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Obama's drug czar declares marijuana has no medical value



How can you patent naturally occurring substances in a plant?

This company is doing it!!!

GW pharma!!

GW adopts an aggressive approach to securing intellectual property rights to protect techniques and technologies involved in the development programme. Protection is sought in the areas listed below:

• Plant variety rights
• Methods of extraction patents
• Drug delivery patents
• Patents on compositions of matter for delivery of cannabis
• Methods of use patents
• Design copyright on devices
• Trademarks

In the last few years our intellectual property portfolio has developed considerably. The patent portfolio has more than doubled in size and comprises 42 patent families, within these families there are numerous granted patents both in the UK and in various territories around the world. GW has also developed a trademark portfolio of 21 UK registered trademarks with equivalent marks registered in many other territories around the world. GW also holds nine registered design rights and nine plant variety rights.

now..there taxing in norcal..soon socal.

Why hearst?? why anslinger??

why did your backroom dealings leave a nation and world realing in your 2 hour plan on turning cannabis into enemy number 1??




They might be taxing it more now, but the Fed is still raining down on NorCal as you read this. Seen and read about a lot of activity in the last week, mostly National Forest, but a handful of Private property raids as well.

Even saw an off duty DEA today on the edge of the Triangle wearing a brand new, "You Grow, We Show, No Garden to Small," T-shirt. I had heard of them wearing these shirts and having this attitude in San Diego, but to see one in Nor Cal......

Also notice the Czars statement was made in California; don't want to be fear mongering, but personally I will never trust them. The whole tax thing, along with the entire scene progressing exponentially could possible cause some drastic actions in attempt to slow or stop the movement. My step mom always tells me stories about the triangle when Big Brother first came through; the industry was doing great, everyone was growing, everyone was making money, then Bam, helicopters and assault rifles everyone getting shut down and busted. Legally we have made tons of progress, and hopefully nothing like that will happen ever again.

Mr ^^

p.s. Sorry if that was a bit gloomy :mad:

Blue Dot

In the last few years our intellectual property portfolio has developed considerably. The patent portfolio has more than doubled in size and comprises 42 patent families, within these families there are numerous granted patents both in the UK and in various territories around the world. GW has also developed a trademark portfolio of 21 UK registered trademarks with equivalent marks registered in many other territories around the world. GW also holds nine registered design rights and nine plant variety rights.

9 out of thousands. Big deal.

Just make a backross of any of there 9 patented varities and suddenly you have a new, non patented variety.

That's the beauty with plants even Gregor Mendel and Luther Burbank knew, just keep crossing them and you'll keep coming up with new varieties.

GW can't patent the cannabis Family as a whole, nor can they patent Indica vs. Sativa, the can only patent a true-breeding variety but even if they wanted to how would they patent roadkill SK#1 when they can't get their hands on the original cut?

That brings up phenos and cuts, all different so could be considered different varities if you narrow the definition of a variety down to a pheno.


Damn, no i have to tell my friend who's doing chemo that he has to stop using this DANGEROUS drug.
It's only for his best, he will be happy to deal with all the side effects of the chemical shit he will take now cause it's sure safer than this devil's weed.
Next they start telling us again that men will grow boobs when smoking weed.
No medicinal value, go fu... yourself
calm down, load the bong, inhale, exhale ahh... I'm still pissed off


They might be taxing it more now, but the Fed is still raining down on NorCal as you read this. Seen and read about a lot of activity in the last week, mostly National Forest, but a handful of Private property raids as well.

Even saw an off duty DEA today on the edge of the Triangle wearing a brand new, "You Grow, We Show, No Garden to Small," T-shirt. I had heard of them wearing these shirts and having this attitude in San Diego, but to see one in Nor Cal......

Also notice the Czars statement was made in California; don't want to be fear mongering, but personally I will never trust them. The whole tax thing, along with the entire scene progressing exponentially could possible cause some drastic actions in attempt to slow or stop the movement. My step mom always tells me stories about the triangle when Big Brother first came through; the industry was doing great, everyone was growing, everyone was making money, then Bam, helicopters and assault rifles everyone getting shut down and busted. Legally we have made tons of progress, and hopefully nothing like that will happen ever again.

Mr ^^

p.s. Sorry if that was a bit gloomy :mad:

It ain't even got started yet, just my prediction. Guess we are gonna find out and are finding out. Careful, some folk here will tell you that nobody is being raided that is legit in their MMJ state, i.e. California. Or they will tell you everyone that is, is obviously illegal right. Oh well, damage is done we need to adapt to survive now. Stratedgize, sorry if any of you believed for a second that there was a snow ballz chance in hell that anything was going to change.
How's that "hope and change" working out for youz guyz. LMFAO
I know, McCain would not have been any better right, he just would not lie to your face...multiple times about this issue like "yo daddy" Obama has.
Again, I know, there are like what 4 excuses, same ones that are used every time outlined in a previous post, but for those of you that don't live in lala land, get your shit tight, be careful, the party is over you watch. It was no coincedence that it happened right here in CA. Pay attention and be careful.
Doom and gloom,
or I am full of shit and everything is just fine, pay no attention to any of the people that are selected that have significant impact on public policy w/ regard to cannabis. Don't worry that they are so far no different and just as passionate of drug warriors as that we have ever had. It's ok, I am sure BHO will come through right lol, pretty soon people are just going to start denying that he ever even supported any sort of positive public policy approach to MMJ/cannabis, too bad it's easily available on youtube, both of his positions actually lol for those w/ selective memory. This is really no surprise. It would be more shocking if he would have picked a person that supports legal cannabis use. So far, he's not much different than Bush, except for the spending part, and it's not that they disagree, BHO just wants to be the world champion of all time at it.
Something has to change, you watch, somehow, the internet and high speed data communications, will somehow usher in a new era of our American Society really organizing and making things happen, somehow, I am not smart enough to say how, just my physcic ganja vision, somehow the "people" bypassing regular media, and opting for real time instant communication to organize and act politically. That monster has even stirred yet, but it will wake up one day and the world will change over night. Then we will be able to get the "change" that we all want. That's my phone physcic prediction anyway ewwww boy am I high!


What do they mean when they say "no medical benefit"? Their definition must be a bit different from mine.


Registered Non-Conformist
I just knew it, when he laughed at us as an ONline Crazy Group.

Kerlikowske (sp?) is a louse. I was sure we were better off with him. Apparently not.

Holder, i was sure was against MJ.

WHEN HE CHOSE BIDEN --- It was a dead giveaway, JB is VERY against any drugs, especially MJ. He got voted in as a 'strong-on-pot' politician. A Crusader, in fact.

California maybe can put the KABOSH on these people and their beliefs by legalizing next year. Perhaps then, a rolling-snowball effect can occur nationwide, as it is likely that in certain parts of the You Ess Ay, a Majority would also vote for LEGALIZATION.

Like I hope California will do.

Forget the Medical option. Go for the throat.

LEGALIZATION. Not Decriminalization.

Damn Puritans.... Gettin' on my nerves, already.

Things were more lenient in the late 70;s, than now...!!



gets some

The federal government is not going to pull back on its efforts to curtail marijuana farming operations, Gil Kerlikowske, director of the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy, said Wednesday in Fresno.

The nation's drug czar, who viewed a foothill marijuana farm on U.S. Forest Service land with state and local officials earlier Wednesday, said the federal government will not support legalizing marijuana.

"Legalization is not in the president's vocabulary, and it's not in mine," he said.

Kerlikowske said he can understand why legislators are talking about taxing marijuana cultivation to help cash-strapped government agencies in California. But the federal government views marijuana as a harmful and addictive drug, he said.

"Marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit," Kerlikowske said in downtown Fresno while discussing Operation SOS -- Save Our Sierra -- a multiagency effort to eradicate marijuana in eastern Fresno County.

I guess the "Hope" for "Change" is fading quickly. Hate to say "told ya so" but I bet the IC Obamabots will be very, very absent from this thread.


"Legalization is not in the president's vocabulary, and it's not in mine," he said.

Remember those words you Americans with hope.

Another smooth salesman fooled you again.

'Stupid people are just that .....stupid.'



I give up. Obama has no desire to change anything whatsoever. I will not be voting next election and am losing heart on the whole thing.


Patient Grower
While it's definitely looks as if the Obama administration has flip flopped on what he's said previously, it's been a while since we've heard about a dispensary raid. There's certainly been a lot of progress in the last few months.

Anyway, we should know for certain by Nov 1. If they allow DC to have medical cannabis that's the day the residents of DC will be legal. If they put the kibosh on it it won't be arguable whether Obama is our enemy or friend anymore. Everyone does know that DC is on the verge right now?


Sadly we should have seen this coming after oakland just passed their new tax on Medial Marijuana. I was livid after reading this. I to fired off the standard e-mail provided by MPP. But I also went to the WhiteHouse website and fired off another e-mail to the Pres.

Here is what I wrote in that E-mail.

First I would like to say that I am a supporter of Mr. Obama it has been time for change in this Country for a long time.

I was rather disappointed yesterday to read that the Director of the ONDCP has once again taken the stance that Marijuana has no medical value. When are we gonna stop the lie with this and quit following the predetermined notion that this is a dangerous drug. Our own Government owns Medical Patents on the cannabis plant proving it has medical value. Yet we are consistently told year after year that it has no medical value.

It is a insult to intelligent free thinking Americans that know the truth and it is time to stop perpetuating this lie for the benefit of the Pharmaceutical, Tobacco, Alcohol and Prisons for Profit industries that want to make sure this plant stays illegal.

It is time for change on this. I think the American people have made it very clear where we stand on this.

Thank You for your time and I hope you will read this and take it to Heart.


No I really did Not put BigMo in the E-Mail I put my real name. But for here ...... you get the Picture.

I posted up the other day how the Government owns patents on the Cannabis Plant. I guess we are just all mindless people that do not know any better.



What medical school did he go to, and I haven't heard that Obama appointed him to the FDA as well...when did that happen?


Not sure if you know this but Obama is the Drug Czar's boss... so anything the Czar says essentially it comes from Obama's policies.

Obama believes cannabis does have medicinal value, he has said so on many occasions. So there goes that theory.


I am not really worried about it right now anyway. I don't have shit anyway. They pretty much destroyed my life last year when I was busted. I can still do this kind of stuff tho .... this is not illegal yet.

Take Care,

Mo, :joint:


How can anyone without an agenda say this? Just look at marinol, it's already on the market. People would have you to believe there is no medical value. What the real issue is, there are lots of treatment options, and the choice about which management is best is made by the patient for his or her situation.