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One more ''My first grow thread''


The plants apart from the yellow spots that i still dont know what causes them,
they seem to be doing okay. By the end of the week i will change the water and i will start
using Luccas formula. Lots of people seem to have great results so i thought i'll give it a go.:wave:










Active member
The spots were probably an earlier pH problem. Some seedlings are pretty sensitive and then they seem grow out of it....or can handle it better.

I still suggest you get your light closer. Can you move the pots closer and lower the light?

Otherwise, looking good, enjoy the show...and the buds.


Hello zuma ,
Your plants looking good , don't bother for the spots unless they start spreading .
I see that the roots touch the water get ready for lift off you will be amazed from the growth difference from soil.

Cover your net pots .
Bring those lights down.

Keep it up.


life gardener
raise your EC to 0,8-1 and if you dont change the water
yet, do it!! i do changes every 10 days..

any way,your plants looks ok and dont panic with few spots..
screw lucas and go with 3-2-1..:tiphat:


cool little setup dude i like the led; and the 4 bubbler system is sweet too
very clean the way you mounted the pumps off the floor too

to me your plant just looks hungry; go with lucas and run from there its great ive grown some good pot with that and its easy too. your roots are up and running

slime your talking about could be algae growing; but not sure i dont see it good luck here your off to good start


Hi ibjamming,the spots are still expanding to higher leaves but i'm taking tjo's advice and stop panicking, lets wait and see how they progress.
Lights has been replaced with 400w hps, close to the plants .

Thanks erwingruber as you can see i covered the pots & lights are down.Roots are growing too fast one plants roots has hit the bottom of the bucket.

tjo ma man, water has been replaced fresh with nuts at 3-2-1. Ec 0.8 Ph 5.8 water temperature 22c room temp 21-29c Not very sure about the water quantity, i was stoned to the bone during the change and mess up the numbers lol

MacGyver420 I decided going without Lucas, i see that growers facing magnesium def's working with this formula.
That discourage me since this is my first DWC, maybe in the future with more experience i'm going to try it out, for now i just wanna make it all simple to get some decent bud.

Since I've made the change in the tent i notice that plants leaves are looking down, just the way plants does on soil when they going thirsty or before they go to sleep. They don't look so good.. i think they have a problem, can you help or suggest something?
Here are some fresh pictures.












Active member
Everything looking at your numbers appears fine. Is there enough O2 in the water? That can cause some limpness...transplanting too...don't expect them to recover...watch the new growth. Give them a week before you do anything else, I'm betting they'll take off. I'd up the nutes to 1.5 or thereabouts too. Keep good ventilation, get the light about 15" away...you should be set.

Good luck!


Using R/O water ???? Those brown rusty spots might be calcium magnesium deficiency . DO you put Cal/Mag in your reservoir?


life gardener
nice work with the cover..

give them a litlle more food..add to your res 30/20/10/10 and see..
with 1ec or 1,2 you l be fine..your plants are not so small yet..
do it man..:tiphat:


I like the way that you are making thinks happen ,
we say cover this hydroton and you cover everything ,
it is better this way , remove and replace those green hydrotons too.
Listen tjo on your nutes mix and lwatch your girls if they like it or not.
Try to avoid mixing nutes when stoned ;)
I make it a mesh twice before ,
it is hard work to change all your solution and a loss of nutes.
Nice work with the Hps fasten your seat belt !!


Hi ibjamming, there enough O2 in the water..i think..i have a 6w pump on each bubbler, and a smaller one for the controller
I have raise nutes an thinks are looking a little bit better. Thanks for your help so far.

Hello BeaverHuntr, water is Ro @0.2EC. Cal/Mag i dont have i have some epsom salts but i dont know how to use it,i think it
helps for mag deficiency right?

tjo i am taking your advice seriously, i added 25/13/7/7 in rez, i would have gone 30/20/10/10 if the younger plant was
as big as the rest. Ph5.7 EC1.0

Thanks erwingruber, i thought putting the cover on top was a good idea after all, no light or heat on the buckets and as a bonus, the reflection in the tent is now so much brighter,
in fact looking at the plants with lights on its almost like looking directly at the lamp with all that reflection from the bottom.
''Try to avoid mixing nutes when stoned'' lol
That will be easy, in about 10 days tho, that i'll be running out of weed.









Quick question: The water level is decreasing, do i replace with just water, or i need to add nuts too?:thank you:


You have a nice setup here.
For your question :

You can do what ever you like , top off your res with pure Water (your ppm going to fall)
and make a res change every one or two weeks or top off with water check your ppms and addback
nutes until you reach the desired level of ppm's.
In both ways i suggest making a complete change to your nutrient solution max every two weeks
even though i have friends making a complete grow from start to finish with Lucas Formula
and toping off with nutes.

If you are using GH nutes goggle for ADDBACK calculator you will find a handy excel that will
help you if you are going to addback nutes.If i find it somewhere fast i will post


That's great! works both ways!:) I added 3L of water. EC dropped a little to 0.9 ph5.8

One more question... the little plant has 1 or 2 roots in the water, so my question is
is it okay to remove the feeding tube sitting on top of hydroton or should i wait a little longer?:tiphat:



That's great! works both ways!:) I added 3L of water. EC dropped a little to 0.9 ph5.8

One more question... the little plant has 1 or 2 roots in the water, so my question is
is it okay to remove the feeding tube sitting on top of hydroton or should i wait a little longer?:tiphat:


You really dont even need a top feeder in DWC the splashing of the bubbles 1 inch under the net pot should feed your roots you just have to wait about 8-10 days and your roots will start drinking the water.


Listen to BeaverHunter and throw away those top feeders you do not need them.
Once your roots find the water they tell to their friends and soon is going to be croweded
of roots down there.
Generally usualy it works like this.
As long as you cannot see any roots keep the water level touching you net pots 2-3 points
and top feed a little bit once or twice a day.After you see some roots flowing in water lower your
water level to encourage them search for the water , since the roots in the water keep you solution
with enough oxygen in it.Do not bother toping off every day , do not bother top off 3 liters , in flowering
your girls going to drink 3 liters in a matter of hours , yes it is true.Top off when 6 liters or more is missing
if you have a small container.
Check you air stones cause they stop working sometimes , check your airpumps too , thats it .



Nice clean setup, keeping the DIY spirit nice and professional. I had a quick question for you regarding the buckets you are using. Where did you get them, and/or who makes them?



Thanks BeaverHuntr i didn't know that splashing bubbles could feed the seedling, but it makes sense
i'll keep that in mind for the next grow.

Bonavendura my friend, really good piece of information you dropped there, now it is so much clearer
how is should be done, the way i did it didn't work very well for me and i ended up with a layer of algae on hydrotone,
i suppose the constant flow of water did that.

Hi EvasiveManeuver,
unfortunately you cant get this from a shop, a good friend of mine has build this system for me,
you can find them buckets easily in olive oil producing countries they are mainly used to transport the oil,

Some new photos, they looking better and growing.








life gardener
zuma your plants looks much better now..
also if i was in your place i will raise the EC a little more..
the plants has signs of underfeeding i thought!:)


tnx tjo
I had to add 33-20-10ml to get it at 1.2 ,is that acceptable or should i raise it some more?

:smoke out: