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Outdoor 2008/2009 Oceanic Season


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Let the flowering begin!! Great show so far folks. Please send some of that warm wether to the north soon


Active member
hey all, just wanted to check with fellow aussies what flowering ferts they will be using this season?... i will be using a liquid bat guano fert. ohh yeah and nice vid hippyslayer, plants are coming along nicely!.. what ferts you using?
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Active member
wait, what....

wait, what....

hey all, just wanted to check with fellow aussies what flowering ferts they will be using this season?... i will be using a liquid bat guano fert. ohh yeah and nice vid hippyslayer, plants are coming along nicely!.. what ferts you using?

cheers mon... I use Ozi Magic Grow Juice Bud, Ozi Magic Grow Juice Tonic, Dutch Master Potash+ & molasses.

grow hard guys.

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Active member
I use nature's own flowering 0-10-0 organic liquid bat guano I also use molasses and a 1-1-10 dutch organic liquid nute. I was gonna get a fish pump and put compost in and make tea's. Sulphate of potash works great im gonna use it in week 4-5 I used it to force flower.

Hippy what are ozi magic's ferts like? I tried it once and doubted how organic it was when it was so watery and like a pee yellow it wasn't thick at all like how watered down seasol is compared to Natrakelp seaweed brands.




Krackle plop yeah you probably right, he put his buds away semi-moist and they molded out. It was so funny as if he did not want to lose the size of his bud.
In his backyard. They looked alright in the hot sun, very green anyway.
It smoked poorly and he was a real tight arse with the stuff.


The Miracle.

The Miracle.

Guano is old dro store sales bunk imo dude from Uni used it and it gave you a bad gut ache as he didnt flush it out.
Go organic.sures its healthy but it stinks out in.

If you wanna be the Passenger.


Hey Joe.

Hey Joe.

Guano is about 12 years behind time.Go for it if you like it but theres a lot better then that or miracle-gro crap. What kind of name is joeski? it aint Australian Just let me say that. over and OUT!


I was using Bat guano about 15 years ago maybe even 10-12years ago. I found it is Ok but if you really want to Hit the BIG TIME then you gotta go fer GOLD.


New member
I was using Bat guano about 15 years ago maybe even 10-12years ago. I found it is Ok but if you really want to Hit the BIG TIME then you gotta go fer GOLD.

Might be handy us for noobs too post a pic or two beeka ,just for street cred

I still not got out yet not stopped raining since my drunken wussy post
way too wet out their atm , so all good

will do a few pics of a friends backyard when i get my camera back :D


Any idears / what strain?

Any idears / what strain?

Hi guys any strains you know look like this?
Ozzy bag seed.



Active member
I use nature's own flowering 0-10-0 organic liquid bat guano I also use molasses and a 1-1-10 dutch organic liquid nute. I was gonna get a fish pump and put compost in and make tea's. Sulphate of potash works great im gonna use it in week 4-5 I used it to force flower.

Hippy what are ozi magic's ferts like? I tried it once and doubted how organic it was when it was so watery and like a pee yellow it wasn't thick at all like how watered down seasol is compared to Natrakelp seaweed brands.
hey passenger just picked up some of the natures own liquid guano for flowering, am new with this stuff, as ive always just stuck to using stuff like maxi crop, seasol and charlie carp and found that with a good soil mix can still get great results.. so i'm curious to know what dilution ratio you use and how often?... it says use 5 - 10 ml to every litre of water, ive got a little plant in a pot going this year.. was thinking of just going with 2.5 ml to a litre and giving that once a week along with a hit of seasol every 2nd or 3rd week. any advice for me? cheers

Oh yeah, absobloodylutly, no real idea on what strain you got there, looks bloody beatiful, obviously some sort of sativa dominant i would think, have you been getting colder temps at night where your from? that could explain the purple hues showing. Regardless of the strain, if it was mine id definately be hanging in anticipation to harvest it and smoke it... NICE!


Thanks joeski not cold temps thats for sure

Some Pink porn for the guys Lol

stay safe



New member
That`s some thick bud for this time of year!

as above i got no idea , but i`ll see if i can dig a up a pic of another of the swazi x`s

with the same pinky tips , my best guess would be some form of swazi x

i don`t go much on strain names , a bad grower can kill the best strain and a good grower can turn anything into gold :D

and yup the thin leaves, sativa dominant plant , i was thinking last years pic but its been a strange year
not a great example but best i could pull up , got a feeling this was silver pearl x ( seabc was the breader of these and he grows 1ft mini plants ) quite a few displayed pinking along with the mothers traits



Lovely plants everyone, oh and gauno is a great organic feed for plants, just not so great having it dribble from your mouth on public forums is all
much respect

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