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Outdoor guerilla plots


Active member
Well these pics are 5 days old but I never got around to posting them.
First spot#1 - not much changing with the tallest plant - the Redhaired Sonja cross.

Phil's Erdpurt x E-rocket/DP looking better.

Spot 2. Tapping my feet here, hehe not much has really started flowering much here yet. I see pistils on most but nothing I would call flowers except for the tallest lady, ErocDp/dc X B3 that's a little further along.


hi there,
nice plots and plants you got there going...
where's the erdpurt f2 from?

keep it green & cheers



Active member
I finally found the time to visit my Spot #3. Everything there except for Sweet Tooth and Grapefruit is really flowering now - I spot trichomes here and there that should be coming on strong in the next couple of weeks.
I see signs of Sweet Tooth entering flower also but not sure - the clones haven't grown much to be honest because of the bad weather lately. Doesn't matter tho - they were just gonna go in the bin anyway.
I shot a few pics - will put them up when I get the time to plug my cellphone in my home comp.

I'm hope spot 1 and 2 are gonna make me happy too when I go there.


Active member
Thanks - Finally got time to upload them.

Spot 3

First a male plant I thought I had killed. Broke the stem but it kept living for a couple of weeks even with no roots.

From bed1, Freja and Phil's Erdpurt*Erocket/DP F2 - everything here is flowering. One erdpurt cross seems to be getting purple. Will take a close-up shot of her next time.

bed2, PotXFreja. All flowering

bed3 PotXFreja with some swt on the side. All flowering, swt not yet if ever.

Time for closeups of PotXFreja - I think this is a promising cross from what I've seen so far:

The ones in bed3 were starting to flower from being rootbound when I put them out. All of them revegged instantly and gave me a quick stretch phase before entering flower again. All except for one that just keeps on flowering slowly:

Couldn't resist - think it's also PotXFreja, from bed2:

Spot 3 group shot:

Spot 1

Totally flattened by the wind, good news is not much damage has been done and everything here has started flowering. Need to get out here with stakes and strings.

I think this is Erdpurt F2 - or maybe it's Phil's Erdpurt X Erocket/DP

Spot 2

Also ravaged by the strong winds we've had lately. No serious damage here either though.
Unfortunately only the tallest plant is really in flower now.

Here it is - ErocDp/dc X B3... almost 2 meter now.


awesome guerilla grows, exciting for you i bet, considering last year was a failure if im correct. good luck, lets see some flowers harvested!


Active member
Jup last year was a total failure. Slugs ate everything - good early Danish stuff that would have been really nice judging from how good even the early august plants I have are looking now.

Too bad - I came back with a vengeance this year and next year it's going to be crazy...

Might focus more on known early finishers like perhaps:
Danish Passion
Royal Dane
Guerilla Gold 5

Will also use my Freja and PotXFreja seeds - might make some fem Freja seeds for myself over the winter. Sorry won't share these because I'm test-growing them for the breeder and he already gave it a name:)
Might continue breeding with the Phil's Erdpurt*E-rocket/DP cross if it seems to be going somewhere interesting. A little too late but I just can't forget that indoor bud I made from her (see first page) - if it can be anything like that outside and perhaps even with some colouring - wow...


Awesome bro everythings looking good. Lucky about the wind not doing much damage too huh. Can;t wait to see how it all looks in a couple more weeks.

Keep it up

Peace keke :joint:


Active member
Thanks - got a chance to get out there today.

spot 3

This spot has become very very special for me.

Freja and Phil's Erdpurt * E-rocket/dp F2
Do I see flowers?

Yeah I do. This picture is dark because I tried to use flash.
The earliest Phil cross individual

Looking very nice. Cant wait to see the "BUD"! :rasta:
Yeah, here it is:

I'm amazed to see how solid those buds are starting out. If the weather will allow it then those buds could swell quite a bit...

My oldest PotXFreja - now confirmed as being the same as X-files:


I like to think of this as an outdoor SOG, still PotXFreja:

One of them showed pink pistils:

Funny how both Freja and PotXFreja showed sex and started flowering much earlier than the Phil cross - still the Phil cross is rapidly gaining ground. It's a really fast flowering indica - the mother was ready in 50 days 12/12 inside.
Freja on the other hand seems to have some sativa in there, although still probably mostly indica. I wonder which strain is going to win the race...

Spot 1
Phil cross F1 - earliest pheno. Nice structure I think:)

Spot 2
Katsu * B3... flower has begun

All in all a happy day - I'm pretty sure now that most of my plants will be mostly finished, while the rest will still be great for bubblehash.


Awesome Blackone! I bet your incredibly happy about how your girls are going. They're looking amazing! Keep up the good work.

That Phil's strain you talk of sounds like a keeper.

Peace keke


Active member
Awesome Blackone! I bet your incredibly happy about how your girls are going. They're looking amazing! Keep up the good work.

That Phil's strain you talk of sounds like a keeper.

Peace keke
Thanks, I'm a bit excited about it too.
When I grew the F1 inside to make the seeds for this grow I got some wonderfully tight nuggets with nice potency and a high that was pretty happy while still being indica - and with a fast onset which I like. They smelled and tasted exactly like hash.

I should have pollinated them really to select the earliest phenos. But the difference is not great - instead I think I'll do an indoor selection for other interesting traits (potency/structure/aroma - can probably only pick one without growing a lot of plants)
The tight nuggets is something I really like about this - most Danish outdoor truebreeding strains have a more rough look with loose buds (perfect for bubblehash) but the aim of inbreeding this one is going to be creating a strain that will produce nuggets for the jar with a nice appeal - pretty much only found in hybrids atm.


lovely bro, good to see your phil erdpurt project is going well!

must admit that i have a hard time to belive that enos Pot X Freja is the same as x files. the x files seems so much earlier and the grow structure and especially the leafs are much different from the ones i have


Active member
Perhaps it isn't then - but you can't compare harvest dates really because I planted those out in late July/start august - it pushes back the harvest date quite a bit because outdoor plants need a lot of time to transition to flower in the long days. That's a lesson I learned for sure, hehe. I'll make sure to start putting stuff out a lot earlier next year.

Still even the ones put out in early August will be worth it - so no need to stop planting out just because you're outside the "optimal" window for a strain. The last ones I put out were pushing it though - the fms grapefruit and Swt#3 are not even outdoor strains here, hehe and no flowering is to be seen on the Swt#3, while the grapefruit has now begun flowering (grapefruit was put out mid August - Swt#3 late august).

I'm crossing my fingers for the nice weather we have now to continue for a few more weeks at least - that would really rock my season.


good answer my friend! btw, the grape from reeferman i have seems to finish od here without help, in 11 liter containers that is. thats a pretty good thing! i make pure grape, spg x grape, grape x amnesia x, bubba x x grape, danish gold x grape, htc dc\arne x grape and carpatian x grape in a pretty limited stock


Active member
Back to the spots - as time is running out for this season and weather is supposed to take a turn for the worse it was with some anxiety I went for a walk in the forest yesterday.

Spot 3
Improvement was instantly visible when I peeked around the corner and saw this:

Stuff is flowering very well now - still too early to cut although I could if I really had to and still get a bit of bubblehash. Everything has trichomes now, even the swt#3:

Phil's cross doing pretty well - those nuggets are gonna look nice after a good trim. Still needs a couple of weeks though.

Freja*Pot also needs more time, but getting closer now

The SOG bed, Freja*Pot. 4 of these were a lot smaller than the others with their buds hiding in the leaves of their larger sisters. One of those dwarfs was starting to catch a little mold so all 4 were harvested. They were very sticky - and the fingerhash was pretty potent so this cross looks to be a winner.

One of my plants decided to die on me. On inspection the original rootball from the pot I transplanted from had lost most of the roots going out - probably because of the wind some weeks ago + my efforts to straighten her up the last time I visited.

Other stuff there looking nice - everything is geting sticky and entering the phase where buds are blowing up. If I can just get to max bud size before I have to chop it's gonna be ok for me if I have to harvest.

Spot 2
Yeah :) Everything in bloom now

Even my Katsu Bubba Kush *Arne has resin now:

Another Arne cross - I think it's HTC DC/ErocDP X Arne

Not sure - probably ErocDp/dc X Arne or HTC DC/ErocDP X Arne