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Active member
you said those little wireless radio control cars use IR. that is incorrect. they use radio, it is just on a weaker frequency range and doesn't travel far. IR is an optical technology requiring line of sight. your tv remove is IR. put your hand in front of the remote and try and turn the tv on. now turn and face the wall opposite the tv and aim at the wall and turn your tv on. the sensor can see the light bouncing off the wall. it does not penetrate.


Active member
We have some pretty smart cookies. If we can go the the moon we should be able to push a cable 1000' up or down a shaft... Im no dr but I can think of a few ways to do it.

Then why did the scientist fail? It might have been a fiber-optic cable that the robot mini tank actually pulled down in there. But in the special I saw they didn't get all the way where they wanted to go.

The fact they still don;t know what is down there or know but are not telling is the very reason this current video has any reason to exist. Scam or not. It is interesting.


Active member
intense video!

idk if im a believer or not tho :)

guess will have to wait till the video drops !


Active member
you said those little wireless radio control cars use IR. that is incorrect. they use radio, it is just on a weaker frequency range and doesn't travel far. IR is an optical technology requiring line of sight. your tv remove is IR. put your hand in front of the remote and try and turn the tv on. now turn and face the wall opposite the tv and aim at the wall and turn your tv on. the sensor can see the light bouncing off the wall. it does not penetrate.

Yes the cheap helicopters and remote control toys run on IR just like a TV controller. More expensive ones use radio frequency. I am into remote control helicopters.

Look at the specs. It is IR.



Guys - might be a different hole or shaft than the one the other folks tried...

I know I've tried some different holes and had success where others hadn't tried before...

Just sayin' - sometimes the holes that yield the best results are the holes no-body else has tried to send something down...

Maybe his unit was a different size???

Maybe he didn't just try to plunge into the hole - maybe he made preparations, tried a different angle, greased the sides to enable better penetration???

Maybe, just maybe, the hole was ready to be explored a little deeper this time - maybe the last time someone explored it they didn't really feel good about it...

Holes are funny things - never take them for granite (ROTFLMNSAO - rollin' on the floor laffin' my not stoned ass off)


Active member
i was talking about wireless remote control toys. they use RADIO. you seem to have gone out of your way to find an IR controlled helicopter. these are new to me. anyway doesn't change the fact that IR is line of sight. an infrared controlled car would not work down a stone shaft.

I didn't go out of my way to find it. I already knew. It doesn't change the fact that I am right and you are wrong.



Active member
what checkmate? show me one infrared (which is a spectrum of light) device where the signal penetrates anything solid. should be very interesting.


Active member
I didn't say it would be a cheap radio control IR that he used. I am talking about a better radio frequency. That is why I talked about skipping. Jeez. I am not defending the video. I am just talking about the facts of the shafts and what has been done or could be done.

I think it is possible he found something even though I don't think he did mainly because what could it be that they knew and don't want people tp know.


Active member
You said I was wrong about IR. I wasn't. Please stick with the thread facts. I am not trying to argue. I just wasn't going to accept you saying I was wrong about IR because I wasn't.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

this guy was just thinking his shit was gonna be so far out there that it would go viral & he'd become a youtube millionaire, a con job all the way.



Active member
um but you are. just because one helichopter uses IR doesn't negate the entire history of RC (radio controlled) toy cars. the only reason that helicopter even works is because IR is line of sight and you would most likely never lose sight of a toy helicopter. try having an IR controlled toy car. that shits gonna go smashing into a wall after the first corner you turn because your controller cant see the car anymore.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have this one


And this one

One is IR The S107 is IR 30$ and one is RC The Blade is 120$. The price tells you allot.. I cant find a IR for more then 50$
Last edited:


Active member
I have lots of different ones Hammerhead. Some of them big and they use liquid fuel. They are all RC. That is remote controlled. That means the control box. Then there is RF and IR. Radio Frequency and Infrared.

My favorite is a plastic body army helicopter with IR control and gyro. It gets 8-10 minutes of run time and charges in 20-25 minutes off my USB port. I have 3 of them so I can fly continuously in my living room. Backwards, forwards, left, right, up, down and hover. It has a superb trim control that lets it hover staying straight and hands free.

We have helicopter flight competitions. Flying through a hoop, landing on a small object like a deck of cards on end in the box. We have a ping pong table and have a landing target on each end. You have to land on one target, fly over the net and land on the other target and do that as many times as you can in 2 minutes. We hang a wooden rod from the ceiling light and fly loops around it. You can fly figure 8's too. Most of us have IR for inside. You can run channel A. B or C and 3 Helicopters can be in the air in a small space at the same time.

We are into performance and run time. Model to model a plastic body is lighter and gets more run time. We hot rod them too and drill holes in their bodies and buy high performance plastic screws. All the changes mostly aimed at increasing flight time.

IR is very reliable but you have to help it some by limiting sunlight and things that can reflect or block the signal.

Even if you could fly around a corner with RF you wouldn't do it with a helicopter because you couldn't see where you were flying.


I'll bet he found the uber metaphysical easy button way to get super high, he's just waiting for the cash to activate the world.


dont think so....

at 2:49 into the video, they show the hotel and the name of it.....

doubt if Micheal Bay wants to promote some obscure hotel in Egypt...

Yeah, that's why it's a hoax.. Honestly, now that everyone knows where it is it would have been too easy to make our own video of a rock shaft, upload it on to Youtube and demand 2.5 mil in 15 days and cut this dumbass right out of the picture....

Besides... If I was on a mission for 5mil, why would I stop and add some dramatic ass musical score before uploading? Was it like he thought the powers that be would take the video more seriously??? Errrr... I mean like, damn good thing we added the crazy music or we would have only gotten 4mil?? lol

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