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Obama's drug czar declares marijuana has no medical value


The only way this is going to change is if we have a revolution. The Neocon's in both parties are more interested in their money and empire building then pissing off the nation.


Because they know that no matter what they control the country. Almost every single person I talk to has no idea who they are voting on in local elections, and about the same majority of those people don't even know the voting history of people they put in office.

The politicians have succeeded in numbing down America enough that they can control them with fear and buzz words. They can shout inspiring speeches and talk about "NO NEW TAXES!" or "Change We can Believe in!" and mindless lumps around the country file into the voting booth.

After they wake up from the stupor they realize holy crap we have a shitty situation here, but by the time the new elections roll around they fall for it all over again. Ever get the feeling of hopelessness? Maybe it is time for force, not just words. Too bad like all other things these days there would be a lot of posts about it, and minimal action other then hot air.

K Double O

Yes, this is complete bullshit. I fired off an email provided by the link from MPP.

The real Obama deception, indeed. Guy is a fucking, lying fraud. He's is going to finish off the job GWB started. This country is in serious fucking trouble.

Are you serious? Finish off the job GWB started?



czar Keep saying the same ol' shit, BUT us (the people for this wonderful herb) are finding more and more useful things about it. the more research we do the safer the herb seems to be. we will win, we just have to speak VERY loud about it.Push it harder and harder! We are growing fast when time is right it will happen.
Just my two cents but I think they are saying this BS just so more people get up and fight maybe we need this BS to stay fired up! Fight , Fight hard , but most importantly FIGHT SMART!
Peace,Love,and Free the bud


on another note I bet that SOB(czar) goes home and pours him some scotch on rocks a MUCH more dagerous drug then herb! Plobably smiles about it too, f-ing basterd!

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

I've had a f ckin nough of this stupid unintelligent bullshit. I'm a peaceful person but I cannot stand these puppets and their need for control, power and greed. I live in little Britain, we voted for Tony Blair he downgraded cannabis from a class B to a class C based on scientific study's on cannabis. Then suddenly Gordon Brown comes along and AGAINST the scientific advisors on cannabis and it's relative safety as a recreational and medicinal drug....ummmm herb he put it back to class B....fuc in why?

I feel your anger in America, we in Britain are angry at these ridiculous policy's.

How can we get organised ? I wanna fight, I cannot just sit on my arse anymore and do nothing.


Registered Non-Conformist
I am disgusted .

But, enlivened that at least we are seeing the real truth.

That article said a lot. These clowns are so into the 'Pot-a-ganda.' And the Old Ways of looking at MJ.

The film also available, of the Fresno Sierra busts, claims that the schwag they are pulling up is worth 4K a Pound. Damn it. Lies Lies Lies. And it began - in earnest - with that Much-Viewed MSNBC show, "Marijuana, Inc." Ever since then, it seems that things have gone downhill. But that is just from my local perspective.. I often wonder what is really going on in some of the other 'Battleground States."

I am going to take my chosen clones and change things after this summer. There must be some "Place" with natural beauty (Maine..?), or a nice tropical island with good Surf, where the people are friendly and civil. Enjoying their buds in peace... Been to a lot of places that have it all, except the chill pot scene.... lol...

Dang You-Ess-Ay...! So frustrating...

YET, at the same time, a local county cannot afford to prosecute low-level plant number grows...

One step forward two steps back.

Remember Pushme Pullyu....??

Can't say I blame you guys for hoping like I do... But... In regard to "Comin' out to Cali..." See some of my posts. Not for the faint-hearted.... The days of free-swingin' titties and no worries are long over.... So many X-Factors. Get ready to wear MANY different Highly-Challenging and Conflicting hats....lol.

Now this CUR-LICK-owski Creep as Mouthpiece for the (well-meaning, IMHO)Tool we elected (me too).


There should be a new thread started on Ideas on how to organise world wide decrimanalization?

Any thoughts anyone?


Obama believes cannabis does have medicinal value, he has said so on many occasions. So there goes that theory.

He changed his mind. Like everything else. Obama can hire/fire a member of the cabinet at any time. He is going with these statements if he does not show otherwise.


Active member
I'll put it on repeat and just say we need a full on revolution. Not just a "get dems in control" kind of revolution (look what good thats done so far)

but full on complete society restructuring.

it'd be hard, but worth it.
I think you guys relay too much on the Obama farse.
By this, I mean that the problem is not Obama, but those behind him.
Obama is just a puppet like Bush was and also 'Clingon'.
I wish there was this machine who could give you all the truth. First thing I'd ask would be 'how many people CHANGEd their toughts about Obama after he was elected?'

and my final question, not directed to the machine, but to you guys,

how does the kush.ca staff feels about their 'Obonga' campaign now that according to Gil Kerlikowske, Cannabis has no medical value?

Interpret this as you want, but for me it's another wake up call.

Vote Ron Paul 2012 (or Jesse Ventura if he runs.).


Active member
I also think that marijuana won't be legalized for a long, long time because I believe that too many weed smokers are dumb as shit.


He changed his mind. Like everything else. Obama can hire/fire a member of the cabinet at any time. He is going with these statements if he does not show otherwise.

Do you have a link for that claim?

A single sourced quote from his drug czar is not proof that he has changed his mind.


all praises are due to the Most High
ok, so did he make this claim before or after he declared himself to be an idiot as well? :chin: I have a feeling it was right after: "but you know, I'm an idiot, so do not believe what I say"... hopefully, that is the complete quote, right?
Too bad.It appears Obama bamboozeld us all. In the end it looks like the only thing he really was might have been the lesser of two evils. He came on with this I have a whole new outlook of "change". When it's basicly business as usual. All the troops are now in the hell hole Afganastan. The Constitution is still a shadow of what it was. He "inhaled and often" and he still hasn't changed anything. What a shame and a joke. Politicians can anyone out there in ICMAG Land tell me if they ever have been helped by a politician or has heard of someone being helped by a politician? It seems to me politicians only help themselves. They also turn out to be mostly liars and hypocrites. Please someone help me regain my faith in our elected officials can you change my view?


Active member
Are you guys really surprised that the drug czar would be saying anything else??? It's his job to lie about cannabis as long as its considered a controlled subtance.

K Double O

Ourcee The revolution has already begun my friend. And we are all taking part.

Here's some Food for thought....

The first Medicinal Marijuana Law Prop 215 was set in place in California in 1996. 13 years ago. 13 fucking years.... Thats not long at all. Since then 13-14 states have adopted some type of Medicinal Marijuana Law. On top of that, there have been penalty reductions in just as many or more states....

Consider this fact.... Our Federal Government made Marijuana illegal in 1937. Which was over 70 years ago. 72 years to be exact.

There has been more change in the last 13 years with regards to Marijuana than in the past 55-60 years. Backed by creditable research and scientific studies, there is unquestionable medicinal value found in our beloved plant...

So The Drug Czar made a statement from the side of his ass. So what? The Ideas & Rhetoric of the past, DO NOT under mind science of the future...

And another thing.... You can't hold Obama liable for the statements and actions of others... Even if he hired em'. Some wolves are disguised as sheep.


gets some
I guess I was wrong. The Obama apologists will always find a way to excuse their Messiah's actions.

The ONDCP head is a direct Obama appointee, discussed policy views with Obama himself as part of the appointment process, and is only answerable to Obama. What else is there? Sadly, I see too many Obama supporters looking more and more like Bush supporters every day. No matter how obvious or heinous the policy (whether new or a continuation) of "their" President, they will always defend it.


Registered Non-Conformist
The Economics of the Shitstem may make changes - huge changes - the norm. It also could make the quality of our lives alter. For some, that would be OK, or no change from the present.

In my twisted thinking, regrettably, the Amerikan (and worldwide, possibly) cities will be the next battleground. This winter could be a tough one.

I like BO compared to GWB. Most of his ideas seem equitable. He is in there because of Money, as everyone else.....

I thought we were onto something. Kerlikoske was offered to us as the Drug Cop of fairly liberal Seattle. We thought more of the situation than we have been given.

"Bait & Switch," I believe is the term.

Damn. BO's too smoove for me, anymore, at least regarding our Beloved Herb. If he tried some of mine, maybe he'd change his tune.... ; /

Can we dare hope that it is a "Second Term" thing...?

Surely, the "Book is not written...!" Would you vote for a Dude who sort of mislead us..?

I would choose BO against a Sarah Palin, or some such Inbred person, even so...

But, it seems that we got rooked.

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