analyzed 3.7 billion units of DNA. The Neanderthal genome, like that of modern humans, is 3.2 billion units in length. Because many units have been analyzed several times over, and many not at all, Dr. Pääbo can now see about 63 percent of the Neanderthal genome. He will continue to analyze it until he has accumulated the equivalent of 20 Neanderthal genomes, which will allow almost every unit to be accurately known.

An earlier analysis of Neanderthal DNA by Dr. Pääbo proved to have had 10 percent human contamination, he said, but in the new draft genome, he has taken pains to measure the degree of human contamination and finds it is below 3 percent, he said.

Archaeologists have long debated whether Neanderthals could speak, and they have eagerly awaited Dr. Pääbo’s analysis of the Neanderthal FOXP2, a gene essential for language. Modern humans have two changes in FOXP2 that are not found in chimpanzees, and that presumably evolved to make speech possible. Dr. Pääbo said Neanderthals had the same two changes in their version of the FOXP2 gene. But many other genes are involved in language, so it is too early to say whether Neanderthals could speak.

Dr. Richard Klein, a paleoanthropologist at Stanford University, said Dr. Pääbo’s project was “incredibly exciting” and could eventually shed light on the behavioral differences between Neanderthals and modern humans.

When the full Neanderthal genome is in hand, could it be made to produce the living creature its information specifies? Ethical considerations aside, Dr. Pääbo said, Neanderthals could not be generated with existing technology. Dr. Church of Harvard disagreed. He said he would start with the human genome, which is highly similar to that of Neanderthals, and change the few DNA units required to convert it into the Neanderthal version.

This could be done, he said, by splitting the human genome into 30,000 chunks about 100,000 DNA units in length. Each chunk would be inserted into bacteria and converted to the Neanderthal equivalent by changing the few DNA units in which the two species differ. The changed lengths of DNA would then be reassembled into a full Neanderthal genome. To avoid ethical problems, this genome would be inserted not into a human cell but into a chimpanzee cell.

The chimp cell would be reprogrammed to embryonic state and used to generate, in a chimpanzee’s womb, a mutant chimp embryo that was a Neanderthal in many or most of its features.

Dr. Church acknowledged that ethical views on such an experiment would vary widely. But bringing a Neanderthal to birth, he said, would satisfy the human desire to communicate with other intelligences.

Dr. Church said he had no plans for such an experiment, but if someone were eager to supply the financing, “We might go along with it.” The treatment of Neanderthals would raise many problems. “Are you going to put them in Harvard or in a zoo?” asked Dr. Klein of Stanford.
Extra-terrestrial life has already been proven. Previously unknown bacteria has been found on meterorites. Fossils have been found on mars of living things as large as protozoa.

Does intelligent life exist? Probably with the huge number of stars out there. Do I belive they have visited us? Absolutely not.


all praises are due to the Most High
MC1R is a good a priori candidate for adaptive introgression. It is thought that light skin is favored in Europe as a compromise between the need for vitamin D synthesis and the need to prevent folate photolysis, both caused by UV radiation [41]. Several genes affecting skin color are known to have been positively selected in European populations [21,22], though studies of MC1R evolution have come to different conclusions [22,42,43]. Jolly has pointed out that the easiest way for early modern humans entering Europe to evolve light skin would be to acquire the necessary genes from Neanderthals rather than to evolve them de novo [44]. If the low-activity MC1R variant is positively selected in Europe, then MC1R presents a good opportunity to test for evidence of adaptive introgression from Neanderthals to modern humans.

what a lot of nonsense...

all ethnic groups and corresponding pigmentation of skin are capable of synthetizing vitamin D whilst in any latitude, period.

thus, all speculations about vitamin D production and skin-colour are just that, goundless speculations.



Active member
Cool lookin at the skulls and shitt! Im not too shure what it meens tho. Straight up, Im way outta my leage when it comes to all the stuff yous know. Im just gettin what I know from what I see around me, and from the Bible. I know the Bible to be true because my New Heart testifys to me, and I know that ET's are true because I actually SEEN a Ship of Light with my own 2 eyes. :abduct: So I take the 2 thing I know that are true and I put them together and I find that from readin the Bible I find that the Ship of Light I saw was the Holey Angles Ship. Cause it had no respect for time. I find that the crappy ships are from the devil cause God threw him down here with his bunch of loosers a while ago and thats bout when tek started and all that shitt so I find it could onley have been the devil.:abduct: Bout them skulls tho. I dont know how it lines up cronologicly with them and all but the earlyest people type things on earth wernt the chosen ones. It was the cave people. God incidently made the cave people BEFORE He made Adam. These are the people that the devil had free range on before he could touch Adam. --So the earlyest skulls should be cave people, not Adams Line. The ones who existed outside the Garden origionaly wer there BEFORE Adam, and they wer influanced by the devil before the devil could influance Adam.


Active member
Yea thats how I figure it anyhow. Im basin that on the fact that God made the cave people while He was makin the Garden. He was makin the Garden and Adam, and the cave people"gentiles" we'r made incidentaly to this, so therefore they musta been made before Adam and the devil musta had dominion over them before Adam because Adam wasnt expelled from the saftey of the Garden till after a while. The gentiles wer construction waste. Thats what the devil had to work with before he got Adam expelled from the Garden.


Domesticator of Cannabis
I'd say the skulls support what I've been researching on Pagan evolution. The Homo Sapien skulls posted evolved into Homo Sapien Sapiens. We've gone from large brow wise humans to subtle brows, twice wise humans without any divine intervention.


Active member
I'd say the skulls support what I've been researching on Pagan evolution. The Homo Sapien skulls posted evolved into Homo Sapien Sapiens. We've gone from large brow wise humans to subtle brows, twice wise humans without any divine intervention.

Please squse me for just not gettin it. This shitts a bit confusin to me. So then are you sayin what Im sayin? Are you sayin the Adam Line was made before the gentiles? Cause Im sayin that the gentiles wer round before the Adam Line. At least I think so anyhow. Cause the gentiles wer kinda like construction waste. So Im figurin the devil had easy access to them a while before he got access to Adam. the devil was able to dilute Gods Adam line only after Adam was expeled from the Garden. But before that he even diluted the gentiles.

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