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that is a sour diesel just getting ready to grant her bountiful harvest!!! That was all botanicare cocogro loose in the bag w the full AN line. We got gifted the entire AN line
when we got the lights for this grow, I don' think I could bring myself to spend that amount for all the stuff but it sure is purty and all. Came out great! I especially like the Pirahna bennies for fungal growth etc.I've got great results with the three varieties of fox farm mixed with a little EWC and lime maybe a little combo bloom meal and shoot I just water with no nutes, in the five gallon homer buckets with no drain from home depot. Came out killer also! I am in process of setting up a little sumthin for myself updates forthcoming. Or maybe a thread!


POSITIVE VIBES yr way LadyLuck! feelin urs over here always makes my day!

FTH that is right where I wanna head if I do another grow after this one. ORGanic with water no nutes. GOod luck with your next round and hook me up with your grow thread when it starts , I want a front row seat for that one.

I got some good coverage of buds and leaves on my new drawing and now its like.. hmmm .. needs a lil Harley Davison Kick to it.LOL!
so I printed out these images and going to try to blend them in in a trippy way.

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:kitty: RAWR

Must be the fireball whiskeee!

Fulltimehuman, you should take a looksie at hicksticky's thread as he is rockin some CFLs that are kickin out some awesome buds. Shit looks sticky! Wasn't sure if the electric man wasn bringing you down :huggg:


well I gave all the skulls a try and ended up erasing them all , busted out my tatt flash books and Mitch is inspirational as usual... Im leaning heavy on him to help me finish this one.



Active member
:kitty: RAWR

Must be the fireball whiskeee!

Fulltimehuman, you should take a looksie at hicksticky's thread as he is rockin some CFLs that are kickin out some awesome buds. Shit looks sticky! Wasn't sure if the electric man wasn bringing you down :huggg:

well If I was just a bit medicated I would be happier but....I'm getting some babies tomorrow!! :woohoo:

I got the hook up on some really healthy well rooted shooting topped clones!! They look super strong, big, tops.....should I go on? :dance013:

And thank You, yes I am in an apartment unfortunately. BUT, I have 'sequestered' -as is the flavor of the day- a 4'x5' area to grow in, with an attached bathroom thank-you-very-much.:tiphat:

So tomorrow I will be picking up 4 Goji OG clones and 3 Pure Kush clones for fifty bucks! right? I couldn't believe how good they looked
but then again the 'cottage' co-op industry is booming huge and cheap online..... I mean I sourced some biodynamic outdoor humboldt strains for 200 a zip.....mmmhmmmmm. I prefer organic bio-norcal outdoor to 'roided out indoor but i won't complain. Watch out rip-off dispensaries with compassionate 70 dollar eights!

So I will do this one tray under a 600 HPS with 7 lucky ladies in 6 inch rockwool cubes which I already have.
I'ma gonna do a 'ghost' table already built the frame, have my res and RO unit going. My water sucks so I usually just do about 30/70 or 40/60 with tap and RO depending on my local water company yearly reports PPM of Sodium in my tap...but that fluctuates quite a bit hood to hoody around here. My first try with Hydroponic research Veg+Bloom, got some dirty and will get a tub of RO Ive been reading the 50:50 mix is working good for folks. And then next week I'm going to get 7 more to throw under two LED's my friend loaned me to try out. I'll put those in the bathroom with 7 in either coco or soil not sure yet. Anyone do the earth juice organic stuff teas etc? That was looking like an economical option. I will at least try to do one side by side in the same medium under HID and LED but I already know the LED won't yeild as much but seems to stack a little more trich's as well as flavor etc. I am really interested to find out tho! As I would love to just upgrade to a LED only grow for just one table should be doable. Just that initial investment 'hump' to climb over......


Active member
well I gave all the skulls a try and ended up erasing them all , busted out my tatt flash books and Mitch is inspirational as usual... Im leaning heavy on him to help me finish this one.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=56318&pictureid=1355355&]View Image[/url]
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=56318&pictureid=1355354&]View Image[/url]
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=56318&pictureid=1355356&]View Image[/url]

Those are awesome love that old americana.....although i don't have any tats..outer limits is right near my house kari barba etc they have some class acts and such a tattoo heritage down there at the pike in Long Beach.:tiphat:


no ink? damn u don't knownwhat you missing!
Im getting the cockroach tatt. I don't know why but I use this image over and over from one drawing to the next. so it would be cool to have it inked on me.
This drawing has been keeping my attention and giving me all sorts of ideas for smaller ones..
My flowers are stackin nicely.



Thank you!
Would you be so kind to honestly tell me how much you think these drawings are worth? I respect your honesty . I really need to know the truth. I am too deeply connected to my work to be able to price them and I plan on hanging them soon. They will all be framed so take that into account. Your opinion means so much to me.


Active member
Priceless of course! I always say much too less in others eyes so if I say anywhere from 200 to 500 it may be low ballin'. My wife knits insane organic wool caps.they take about 40 hours or so, plus she uses the good hand spun wool hand dyed etc. So if she were to actually charge what she puts into them they would be like 300 dollar beanies! No one will pay that. She has to only put like 3 dollars an hour pay for herself or people would never buy them. So I only get them he he he he...I will take a photo of one they rule.


Priceless of course! I always say much too less in others eyes so if I say anywhere from 200 to 500 it may be low ballin'. My wife knits insane organic wool caps.they take about 40 hours or so, plus she uses the good hand spun wool hand dyed etc. So if she were to actually charge what she puts into them they would be like 300 dollar beanies! No one will pay that. She has to only put like 3 dollars an hour pay for herself or people would never buy them. So I only get them he he he he...I will take a photo of one they rule.
Thanks FTH, that sounds fair. Those wool caps sound so rad. I would love one myself. I was just looking for one of those wool artists hats . One of those with a pot leaf on it would be so cool.
you have to see this thread of thai sticks but the guy makes them into sculptures and sells them for a killing. I however think that our amazing DAT ganja artist would maybe see some inspiration or enjoy it's creativity. :artist:

That's wild.

I went to drop off a sample of my SLH at a dispensary and instead of just telling me that they are overloaded and real loyal to their long time vendors, they just take my bud and have me wondering WTF? I aint doing that again.
They also display a lot of orginal art on their walls so I was inspired to see if I could show my art there as well. I brought in my portfolio . Everyone that works there is hella young.. late teens twentys and have such a stand off attitude (TYPICAL WASHINTONIAN ASSHOLE ATTITUED and why I hate the people here) ....and get this cold ..cough cough . lets put this into perspective look... and another.. "SORRY were really backlogged, come back in 2 weeks."
I don't think so. I have some other ideas I will try instead.
Thanks for your continual support and positive vibes.


Active member
Don't move to California! The numbers are higher in Hipster-uptight-Standoffish types.....But you can hide easier I suppose....And there are tons of shops with mediocre 50-dollar-eights you could be their what are they calling it these days........oh yes 'private reserve'. shoot you should just start your own private collective etc. cut out that middle-man who skims more than he deserves and still come out looking good.So many options...so little time.


im really obsessing over this old skull dude in my drawing. I think he might be Jorge Cervantes. def has some pull here..I erased a whole lot as you can see. This drawing might make it or might not.
I find strengths in the drawing that I decide to keep and I erase the weak links. :ying:
My Fireball looks so pretty how her leaves are yellowing in that cool diagonal pattern. I have decided that im not defoliated any leaves anymore. Let nature take its course.
