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OldOne's 2nd cab run - PLL / PPK / Arjan's Haze 3


Are you looking to starve your trichs to amber? Or is the implication of the lost Eyeclops post a way of saying that you can't get close enough to the flowers to see their condition?
Its a bit more complicated than that. The oldest flowers have some amber I think and the newest flowers dont have trichs at all yet. The ridiculous microscope I have is almost useless. I am hoping the eyeclops will let me see a much broader cross section of triches to base my decision on.

I think the timing of my overfert discovery could'nt have been worse. I think that the plant stalled during a time where max flowering should have been taking place and that the flush and Jack's goodness made her start flowering all over again.

Next time will be better. See ya,


No Jive Productions
hey, i'm back. 7 hrs, 2 people. i'm whipped!

so, this plant is being hand watered? or wick? is it a designated mom or is it destined for the armoir?

doesn't look bad anyway.

did you rinse the coco before using it? how long has the plant been in there?

jack's has ample magnesium at 6.38%. that's twice as much as most so called cannabis nutes. more than enough calcium. all specifically matched to ro water.

so what you are seeing cannot be a deficiency of any kind. more likely a cation exchange issue with the medium that can be rapidly overcome by frequent watering.

possible antagonism from nutes canna may have used to pre-treat. this is why i rinse the shit out of it. i know what i put in it.

i'll check in later


I think I'm going to let her go guys.

Since I have only one plant, where do you guys stand on the great to flush or not to flush debate. If I'm going to do it I'll have to start soon.

Thanks guys,

Funny Old1.. I just asked the same 'flushig' question, today at ppk thread...
and I havent read any further in your this thread to know
if anyone answered... I'll see soon..


Good day delta, get any sleep?

so, this plant is being hand watered? or wick? is it a designated mom or is it destined for the armoir?
She's in a ppk in a temp rez using 1.0/5.8 Jacks. She's going right into flower. Run 4 will be from seed.

did you rinse the coco before using it? how long has the plant been in there?
Didnt have to...Canna coco tested below .2 EC on my initial tests. Thats why I used it over the Botanicare. Canna makes a big deal of how clean their coco is. She's been in the ppk about 12 days.

so what you are seeing cannot be a deficiency of any kind. more likely a cation exchange issue with the medium that can be rapidly overcome by frequent watering.
I thought the "cation exchange issue" was why I pretreated.

See ya,


Hi McDuck,
Funny Old1.. I just asked the same 'flushig' question, today at ppk thread...
and I havent read any further in your this thread to know
if anyone answered... I'll see soon..
It turns out that the bitch is an equatorial sativa and as such can flower for years. I have to flush her to get all the flowers to ripen. Who knew?


Fuck Entropy.
I think it would be funny to harvest her like strawberries... Just keep taking flowers as you need and she is ready to give. But you might need a bigger cab... Like the size of a space station.


Hi IF,
Flushing the bitch for 4 days now...straight RO. I get about 0.2 EC in the ppk rez. Very little change in her yet...

I have taken some lower buds but not much. Its very hard to get in there without damaging the tops. And I have nowhere to dry larger quantities.

In other news, the delivery canoe seems to have lost my Eyeclops or the ebay seller is lying. I'll lean to the former for now because he has a good seller rating and answered my email with minimal prodding.

I wonder which one of us will harvest first. Its day 87 for me...

A while back, O1.. you talked about jacks and Ph reading of low 5s at the initial mix.. D9 said, 'he didn't know what to make of it..

Was that ever resolved???
I'm mixing jacks at 768 (450+302), 2 gallons at a time, and have, three times now, gotten Ph of 4.7-4.8.. Meter recallibrated..
I must use Phup (dry) to get into the mid 5s...

It is being used in DWC ATM, so NP... but wht upcoming PPKs?? What?

Day 85.. I wish.....
I have some Hawiian Snow going that 'started' to bud at day 70..
it could be christmas b4 it's ready..


A while back, O1.. you talked about jacks and Ph reading of low 5s at the initial mix.. D9 said, 'he didn't know what to make of it..
a fresh mix of Jacks in RO will read 5.7-5.8 @ 1.5EC. I watched ph drop to 5.1 in few days in the rez.

Was that ever resolved???
I'm mixing jacks at 768 (450+302), 2 gallons at a time, and have, three times now, gotten Ph of 4.7-4.8.. Meter recallibrated..
I must use Phup (dry) to get into the mid 5s...
I didnt bother to figure it out because of the brown sludge left by the FNB I was using before the Jacks. I'll watch it much more carefully on run 3.

I have some Hawiian Snow going that 'started' to bud at day 70..
it could be christmas b4 it's ready..
wow I feel your pain...patience can be a bitch but it is rule #0.

See ya,


a fresh mix of Jacks in RO will read 5.7-5.8 @ 1.5EC. I watched ph drop to 5.1 in few days in the rez.

I didnt bother to figure it out because of the brown sludge left by the FNB I was using before the Jacks. I'll watch it much more carefully on run 3.

wow I feel your pain...patience can be a bitch but it is rule #0.

See ya,

Rule #0... I forgot that one.. funny... anyway, I hope it's good...
I cant really get started with PPK til they're done... . Rl# 0<!

Yes, 5.1 but I get a little antsy with 4.7-8 PH..
no need to worry then? I'm still worrying! HAHAHA!!!


No Jive Productions
OO, sounds like you have everything under control. it could just be low ec. anyway i would just watch it. i think it will clear up on it's own.

what all of you are seeing with jack's and ph variations is due to differences in the ro water. it will still have some stuff in it, but not much.

further, differences in nutrient concentration and uptake rate will affect solution ph.

so we will not all have the same ph using the same products.

i've mentioned it before but there is a large commercial hydroponic greenhouse facility in turkey that runs their tomatoes at 4.2-4.6. there is another one in arizona that runs 6.0-6.5. others at all points between. they are all growing nice tomatoes.

ph 5.8 is not an ideal ph goal that beyond which, in either direction, your plant has ever decreasing chances of survival. it's in the middle of a rather broad acceptable range.

it has been demonstrated that ph consistently above 6.5 in hydroponics will induce precipitation events. you are much safer with low ph than high.

OO, if that plant is another one of your 100 year old 4" specimens, it's probably begging for a little stronger juice

Guest 142956

Having Played with several different strains this thread has inspired me to try a tall long flowering plant such as Jack Herrer or Jock Horror. I will use my own version of a PPK but no top watering. Now I have to decide what seeds to order from who, decisions decisions.


Hi McDuck,
It turns out that the bitch is an equatorial sativa and as such can flower for years. I have to flush her to get all the flowers to ripen. Who knew?

I read part of a study at a university where they cut nitrogen to get figs to mature early to avoid the frost.

Maybe you could cut the N out or down and see if you can get them to finish

before reading this study I was not a believer of flushing, now I actually see evidence that some plants (figs at least) can respond to cutting nitrogen by finishing fruiting

Fatman recommeded just water at 5.0 pH.


Hi D9,
OO, if that plant is another one of your 100 year old 4" specimens, it's probably begging for a little stronger juice
And stronger juice she got...

Hi BillRose, welcome...Good Luck with your endeavors. I had great service from Attitude. Are you going to start a thread? Spread some of that ppk love...

Hi jjfoo,
Maybe you could cut the N out or down and see if you can get them to finish
I dunno, Jacks is an all in one powder. D9 messed with a different calcium component when he started DFing and it was to reduce nitrogen. I really dont want to mess with it.

later guys,


flower day 90

flower day 90

end of week 13!
day 82.......................................day 90

after 1 week flush

day 87.......................................day 90

she looks much better after 3 days...


In this pic you can see a "layer" of pistols that are equally old, red and crispy. Then there are white pistols of various stages indicating she's still forming new ones.

Its the best my camera can do.

I had a good look at the triches and I'm seeing about 10%ish amber, 60% cloudy, 20% clear. There also a few really dark brown..thats bad right?

So I'm thinking chop day tomorrow...What would you do?


Sweet update man! They are really starting to finish up!

I personally would give it the weekend. BUT THATS JUST ME.

The babies look b-e-a-u-tiful. I really cant wait to see some harvest shots of her!


Hi Keif "... but everything I post here is a lie....." shouldnt you be telling me she looks like shit? jk, thanks for the kind words.

I have a perfect opportunity tomorrow, with noone around for most of the day. 90% sure I'm going to do it.

see ya,


There ya go then!

Hahah, you crack me up man.

Sounds like a good time, I just like many amber but I know many people that dont wait as long as I do around here.

I am sure they will still be killer as they are pretty much set now!

Harvest those little bastards and make sure you take some pics ;)


Fuck Entropy.
So much development in so few days. Toss up a pic that contrasts, I dunno, day 55 with day 90?

Cut. Be happy. If she'll flower until the end of time, today is as good as tomorrow, is as good as Christmas.

I still think that long flushes might just starve the plant to death, although, when I think about it, I act pretty different when I'm starving to death. I do all kinds of kooky shit. I don't think I mature, or add resin, but I'm not a plant...

Sure would be funny if starving made people mature, though.

If that were true, I could use a few years without food. Maybe that'd get my life in order. I'm still not going to do the dishes. I think that will bring on the Apocalypse.


Fuck Entropy.

I tried to do it for you, but then it didn't work, and then I got distracted...

Look... a car drove by... Oh... I'm hungry.

... or am I maturing?

Do the pic thing for me?


Do the pic thing for me?





Kinda cool...

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