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One more ''My first grow thread''


life gardener

For now my EC @ 1.7 and one plant has yellow tips on the small leaves, but the rest are asking for more. How do you deal with this drama?

no deal, until your grows are from clones..
my 6 slh has different needs and i can feel you bro!

cut clones from your best plant..:tiphat:


Hi prowler:wave:
First things first, im not getting pissed, no way, i told you all your help is is most welcome here. feeling the love?:D

Yes..definately! ;)

I think your friend knows what he's doing, i see a lot of growers using higher EC and most of them plants are trees with obese buds.

He does know something but...The true route of gaining experience is to run same strain & same cut over and over again. Then you can actually compare results and know if you perform better or worse. I personally don't do experimental runs because i just grow - different cuttings - different setups so if i do something radical i wouldn't know if it helps or not. Neither did the fellow of mine. He just thought (not logical in practice - though it would seem to be in theoretical approach) that if plants use more juice they grow faster. This however is not the way nature works - it is just more complex than that. Experienced growers with lower EC can beat high EC growers any day.

Now if you are going to pick a pheno you're going to run for more than twice then i'd suggest you give it a try! AK47 is very aggressive grower - thus needing a lot of juice but it depends also on the individual you are going to pick for next run. And indeed you should pick clones from only one pheno to a re-run as tjo mentioned. Within a strain the beans produce different kind of plants and they will (most likely) not like the same conditions. And remember to pick your favorite only after tasting the final product!

To tell you the truth i'm seriously considering going up to 2.5 just to test them...and then reason comes into play.

I wouldn't...not in this run. But if you want to try it out i suggest that you pump up the EC gradually as i said. Let's get back to the EC issue later...Just remember to do the pumping correctly: Up the EC ~0,2-0,3 (could maybe even try 0,4) for a day. Dump the res and run with plain water for a day. Try to run EC at ~0,1-~x,x higher than what you started with. Just be careful and watch your plants! Any sign of OD and you'll have to lower the EC! If you are successful wait for a while (3-7 days) and start over.

If your goal is 2,5 then you'd have to do this at least five times. Good luck with that. :D
...but doable indeed!

Bro i'm done vegging.:) I suppose it is for future reference right? It is easy to do no doubt. How about the results, is it worthy
i mean will i have better results compare to this grow?

Most definitely better to keep this information for the future. But still - it does not matter when you start slamming. Just not recommended in the stretch period (2-3 weeks). Plants are stressed already from the flip so they don't need any extra.

For now my EC @ 1.7 and one plant has yellow tips on the small leaves, but the rest are asking for more. How do you deal with this drama?

Show us the pics of the deficiencies. Specially would like to know which ones are asking for more and how does that show. Yellow tips sounds like you are burning them with bloom liquid. Lucky you to have GHE 3 part. You can quite easily add micro, drop n or adjust p & k. Just let us see the problems and we'll figure it out.

I made a nice and proper screen but there is no way replacing it without doing some major damage, i am still thinking how to.
I should better come to terms that i cant use it..

Your grow always gets better with time. You just simply can't learn everything from here. All the means of hands-on (can you say it like that?) gets better when you recognize problem and solve it on your own. :)

Been there a million times - still learning...everyday.



erwingruber :tiphat:
There is no way i can change screen now, it is impossible. The past 3 days i have tie most of branches on it, the plants are going crazy in there,
the net is so uneven from the pressure, sometimes i think they will break it, looking their growth rate,.. and the net of course.
fuck man i was not expecting something like that...this shit is outrageous:headbange
I will try to flower for 60-70 days at the most. I hope trichs by then would be 10% amber:chin:

I think i got it tjo,:good: growing from seed is going to be like that mostly, but with clones it practically the same plant.
I cant get clones from this grow but on my next will start with some slh clones if i am lucky:D

prowler you are a river of useful information :respect:very i'm very happy you following this thread, [same for tjo & erwingruber of course]:friends:
The plant with yellow tips on leaves has recover and also some minor Mg deficiencies on another plant are history somehow, don’t ask me how i did it, dunno!

I am not going to go above EC2.0 i think my plant are happy there, for now now they are sitting @1.9

I have been bending tying and breaking branches every day for an hour
, and work never seem to stop. Every day I say to my self ''fuck it let’em go''
but then i find a way to save it little by little. Until today.. Big headache look at them! ..forgot to mention that i cannot raise my hps any more.











Your pictures make me smile ,
It was like i see pictures from my grow , Welcome to the Jungle.
From one hand you must feel happy from the explosive growth of your plants
from the other hand you must feel despreate because you cannot stop them !!!

I have some bad news for you even thought i don't know your strain ,
you must start supper croping heavily cause you are out of vertical space
and i think you plants have some streach more to give you.

Look how they blow up your screen it is amazing nothing can stop them !!!!

Next round we will make a good scrog.
I remember my self siting in front of my closet and just looking
trying to untestand how i will control my mess and finaly i give up.
You are trying and this is good .

I was dreaming a canopy like this


Anyway you are going to have a nice harvest start planing the triming
of EVERYTHING below your scrog net and also remove EVERY weak
budsite that you can spot.
Mr.Jones and tjo told me to do it and i was trying to avoid it
(my partner disagree)
but finaly after the buds start to pack some weight i realize that
they are 100% right


life gardener
zuma you must do something with the jungle..as erwin said
your plants has more height to give , so think about it.
aucourse the supercropping works but works BETTER if the broken tops are tied.. and dont forget pruning the small branches and
you have to many...and because im sure you do this,imagine that
the growth of the others branches wil touch the lamp..

can you lower the buckets now when are empty??
are not in the floor,right?

:respect: :)


erwingruber Glad my pictures put a smile to your face:)
'' From one hand you must feel happy from the explosive growth of your plants from the other hand you must feel despreate because you cannot stop them !!!''
You got that right it's exactly like that!! kinda double edge knife specially for hydro first timers such as ourselves.
Plants strain is the mighty AK47 of Serious seeds.:canabis:
Today is very important day for my scrog, when the light goes on i will know if i can do something to contain the damage or not, i just hope they haven't stretch much since yesterday
I don't know what the outcome will be but mos definitely the screen on the next one will be proper!
btw what is your ec right now?

tjo i cant prune any more side branching, most of them [if not all] are strong and above the net. Plus i cannot lower the buckets [too many technical issues]
What do you mean with this bro? ''BETTER if the broken tops are tied'' break it and then tie it?

:smoke out:


Zuma i got it right cause this is how i was feeling when i was looking at my jungle ;)

I am afraid that your ladies will give you more strech , you must start planning for it.

My ec now is between 1,8 and 2,0 and i have slight nute burns on the tips ,
today i will push it between 2,0 and 2,2 and i will wait feedback from the ladies.

When tjo speak about broken and tied down tops i think that he means to bend it and tie it down somehow so she cannot strech vertically any more.

Keep it up !!


I have been doing some research, most growers that done ak-47 talking about 2 weeks of stretching after flipping the light, for me 2 weeks is tomorrow:blowbubbles:
I am still struggling with my jungle. I have lost it a little but i try to keep the canopy even





Hope that you are correct and i was wrong , whats going on give us some updated pics
you are in a very critical momment , update us !


Hey Zuma how everything is going give us some update did the stretch stop , i wish you are right about the 2 weeks stretching time and i was wrong.


Stretching will stop ~when hairs start to rise (indica leaned hybrids). And oh boy i was wrong to suggest you for wait a little! Looks absolutely marvelous.

Some notes:

Start removing your lower branches when you see that hair is starting to grow from the biggest buds. You have so good canopy that you should end up having just the branches that come out of the screen with leaves and buds and everything under the net and in shadows removed. You'll have some ass kicking baseball bats!

Remove the lower parts in two different prunes. It is commonly believed that it is better to stress the plant twice a bit more (removing huge amounts of leaves / two times) than do it continuously (trimming it a bit every day) - this way the plants are stressed constantly.

Also note that tucking is a method to clear some more light for the buds. It is simply tucking your leaves under the canopy. As Your buds start to develop the uppermost leaves are starting to shade other side buds. Simply turn those leaves downward and let the other tops grow past the leaves. With trimming and tucking you should end up with a layer of tops over leaves over empty and airy space with almost zero visual light.

And do note that removing huge ass leaves (Only a couple that disturbs your canopy!!!) is okay. But do not take the two uppermost leaves in tops! Usually the big ass leaves are anyway way under the canopy so no worry there. The uppermost leaves you can just tuck from shading other buds.


Then the last note...:jump:
There hasn't been much talk about this but you can train the tops also. Usually when you trim a plant that has dense nuggets you can clearly see that the inner side of short side branched buds are not developed fully because they are squeezed in the space. You can actually monitor this process and just simply train them a little to grow apart from the main bud. Just be careful! Twist them every day a little and you'll see that they start to grow to the desired direction allowing the bud in that stem to mature fully with all the space it needs.

I know my English clause structures aren't that good so ask if you are having doubts with what i really mean before acting - okay!



Hi all, :wave:

Bonavendura my friend, here is the update! have a look, if you have any question or suggestion let me know.;)

erwingruber buddy, the stretch looks like has stop for 2 days now, they grew some but they looking good, actually they looking great!

with lots of bud sites, definitely the best grow i've ever done so far, looking forward to harvest this baby's
i hope for 400g the way i see them. why not!

prowler, how you doing dude

The plants has start to produce the first white hairs, they suppose to be ready in the next 45-50 days or so...i wish..

Listen, there aren't much of brunching under the net, just a few small ones that are attached to bigger branches
these little ones i cut them off when i see them. I think there is no need to remove leaves, all buds are
on top thank god. I have done okay with this scrog, most of canopy is even under the light.
Big leaves, i never remove them [unless they are sick], they are way to important for the photosynthesis.

It is commonly believed that it is better to stress the plant twice a bit more (removing huge amounts of leaves / two times) than do it continuously (trimming it a bit every day) - this way the plants are stressed constantly.

I didn't know that! i thought it's better to trimming a little every day instead of a lot in one go.
I will definitely remember that for future grows

For your last note.. Sounds crazy man, are you sure it works? So lets say for instance that i have a bud with great potential
next to the left 'wall' of the grow box, obviously that bud will go slightly fatter on the right side because of better exposure to the bulb.
You say if i twist a little every day the left side will end up facing the bulb?







For your last note.. Sounds crazy man, are you sure it works? So lets say for instance that i have a bud with great potential
next to the left 'wall' of the grow box, obviously that bud will go slightly fatter on the right side because of better exposure to the bulb.
You say if i twist a little every day the left side will end up facing the bulb?
No...that is not what i mean. I simply mean this:

When left alone buds grow like demonstrated in number 1. Other words too tight! There isn't enough room for the inner side of the buds to grow properly and they get squeezed and underdeveloped. Twist those stems a little to like in number 2 and you'll notice that the buds develop fully and mature. They do get a bit more light inside - but the main thing is to let it breathe and give it space to develop properly.

And then...you better roll your sleeves and get busy :D

In this picture you'll have the correct height of your net. It is too low at the moment and there isn't much you can do about that but you most definitely have to raise the prune level (= the level which you start to prune everything away, not side branches but small flowers and leaves). I think i put the red line a bit too high but...you decide the height - just raise it. Now you'll end up having too much popcorn bud and that will take efficiency away from the tops (=where the light is)

Then there is one more thing that you need to consider already. Those tops are not going to stand on their own at the end. :D

You'll have to figure a way to support them towards the end.

Also take a look at this picture: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=4090405&postcount=205

As you can see you can also create a parabolic canopy...and lower your tube a little and remove those side reflectors... :)

...just to confuse you a little more!


life gardener
nice healthy plants zuma...:)
i would like 2 tell you that maybe you need raise your ec a litlle bit more..the last of your photos shows some def.:tiphat:


25th day flowering

25th day flowering

Hi guys merry Xmas ho-ho-ho :santa1:and all that good stuff.

I was away for a minute and i couldn't update...but you forgive me right?:respect:

Grow is giving me some problems, top leaves are going yellow for one plant, and they all also grew 10cm since my last update.
I have run out of vertical space and there is not much i can do.
The yellowing suppose to be sulfur def as i read, so i raise my EC, now i'm at 2.2










hello zuma my friend ,
I like your jungle....cause it is REAL jungle
in there those ladies are HUGE.

I think that it is you last chance to make that
triming session to the lower brances , you are only going
to get some pop corn buds from there cause the light cannot
penetrate so deep in the jungle.Let them give energy where
it matters.

check here in my log at post #107
the penetretion of my 400 Hps.
Maybe a photo like this will help
you decide wich is the correct height
for you.

If you don't like to trim i would like to see
the results from the lower branches.

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