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Obama Wants a Bush Crony...

for any of you who actually voted for this stupid mother fucker....congrats.....

and what did you really expect....media was blowing up medical mj after his election....yea fucking right what a pipe dream....

to anyone who is surprized....wake the fuck up and realize that your an idiot for voting for ANY dem/repub
yeah more or less we dont and have not lived in a democratic society for many decades if ever.


Active member
"and not all of us voted obama. i didn't."
different side of the same coin-wheres the viable 3rd party?


New member
5 years ago I had lukemeia 50 50 shot at life with the vicious cemo Ilost 50 lbs. and my stomach looked like I was 9 months pregnant .I was on my way out!!!!ALL I CAN SAY WITHOUT IT I WOULDENT BE TYPEING THIS RIGHT NOW!!!!!!


Active member
ICMag Donor
Just about everyone here hates Bush for the being the unconscionable tyrant he was.
See, here is one of the fucking problems we have. Gramps, like many of you, seem to think that things are just the way you see them. The people around your circle of contact tends to shape your perception of things.
Thing is, you Bush hating people have got some sort of phobia going on. Not only that, you have you heads up your asses about half the time. Intelligent and rational stupidity. Wow, that was blunt wasn't it? Get the fuck over it...and look at all the unfounded hate you throw out, hate based on your perception and not reality.
And to have the sack to throw out the tyrant label...are you in denial or completely fucking ignorant? Not an attack, but a question?
Do you not see what is going on? Fuck a bunch of Bush...that is old news, history, and you have no fucking basis to call him a tyrant in the first place. You may not agree with his politics, and you may not like the way he acts, but he sure is no fucking tyrant. Show me fucking tyrant. I'm sick of that shit coming out of the heads of what seem to be intelligent people, who seem to give a fuck.
BUt do you really give a fuck? Do you not see what has happened to our nation in just a few short years? And not because of Bush, but because of the fucking phobic behavior of you Bush haters.
Good fucking grief...there is only so long I would think that even the most ignorant and easily duped would finally see the light. I mean, hell some folks can be happy for a very long time spouting off ignorant shit in the company of other like numbskulls, but eventually even the dumbest of dupes has to realize that he is being butt fucked royal RIGHT NOW. And it aint by, or because of, Bush.

Take a good fucking look around you people, if you don't see what is happening, then you are either in denial or completely fucking ignorant.
And if you think that MJ legislation is on the radar scope...think the fuck again. It aint. What is on the scope is controlling your ass. You can bet the farm on that. And with the mindset of some of you, and the way things have panned out the last few years, they will have you in total real fast.
Mind you they won't have me...they can't have me and they haven't poisoned my mind with the rotting stench of progressive liberalism. Some of you are already gone and have no clue of it yet.

Sad fucking days are coming folks, mark my words. The progressive left is already sowing the seeds of hate for their all out attack as we speak. Wise the fuck up and fight, or sit back and holler about how Bush fucked up your lives.

Some of you just may figure it out one day, but you will need to pull your cranium out of your rectum.

Would the free and open legal use of marijuana be baked up by a platform of liberty, or tyranny?
Do you want to be allowed to smoke weed, or do you want to have the liberty to smoke it, or not, when you wanted or not?
Easy fucking questions, people.


I love my life
I don't think you have read many of Gramps posts. Instead of saying "look at all the unfounded hate", why don't you list the examples of where Gramps or others were doing this?

Your post seems to be a diatribe directed at members of this community who you don't know or understand.

How sad. If you are trying to sway opinion a different tact may be more successful.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I voted for Bush twice Hoosier. Not something I'm particularly proud of. The whole problem is you still think Bush was a conservative :biglaugh:. That's out and out BS. He was progressive just as all the President's from the past decades have been.

Your whole system is fucked. It's hard to argue politics if you don't know your right from your left. There hasn't been a real conservative in office in decades and decades. Hell you probably believe Regan was a conservative. Do you understand that arguing for a "strong military" is a big government progressive ideal? You need to get past this two party false left right paradigm nonsense or you'll never see our political system for what it really is.
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Furthermore if you think this tyranny today just popped out of the blue then it's you who may want to check and see where your head is. There has been a foundation laid for this for a long time. Our political system has been fucked for a long time. It's just manifesting itself in the public conscious these days. It's become evident to the masses if you will.

Again, if you're lost in two party paradigm double speak you will continue to be divided and conquered. Your misdirected anger will continue to lead you down this perilous road of demise.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I am not as party person, per se. I am a conservative and I think our society should be as the framers intended it to be. They had no DEA...nor AEA for that matter.

As far as Bush goes, sure he had some gaffs that I do not agree with. Baling out ANY organization or company goes against what I believe is healthy for our economy and system in general. I also do not agree with the stance Bush took on immigration policy...simply another failure on the matter as many have been before, including Reagan.
I also do not agree with Bush keeping a statesman's stance during his whole tenure, and would have much rather him let the fuck loose on the liberal congress, leftist academia, and the media with all of their cohorts. He should really have set these lying fuckers straight the second they let some of it drip out of their phony lying heads.
He should have let the raw shit fly as soon as they started their phony shit, but he probably felt that the truth and honor always wins out...which of course it does and history will see Bush LOTS different than most any of you do now. See, many of you are under the spell, and have been shaped to be under the spell for quite some time now.

Hydrosun, relax...I know gramps better than you think I do. I take him out of context on purpose...he can take it. If he can't, fuck eem. :)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
history will see Bush LOTS different than most any of you do now. :)

We will agree to disagree. I don't think so. I don't think history is going to look at any of us with gracious eyes. There is going to be a lot of soul searching coming in the next few years. But as always history is the final arbitrator and it is playing out quickly these days. So it shouldn't be too much longer IMO.

Neo 420

Active member
See, here is one of the fucking problems we have. Gramps, like many of you, seem to think that things are just the way you see them. The people around your circle of contact tends to shape your perception of things.
Thing is, you Bush hating people have got some sort of phobia going on. Not only that, you have you heads up your asses about half the time. Intelligent and rational stupidity. Wow, that was blunt wasn't it? Get the fuck over it...and look at all the unfounded hate you throw out, hate based on your perception and not reality.
And to have the sack to throw out the tyrant label...are you in denial or completely fucking ignorant? Not an attack, but a question?
Do you not see what is going on? Fuck a bunch of Bush...that is old news, history, and you have no fucking basis to call him a tyrant in the first place. You may not agree with his politics, and you may not like the way he acts, but he sure is no fucking tyrant. Show me fucking tyrant. I'm sick of that shit coming out of the heads of what seem to be intelligent people, who seem to give a fuck.
BUt do you really give a fuck? Do you not see what has happened to our nation in just a few short years? And not because of Bush, but because of the fucking phobic behavior of you Bush haters.
Good fucking grief...there is only so long I would think that even the most ignorant and easily duped would finally see the light. I mean, hell some folks can be happy for a very long time spouting off ignorant shit in the company of other like numbskulls, but eventually even the dumbest of dupes has to realize that he is being butt fucked royal RIGHT NOW. And it aint by, or because of, Bush.

Take a good fucking look around you people, if you don't see what is happening, then you are either in denial or completely fucking ignorant.
And if you think that MJ legislation is on the radar scope...think the fuck again. It aint. What is on the scope is controlling your ass. You can bet the farm on that. And with the mindset of some of you, and the way things have panned out the last few years, they will have you in total real fast.
Mind you they won't have me...they can't have me and they haven't poisoned my mind with the rotting stench of progressive liberalism. Some of you are already gone and have no clue of it yet.

Sad fucking days are coming folks, mark my words. The progressive left is already sowing the seeds of hate for their all out attack as we speak. Wise the fuck up and fight, or sit back and holler about how Bush fucked up your lives.

Some of you just may figure it out one day, but you will need to pull your cranium out of your rectum.

Would the free and open legal use of marijuana be baked up by a platform of liberty, or tyranny?
Do you want to be allowed to smoke weed, or do you want to have the liberty to smoke it, or not, when you wanted or not?
Easy fucking questions, people.

I knew your true colors would pop out sometime during your anti-Bush rant. More of the ole divide and I am whats right crap. Probably a teabagger, right? Bllowing steam like a tea kettle........


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The people around your circle of contact tends to shape your perception of things.
Thing is, you Bush hating people have got some sort of phobia going on.


I live in deep south Texas. I work in the oilfield. I'm surrounded by Bush loving Neo-Cons. My perception is not formed by the people I'm around, but rather independent thinking, my own research, and an overseas education. All beyond the scope of influence of American mainstream media and the hive mentality here. Obama, Bush. Same fucking thing just sold under a different brand name and guise.

To have a viable third party, you need to have one that runs only every four years. "Party X" has to start at the local grassroots level to get the ball rolling. We need to be able to see what "Party X" stands for in our day to day lives such as decisions in state and local government. Then maybe a third party canindate could actually win a presidential election.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Probably a teabagger, right?
What I am is an American. I don't know what the fuck you are. From what little evidence I have so far, I'd say that you are probably way too smart by half. Little "billowing steam" sayings and quips are for dumb fucks that have nothing better to say.

You have a problem with tea party people? Why not lay it out there for every one to see? Or do you not really have anything you can actually point to, because you are doing nothing but glomming onto the popular bandwagon of goons?
I bet good money that you can't even make a good argument against the tea party people. I'd say you are fucking clueless and can only muster little drive by jabs.
But, maybe not...maybe you can tell us what is wrong with those folks? Racist bastards maybe? Just what is your problem with them? Lay it out there for us, or admit that you are truly the one blowing so much steam. I suspect you don't really have anything of substance to add.


Active member
ICMag Donor
The differences are stark and vast, gramps. To not recognize that is simply turning a blind eye.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
True. I think the two party system will have to completely fail first, which means that our political and economic system has to fail. The system is designed to keep a third party out. IMO, we have just started this process in earnest. What comes out of it no one can really know. Revolutions aren't scripted. I believe we stand on the precipice of a very historical time.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The differences are stark and vast, gramps. To not recognize that is simply turning a blind eye.

Or maybe it's too see the bigger picture and not look at the superficiality of their differences. They both work for the same party.

The bankster party.


I love my life
There you go!

Money controls all. I wish someone could point out a high up politician in recent history that is not linked to some type of big money.

Ron Paul, but he gets marginalized so I guess congressman isn't that high up.

I would have voted for him and did go see him speak while he was still in the race for the nomination.


Neo 420

Active member
What I am is an American. I don't know what the fuck you are.

Great start line. Your better than everyone else. If its helps I am a American too but since I don't believe in what you believe I am still lesser than you right?

From what little evidence I have so far, I'd say that you are probably way too smart by half. Little "billowing steam" sayings and quips are for dumb fucks that have nothing better to say.

More of your lets divide, condescending, sheeple, party line talk. No constructive points. Just insults.

You have a problem with tea party people? Why not lay it out there for every one to see? Or do you not really have anything you can actually point to, because you are doing nothing but glomming onto the popular bandwagon of goons?

The problem I have with the tea party is where was you when Bush took the NATIONAL SURPLUS and turned to into a DEFICIT!! Where was the tea party when Bush expanded the Govt with Bullshit post? Where was the tea party when Bush STARTED the whole TARP shit? Where was the tea party when NEOCONs was fuck'n up the good ole USA. You were the same ole "good boys" that was step and toe. Now you wanna come out swinging and misplacing blame. OH yea..Another thing I don't like about the tea party is SARAH "PISSOFF" Palin. Enough said...

I bet good money that you can't even make a good argument against the tea party people. I'd say you are fucking clueless and can only muster little drive by jabs.
But, maybe not...maybe you can tell us what is wrong with those folks?

I think you are fucking clueless and only can insult and demeanor. Once you can get past name calling you might be able to give real insight...

Racist bastards maybe? Just what is your problem with them? Lay it out there for us, or admit that you are truly the one blowing so much steam. I suspect you don't really have anything of substance to add.

I never mentioned race. Is there something I should know?

I truly believe in limited govt, individual rights and low spending. But there is a time and place for everything...