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Obama Wants a Bush Crony...

Neo 420

Active member
When all this is boiled down to basics, none of these politicians (except for a very few who have no power) really ideally want to give the people what they need or want. That true for the left and right. If you think relief is coming from ANY of the sects, you need to wake up. Its seems some think that here on this board.
Speaking of which, just once I'd like to see local LEO defending their citizens instead of helping the DEA. Like that woman who was just raided by the DEA after having registered her plants with the local sheriff. Why wasn't that sheriff out there standing up to the DEA agents? He's sworn to uphold the laws of his state, and the DEA were clearly violating them. As far as local law is concerned, the DEA are just armed robbers and vandals. I think it would take just one standoff between local LEO and the DEA to get the DEA started reassessing their priorities. They love news about their paramilitary-style raids, but I don't think they'd like the news so much if it showed them treating a local sheriff the same way they do the growers and dispensers. I think any time the feds raid a legitimate medical grower, they should call the local authorities and report an armed robbery, then let the locals and the feds sort it out.
that is an wounderful im mean beautiful idea.omg that would be the biggest news for the hour!peace and a peaceful harvest:tiphat:


Strict Constitutionalists? Hell, no experienced ideologues are what is being thrust into the court.
It is a sad state of affairs when our Nation and it's charter are being made a mockery of by these people. It is also sad to see the damage that can be done before we can get the cocksuckers out.

If people have not, and do not learn their lesson, then we are for sure doomed.
It is time for the learned to take the reins, and start leading us again.
But, I fear that many are just too fucking stupid to really even grasp what is happening. Yes, stupid. Sorry if that offends you sensibilities...well, no I'm not really sorry...what I am is sick of stupid people with no convictions being the folks who ultimately decide who leads us.
These stupid people are easily led by commercials on TV, whatever a movie star or a celebrity might say or think, whatever some over zealous academic may have to bloviate, or what some rotten ass, vote seeking, lying liberal feeds them.
Dupes that get to decide our fate. That is one of the big problems.
Look how easy the words "Hope" and "Change" shaped a voting block, without one bit of description of what that hope and change would be. See, it is only stupid people that take that and run with it as if it really meant something. Smart people kinda wanted to know what was meant by this proposed hope and change, but the stupid people won out.
But, we know now what the fuck it means...or at least the smart people do. The dupes are still trying to blame Bush for all their woes.

Wise the fuck up people and stop being the pipers rats.

:jump: hell yeah

True. I think the two party system will have to completely fail first, which means that our political and economic system has to fail. The system is designed to keep a third party out. IMO, we have just started this process in earnest. What comes out of it no one can really know. Revolutions aren't scripted. I believe we stand on the precipice of a very historical time.

Do you mean collapse the system like the Bill Ayers Weather Underground and SDS way? So that way other counties can step in for the kill and complete the redistribution of wealth of this country. I bet we will also loose some land in the redistribution.

The United States is a Republic people not a democracy. Just look at why you have all these groups trying to stop the Pledge of Allegiance from being recited in ours schools. Start with the kids first brainwash them. Then make them feel like they have to apologize for this country for being as great as it is or was. It's total b.s. how things are being twisted. Ya we made some mistakes but that does not mean you change the whole F-ing country's fundamentals like Barry O. and his big chinned wife wants to. If that was the case why isn't more effort being put into changing the fundamentals for example mexican & latino families to stop generation after generation of their kids from joining gangs. Ya I know every race of people joins a gang I just happen to live right next to Tijuana. So between here and L.A. the mexican gangs do effect my life every now and then.

Was the Persian Empire apologetic for dominating the middle east? What about the OttoMan Empire?


The DEA did NOT raid the MMJ lab here in Colorado. They are still open and doing great! As part of the permit process with the DEA. They come in takes samples of the weed and they check the place out. That's what they did. It just so happens the DEA did it when the owners were on capital hill testifying on 1284... Did they know that? Who cares they didn't trash the lab and roll it up, it's still here, and they do us all a great service for a good price...:dance013:

The DEA raid on chris b was lead by the local LEO who called the DEA and urged them to help??? After the news story of him running his lips and pissing everyone off...We don't need that heat!

So to sum it up in my state there have been NO DEA raids since the memo, a few local raids by LEO but thats it...

With the passing of 1284 and some grow centers serving 500+ people, they need to grow 70% and can buy the other 30% from other grow centers... That's 2000-3000 plant grow ops. Or 20-30 employees all growing 99 plants???

IMHO That's the true test, to see if they will keep it peaceful...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Do you mean collapse the system like the Bill Ayers Weather Underground and SDS way? So that way other counties can step in for the kill and complete the redistribution of wealth of this country.

No fuck that. I hope we don't end up there. No matter how you feel about these issues.....between Cali with the Marijuana, Arizona and the illegal immigration, gay marriage bans, and the 7 states against the healthcare. The states are beginning to legally revolt against the federal government's power. I happen to believe this is just the beginning as things seem to be getting worse instead of better IMO. Empires do come and go throughout history after all.

If the union breaks apart all bets are off. Igor Nikolaevich Panarin, a Russian political scientist hypothesized in 1998 that the US would break into 6 parts and fall under the influence of China and other emerging world powers. I would personally like to see revolution back to a decentralized government, but either way I see some sort of revolution in the air. The timing of it depends on what happens with the economy and how the federal government continues to overstep it's constitutional bounds.

Oh, and fuck the DEA and all these other alphabet agencies for that matter, they get to down the tubes with the federal government.
The alphabet stew really gets to me, too. Just wasted tax dollars and government bloating. That's why when they started this new financial sector oversight agency, I ought to be happy, instead I was just really, really, angry. Less government would be WAY better.
Great point more government to govern those who need to govern less reporting to those who govern and should have less power. I say power to the people. :joint:


The alphabet stew really gets to me, too. Just wasted tax dollars and government bloating. That's why when they started this new financial sector oversight agency, I ought to be happy, instead I was just really, really, angry. Less government would be WAY better.


I know its ONLY a movie but it fits for today

The Architect - Please. As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99.9% of all test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level.



New member
for any of you who actually voted for this stupid mother fucker....congrats.....

and what did you really expect....media was blowing up medical mj after his election....yea fucking right what a pipe dream....

to anyone who is surprized....wake the fuck up and realize that your an idiot for voting for ANY dem/repub
Yep Ron Paul , Gary Johnson 2012 or the libertarian party needs to blow the fuck up!!!


Face it folks, we here in the Northern half of the Western hemisphere have the best form of government money can buy.

Obama was spot-on with the idea of getting control of Washington lobbyists. Bailouts of banks...with zero equity stake for U.S taxpayers???? Yet all we hear from talking heads on Aouto loans....yes repayable loans with equity stake for U.S. taxpayers was fire the ceo's.

Talk about the epitome of hypocrisy...where are all those bank ceos? Here's a tip....guess who the Treasury Czar is an where he comes from....you guessed it...Wall street.

Getting back to another "Dubya" retread, DEA Czar still has a boss to answer to, Dude lives in the White House last time I checked.

From the failed prohibition of Alcohol daze of Al Capone who was jailed for tax evasion, not the countless murders he ordered are the lesson seeds already planted, all that's needed now is the diligent effort of the wise to motivate and mobilize the masses to get off their butts and get the foxes out of the henhouse where all our nest eggs are nurtured instead of asking the fox to hire his cousin the coyote to help him in his diligent guard duty of nest eggs.

My 2 cents


The Tri Guy
ever heard a politician saying "im gonna srew you over" before the election? ever seen one who didnt after? dont ever think they are there to serve you, they are the fall guys for the oligarchs who give the orders but are rich enough to keep their faces unkown. expecting these people to put the slaves first (even if theyre black) is just ignorance. If you work for a living you are a slave pure and simple. dont ever believe america is the land of the free, or that any so called developed country has freedom for the population, they dont, we just live in comfier cages these days and most are so gratefull they want to defend their right to be a gratefull slave. Its all a joke and its all at your expense.


I love my life
If you work for a living you are a slave pure and simple. dont ever believe america is the land of the free, or that any so called developed country has freedom for the population, they dont, we just live in comfier cages these days and most are so gratefull they want to defend their right to be a gratefull slave. Its all a joke and its all at your expense.

I for one am not grateful for the comfier cages, but I am very thankful to hear voices of truth like yours.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
ever heard a politician saying "im gonna srew you over" before the election? ever seen one who didnt after? dont ever think they are there to serve you, they are the fall guys for the oligarchs who give the orders but are rich enough to keep their faces unkown. expecting these people to put the slaves first (even if theyre black) is just ignorance. If you work for a living you are a slave pure and simple. dont ever believe america is the land of the free, or that any so called developed country has freedom for the population, they dont, we just live in comfier cages these days and most are so gratefull they want to defend their right to be a gratefull slave. Its all a joke and its all at your expense.


:thank you:

Obama is the cruelest joke ever bestowed on America by our corporate elite. I stand by the fact that I said he would be the most vilified President ever to leave office. Hope everyone is enjoying the "Summer of Recovery" :biglaugh:. He is going to make Bush look like an amateur tyrant. The jokes on us. Wake up everyone.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

:thank you:

Obama is the cruelest joke ever bestowed on America by our corporate elite. I stand by the fact that I said he would be the most vilified President ever to leave office. Hope everyone is enjoying the "Summer of Recovery" :biglaugh:. He is going to make Bush look like an amateur tyrant. The jokes on us. Wake up everyone.

how many dispensaries raided under bush?

How many dispensaries raided under Obama?

Who enacted the patriot act? Who lied about WMDs?

If you call bush a good prez, you have been brainwashed good.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
how many dispensaries raided under bush?

How many dispensaries raided under Obama?

Who enacted the patriot act? Who lied about WMDs?

If you call bush a good prez, you have been brainwashed good.

I hate Bush just as much as Obama. I don't partake in this two party partisan nonsense. I don't buy into the two party paradigm. They are all the same to me. A bunch of Corporatist. The institution of the American Presidency has become a joke to me. It wasn't before, but I've recently had a change of heart. Since 1913 they have all had the same overarching agenda. Yes, they are different flavors, but the end the game is the same. The two party paradigm is nothing more than propaganda to divide and conquer us all.

All President's work for the banks. Nothing more than names and faces on Corporate TV to keep us at each others throats. The agenda has always stayed the same. They are winning and we are losing because we continue to partake in their meaningless reindeer games of hating each other and not the real culprits in all of this.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I hate Bush just as much as Obama. I don't partake in this two party partisan nonsense. I don't buy into the two party paradigm. They are all the same to me. A bunch of Corporatist. The institution of the American Presidency has become a joke to me. It wasn't before, but I've recently had a change of heart. Since 1913 they have all had the same overarching agenda. Yes, they are different flavors, but the end the game is the same. The two party paradigm is nothing more than propaganda to divide and conquer us all.

All President's work for the banks. Nothing more than names and faces on Corporate TV to keep us at each others throats. The agenda has always stayed the same. They are winning and we are losing because we continue to partake in their meaningless reindeer games of hating each other and not the real culprits in all of this.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

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