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Obama's drug czar declares marijuana has no medical value

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
The Drug Czar is required by Congressional mandate to oppose decriminalization and legalization efforts, and also to oppose research, medical or otherwise. He is required to stick to the official script, no more and no less. Sort of like a puppet of the administration.

So this shouldn't be taken as a statement of fact or even opinion, just the guy doing his job. Granted he should be embarrassed or even ashamed, but when you get right down to it he's just being a good civil servant. And by "good" I mean fulfilling his job responsibilities, not good for the benefit of the people he works for (i.e., us).
you guys if they admit that marijuana has respectable medical potential all those insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies won't be able to give us grief and a bunch of monotonous prescriptions that in the long run will lead to some horrible symptoms that will lead to even more prescriptions ect. and quite honestly imho they're having too much fun fucking with our minds and making bank to even begin to think like a rational human and not some fucking puppet that say's and does everything that's on the script. As Americans its up to us state-by-state to make our case about the wonderful benefits each person receives from ganj otherwise we're going to be fucked over forever. I think that if during Obama's turn we get at least half the states to start marijuana reform than we will have some serious potential to make it a noticeable national issue that they won't be able to run away from any longer.


Again, how's that "policy" change shaking out for everyone? lol It's not Obama's fault he has now picked Holder as AG, and now this shiny turd, he probably forgot about mmj. Or better yet, it's actually Bush's fault Obama is picking these people to head up policy that will continue to ruin lives, or better yet, he's only been in office for ...., or better yet, he's just sooo busy trying to brake us that he couldn't appoint people to these positions that would do the right thing w/ regard to cannabis. That's it. He is still all powerful and magnificent. Hard to believe that everything is shaking out the way it is huh? Gee, who'd a thunk it.
At least he is predictable, trick is you can't listen to anything he says, just watch what he does, read him like a phone book.


So technically, since the position of this administration is that there is no such thing as MMJ, which honestly I could give a rats ass about as a political issue. (Fact remains, accepting and supporting laws that allow "designated" people to use and grow a harmless plant, that is just as harmless to a recreational user as it is to a "medical user" is a horse shit.)
But since that is there position, where does that put Holder's statement at, as far as perspective now?
So, in their eyes, anyone running a dispencary is fair game, they are just drug dealers right? I mean, it's weed, there is no medical value and it is dangerous to boot right? Better go get all their money, assets, etc...then Oh, well, no this government surely wouldn't do anything like that, I mean, doesn't sound like anything I could see them doing, lol.
Good thing that was just a "policy" that the HOlder/Obama justice department is taking, makes it easier to explain why they going after people. It's starting to look like the definition of "is" you know what I mean? Oh, you don't? Then never mind, sit back and watch the freak show, good thing is it'll only last for 1 term most likely.


You know obamas campaign can teach us a lot, if a black dude like him can convince america that he's their savior then why shouldn't a REAL grassroots campaign be successful? As the status quo of government control is not changing anytime soon how about we find a real American who will repeal the patriot act for the next election? We've defenitely got numbers, and plenty of money to donate for a real campaign.

Or maybe I'm just dreaming.

Blue Dot

White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske said:
Marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit.

If MJ is so dangerous how come NO ONE has ever died from it?

Michael Jackon DIED from drugs other then MJ.

Oh I see, MJ changes the way you think so THAT is more dangerous then dying?

WTF? :wallbash:


The fed just probably realized that they don't want to be paying 20 a gram or 75 an 1/8th. And obviously they can't grow their own, so where does that leave them w/ obamacare and all, somethings gotta give lol.

Blue Dot

randude101 said:
My doctor says MJ is OK

10 points for the shortest and best argument against Gil Kerlikowske's misinformed moronic position.

I agree. Pigs who pretend to be more knowledgeable then doctors.

What a F'ing joke. Doctors go to Higher education (read B.S. degree and graduate school) for 8 freaking years and pigs get a one-hour crash course in the "dangers" of drugs.

I'm so sick of judges that let pigs testify as EXPERTS and try to block opinions of licensed doctors.

That's a travesty!


Active member
who are the guys that stand to lose money when legalization rolls around?
How much is ONE prescription of Prosac worth to the mfg, insurance companies and drug stores? We're talking once a month for at least 10-20 years.

How about ONE pain patient taking 3 percodans a day?

Ok, now, how many people do you know that have only one prescription drug they take? Most people I know take more than one and some I've known take over 10. For YEARS.

Let's go the other route. Do you smoke more or less tobacco when you're medicated on cannabis? When are you most apt to go buy alcohol, when you have cannabis or when you don't?

Do you really have to have it spelled out for you as to who stands to lose a lot of money? :wallbash:

Blue Dot

But they are also right in a way.. For the typical person, marijuana is dangerous and not a 'safe' medicine. Most of the dangers come from the black market though, and also the fact that accurate information is not readily available.

MJ has been used for thousands of years so there's plenty of anecdotal info.

As for the science age, MJ has been well studied since the 1960's and if you haven't read that info then you haven't looked hard enough.

granted the gov supresses this info but the sound science IS out there.

But it doesn't take a genius, a scientist, a cop or even you to figure out that pot IS THE SAFEST drug known to man, in terms of LD50, etc.

How do I know this? Because all of us on this forum are still alive and Michael Jackson is DEAD!


Active member
But they are also right in a way.. For the typical person, marijuana is dangerous and not a 'safe' medicine. Most of the dangers come from the black market though, and also the fact that accurate information is not readily available.

You realize you just stated the entire reason that cannabis should be legalized... right? While kept illegal, variables in the black market make it potentially dangerous and extremely difficult to 'properly' medicate.

Make it legal, teach the people the truth and all that 'danger' goes away.
Edit: People who are properly informed of the truth of a matter, tend to make a properly informed and correct decisions on the matter. We do not have that on this issue.


Active member
Yes....even snake and jellyfish venom are being investigated for their pain-killing properties.....

all research scientists want is to investigate raw quantities of cannabis......if you won't let the scientists even test raw quantities of cannabis, how is data even supposed to be collected?

anyone who has been through chemotherapy recognizes the appetite-stimulation properties of cannabis.....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Active member
I think anybody who has done weed period recognizes the appetite-stimulation properties of cannabis... lol One reason I am currently not smoking at the moment, gives me uncontrollable munchies, lol.